9781618850676UnchainedMelodyHunter (15 page)

BOOK: 9781618850676UnchainedMelodyHunter
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want to spend the day with you,” Ethan said as he kissed her forehead.

knew she needed to write, but to hell with it. Their time together was short,
she could write when she was alone again. “What do you want to do?”

could feel him chuckle, his fabulous body vibrating underneath her. “That’s a
loaded question.” His apparent happiness melted her practiced veneer, she
cuddled against him, sighing like a sleepy child cradled in the safety of her protector’s
arms. “You’re not making this any easier.”

making what easier?” She feigned innocence.

hand stroked her long, soft hair. “We need to talk, but when I’m with you all I
want to do is make love to you.”

longed to give him what he needed but, at the same time, she had to protect
them both. “Let’s play a game,” she teased him. He chuckled again. Before,
there had been no time for play, the OA camp had been work for both of them. They
had been forced to steal their moments during the day, but the long, hot,
nights had belonged to them. “Let me pleasure you now and tonight when it’s
dark and oh, so romantic you can pleasure me.”

don’t understand why these can’t be mutually occurring events.” He was protesting,
but there was a smile to his voice.

it wouldn’t be a game.” She was still sitting astraddle of him. Her own desire overwhelming,
what she really wanted to do was flex the muscles of her pussy and rub herself
up and down on the hard ridge of his cock. But this time was about him.

began by kissing his face. Tiny, light, feathery kisses were deposited all over
his jaw line and down the side of his neck. She slowly began unbuttoning his
shirt and kissing her way down his hard, tanned chest. He laid his head back on
the couch, his hands caressing her sides and back, anywhere he could reach.
heart skipped a beat when she realized he was
trembling. Sensuously, she allowed herself to slide from his lap until she was
kneeling between his legs. She spread his shirt wide and caressed his chest and
his small, sensitive nipples. His body involuntarily jerked at her touch. She
kissed his hard, flat stomach—the part just above his belt where a line of soft
dark hair disappeared under his jeans. The muscles tightened perceptibly under
the caress of her lips. “You’re killing me, you do realize that…” he hissed as
she slid the zipper down on his jeans.

“Do you want me to stop?” she asked as her
teeth closed over the elasticized waistband of his shorts. She pulled it up
just a fraction and released it. Then she let her mouth mold the cotton clad
outline of his cock, starting at the bottom and making her way to the top. There
was a small wet spot where the head touched the cotton and she paid special
attention there. “Do you want me to stop?” she asked again, not ever having
received an answer.

no,” he moaned.

abandoned her pleasurable task for a moment as she removed his leather
slippers. He wore no socks and for some reason that just made him all the
sexier to her. “Stand up, baby, let’s get these jeans off.” He stood and she
peeled them and his underwear down his long, muscular legs. Annalise couldn’t
help but caress and kiss his thighs and his knees while she freed him from his
clothing. “Sit back down, love.”

was past thinking; he did as he was told. Lise knelt between his legs, spreading
them wide as she ran her hands from ankles to his knees and then leaned
forward. “You have the most beautiful cock.” He watched her so intently; Lise
was afraid he would discontinue the game and haul her up in his arms.

“Thank you, it’s just a…”

let me tell you why it’s perfect.” She used both hands to wrap around it,
loving the feel of the soft smooth skin, such a contrast to the extreme hardness
underneath. “It’s long…and that’s wonderful…but what most men don’t realize is that
length isn’t what pleases a woman the most.” She punctuated her words by
licking the object of her desire from the bottom to the top just as she would
an ice cream cone, in which a drop of sweet cream had escaped and run down the
side. Every muscle in his body tightened. “The exceptional thing about your
cock is…”

he heard her use the slightly off-color word he bucked upward under her hand.

Lise…please…I’m going to come before you ever even touch me with your lips.”

soon,” she soothed him with a tender touch weighing his impressive sack.

is truly incredible about your beautiful rod is the sheer thickness of it, I
can’t tell you how it fills me, how even now looking at you and thinking about
how it’s going to feel inside of me tonight sends ripples of yearning through
my whole body.”

way…with words,” he groaned as she finally took the head of his penis in her
mouth. She rose up on her knees to give herself more room to work. Her hands
were never still; she massaged his thighs, stroked his balls, rubbed his
nipples, all as she loved his penis. She took him deep within her mouth, she
raked him with her teeth, she used her tongue to tickle and tease, she created
a warm sensuous vacuum that sent his hips into tight, short, bursts of
movement. Annalise was relentless. The very idea this gorgeous man doubted his
sexuality was a crime against nature. She sought to heal him as much as she sought
to please him. She proved to be successful in both.

could tell he was nearing his peak. Annalise had no real experience at this,
only one other time six years ago with a younger, somewhat smaller Ethan. Now
he was in his prime; thick, hungry and wound as tight as a guitar string. Instinct
had taken Annalise over; she had fantasized and written about this so often she
just knew what to do. He tensed up, his breathing harsh—she didn’t let up—she
knew he would explode very soon and she wanted him to enjoy every second of it.
She tightened her lips and increased the pressure and when she did, he bellowed
his pleasure.

did not let go until she had soothed him through his explosive orgasm. She
adored him, telling him with her lips and hands, what a truly wonderful, sexy
man he was. When they finished, he pulled her back up into his lap. He kissed
her mouth deeply, his tongue mating with hers. It was a kiss of honor and
adulation, telling her without words how much he appreciated what she had done
for him. He reached for the zipper of her jeans ready to return the favor, but
she stopped him. “No, I want you more than I want my next breath, but if we
wait it will make it just that much better.” She hoped her argument sounded
plausible. Actually, she wanted him so badly it hurt, but she fought the
feeling back, knowing that if she didn’t in a few moments she would be naked
here in this brightly lit room with nothing to mask her shame.

have so much desire for you stored back; if we made love twenty-four hours a
day for a year I would not scratch the surface of what I want to do with you.” Ethan
lay there replete and exhausted, wearing only his unbuttoned shirt. Annalise
lay her head on his shoulder, hating the woman who had caused him to doubt

you do something for me, Ethan?”


you buy me a hamburger at Frankie's?” Ethan laughed out loud. It was so good to
hear him laugh.

you are so sweet. The only things I can ever remember you asking me for, is a
kiss, to make love to you and to buy you a hamburger. Do you know what most
women ask for? Diamonds, furs, houses and cars. You will never know how
refreshing it is for someone to just be happy with me—not whatever I can give

meant his words as the highest of compliments, but she knew underneath he was
revealing to her an important truth. She sought to reassure him. “To be with
you, here like this, is the greatest gift of all. I will never ask you for
anything else.” Annalise said the words she thought he would want to hear. He
grew very, very still then took her by the shoulders and raised her until they
were face to face.

misunderstand me, Lise. I want
to ask me for things; ask me
for time, ask me for my name, ask me for the world…I will turn it upside down
for you…just ask.” His beautiful blue eyes stared into her very soul. God, she had
to bring him down from this plateau of emotion without him realizing she wasn’t
making any sort of promise. She wanted to give him everything, but the sad truth
was she had nothing of value to offer. Knowing the only effective way of
getting his mind off things, she sealed his lips shut with a kiss—a kiss so
full of love and promise that it negated any sting her silence might have
delivered. He kissed her back with equal intensity.

she felt she had turned his thoughts to other things. “What did you bring on
the tray?”

you hungry, love?”

He sat her on the cushion beside him, redressed in the clothes she had so
enjoyed removing and he served her. He brought the tray over to the table near
the couch and pulled it back closer. She had eased it out of the way earlier,
when she had been eager to please him. He uncovered the contents and she was
delighted to find muffins and a cream cheese Danish. He watched her face,
enjoying the fact she was pleased with what lay before her. Francine had never
been very happy over anything; nothing had ever been quite good enough for her.
He had never seen her smile or, like Lise did now, giggle with delight over a
simple breakfast pastry. He went to the kitchen and poured them each a steaming
mug of coffee from the pot that she made earlier. Not content to eat alone, she
fed him more than she ate herself. He was beginning to realize just what he had
been missing all of these years, this woman found joy in just being with him.

she had eaten her fill, she rose to clean up after them. He watched her putter
around the small room, placing everything in order. Then seeing Tiny eyeing him
from the bed, he said, “We can take the dogs with us to Frankie's if you want.”

that sounds like fun. When do you want to go, lunch or supper?”

I have other plans for tonight.”

face fell before she could monitor her reaction. Well, of course he had other
plans. She forced a smile, “We can do this another time, Ethan.”

he hadn’t been watching her so closely, he would have missed it. But he didn’t,
he saw her disappointment. “No, baby, you don’t understand. I have plans to do
something with you tonight. Something special.” He walked to her and just
literally scooped her up. He kissed her mouth again and again. She did want to
be with him! Just him!

attentiveness and consideration affected her more than she realized. It had
been so long since anyone cared whether she was happy or not and the feeling
was overwhelming. Before she could check them, a few small tears escaped from
the corners of her eyes. When he noticed the dampness, he carried her straight
to the bedroom, laid her down and stretched out beside her. He kissed every
trace of tears from her face. “Oh, my love, don’t cry. You don’t need to cry.”

not crying because I’m sad, I’m crying because you’re so sweet.” He was laying
partially on her and she felt the laughter begin again deep in his chest.

did you say?”

she giggled. “I said I was crying because you are so sweet.”

what did I do to earn this dubious distinction?” He smiled at her, tenderly,
pushing a strand of hair from her forehead. “You care for me, you make me feel
loved,” she whispered with a soft and breathy voice. Her eyes flew to the
window to see how thick the curtains were. Blinds! There were blinds on the

don’t think you realize how lovable you are.” He watched her face closely. “What
are you thinking?”

I’ve changed my mind.”

about, sweetheart, you don’t want to go to Frankie's for a hamburger?”

don’t know if we’ll have time.”

only ten o’clock in the morning, what do you mean we won’t have time?”

here.” She eased from his grasp and left the bed. He watched her go to the
windows, pull down the blinds and draw the curtains tightly so no light entered
the room from the windows. Then she went to the door of the bedroom and closed

in the world are you doing?” He thought he might be about to get lucky, but why
the blackout effect? He would have asked, but very little blood flowed to his
brain, it was all headed south—so his thought process was impaired.

want you.” Damn! His erection jumped to attention. This unbelievably beautiful,
luscious woman had just declared she wanted
in her bed and
between her legs. He wanted to shout with triumph. She walked back to the bed
and proceeded to completely undress. He could see her, but not with any

does it have to be so dark?” Not that it mattered, he was so turned on he
couldn’t see straight anyway.


she was adorable.

I’ve been writing this story about a cowboy.”

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