A Tattered Love (4 page)

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Authors: Nickie Seidler

BOOK: A Tattered Love
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Me: ‘You’re not a bother’.
I was desperately trying to decide if I should call him, but it’s so awkward to call somebody, especially someone you don’t know very well. I didn’t know what to say to him through a text, so how would I know what to say if I called him? My phone buzzed again.
Dustin: ‘Thank you for the burger choice, Riley, have a great day.’
It buzzed one more time.
Dustin: ‘How did you get my number?’
Me: ‘Evan’
No response. I hope he doesn’t yell at Evan for giving me his number. Now I feel dumb. I should have just left it as it was. Obviously, I blew it. I finished the last of my cigarette, and headed back inside to finish my shift. This was going to be a long shift now, that’s for sure.
The rest of the day was miserable. Not only was it busy, but also, I was in such a state that I didn’t even want to be there. That just made the time drag on even more. Nothing like having to do something when you’re not in the mood to do it. I finished my shift and collected my tips.
I was finally off work, but I didn’t want to go home. I wanted to sit at the beach a while and just think, but it wouldn’t be fair to Cooper. He’s been home and locked up all day in the apartment. I couldn’t do that to him. I walked outside, and headed to my beat up Chevy Cavalier, praying it would start one more time so I could make it home.
              Once I got in the car, I pulled my cell phone out, and noticed I had a text message—two actually.

Girl, call me, what is going on? Hope you’re all right just worried about you.’
              Dustin: ‘Maybe you should wait before pulling away and come talk to me, meet me on the sand.’
              What? Is Dustin really here? Is he stalking me? I looked around toward the beachfront in front of the pub. Sure enough, there was Dustin sitting on a rock facing the pristine ocean. Grabbing my purse, I made my way to the beach. I hit the sand, and took off my work sneakers, carrying them in my hand. I walked over near Dustin, stopping just short of him. He couldn’t see me, but I was close enough he could hear me. “Beautiful night out tonight, huh?”
              Dustin turned as he looked up at me and smiled. “It’s a gorgeous night. Want to take a walk with me?”
              I looked at him and thought about it for a couple seconds. The last thing my tired feet wanted to do after a long-ass shift was take a walk, but I decided to do it anyway. “Sure.”
              Dustin got up off the rock, shaking the sand off. He was looking exceptionally hot. Every time I see him, the more I notice just how hot he is. He started to walk toward the water, and then turned to the right to walk on the firm wet sand.
              “Riley, do you ever go through a life situation and feel like certain things are meant to be? Like you must do something because if you don’t take a risk or the chance at an opportunity, you would regret it later?” He asked me and kept walking at a slow pace.
              I hesitated before answering. “Plenty of times. But you have to ask yourself is it worth the risk to chance it?”
              Dustin snatched my free hand pulling me to him. Then, he leaned down slipping his other hand up to my cheek, brushing it gently as he bent down and kissed me sweetly but passionately on the lips. His lips rubbed mine smoothly massaging our lips together as I let out a slight moan. He pushed his tongue in, invading my mouth, meeting my tongue with his, and dancing with it. I dropped my shoes and wrapped my arms around him tightly as our chests pressed together. I let him roam my mouth vigorously for a brief moment. Then he stood back as we both caught our breath.
He looked at me with his compassionate eyes, and a slight smile. “Was it worth it?”
I held him tightly still not wanting to let go, of him or the moment. I couldn’t believe this happening. “It was worth more than you know.” I grinned.
“Riley, take a chance with me. I promise I’ll treat you right.” Dustin held me just as tight as I held him. I think he felt the same vibe that I did.
“Ok.” I agreed.
Dustin took his hands and scooped them under my ass cheeks and lifted me up to his waist, wrapping my legs around him as he sank his mouth onto mine, kissing me passionately, wildly. My legs gripped his waist tightly holding on to him as he held me. I could feel the bulge in his pants, which turned me on even more. He carried me until we reached the underneath of the dock, where nobody could see us, and waves crashed up on the shore loudly echoing all around us. He laid me down on the sand softly, and lifted my purple shirt up exposing my bare stomach. I slid my hands under his shirt and sunk my nails in his back as he pulled his mouth from mine, looking at me.
“I’m sorry. I won’t do anything you don’t want. If you’re not ready, it’s ok. I respect that.”
Without speaking, I pulled his head back to mine and submerged my mouth to his, pressing my body into him. I slid my hands up his back taking his shirt off over his head. I reached my hand down and unbuckled his belt and then yanked the zipper down of his jeans. I rubbed my hands over his bare chest and squeezed. He felt so amazingly smooth and polished, making me feel as if I couldn’t get enough. He pulled me close and I rolled on top, pinning him down. He raised my shirt up slowly, and gave me the chance to stop him. As he looked in my eyes, he pulled my shirt off leaving me in my white satin bra. He stroked my sides, and then cupped my full breasts in his hands. I shivered from pleasure, yet pain as he rubbed his thumbs across my nipples and tweaked them to hardness through the material. I felt the warmth spreading to my lower belly, and I knew I couldn’t wait to have this sexy man inside of me. He skillfully reached behind me and unhooked my bra. Sliding my  pants down and off, my body was now exposed to the elements and to him.

Dustin rolled me gently into the sand as he slid his hand down my stomach to the place I wanted him to touch the most. Almost reverently, he caressed my moist flesh and then gently slipped two fingers inside of me as he took a nipple into his mouth. This feeling had been missing for so long, I felt as if I were ready to explode just from this touch alone. I tugged at his pants and slid them down until his erection sprung free. My mouth dropped open at the size of this man’s cock. I wiggled at the sensation coursing through my body, and so I turned so I was straddling him.

I slid down his body, filling myself with his thick and pulsating cock. I moaned with the slightest bit of pain, as I wasn’t prepared for this quite as much as I thought I was. Actually, it burned like hell, but it wasn’t anything that I couldn’t handle. I didn’t picture us having sex tonight, but at the same time, it just felt so right. It was pleasure mixed with pain. I moved onto Dustin, finding the rhythm that would satisfy both our needs.

I tugged my ponytail loose, allowing my hair to fall around me. It gave me comfort with my complete nudity. He reached up with one hand, taking a fist full of my hair, and he tugged. I groaned at the sensation coursing through me as I alternated slow, fast, and then slow again. He sat up and kissed me with a passion that I have never experienced. His kiss traveled down my neck and onto my chest. I leaned back as he slipped a nipple into his mouth, biting down gently. In one swift move, he turned me over, and then he took control. I dug my hands into the sand and tilted my head back and moaned in pleasure. Then I brought my hands up to his arms and rubbed them as I admired his tattoos.

“Are you protected? He asked me.


              He leaned down, and I became lost in his kiss. Our tongues meshed together in a duel. I felt something that I had not felt in so long—a warmth rushing through my body, fueling the need that I felt for this man and, in that moment, we climaxed together. It was the most exquisite moment of my life.
He wrapped his arms around me and sank down into the sand next to me, leaning on me, cuddling with me. All I wanted to do was pass out right here, right now, but I knew I couldn’t.
“You are amazing, beautiful, and sexy. I don’t want you to leave.” He kissed my cheek.
“Look, I never do this, Dustin.” As reality set in, I picked up my clothes and fumbled with them, trying to put them back on. “I know this may seem hard to believe since I don’t even know you, and we just had sex.” I put my undies on and tugged my pants up. Then my bra, then my top. “But I’m really not like that. And I have to go.” I stood up grabbing my shoes as Dustin threw his clothes on quickly.
Sexiest man ever! I didn’t want to go, but I knew it was only right!
“Don’t go, why do you need to go? I know you’re not that way.”
I started to walk away. “I need to get home. Bye, Dustin.” I walked away quickly, and then started to jog. What was I thinking? I can’t believe I did that. Why did I do that? What’s it about him that screams trouble? At the same time, somebody was on my other shoulder screaming, “He’s the one.” Ah hell, I just need to leave, get my mind off what just happened. I can’t believe I just slept with a man I had just met.
I plopped down in my Chevy and prayed that the car would start. As my prayer was answered, I peeled away and headed straight for home. I feel horrible for just walking away, but I felt embarrassed. If I stayed there, it would have been awkward and gauche. The best choice was for me to leave. I half expected for him to call or text message me—but I got neither.
I arrived home, and it was super late. I felt bad for leaving Cooper for so long. As I unlocked the door, Cooper greeted me with two paws in the air, jumping on his hind legs. He was so excited to see me. “Hi Cooper, Momma missed you. I’m sorry. I know, I know. We’re going out right now!” I reached for his leash, and attached it quickly before running out the door with him. I ran to the courtyard and let Coop do his business. As soon as he saw the tennis ball in my hand, his tail went crazy and started wagging fast. I decided to play with him for a bit. I grabbed my freshly screwed hair, pulling it into a messy bun on top of my head. I’m sure my disheveled appearance looked great for anybody peeking out the windows.
“Riley, is that you?” I can hear a small voice off to the corner.
I looked to my right, and Abby was running toward me.
“You told me you were going to call. What the heck is going on? You look like hell.”
“Nothing. It’s nothing really. Dustin came into the restaurant and overpaid, and I wanted to return his change. No big deal.” I shrugged.
“He came into Eddie’s?” Abby asked as she squished her eyebrows together and looked a bit confused.
“Yeah, he came in this afternoon for lunch.”
“Interesting.” She bobbed her head up and down.
“Why is that interesting?” I looked at her confused. Then I looked for Cooper. “Cooper, come on boy, let’s go.” I yelled for Cooper. I let him off the leash sometimes so he could roam on his own, but he always came back to me, because he was so well trained.
“Dustin’s dad owns Eddie’s Seaside Pub. Usually, his kids never come in there. That’s actually how I was hired. Dustin put in a good word for me, and I’ve been there three years now.”
My mouth flew open, and my eyes shot out of their sockets. Ok, not literally. But I thought,
You’ve got to be kidding me. Dustin’s dad owns Eddie’s?
Exactly why I should
be with him. Oh my goodness. I just slept with the son of the owner of the place I work. This was a lot to digest after the day I had. Why on earth didn’t he tell me? Pretending he didn’t know what was good on the menu. So many questions raced through my head. Cooper came running over and went straight to Abby for some attention.
“Hey, Coop. Missed you, buddy.” Abby said to Cooper patting him on his head.
“Well, I’m going to head back in and call it a night as it’s been a long one.” I tried to convince her.
“You off work tomorrow?”
“Yeah, finally a day off.” I murmured.
“All right, well, I’m going to the grocery store tomorrow if you want to go.” Abby said.
“I’ll let you know.” I grabbed Cooper’s collar and put his leash back on. I jogged back up to my apartment, and collapsed against the wall just inside, sliding down to the floor. I can’t believe that Dustin’s dad owns Eddie’s Seaside Pub.


I needed to see her again. I had to clear things up with her before it was too late. She was the most amazing woman I’ve ever met, and one I felt was worth fighting for... I didn’t think she was a slut; she wasn’t just after me for my looks. As I lay in bed, I couldn’t stop thinking about Riley. I needed to see her again. Determined, I knew I would make it happen.
The next morning  I lay in bed just staring at the ceiling fan. I didn’t move, in fact, I stayed in bed just thinking. I picked up my phone several times staring at my screen trying to decide if I should contact Riley. I wanted to see her so badly. I needed to see her and explain things to her. Maybe if I surprised her at work, she would talk to me. I’ll charm her. I’ll do anything to make her listen to me. Staring at my screen as it lit up, I got excited for a split millisecond before it read that it was just Evan calling. I rolled my eyes, and wished it were Riley, not Evan. “Yo, Ev, what’s going on?” I answered.

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