A Destiny Revealed (23 page)

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Authors: Dria Andersen

BOOK: A Destiny Revealed
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He cleared his throat. “Stay, Dalia. Please. It will be
safer here.”

“I don’t want to be in the same house with you,” she hissed.

Bron flinched at her words.

God, the sight of him.
Heat pooled
low in her stomach, and her hands itched to touch him.

“I'll stay in the barracks out back with the other warriors,
you'll have no chance of running into me,” he promised her softly. 

His hand lifted and he pushed her hair behind her ear,
lingering on her cheek.  She leaned into his touch until she caught a
glimpse of the scar on his palm. She stepped back out of his reach. The matching
scar along her chest burned and hardened her resolve.

“Show me where I'll be staying.” She brushed her hair over
her shoulder.

Bron’s hand returned slowly to his side and Dalia swallowed
her regret. Her cheek burned where he touched her, reminding her of his hold
over her body. He nodded and turned his back and she breathed a small sigh of

It was better this way.

Bron led her to a beautiful stairway of polished wood and
she followed him upstairs, her eyes barely taking note of the opulence of the
home. They walked silently down the hallway, their steps muffled by the thick
carpet. He opened the door to the room where she would be staying and Dalia was
overwhelmed with his scent. It rose from every surface of the room. The only
place that did not smell like him was the small area where she saw his monkey
playing silently.

“Why did you bring me to your room?” She couldn't stay here.
Already her breast tingled, and her thighs clenched in arousal.

“This is where you'll stay.” Bron walked over to the small
capuchin monkey and gathered him along with a few of his toys.

“There must be ten rooms in this place, and you want me to
stay here?” Her voice was strained, husky with need.

Bron shrugged. “Seventeen, but you'll stay in this room.”

“Why?” Dalia turned in a circle, taking in his masculine

“You're my mate, Dalia.” his voice was a low growl.

“You keep saying that, like it's supposed to mean something
to me.”

Bron sighed. He guided Little Lord into the hallway and shut
the door.

 “I bonded us.”

Bonded? Her heart stuttered. Why did it sound
so…permanent?  “Explain.”

 “I tied our souls together.”

“You did what?” She staggered back a step. How could he do
that without her knowledge? She thought back to the first night they were
together. She'd felt it then.

“We're mates, Dalia, soul mates.”

Was she mad? A part of her rejoiced that the decision had
been taken from her. “And I supposed it didn’t occur to you to ask me if I
wanted to be bonded to you.”

“You are mine, Dalia. Nothing you said or did would've
changed that.” He raked a possessive look over her.

Damn if her body didn’t react. Her skin heated.
“You arrogant bastard.”

“I won't apologize for it.” Bron backed her up into the
wall, moving closer to her until his breath caressed her face. “If I had it to
do over again, I would do it without hesitation.”

 "You can't make me stay with you." But she
was tempted. How easy would it be to give in?
To forget the
last few days?

"Maybe not, but know that I would crave you when I'm
not with you." He nuzzled his head into her neck. "That craving would
be with you, making you ache in places only I could ease." His hand moved
down her back until her cupped her butt. Pushing lightly, he sealed their
bodies together.

His erection pressed into on her belly and her womb
contracted. Her heart raced. "I agreed to nothing. You can't bind me to
you without my permission." But God she knew the ache he spoke of.

"Every time you wrapped these gorgeous legs around my
body and let me in,
, you were giving me permission."  He
released her.

Dalia stumbled, already missing his body heat. She struggled
to say something, but the truth of his words was there in her soul. She wanted
to deny it, to tell him that she felt nothing for him, but her mouth closed
around the lie. She needed time to think about it without him crowding her

She slid past him to open the door. “You can leave now.”

,” Bron whispered. He stepped closer to
her, his eyes studying her face.

Dalia moved as far away from him as the room would allow.
“Let’s not.”

He nodded curtly and left the room. She lowered her head,
cursing the timing. Saving her family had to come first. That would be her
focus. Not the riotous feeling driving her crazy. She ran her hands slowly over
his bed, bringing his pillow up to her nose. His scent assailed her and her
eyes smarted with tears.

Damn the man.

Needing something to do, Dalia walked around the room
snooping, touching his things. Though the furniture looked comfortable, his
room was sparse; she didn’t think he stayed here often. The massive king size
bed took up a lot of space and besides his dresser drawers the only other
furniture in the room was a large leather recliner in corner next to the window,
and his monkey’s small bed. It had only taken her twenty minutes to go through
his stuff and now she was bored. She looked around for something to fix the
window since she would be forced to stay here.

Three hours later, bored and restless, Dalia paced the room.
She had not fed before coming to the meeting with Zahra and she was starting to
feel the hunger. It moved through her body, a slow burn, taunting her.

"What's wrong?"
The sound of Bron’s voice
washed through her raising the hunger inside her.

she lied.

She cursed the knock on the door minutes later. She didn’t
want to face him in her current condition, but still her feet carried her to
the door. Bron stood there worried, looking impossibly handsome. His low-slung
jeans hung off his hips, paired with a gray t-shirt worn from too many washes.
Her eyes were drawn to the pulse at his neck; his brown skin invited her to
taste. She licked her lips, unable to look away from the temptation.

Bron lifted her chin forcing her eyes meet his. “You haven't
fed tonight?”

She lowered her eyes. “I'll be fine.” Her eyes strayed to
his pulse again. “I was going to, after my meeting with Zahra.”

He cursed in his native language. “Feed from me,

Her eyes snapped back to his. “No, it'll be better if I wait.”
He'd proven earlier that any resolve she had melted when he put his hands on

Bron stepped closer to her, his body invading her personal
space. Dalia closed her eyes and put her hands out to stop his forward

Big mistake.

Feeling the muscles from his chest under her hands nearly
undid her. It was all she could do to keep from snatching his shirt off. Bron
grabbed her hands, holding them to his chest.

“Let me provide for you, Dalia,” he whispered in her ear.

Dalia shivered. Torn between her need and self-preservation,
she couldn't speak. She shook her head, unable to say no aloud.

Bron raised her hands, his thumbs tracing her palms slowly.
The scent of her arousal was thick in the air, and her hunger beat at him.

“I'll behave, baby,” he cajoled.

Dalia shuddered and closed her eyes.

Bron bit his lip to keep from nibbling on her ear. He knew
she was still hurt and though he wanted nothing more than to escape in the
comfort and heat of her body, he respected that she needed time.

“I can’t do this,” she whispered, her voice thick with need.
Her nose was pressed into his neck, her lips inches from the spot she craved.

“You are my mate, Dalia. Allow me the honor of providing
what you need.” His heart hammered as he struggled to control his body. Need
for her flooded his mind, sending his beast pacing around his subconscious.

She hesitated a moment more before her teeth sank into him.
His knees nearly buckled and he fought down a moan. Her mouth on him was like
gasoline on a fire and that fire trailed down his spine, burning through his
control. Bron squeezed his eyes shut, willing his body to behave. Minutes
later, she licked his neck, signaling that she was done.

She lifted her head. Satiation had turned her eyes drowsy,
tightening his groin. Just a taste, that's what he told himself as he leaned
down. Her lips parted and his promise to behave flew out the window. His chest
rumbled as his beast purred in contentment. Her taste moved through his senses
burning away his tenuous control.

He tangled his fingers into her hair, holding her in place,
angling to deepen their kiss. Her mewling cries spurred him on. He used his
other hand to push up her shirt.

"Stop, Bron." She broke their kiss. "I don't
want this."

Her eyes showed her confusion and Bron felt like a heel. He
didn't mean to push her. Breathing harshly, Bron turned and quickly walked from
the room. He needed to get out of the house before he did something she would
regret the next day.











Chapter 22



 “I'M SORRY your family is being threatened.”

Dalia sighed and pushed her hair from her face. “Is there
anything you can do?” she asked Oya. They were sitting on the same bench where she’d
sat days earlier. Dalia hadn’t realized she had dozed off until she looked up
to find herself back in Oya’s temple. True to her mother's word, the peace of
it snuck past her defenses, and Dalia found herself wanting to stay in that

“No, something else I'm sorry for.” Oya gazed at Dalia, her
eyes sympathetic. “So much around you is shrouded from me.”

“I'm being used to get to the oracle.”

“Danger always surrounds the oracle. It's why the temple guards
are in place. It's not your job to protect her. I don't expect you to sacrifice
your mother to do so.”

A weight lifted at the goddess’s words.

“I know the trouble you have with the tribe,” Oya grabbed
Dalia’s hand.

Dalia scoffed.
That was
a mild word for it.

“The Ijoye blames the Ajo for the death of his mate. I would
imagine he sees it as a great betrayal for me to choose you as the

She could understand that, so she said nothing.

“Well, in this I can help you. I'm giving the warriors a
gift through you. It should go a long way to smooth things out for you.”

“What's the gift?”

Oya simply smiled. Her eyes focused on Dalia’s now crimson
tattoos. “Your powers have been unlocked earlier than planned.” 

“Is that something I should worry about?”

“Worry, no, your mother has prepared you for what you will
face. I'll guide you as much as I can, through Zahra. You have some time yet to
learn your gift. The healer is not quite ready to claim her destiny. You're not
quite ready to cross the veil on your own.” Oya pulled the amulet given to her
by the oracle into her hands and closed her eyes. “Don't remove this amulet.
It'll prevent your spirit from drifting. When you're ready, I'll remove the
ward on it.” When the goddess released the amulet it was warm against her

“Oh man and here I was all set for my spirit to fly free,”
Dalia said dryly.

Oya laughed. “I’ll be sure to let your mother know how you
talk to your elders.”

Dalia grimaced. “Please don’t. There's not enough time in the
world for the lecture that would come from that.”

"War is coming." Oya announced abruptly.

"What kind of war?"

"The kind that ends the
The goddess shook her head. "As much as I hate
to rush you, I'll need you at the temple as soon as you are able to take care
of your family."

Dalia shuddered as a chill moved down her spine.
"What's at the temple?"

"Years and years of stored power.
With the basikulu disbanded, the power the warriors have collected has sat in
the temple.
worth. Can you imagine what
someone would do with that type of power?" Oya sighed. "The faster
it's cleaned and back in circulation, the faster I can gain my power to prepare
for this war."

She released a shaky breath, her mind racing at the
goddess's words. "I thought there were three of us you needed."

"Yes, you'll have time. Time we can ill afford, but
there's nothing to be done about it." She pat Dalia's knee. "In the
meantime, try to get along with the tribe. Zahra will need all the help she can

"Not my fault." She frowned. "Besides, we
both know how smart my mouth is, it's only a matter of time before fist are

“You’ll do, Dalia. You’ll do.” Oya touched her cheek softly
and Dalia felt the wrenching that signaled she was being sent back to her body.

She awoke disoriented and it took her a minute to register
that there was a knock on the door. Oddly enough she knew who was on the other
side of the door. She sensed the oracle's presence. Frowning, she dragged
herself from the bed. She opened the door and stepped back with a hiss as a
slash of sunlight touched her feet.

“I come bearing snacks,” Zahra said sheepishly, one hand
holding a plate laden with fruit, the other clutching various bags of potato
chips and a bottle of wine hung precariously from her fingers. “I didn’t know
what you liked.” Zahra stepped into the room and shut the door with her feet.
“Sorry about the sun, I forgot which side of the house we were on.”

“It’s okay.” It was awkward. They stood looking at each
other, both at a loss. “I’m not a picky eater.” Dalia held out her hand to
relieve Zahra of some of her fare. “Since there's no other furniture in the
room, I'm sure Bron wouldn't mind if we sat on his bed.”

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