A Beautiful Lie (The Camaraes) (82 page)

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Authors: Stephanie Sterling

BOOK: A Beautiful Lie (The Camaraes)
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Lachlan chuckled, but then he relented and turned his attention to more passionate endeavours.  He pressed his lips against his wife

s foot, before moving upwards to her ankle, her calf, her knee- lavishing every inch of her with kisses- just as he had promised.


Please, Lachlan,

Muira panted. 

I need you

she cried desperately.


Where do you need me?

Lachlan asked innocently.  Muira made a weak moan, as if to say his question didn

t deserve an answer.


Finally taking pity on her, Lachlan pushed his wife

s legs apart a little wider, staring with relish at the hungry little mouth of her sex.  She was already swollen and pink, and dripping with her own delicious juices.  Her husband licked his lips, and lowered his head.


Muira gave a little shriek as he kissed her
.  It had to be wrong to feel this good.  She exhaled shakily and then tilted her hips a little, giving Lachlan better access to her sex. 


Muira knotted her fingers in his hair as the greedy rasp of Lachlan

s tongue drove her ever closer to the edge.  She tried tugging him closer as he suckling ravenously on her clit.  She could feel her muscles beginning to bunch, and knew that with one more flick, one last nip, she would shatter into pieces

  So it was with an irate scream that Muria reacted when Lachlan pulled back.



m going to be inside you when you come,

Lachlan rasped, his voice anything but steady.



s eyes widen appreciatively, and she moaned with relief when her husband finally nudged the huge head of his cock up against the opening of her cunt.


I love you,

Lachlan swore, one last time before he moved, entering Muira so fiercely that he hilted himself inside her body in one hard thrust. 


Lachlan was so large that there was always a tingle of pain mingled with the pleasure as Muria

s body enthusiastically strained to accommodated the thick girth of his sex.  But they both groaned in unison at the intense searing
of having their bodies fused in the most primal way known to man.


Lachlan stilled inside her, and Muira whimpered desperately for him to move.  She didn

t know how he was able to retain such tight control.  If their positions had been reversed, if she had been allowed to ride him, then she never would have been able to contain her insatiable lust for his body.



she panted, almost weeping with relief when Lachlan obeyed her plea. 


He moved slowly though, making deep, heavy plunges into her body, which created such sizzling fraction as to leave Muria breathless and open-mouthed.  It felt incredible.  She was beginning to understand to what a precipice Lachlan was steadily working them towards.  When they broke it was going to be incredible.


I love you,

Lachlan groaned, driving so deep that Muira almost feared she would be torn apart.  He swore the declaration with every thrust of his hips, branding Muira with the vow every time his cock slid into her sheath.  It was almost as if, now that he had let the words fly. he couldn

t hold them back, and they touched Muira as deeply as his physical caresses.


I love you too,

Muira gasped, whenever she was unable, which was becoming a less and less frequent occurrence.  It was almost impossible for her to make a coherent sound; her body was such a knotted tangle of raw desire.



Lachlan grunted. 


He was so close to breaking.  Muira breathlessly forced her eyes to open.  Her husband

s jaw was clenched, and the tendons in his neck were straining.  He was trying so desperately to make sure she had her pleasure first, Muria realised hazily

and heart clenched with love for this man.  She twisted and rolled her hips, clenched her muscles around the thick rod of his cock, trying to tease him to break, to give him



he groaned again in warning. 

I want- I

m going to come,

he rasped, his body shaking.


I want you to.  I want to feel you come inside me,

Muira panted wantonly, clutching at Lachlan

s broad shoulders, wrapping her legs around him to urge him deeper. 


s how you made me pregnant,

she whispered thickly, shivering with delight when she felt him shudder, and then his thrusts begin to quicken.


Oh God, Muira,

Lachlan panted.  He slipped a hand between their bodies; the extra little touch was all that his wife needed to snap the thin thread of her composure. 


She screamed as her body began to shake with release.  Bubbles of pleasure fizzed through her blood like water finally boiling on a stove.  Muira bit her lip as her body jerked more violently than she could remember doing before, while ecstasy blinded her, leaving her in a world of white-hot bliss.  She was only dimly aware of her husband, so enfolded as she was by her own pleasure.  But she heard, as if from a great distance, his animalistic growl of climax, and she felt he searing heat of his seed as he spilled himself inside her.


Still shivering and shaking, Muira willingly accepted the heavy weight of her husband body when he collapsed on top of her.  They were both damp with sweat, and neither of them was yet able to catch their breath.  They lay in a tangled breathless heap for several long minutes- unable, and strangely unwilling, to break the silence that lingered between them. 


Muira almost feared that by speaking she might wake herself from this glorious dream.  Happily, on that score, she had nothing to worry about; Lachlan had no intention of given up this state of bliss.



re amazing,

he murmured, his voice still husky with sex.  He eased a little of his weight off his wife.  Muira gave a little whimper of protest as he withdrew from her, but Lachlan was very mindful not to crush her. 

I still can

t believe you

re really mine,

he continued reverently.  Muira

s already flushed skin began to glow.



she whispered, but she finally believed him. 

You- you really do love me?

she asked breathlessly.  Lachlan had said that he did so many times during their lovemaking, but Muira didn

t think that she would ever tire of hearing him make the declaration.


Aye, lass,

he chuckled, and was apparently amused by the way she

d fished for one last murmur of confirmation. 

I really love you,

he declared ardently, his eyes glinting with the truth of his words.  He kissed her soundly, distilling the sentiment in to a tangible touch.


And I suppose that means you can

be angry about the way we

, any more?

she pressed; she was panting slightly from the very thorough kiss that her husband had just demanded.  He laughed loudly at this new question.


I haven

t been angry about that for a good long while, lass,

he grinned.  He shifted, so that he was lying on his back and Muira was clasped tightly against his chest, and yawned, giving a great show of satisfied contentment as he settle back against the pillows. 

I don

t suppose I could have found a more suitable wife if I

d chosen her myself,

he teased.


Muira gave his arm a playful thump. 


s a terrible thing to say!

she exclaimed, looking deliberately offended.


A more charming wife?

Lachlan amended, casting Muira a lopsided grin.  His wife stuck her tongue out at him in return.



t the terrible part,

Muira sniffed, fearing that she might actually be only
teasing him.



Lachlan cocked an eyebrow.  He seemed to take a moment to think back over what he

d said.  After a moments pause, he whispered huskily:

I choose you now.


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