A New Journey (Second Chance #3) (13 page)

BOOK: A New Journey (Second Chance #3)
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Chapter Thirty-Four



“Elliot, you are a genius.” Conner said and high-fived him. “Karla will absolutely love this.”

“Do you really think so?” Elliot asked hopefully.

“I do. You know how much she loves everything to do with family and since most of the pictures in the house were destroyed in the fire she feels like something was lost. This will be a great way to show her that your family is still whole.”

“She has seemed so lost since the fire. You know she still blames herself?” Elliot told Conner.

“I know.” Conner replied sadly.

“Did you know she has nightmares about it?”

“That I didn’t know.” Conner replied. “She needs to talk to someone. Someone outside of our family circle.”

“I asked Andrew and he said that she never went to any kind of counseling after she came to live with them. He’s going to talk to his friend, Dr. Morgan, and see if she would be willing to come to the house and talk to Karla.”

“Does he think Karla will talk to her?”

“He seems to think she will. He’s worried about her. We all are.”

Conner thought about what Elliot said as he sat in Manuel’s floor and continued to look through the photo albums that weren’t damaged in the fire.

“It’s a good thing Leslie is a picture hoarder.” Callie said with a grin. She could feel the worry coming off of her twin and it caused her worry to double.

“Yeah, really.” Rylee agreed. “If not this would be a whole lot harder.”

“It also helps that Mr. Jennings had a lot of the pictures in his house and is letting us use them to make copies.” Kiara said with a small smile.

“Does anyone remember all the pictures that were hanging downstairs?” Jake asked.

“This was over the fireplace in the family room.” Conner said and held up a wedding picture of Leslie and Andrew. “And these two were on either side of it.” He added as he held up a picture of Karla and one of Elliot.

“A picture of all four of them was on the mantel.” Callie said as she dug through the stack she had. “Here, this is it.”

“Between all of us we should be able to remember them all and if not we can always go to Leslie and Andrew for help.” Rylee said and they all nodded their agreement.


While her brothers, sister and friends looked through pictures Karla went to see Mrs. Jones. She hadn’t really talked to her since the fire, but she needed someone to talk to. About everything. When she rang the doorbell Mrs. Jones answered immediately and tears filled Karla’s eyes.

“Hey, Mrs. Jones.” She said with a watery smile.

“Hello, sweetheart.” Mrs. Jones responded and pulled Karla into her arms. “Wanna come in and talk about it?”

“You always know just what I need.” Karla said and followed Mrs. Jones into her small house.

“Let’s sit in the kitchen and I’ll get you some of my chocolate chip cookies. For some reason I had the urge to bake some this morning. Now I know why.”

“Mrs. Jones, I need someone to talk to.” Karla said as Mrs. Jones set a plate of cookies and two glasses of milk on the table.

“You know you can talk to me about anything, child.” Mrs. Jones responded.

“Since the fire I’ve been having dreams. Bad dreams. Dreams that take me places I haven’t been in over two years and I don’t know how to make them stop.”

“Wanna tell me about them?”

“I’m back in that night, the night Tony hurt me so bad. It’s like I’m that scared little girl again and I can’t do anything to help myself. All I can do is endure it over and over again. The dreams started the night of the fire and I’ve had them almost every night for the past seven weeks. The first few nights I woke up screaming and Mom, Dad and Elliot all came running. Now I swallow my screams so they don’t worry about me. I just curl into a ball and cry.”

“Oh you poor child. Why haven’t you talked to your Mama and Daddy about these dreams? You know how much they love you and would want to help you.”

“I know, but they’re dealing with so much right now and I didn’t want to add to their stress.”

“Karla, let me ask you a question. What do you think is more important to them, you or that house?”

“Me.” Karla said on a soft sigh. “I know they’d do everything they could to help me, but I’m scared. I’m scared they’ll start treating me like I need to be protected again.”

“I didn’t know someone as smart as you could be so stupid. Girl, you need to talk to your Mama and Daddy. They’ll know how to help you and frankly, they need to know. You are smart enough to know that you can’t deal with this alone or you wouldn’t have come to talk to me.”

Karla sat there quietly for a moment as tears streamed down her face. “You’re right, as usual. I need to go home and talk to Mom, Dad and Elliot. I want my life back. I’m tired of being scared.”

“I know you are child and you shouldn’t be scared anymore. You have a wonderful, loving family and a great group of friends. Lean on them and they won’t let you fall.”

“Thank you, Mrs. Jones. I don’t know what I’d do without you.”

“You’d be just fine without me, child. Just fine.”

“I love you and I promise to come back for a more cheerful visit soon.” Karla said as she stood up from the table and hugged Mrs. Jones.

“You be sure to bring that little brother of yours with you when you come back. Call ahead and I’ll be sure to have cookies.”

“Elliot would love that.” Karla said. She stopped at the door and turned around. “We’ll be over next Sunday. I promise.”

“I’ll be sure to have cookies made.” Mrs. Jones said with a soft smile. “I love you, sweet girl.”

“I love you too, Mrs. Jones.” Karla said and finally walked out the door. When she got in her car she took out her phone and called Leslie.

“You okay, Karla?” Leslie asked when she answered.

“Mom, I need to talk to you and Dad. Is he home?”

“He will be in about half an hour. Are you okay?”

“Not really. I just need to talk to you both, Elliot, Manuel and Kiara. I need my family.”

“I’ll make sure everyone is here within the hour. Karla, please be careful driving home. You sound really upset.”

“I’ll be careful, Mom, I promise.” Karla assured her. “See you in just a little while. I love you, Mom.”

“I love you too, sweetheart. Be careful.”

Karla hung up the phone and tossed it in the passenger seat before she started the car and carefully backed out of the driveway. As she followed the roads that would take her back to the apartment they were calling home at the moment, she thought back over the conversation with Mrs. Jones.

She was stopped at a red light, thinking about what she would say to her family when she was hit hard from behind and pushed into the flow of oncoming traffic. A truck slammed into the passenger side of her car and spun her around. Before she could register anything else another car hit the driver’s side of her car and her world went black.

Chapter Thirty-Five



Leslie checked her watch again. “Something’s happened. She should have been home by now.”

“Calm down, baby. I’ll try calling her again.” Andrew said as he called Karla’s cell phone again. When he didn’t get an answer again his own worry grew.

“Something’s wrong.” Leslie said just as Andrew’s phone started ringing. “Maybe that’s her.”

Andrew looked at his phone and frowned. “It’s the hospital.” He said then answered it. “Dr. Peterson.”

“Dr. Peterson, its Nancy. You need to get back down here ASAP. We just got a call in about a major accident.”

“Nancy, I can’t come in. Karla is missing and isn’t answering her phone.”

“I understand and I’ll let Dr. Carpenter know. They’ve pulled him up here for this.”

“Thanks, Nancy. Do you know where this accident happened?” Andrew asked as he prayed his thoughts had taken a wrong turn.

“I’m sorry, but all I know it that it was downtown and there were five cars involved.”

“Thanks, Nancy.” Andrew said and disconnected the call.

“Are you thinking Karla could have been involved in that accident?” Elliot asked with worry in his voice.

“I hope not, but it’s a possibility.” Andrew answered honestly. Andrew’s phone started ringing again and when he saw the hospital’s number again his heart dropped into his stomach. “Dr. Peterson.”

“Andrew, its Ron. You and Leslie need to get down here. Karla was just brought in.”

“On our way.” Andrew answered and motioned for Leslie and Elliot to hurry. “Do whatever you need to do before I get there, but I want you, Ron. I trust you with my girl.”

“I’ll take care of her personally. Just hurry.” Ron said and disconnected the call.

“Karla was in that accident.” Andrew said as he ushered them down the stairs. “Ron is taking care of her, but we need to get there now. Leslie, call Manuel and Kiara while I drive. I want my total focus on driving.”

“I’ll call them, Andrew.” Elliot said as he climbed into the back seat of Leslie’s SUV.

“Thank you.” Andrew said as he backed out of the parking spot and pulled onto the road.

As Elliot called Manuel and Kiara, Leslie called Trent, John, Mrs. Jones and Bob. She knew they would all want to know. A few minutes later Andrew pulled into his assigned spot in the parking garage and jumped out of the SUV. They all ran to the elevators and headed to the ER.

“Dr. Peterson, she’s in here.” Nancy said as soon as he walked into the ER. “Mrs. Peterson, Elliot, you’ll need to wait out here.”

“I’ll take care of our girl.” Andrew promised Leslie and kissed her forehead.

“I know you will.” Leslie said and walked to the waiting area with Elliot on her heels.

A few minutes later Manuel, Kiara and Jake arrived and took seats surrounding Leslie and Elliot. “Any news yet?” Jake asked.

“No, but Andrew is with her and we couldn’t ask for anyone better.” Elliot answered.


“What do we have, Ron?” Andrew asked after he quickly changed into scrubs and scrubbed in.

“She has several cuts and scrapes and I think her wrist is broken. There doesn’t seem to be any head trauma, but I’ve ordered a CT scan just to be sure.”

“Thanks, Ron.” Andrew said as he approached Karla. “Have you ordered the x-ray of her wrist yet?”

“No. I’m waiting on the CT scan. I’m worried that she’s unconscious.”

“That happens a lot when people suffer traumatic experiences. Their body will take over and shut down until they are strong enough to deal with what happened. I’m glad you ordered the CT though. I don’t want to take any chances. Thank you, Ron, for stepping in and taking care of my girl.”

“Andrew, even if it wasn’t my job I would have done it. You would have done the same for one of mine.”

“That I would have. How many more are here?”

“There are nine total. One is a fifteen month old baby, who was securely strapped into his car seat and is fine, but his mother was freaking out so the EMT’s brought him in. We also have the driver who rear-ended Karla and pushed her into the intersection. She’s a sixteen year-old girl and they think she was texting and driving. She isn’t doing well at all. The rest are minor injuries.”

“Thanks, Ron.” Andrew said.

“Dad?” Andrew heard Karla’s soft voice and instantly turned his attention to her.

“I’m here, sweetheart.”

“Where am I?”

“You’re in the hospital, honey. You were in a car accident, but you’re going to be alright.” Andrew reassured her. “Want to see Mom?”

“Yes.” Karla said softly and closed her eyes. “I hurt everywhere.”

“We’ll get you something for the pain.” Ron said as he walked out of the room and straight into the waiting room.

“How’s Karla.” Elliot jumped to his feet and asked as soon as he saw Ron approach.

“She’s awake, but she’s in a lot of pain. She’s asking for Leslie.”

Leslie immediately went to Karla and Elliot sat back down. “Is she going to be alright?” He asked.

“I’m pretty sure her wrist is broken and she has several scrapes and bruises, but I’m pretty confident she’ll be just fine.” Ron answered. “Has anyone called Conner?”

“I did.” Manuel answered. “Him, Callie, Rylee and Dr. Newberry are all on their way here.”

“I’m going back to check on her and I’ll keep everyone posted.” Ron said and when everyone nodded he walked back to Karla’s room.

As soon as he walked away Conner, Callie and Rylee ran in. “What’s going on?” Conner asked.

“Karla was in a car wreck, but she’s okay.” Jake answered. “Dr. Carpenter just came out and talked to us. She has a broken wrist and some scrapes and bruises, but she’s going to be just fine.”

“From what I have gathered she was rear-ended hard and pushed into oncoming traffic.” Trent said from behind Conner. “Karla was stopped at a red light and the girl who hit her was texting and didn’t see Karla stopped. She hit her while driving at approximately thirty-five miles per hour and pushed her car into the flow of oncoming traffic. Karla’s car was then struck by a truck on the passenger side and a car on the driver’s side.”

“Oh my gosh.” Callie said as she slumped down into a chair. “She’s lucky to be alive.”

“That she is.” Trent said as he sat beside Callie. “She has the best team of doctors in Nashville looking after her so we just have to hold on to that knowledge. Andrew will do everything he can to make sure she’s alright.”

They all sat there in silence for a few minutes before Leslie walked back into the waiting room. “They’re taking her down for a CT scan and to x-ray her wrist then they’re moving her into a room. She’s staying here overnight for observation, but Andrew said that was just a precaution.”

“Thank God.” Mark said from where he was sitting beside Conner. “She’s going to be just fine, son.”

“Can we see her when she’s moved into a room?” Callie asked.

“You sure can. Andrew said to give them about an hour so why don’t we all go down to the cafeteria and get some dinner while we wait?” Leslie said and everyone rose to their feet. When they all walked out of the room Leslie fell in step beside Conner. “She’s going to be alright, Conner, but she’s going to need all of our support to completely recover.”

“I will give her whatever she needs.” Conner vowed as he stepped into the elevator.

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