A Bestiary of Unnatural Women (6 page)

Read A Bestiary of Unnatural Women Online

Authors: Ashley Zacharias

Tags: #erotica, #bdsm, #bondage, #masochism

BOOK: A Bestiary of Unnatural Women
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As I instructed, he muted his speakers, rang
me on Skype, and then pushed the headset forward so that the
microphone was right behind her head. I could hear every word

He spoke to the back of her head. “You have
punished yourself today because you did something wrong. You have
punished yourself and deserve forgiveness but you cannot be
forgiven until you have confessed your transgression. You don’t
know me and will likely never see me again so I am the perfect
person to hear your confession and forgive you. Tell me what you
did that merited this punishment. Just start your story at the

She looked down at the bra in her hands and
thought about the pain it had caused her throughout the day. Then
she began speaking, slowly and quietly. “You have to understand my
relationship with my boyfriend. I was married to an abusive man
named Paul for six years. Paul didn't hurt me physically but he was
psychologically abusive. Terribly abusive. He had grown cold and
unloving shortly after we got married and stayed that way for most
of the time that we were together. After putting up with a loveless
marriage for five years, I met Andy. His company was one of our
clients and I was assigned to work with him a year ago. When I
first met him, I thought that he was completely different from Paul
and liked him for that. After I finished his project and delivered
the final report, I kept seeing him as a friend. We’d go out for
lunch together and talk about all kinds of things. It was great.
After a while, I began to fall in love with him. One day I invited
him to come to my house so that I could cook him lunch instead of
going out. I never got around to cooking anything that day. As soon
as he came inside, I kissed him and he kissed me back so I kissed
him again, long and deep. Then I dragged him into the bedroom,
ripped his clothes off and had my way with him. Twice. I hadn’t
been having much sex with my husband and it was such a relief to
have a passionate man in my bed again, that I couldn’t stop

“And that’s why you’re punishing yourself
now? For cheating on your husband?”

I cringed when I heard Rob say that. I was
thinking the same thing, but I was afraid that he was going to blow
the whole confession by interrupting the woman. I needn’t have
worried. Now that this woman had begun spilling her guts, nothing
was going to stop her.

“Oh, heavens, no. That was all Paul’s fault.
If he’d cared more about me, I never would have cheated on him. I
didn’t deserve to be punished for our marriage; he did. The only
thing that I did wrong there was marrying him in the first place. I
had my doubts before the wedding but I went through with it anyway.
And I gave him a good five years of my life. I don’t owe him
anything more. No, it was later that I came to deserve to be
punished.” The woman fingered the bra, caressing the points inside
the cup with light strokes for a minute, then began speaking again.
“As my love affair with Andy grew more intense, it began to consume
more of my time and attention. Soon it became impossible to sustain
my marriage. One day I went to a lawyer instead of going to work
and arranged for him to serve Paul with divorce papers. He was
shocked. He was so inattentive that he never realized that our
marriage was nothing but a hollow shell. He begged and pleaded for
a second chance. He even cried. But it was too late. My heart was
with Andy by then. It didn't take long to complete the divorce and
I got the house in the settlement. That wasn’t as big a deal as it
sounds because it had a pretty big mortgage on it and Paul's
alimony checks don't even cover the monthly payments. But, at least
I didn’t have to move out. Instead, Andy moved in.”

“And that’s why you’re punishing yourself
now. Because you treated Paul so badly in the divorce?”

“Of course not. He’s a big boy. He can suck
it up like a man and roll with the punches. After what he put me
through, I never spent a minute feeling sorry for him.” She paused.
“Where was I? Oh, yeah. Andy moved into the house. It was great for
a while, but he turned out to be more like Paul than I realized. He
spent a lot of time at work just like Paul. And he wasn’t as much
fun at home as he had been when we were dating. Our lovemaking
became routine and I didn’t enjoy it much so we pretty much stopped
doing it within a few weeks. Besides, he never proposed to me. I
tried to get him to propose. When I brought the subject up, he said
that he didn’t want to be married. Even when I told him that I was
pregnant, he didn’t propose. He just said that he’d help me get an

“And that’s it? You’re punishing yourself for
getting an abortion?”

“No, silly. I wasn’t really pregnant. I just
wanted to see what he’d say. It was easy to do because we weren’t
making love enough for him to know when I got my period. After a
month passed and he still didn’t propose, I told him that I
miscarried. He had the nerve to tell me how sorry he was about the
miscarriage. The bastard. He was all fine with the idea of an
abortion but a miscarriage broke him up. After that, it was all
over but the crying. A couple of weeks ago he went on a business
trip, so I changed the locks and put all of his stuff in boxes on
the front porch along with a note saying that I didn’t want to see
him any more. He got the hint. I haven’t seen him since. Just for
good measure, I got a restraining order against him. I told him
about that in the note, too. Paul was such a weakling, I knew he
wouldn’t do anything, but I wasn’t so sure about Andy. I thought
that it’d be better to be safe than sorry. You know. To get the
order, I had to tell the police that he’d been physically abusive
sometimes but that was no biggie. It’s not like I had him arrested
or anything.”

“And that’s it? You’re punishing yourself
because of the way that you booted Andy out? Lying to the police
and all? When you could have giving him a chance to reform?”

Rob didn’t get it, but I understood the woman
perfectly. Her husband had been too kind, too gentle with her, and
she had felt nothing but contempt for him. She needed a bad boy and
had thought that she had found one in her lover. Instead, when he
had turned out to be a good guy, too, apart from having an affair
with a married woman, she dumped his ass. I understood perfectly
how she wanted to be treated and would make damn sure that Rob
treated her exactly the way that she wanted.

“No. He got all the chances that he needed to
reform during the year that we were together. When it’s over, it’s
over. There are no second chances. That’s my creed and I stick to
it. No, I’m just telling you all this so that you’ll understand how
much emotional turmoil I’ve been through over the past few years.
That’s why I gained the weight.”

“The weight?”

“Yeah. You can see how fat and sloppy I

The woman was anything but fat. She looked
perfectly normal to Rob so he said so. “You don’t look fat to me.
You look fine.”

The woman didn’t look back at him. She pushed
against the bottom of one of her breasts to plump it up. “I’m
gross. I gained twelve pounds in three weeks. These jeans fit
perfectly the last time I wore them and now my ass is almost
bursting out of them. When I gained ten pounds, I made the bra. I’m
pretty handy and it was easy enough to buy the basic leather bra
and add the thumbtacks and lock. The trickiest part was modifying
the leather straps in the back so that I can’t slip it off my
shoulders once it’s locked in place. And all the straps are
reinforced with tempered steel cables in pocket hems. It can be cut
off, but it’d take serious tools to do it.” She sounded proud of

Rob didn’t blame her. It sounded like she had
done a great job of constructing the punishment bra. In his
experience, most women wouldn’t have had the skill to do it.

She continued her confession. “I told myself
that if I gained one more pound, I’d make myself wear it. I knew
that it would hurt like hell to have to shove my big, fat tits into
the cups and lock it on for a whole day. I gained two pounds this
week so I locked it on this morning. I was right about the pain.
Having to wear it all day hurt like hell.” She paused, then said,
“So now you know the whole story. I was an emotional wreck and it
made me eat too much and now I’m getting myself back on track. You
can be sure that I’m going to eat less this week so I don’t have to
go this again next Saturday. That's it. That's my big confession so
you can give me back my shirt now.”

I began typing furiously into the Skype chat
window, hoping that Rob would look at his screen before he gave the
woman’s shirt back to her. This woman’s story was skewed and he
shouldn’t take it at face value. He could have more fun by giving
her what she really wanted than by giving her what she was asking

I needn’t have worried. Rob couldn’t stop
himself from looking at his computer screen every time he walked
past his desk. He began following my instructions as I typed

“What’s your name?” he asked the woman.


“Well, Suzie, I understand where you’re at,
but I have to say, I’m a little disappointed in you.”

“Why?” She turned her head to look at him
over her shoulder. It was the first time since she began her
‘confession’ that she had shown him her face.

“You were right to punish your tits, but
that’s not the only fat part of you, is it?” He made his voice
sound stern in accordance with my instructions.

“No,” she said, hesitantly.

“Your ass deserves punishment as well,
doesn’t it?”

“I guess so.” Her voice was soft and trembled
slightly. She could see where this was leading.

“You know so. That’s why you really came
here. You set yourself up so that you'd find someone who would not
only unlock your bra but would also punish your fat ass.”

She did not answer.

“What kind of punishment do you think your
ass deserves?”

She looked down at the bra in her hands. “I
don’t know,” she said quietly.

“I think you know exactly what it deserves.
It deserves a good, firm spanking, doesn’t it?”

“I guess so.”

“You know so. You’re going to drop your pants
and bend over my desk and receive chastisement for every pound you
gained in the last two weeks.”

She said nothing but Rob could see her ears
turn red as she contemplated the further humiliation that was
inevitable now that it had been voiced.

Rob waited patiently for her to comply.

After a minute, she stood up and walked
around to the side of the desk. He watched while she unbuckled her
belt, unsnapped and unzipped her pants, and pulled them down to her

“Panties, too.” I had told him to show no

She slipped her fingers into the waistband of
her panties and slid them down to join her jeans, revealing a
neatly-trimmed crotch. Then she folded her arms across the papers
on his desk and bent over until her head was resting on her
forearms and her butt was sticking high in the air.

Rob stepped into the proper position to
deliver the chastisement that she needed. Her ass was not nearly as
large as she claimed; it was considerably smaller than
Jennifer-Lopez-sized and there's nothing wrong with J.Lo’s ass,
either. Nonetheless, this woman's round smooth cheeks were begging
for a beating. He used his open hand to begin delivering hard,
steady strokes. Her fleshy globes bounced and jiggled with every
stroke. The woman began gasping and then whimpering after a half
dozen swats. Rob's hand was burning after he hit her a couple of
dozen times so he stopped.

He was as hard as a stick of wood and said,
“Now both your tits and ass have been taken care of, but you know
where the real problem lies, don’t you.”

“Where?” she asked.

“Your mouth. The real problem is what you put
in your mouth, isn’t it?”

“Yes,” she said, casting her eyes down in

“I'm going to give you a chance to put
something in your mouth that's a lot better for both of us than
cake and chips. You’ve been teasing me since you came into my
office so you can get down on your knees, undo my pants and take
care of me.”

Rob didn’t trust my judgment. He fully
expected that she would tell him to fuck off and threaten to call
the police if he didn’t return her clothing immediately, And, if
she did that, he'd return her shirt instantly.

He didn’t understand what kind of woman he
was dealing with. He was astounded when she dropped to her knees
and meekly began unbuckling his belt. In less than two minutes, he
was cumming in her mouth. “Go ahead and swallow it,” he gasped.
“It’s the least fattening thing you’ve eaten all week.”

She swallowed every drop.

Rob was a virgin no longer.

“Now you’ve gotten everything that you
deserve,” he said as he unlocked his desk and retrieved her shirt.
As he gave it back to her, he asked. “What do you weight?”

“One thirty-two,” she said, looking down at
the buttons that she was fastening over her naked breasts.

“Okay,” he said. “Come back here one week
from today. If you weigh one thirty or less, I’ll take you out for
a nice dinner. If you weigh even an ounce more than one thirty,
then you better have your bra locked on and be bringing something
for me to use to paddle you. Understand?”

She nodded meekly.

Her unrestrained breasts bounced and swayed
most agreeably under the flannel shirt as she walked out of his


The following Saturday at four o’clock, Rob
was again sitting at his computer, typing up a storm. This time,
though, Skype was already open connected to a discrete camera
surveying the office from its vantage point in the corner by the
window. There was a decent quality microphone hidden by a crumpled
paper on his desk. If Suzie showed up, I would be able to see and
hear everything that happened.

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