A Marriage for Meghan (42 page)

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Authors: Mary Ellis

Tags: #Wayne County

BOOK: A Marriage for Meghan
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“No problem. Let’s go back to your office. We still need Trotsler’s signed confession and I need to finish the case reports. Then I think I’ll take a couple days off. I have a school picnic on my social calendar before I pack up and head home on Sunday.”

Strickland walked to his vehicle, but Thomas took a final glance at the broken door hinges, smeary windows, and bent lawn chair next to the fire pit and uttered a silent prayer. It was his first in quite some time, yet he felt a familiar sense of peace return by the time he’d finished.

There, but for the grace of God…

Meghan and Catherine took turns pacing back and forth between the schoolhouse steps and the long tables under the shade trees. Everything was ready for the end-of-year picnic. Papers displaying student work had been hung on all four walls of the classroom. The floor had been swept, the plants were watered, the chalkboard was washed, and the desks were tidied to present the best possible impression. James and John had arrived shortly after eight to set up the volleyball net and prepare the ball diamond for the annual game, students vs. parents. The two teachers covered the tables with white paper, placed jelly jars of wildflowers on each, and arranged stacks of plates, cups, silverware, and napkins. Large drums of lemonade and iced tea sat cooling atop blocks of ice.

For the tenth time, Meghan turned her gaze skyward.

“Would you stop fretting?” Catherine slipped an arm around her sister’s waist. “It’s not going to rain.”

“I’ve had my eye on that one dark cloud toward the south. It looks a little ominous.”

“Don’t you worry. It wouldn’t dare rain today. I believe we’re ready for our last day of the term. What will you do with all your free time this summer?”

Meghan pondered that while a smile bloomed across her face. “First, I intend to sleep ten hours straight. Then I’ll spend one whole day floating around on my air mattress in the pond. And after that, it will depend on what the school board decides. I’ll have plenty to do if I’m to teach all eight grades by myself next year.”

“I have faith in you, dear one.” Catherine tightened her embrace as they spotted the first of many buggies pull into the yard at exactly twelve o’clock.

Danki, schwester
, for everything this year,” said Meghan. They hurried to greet the first arrival and accept their contribution for the potluck table. Soon all their students arrived, along with parents, grandparents, and younger siblings. When Joanna Kauffman stepped down from the buggy, Meghan gawked at her huge rounded belly.

The former teacher approached them slowly. “I don’t know how much help I’ll be, but I couldn’t miss your big day.” She opened her arms for a friendly three-way hug.

“We’re so happy to see you,” said Meghan. “And don’t worry. My other sister is coming in case your future scholar chooses today to make an appearance. Abby’s a midwife, you know.”

, I’ve met your sister, and it will be
,” Joanna corrected. “The doctor heard a second heartbeat during my last visit. What a surprise. My
had to scramble to make another cradle. But now, with that done, I’m not worried about anything.”

The women walked to where lawn chairs had been lined up to watch the afternoon’s games. Joanna lowered herself to the sturdiest-looking chair and released a weary sigh. When Catherine left to organize the food table, Joanna leaned toward Meghan and whispered conspiratorially. “I’ve heard good news through the grapevine, but I won’t spoil your fun. Now go about your day, Meghan. I’ll be fine here in the shade. And don’t forget to enjoy yourself.”

As Meghan walked toward the long rows of tables and benches her heart filled with joy.
I’ve heard good news?
Joanna knew how important the future teaching job was to her and didn’t want her to worry unnecessarily.

Meghan rang the school bell, signaling it was time for lunch. Amish people seldom needed a second invitation to a meal. Young and old queued to fill their plates with fried chicken, lunchmeat, potato and pasta salads, and plenty of pickled veggies and home-canned fruits. Wives were eager to use up the remainder of last season’s stock before the garden, orchard, and berry patch produced a fresh crop.

Catherine stood sentinel at the end of the buffet, making sure everyone had whatever they needed. But Meghan positioned herself under the trees to observe unseen the smiling faces of her
with a growing sense of pride. She had done this. And no matter what the school board decided, she was a teacher.

She was about to join the lunch line when she spotted a familiar buggy park at the end of the row. She held her breath while Jacob stepped down and tied his gelding to the hitching post. Meghan practically fainted for lack of oxygen waiting to see if Rachel climbed down on the opposite side. But she did not. A solitary Jacob repositioned his straw hat, tucked in his shirt, and strolled toward her as though a large red arrow pointed the way.

“Jacob Shultz,” she called as he drew near. “
! I’m surprised to see you—surprised and pleased.”

Her final word had been barely a whisper, but his smile indicated he had heard nevertheless. “I’m not one to miss a picnic,” he said. “Not when there will be softball, volleyball, and plenty of good eats. Besides, all my nieces and nephews go to this school. Two of them are graduating today.”

, they finished the year with much progress.” She clasped her sweating palms behind her back, hoping they wouldn’t betray a sudden case of nerves.

“Both my
said you and Catherine did right fine after taking over for Joanna.” Jacob tipped up his hat brim, revealing a sparkle in his green eyes. “I’m proud of you, Meghan. You accomplished what you set out to. And considering the pack of rascal boys in the eighth grade, that was no easy feat.” His grin filled his entire face.

And it reminded Meghan of the price she’d paid to accomplish that goal. “
, Jacob. As an old friend, your opinion matters to me.” She shielded her eyes from the sun glare and tried to collect her thoughts. Her chance was slipping away.

Stop sashaying around the pond and jump into the water. Men can’t read minds.
James’ advice echoed in her ears, prodding her to action. “I noticed that you came to the picnic alone. Rachel Goodall isn’t with you?” she asked in a froglike croak.

“No, she is not.” His succinct reply merely confirmed the obvious.

“I do hope she’s not ill.” Meghan turned to look into his face.

“I hope not too. Plenty of spring colds are going around.” He crossed his arms, slipping his hands beneath his suspenders.

“But since Rachel isn’t here, I have a chance to speak my mind.” She inhaled a deep breath. “I was foolish, and my foolishness cost me my best friend. I’m sorry for the way I treated you, Jacob, and if you can forgive me, I hope you’ll give me another chance.”

He cocked his head to one side. “Another chance at what, exactly?”

“At being your girl,” she blurted out. “I thought maybe you could court both of us to see whom you’re more compatible with. Rachel is a fine woman and my friend, but I would appreciate another chance.” She crossed her arms over her apron and waited.

He scratched at his stubbly jaw. “Is it just friendship you’re after, Meg? Someone to go fishing with on Saturdays and maybe take a ride to town for ice cream?”

She felt her face flush. “No, Jacob. I’m not twelve years old anymore. Besides, I realized something during the last couple months.”

“What’s that?” he asked. Now he seemed to be the one holding his breath.

“That I love you. And I always have.” She met his gaze so there would be no doubt to her sincerity. “So how about a second chance?”

He tipped up the brim of his hat. “Okay, Miss Yost, I think I’ll give you another go-round. For one thing, Miss Goodall and I weren’t exactly compatible. The night I drove her home, all she talked about was her upcoming trip to Walt Disney World. And all I wanted to talk about was…well, you.”

Meghan tried to swallow, but something was clogging her throat. “Okay, then,” she stammered. “Let’s grab a bite to eat before I have to give my end-of-year speech. I know the students are eager for the ball games to start.”

Jacob extended an elbow to her. “I’m glad we cleared up that little matter because I’m starving.”

She accepted his arm and walked toward her district in the grove of shady maples. “Me too, Jacob, on both counts.” She closed her eyes just for a moment and prayed. Danki,
Lord. Thank You for having mercy on Your unworthy little goose, Meghan.

Gideon sat with his sons on the men’s side of the table. His ham sandwich tasted dry, his potato salad was too salty, and he’d almost broken a tooth on a cherry pit someone had overlooked during the canning process. But it wasn’t the food that had him out of sorts. He needed to speak to his fellow elders before he allowed more time to pass. After two more bites of his sandwich, he left his family to join the other ministers.

, Gideon,” said Paul. “Sit and take a load off. The day grows warm, especially considering our recent weather.”

The bishop nodded and sat down heavily. He waited in silence until Paul’s sons wandered over to the dessert table and Stephen and David finally finished eating and joined them. Gideon cleared his throat and spoke in a low voice. “I have not served my district well these past months, and I come before you filled with shame and regret. I let outside influences cloud my judgment and relied on my own counsel when faced with decisions.” He paused, while the other men stared at him. “I haven’t prayed without ceasing as our Savior instructed, and I haven’t turned to you, my fellow brethren, for advice often enough.” His voice drifted off as he focused on his folded hands. “For these grievous errors, I’m truly sorry.”

Paul placed a hand on Gideon’s forearm. “You’re not the first man to stumble under pressure, nor will you be the last. We all make mistakes. I have plenty of my own to answer for one day.” Paul’s tone was as casual as though describing the pie choices on the dessert table. In fact, none of the three men seemed shocked by the heartfelt confession.

“Lately, I’ve thought myself inadequate to serve as the district’s bishop,” continued Gideon.

“Nonsense,” interrupted Stephen in a strong voice. “If we wait for a man who never errs, we shall wait for eternity. No one is perfect, and no one is better suited to lead us. Only the Lord’s walk was blameless. We stand with you, Gideon, with our full support.” He offered his hand to his friend and neighbor.

The bishop hesitated, and then he grasped Stephen’s hand and shook heartily. The other two ministers extended their hands in succession. “
,” he murmured, “for your forgiveness and confidence.”

“The district has weathered two greats storms in the past several months,” said Paul. “God will place more challenges in our path, to be sure. But right now let’s enjoy this fine spring day.” The senior minister struggled to his feet. “Let’s get the speeches over with. We’ll have Catherine and Meghan call up the graduates first. Then, as school board president, I have an announcement to make, one that might make a
heart beat faster.”

Gideon fought back tears as the four men joined the crowd gathered around the schoolhouse steps. His tears were of gratitude that God had shone mercy on His servant today. He had to blink several times before he could focus on his daughters. Catherine and Meghan called up each graduating eighth grader to present him or her with a diploma and a small gift. Then they thanked Joanna Kauffman, the former teacher and their mentor, for all she’d taught them since Christmas.

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