9781618850676UnchainedMelodyHunter (20 page)

BOOK: 9781618850676UnchainedMelodyHunter
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smells great.” Ethan went over to stir the pot. He took time to kiss his woman
as he walked by her.

recipe. She practically lives in
Louisiana, you know,” Alex commented slyly, trying to remind his brother when
Annalise went home, she would be over five hours away.

can’t wait to taste her cooking.” Ethan hungrily watched Annalise as she put on
a pot of water to cook rice. Against her better judgment, Annalise had allowed
Ethan to move all of her things into his room. He had set up her a workplace at
his desk and surprisingly she made great headway on her book. In two days, she
managed to churn out two more chapters.

guys, next Saturday night is our first game of the season. Lise will you come
see me play?” The first game of the Longhorns Football Season was always an
event in the Stewart Family.

wouldn’t miss it, Bobby,’ she assured him.

about a tailgating party?” Bobby was pushing it to the limit.

never been to one, but I’m game.” Annalise thought it sounded like fun. “What
will we have?”

at the Stewart tailgate event its beer, BBQ, beer, steaks, beer, sausage and
more beer,” Alex explained with a straight face.

you think we could add a pitcher of margaritas and maybe some homemade
chocolate chip cookies?” Lise smiled.

sounds like a good addition to me.” Bobby licked his lips thinking about
homemade chocolate chip cookies.

you like me to make you a batch now?” she asked the youngest Stewart.

sure would.” Bobby readily accepted her offer.

the time the pot of rice was done, Annalise had a batch of cookies mixed up and
ready to put into the oven. Ethan pitched in and soon the kitchen was filled
with the sweet aroma of warm chocolate.

sat at the supper table with three men—two whom she adored and one she
worshipped. Her heart was so lost to Ethan; she knew she would never find it

had made the call to Dr. Rollins and she had an appointment in Houston two
weeks from tomorrow. He had told her a new treatment was available and that he
felt he could lessen her scarring dramatically. She dared not hope.

are the plans for the party coming?” Ethan asked a surprised Alex.

how’s Friday night?” Annalise looked at Alex squarely, realizing that this was
a challenge. He was pushing her hand, wondering if she would still be willing
to hand Ethan over to another woman if and when the opportunity arose. She
ducked her head, remorse and dread rushing over her. Frankly, she didn’t know
what she was going to do. Sometimes it felt as if she would die from the sheer
joy of sharing her days and nights with this incredible man.

gumbo is excellent, my love,” Ethan complimented Annalise on her cooking.

your mother teach you to cook like this?”

my mother is not much of a cook. It was my Grandmother Evans. She was a Creole
from Southern Louisiana, she could cook anything. I spent my summers with her
and she taught me a lot of things.” Annalise smiled with the memories.

what?” Bobby asked.

taught me how to fish.” She caught Ethan’s eye and they remembered the night
they first made love and the scar she still bore from the accident with
Francine’s hook.

some fine fly fishing on the Sabinal,” Alex said. “Ethan, why don’t you take
Lise tomorrow? I’ll cover for you here.”

does that sound, sweetie?” He looked at her. “Would you like to go fishing with

would love to.” Annalise was looking at him with such heat, Alex burst out

don’t you two get a room?”

have one, thanks.” Ethan held out his hand to her and he led her from the room.

the dishes, Alex, I’ll do them later,” Annalise called out from down the hall.

chance,” Alex grumbled and got up to clear the table.


* * * *


loved Ethan’s room. It was such a reflection of his tastes. The furniture was
massive and made of golden oak and the colors were cream and blue. There was an
adjoining bath with a tub and a shower big enough for two. The closet was more
than big enough for both of their things. His desk was oversized—like him—and he
had a chair big enough for her to curl up in. He had lovingly made a place for
her everywhere.

a person that is used to sleeping alone, getting used to another person could
be a challenge. Unlike most men, Ethan gave her the choice—left or right side
of the bed. She had no preference, but she chose the right hand side next to
the wall. Having the wall on one side and him on the other made her feel safe. Sleeping
in his arms was paradise. But now they weren’t sleeping.

me about another of your fantasies,” he urged her.

found her writing fascinated Ethan. Sometimes when she was working, he would
read one of her books. Twice he stopped her, so worked up she immediately
reenacted the sexy scene with him. Now, he was lying next to her looking at her
with eyes so big and blue she thought she might drown in them.

there is one I’m working on, but it requires a little…uh, restraint.”

sorry, but I don’t have a lot of restraint where you’re concerned.”

got up, went to the dresser and took out two long scarves. “No, love, you don’t
understand. If you will let me, I want to restrain you.” She knelt by him on
the bed.

you want to have your way with me, babe?”

leaned over and brushed her lips across his. “More than you can imagine. Now,
lay in the middle of the bed for me.”

did as she requested. He allowed her to take one muscular arm, stretch it back
and secure it with one of the soft scarves. As she crawled over him,
manipulating his body, he watched her with a heated gaze. When she was through,
he was a sight to behold. The muscles of his shoulders, arms and chest stood
out, well defined even in their relaxed state. She patted his chest and sighed.
At her careful ministrations, his cock began to fill and distend.

left the bed and turned off all the lights, except one in the bathroom and she closed
the door so just a sliver of illumination entered the room. She carefully
checked the curtains to ensure no light entered there. “Sweetheart, I know
you’re shy. But one day, you are going to fulfill my fantasy and let me look at
you all I want. I remember how you look, Lise. You have the most glorious body
ever given to a member of the female race, why you see fit to hide it is a
mystery to me.”

words pricked her heart. “One day, maybe. But now, back to my fantasy.” She licked
her lips in anticipation and straddled him at his knees. She leaned over him,
kissed his lips, his chin and his throat then peppered kisses all over his
massive chest. A small groan escaped his lips when she slowly pulled his briefs
down his legs until she could free them from his feet. Knowing the light was
dim enough only to allow vague images she had decided to take a risk. Keeping
his hands restrained would allow her to control what he touched and maybe the
darkness would control what he could see. He had asked to do this repeatedly
and she could not bear to keep telling him no. She prayed to God this worked.

straddling him, she pulled the cotton eyelet gown over her head and she watched
his eyes follow her every move. She knew he expected she was about to either
mount him or give him oral sex, but she surprised him. She did place one tender
kiss on his manhood and promised herself she would not neglect him long. She
leaned up and kissed him on his lips. “Do you want to kiss me, Ethan?”

he replied hoarsely.

gave him several deep, lusty, mind-blowing kisses then rose up and held her
breasts near to his lips. “Do you want to kiss me here, Ethan?” He leaned up as
far as the restraints would allow and swirled his tongue around one taunt
puckered nipple.

was driving him mad! He knew he could break the scarves at any time but,
truthfully, this was exciting as hell! She was showing him a side of her that,
before tonight, he’d only been given glimpses. He kissed as much of her breast
as she would allow, before trading sides and tempting him with the other soft,
luscious globe. He felt as hard and big as a baseball bat.

Then, to his delighted surprise, she moved
further up his chest until her feminine delight hovered just over his mouth. “Do
you want to kiss me here, Ethan?”

“God, yes,” he groaned. Delicately, she
lowered herself not really sure how to proceed. She held on to the headboard
and eased herself down until she could feel his tongue begin to caress the
folds of her labia. Spears of delight shot through her vagina as he licked and
laved. The sensations were absolutely incredible. Her moans of ecstasy broke
his control. With very little effort, he broke the restraints and grasped her
by the hips forcing her lower so he could kiss her as deeply and completely as
he had always wanted to. She had not allowed him this privilege before, so he
took full advantage of the uninhibited access he was given. His obvious
excitement and the incredible pleasure his lips and tongue were giving her
escalated until she began to shake with a huge, deep, strong climax. Mewls of
rapture broke from her lips and he pressed on until she was limp and replete
with satisfaction. Then with one movement, she was under him and he plunged
into her with hungry abandon. He was so excited that in three or four powerful
thrusts he had brought himself to climax and tipped her back over the edge. After
it was over, he lay on top of her, chest heaving. Normally, he never allowed
her to feel his full weight, he was always careful not to crush her, but this time
his elation had been at such a level that for a moment he forgot himself.

did not complain. Feeling all of him laying on her was the most comforting
feeling she had ever experienced. He was heavy with muscle, but the feeling of
total possession and belonging to someone, the sense of safety she felt in his
arms was overwhelming. Tears glistened in her eyes and one stray tear rolled
down her cheek and slid onto his. Sensing the dampness, he jerked upward
fearing he was hurting her.

please, no.” She pulled him back down on top of her. “You make me feel so safe.
Please lay here for just a little while longer.” He lay back down carefully, so
afraid he would crush her, yet wanting to give her what she asked.

you for letting me kiss you,” he spoke next to her heart, “it excited me so
much I lost control.”

was wonderful, but nothing is more fulfilling to me than having you deep inside
me. It’s hard to explain to a man how that feels.” He rose up to look at her,
cupping her cheek, which was still slightly hot from her intense arousal. “When
I think about you, when I get excited, that part of me feels so desperately
empty and achy with longing. It’s like a hole in my soul only you can fill and
when you begin to push into me…there is this desire to draw more and more of
you deeper and deeper.” Her words had succeeded in bringing him back to a
rock-hard state. He stopped the flow of words with his lips and it was a good
thing that Alex did the dishes, because Annalise forgot all about them.


* * * *


Bigtooth Maples Cecile had raved about lived up to
expectations. The colors were brilliant—reds, oranges, yellows, even some
touches of raspberry and burgundy. She’d packed them a picnic lunch of
sandwiches made with thick slabs of turkey and ham she had roasted herself. The
tailgating party Bobby requested would be in a few days and Annalise had helped
Alex shop for what to her looked like
amounts of food. He assured her that the tailgate party would attract
additional people, which would attract additional people and so on.

their picnic, Annalise made coconut cupcakes and a lobster salad, which
reminded her of their night at the
hotel. The
longer she stayed with Ethan, the more memories they made together. Little by
little, her reservations were being erased; at this point, she could actually
see a future with him. The sex was incredible, as she had known it would be. And
after she had passed the last hurdle and allowed him to kiss her between her
legs and the sky hadn’t fallen, she thought there was a good chance she could
stay with him.

had come in the truck and Ethan unloaded a big cooler and their fishing tackle.
The Sabinal River ran through the park and it was full of the state fish, the
Guadalupe bass, which was their target for the day. She had gone into Kerrville
and bought some shoes more suitable for the rough terrain. Annalise wished she had
paid more attention to her wardrobe. Being alone for all of these years, she had
not possessed very many nice things. Ethan didn’t seem to mind at all, the
pleasure of her company and the joy they shared together brought him more
happiness than he had ever dreamed of having in two lifetimes.

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