A Trap King's Wife 1 (6 page)

Read A Trap King's Wife 1 Online

Authors: Jahquel J.

Tags: #United States, #African American, #Urban, #Romance

BOOK: A Trap King's Wife 1
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              The next morning I woke up and grabbed my phone. Shorty had me wide opened and I couldn’t wait to chill with her, again. I scrolled through my messages, and Kaysha’s ass had left me plenty. I pressed her name and the phone rang a few times, before she answered.

              “Good morning, what’s up?” Her warm and inviting voice, sounding through the phone.

              I laid back against my headboard and smiled. Damn was I whipped already? “Aint shit, what you doing?”

              “Nothing, doing some assignments,” She sighed.

              “How was your night?” She quickly switched the subject. A woman who worried about how I was, was alright in my book.

              “It was cool, I handled business. What you getting into today?”

              “Nothing,” I heard papers rambling in the background.

              “Cool, so you ready for me to take you out? I aint gon’ front like you don’t have me opened. I don’t even admit that to females either.”

              She let out a soft giggle. “Well, I’m not letting you know how I’m feeling. But thanks for letting me know yours.”

              “Ah, you foul. Go on about your day and let me get up and start my day. Have a good day ma’.”

              “You too, boo.” We ended the call and I got ready for the day.





















              “Why the fuck you out there flapping them gums?” Jared questioned, as I made my way into the house.

              “I wanted to see her babies. I haven’t seen or heard from Tiara in a while. She was my best friend,” I replied, and walked into the kitchen for some water.

              “She aint much of a friend, now is she?”

              “If your ass wasn’t around, then maybe I would have more friends,” I mumbled and walked up to our bedroom.

              “What you said? Don’t get fucked up, Maddie!” He yelled to my back.

              I went into the bedroom and sat across the bed and took my medicine. Being with Jared gave me bad anxiety and you would think I would get away, but I still stayed with his abusive ass. At first I thought it was because he cared, and wanted the best for me. Now, I knew it was because of his own insecurities. Whenever he felt I was talking to another nigga he would take my phone and keep me locked in this house, while he went out and fucked other bitches. My mother warned me about Jared, told me that Jamaicans were possessive and I should go in being careful. Man, was she right and I’m paying for it now.

              “I’m going out of town for a couple days, Dread wants me to handle something for him. I don’t want you home, so go stay with your moms,” He said in his thick Jamaican accent.

              I rolled my eyes because Dread, was always sending him on these little ‘trips’. I didn’t believe he was actually working, because when he came back he never mentioned anything about work. Plus I always caught him with things that proved he was with one of his bitches. Yet, he was going out of town so that meant I could finally hang out and get the fuck away from him.

              “Have fun and be safe,” I said, while rolling my eyes.

              “I plan to,” He snidely replied and went into the bathroom. “Start getting ready so I can drop you off tomorrow.”

              I went into the closet and started pulling out clothes, while his ass was in the shower. I took a couple dresses out and put them under my regular clothes. When I was finished I sent a text to Tiara letting her know I was going to stop by tomorrow. She lived two doors down from my mother’s house.



              “Don’t be out here trying to be grown and fast,” He warned, as we pulled in front of my mother’s house.

              “Jared, I am grown! I’m a woman,” I reminded him. He seemed to think I was a little girl and he was my father.

              “Remember what I said,” He sternly stated. “Give me a kiss,” He ordered, and I reached over the armrest and placed my lips on his. He grabbed me by the throat roughly and put his tongue roughly in my mouth. “Go ahead and act up and you’ll see what I’ll do,”

              I yanked my face back and hurried out the car. He always did shit like that to me, especially when it came to sex. I walked into my mother’s house and went straight to the bathroom to clean my mouth. The motherfucker had bit my tongue and I was bleeding. After cleaning my mouth I went and found my mother who was sitting in the kitchen smoking her usual blunt.

              “I’m surprised you over here. Where’s your daddy?” She chuckled and tapped the ashes of her blunt.

              “He’s going away on business for a couple days. I don’t know how much longer I can keep doing this, ma,” I cried.

              The fact that the man who I loved just bit me on the tongue and was mentally and physically abusive was enough to run. The love I once had for Jared wasn’t there anymore. I despised him and was constantly in the hospital for having a broken jaw, rib or arm. My anxiety attacks were always flaring up, and I still stayed with his ass. Something had to change.

              “Maddie, you’ll know when you’ve had enough. I’ve been telling you for years that you need to break it off with him, but you’re the one staying.”

              “Yeah, I know. I’ll get tired of it eventually. I’m going to Tiara’s house, so I’ll be back.” I told her and headed out the door.

              I was surprised to see that Jared had left. Usually he stayed around to see if I was heading back out after he dropped me off. I walked two doors down and Tiara buzzed me in. I walked up the three flights damn near out of breath and walked in the apartment.

              “I’m in here, Maddie,” She called from the living room. I slipped my shoes off and went into the living room.

              She was sitting with her books sprawled all over the couch, while the babies were in their swings looking around with their bubble eyes. Tiara had this aura about her that made you want to be around her.

              “Hey, girl. Jared’s crazy ass finally let you out?” She snickered.

              “He’s going for business for a couple days.”

              “Business? Girl, Dyron used to do the same thing and it turns out he was putting down business, instead of handling it.” She waved me off.

              “Aren’t yall still together?”
              “Hell no, he seems to think we are, but I shut that shit down when that nigga had three bitches at his court date claiming they were his wife. We’re just in it for the children, nothing more.” She clarified.

              “Wow, because he was telling Jared at his last visit that you and him were going to get married, so you guys would have more options when it came to visiting him.”

              “He’s getting moved to a prison somewhere upstate where they allow families these visits where me and the girls can come and stay there for the weekend with him.” She explained.

              “In the prison?”

              “It’s like apartments. I have to bring food and all the shit we would need and they lock us in for two days. He was telling me about it last night. However, we would have to be married. I’m not trying to marry Dyron. Especially now that he has to serve ten years. Who he think is going to deal with that. I’m already horny and shit.”

              “He telling Dread and Jared that. You better put him in his place.”

              “I aint telling him shit. I told him that I’m single and I will do what I want. Enough about his ass, so how’s everything with you?” She switched the subject.

              “The same shit. I really want to get away from Jared. He’s not trying to change and my anxiety is getting worst. Plus, I really want to start having children and eventually get married, and I don’t want to bring a child into this fucked up relationship, even though I’ve tried.”

              Tiara reached out and touched my arm gently. “Don’t be sad, boo. At least you know you want and deserve better. Although I didn’t ask to be a single mother, I wouldn’t trade it for the world. I’ve been talking to someone,” She giggled like a high school senior in love.

              I got comfortable on the couch and turned down the TV. “Bitch, you better spill.” I slapped her thighs.

              After she filled me in on what happened I sat there with my mouth wide opened. I couldn’t believe she was talking about Jaeshawn, but because he could sell salt to a slug, and moved more weight than a weight lifter, he was known in the streets as, Larry Bird. Everybody knew who Jaeshawn was, and what he did. That nigga had a lot of fucking money, but at the same time he was so damn humble.  Women threw their panties at him on the daily basis. Tiara was such a home body, even before she got pregnant that I wasn’t shocked she didn’t know who he was. If she wasn’t home, she was at school. Dyron never liked her hanging around much anyway. He always claimed he wanted to keep her a good girl.

              “Girl do you know that man is paid out the ass and he’s fine. Although I didn’t peg you for big boy lover,” I joked.

              “Me either, but he’s really cute, down to earth and funny. He wants to take me out on a date tonight. I’m bringing the girls with us.”

              I looked at her sideways. “Bitch, you aren’t about to bring those babies.”

              “Yes, my mother works tonight and I need something to focus on so I won’t be nervous.”

              “Cough, cough. Bring me, does he have a friend?”

              “Maddie, you have a man and he’s really crazy. I don’t want to put you in anything that can get your hurt.” She said concerned.

              “Tiara, I’m not worried about, Jared. I need to get away and do other things besides being trapped home. He’s away and I want to play a little. Shit, he does all the time.” I tried to convince her.

              “I don’t know, Maddie.” She hesitated.

              “Just think. We can do a double date and you won’t be so nervous,” I added.

              “Alright I’ll call him and see. Who’s going to watch the girls?” she questioned.

              “Bitch, my mother. She been dying to see the girls, plus she wants me to get out and do me. She’ll be all for it.”

              “Okay, I’m going to call him.”

              “Well I’m bout’ to head home and put something cute together. Let me know what he says.”

              She agreed and I headed home excited that I would be able to get out the house for a night.







              After Maddie left whistling and dancing like she had won the lottery I put the twins down for a nap and went into my bedroom to relax a little before I called Jaeshawn. Maddie was so excited that I had to do it for her. She had been through so much that she deserved some kind of affection from a man. She deserved for a man to show her how to be treated by a king. I didn’t know if any of Jaeshawn’s friends were like that, but you never know. Maddie wasn’t an ugly chick so I didn’t know why she stayed with Jared. She was 5’5 with ebony colored skin, big bright dark brown eyes and a pair of the cutest plump lips. She was a size down from me, which I was always jealous of. She wore a 15 and I wore 16, but with the twins I went to a 17/18. She reminded me of Keshia Knight Pulliam, from the Cosby show.

              I grabbed my house phone and dialed Jaeshawn’s number. I hoped he answered because he didn’t have this number.

              “Yo,’” he answered, sounding irritated.

              “Hey, it’s Tiara, this is my house phone. I catch you at a bad time?” I asked, I didn’t want to be on the receiving end of his attitude.

              “Nah, you good. You can never call at a bad time. What’s going on, pretty?”

              I blushed and continued what I had rehearsed in my head. “Um, well, my friend wants to hang with me and since we haven’t hung out in a while I was wondering if you minded if I bought her along?” I stuttered slightly.

              “Nah, not at all. I’ll have my homie, John, come with us. She single?”

              “Something like that,” I muttered.

              “Ah one of those situations. Well my man John will be the type of nigga that will turn that something like that into a no,” He laughed.

              “Hopefully, she deserves somebody nice.”

              “So we still on for tonight. I’ll pick you up. Are you still bringing the princesses?” I smiled, because he always asked about them, like they were his. Meanwhile Dyron never asked one question about them.

              “They’re going to stay with my friend’s mother. Joy is colic and I don’t want to take her out too much. You know?”

              “I do know. I hope you taking care of yourself. Matter fact, can her friend’s mother watch the kids now?”

              “I don’t know, but I can check. Why?” I curiously probed.

              “Don’t worry about it, I want you to call her, and then call me back and let me know.”

              I agreed and called Maddie. She answered singing into the phone. She really did need this night out, and from her actions, she would need a couple more days out.

              “Can your mom watch the girls now?” I quickly asked.

              “No, she just stepped out. She’s going to play her numbers and then hanging with her friends until she gotta come watch the babies.”

              “Damn, Jaeshawn just asked me if she could watch them now.”

              “I can watch them now,” she offered.

              “Hold on, let me ask him.”

              I put Maddie on hold and called Jaeshawn from my cellphone number. He answered on the first ring.

              “What’s the verdict, pretty?”

              “Her mom stepped out, but my friend can.”

              “Nah, I need her free too.”

              “What are you up too, Jaeshawn,” I smirked.

              “I got a plan. Call your friend over, get ready and when the bell rings, let them up.” he instructed.

              “Let who up? What are you talking about?”

              “Don’t worry, go ahead and do it.”

              I agreed and we ended the call. I took Maddie off of hold and she was signing Keyshia’s Cole first album, like she wrote it.

              “Um, Maddie. He said we both need to free. He said get dressed and answer the buzzer. So I don’t know what he up too.”

              “Oh let me come back over there.” She ended the call and I went to get dressed.

              I put on a pair of jeans, T-shirt and a pair of boots. I grabbed my pea coat out the closet and ‘Aint no wifey’ beanie and put it on. Just as I was finishing my buzzer rang. I buzzed it and left the door open. When someone knocked, I got confused because I was still waiting on Maddie. I opened the door and an older woman with a blazer, glasses and designer boots stood there.

              “Can I help you?”

              “Hi, Tiara?”

              “Yep, who are you?” I asked, clutching the door in my hand, just in case I had to slam it.

              “I’m Jaeshawn’s mother. I own a couple day cares throughout Brooklyn and Queens.  He wants me to watch your babies.”

              I was hesitant, I couldn’t believe someone just because they said that’s who they were.  “Can you wait here, while I call him?”

              “Go ahead, I know I wouldn’t take someone’s word if it was my babies.”  She laughed.

              I closed the door slightly and went to call Jaeshawn. He answered on the first ring.

              “Yes, that’s my mother. She’s cool people and the little princesses are in good hands.”

              “I mean, I don’t know…” I let my voice trail off.

              “Pretty, I wouldn’t put your kids in danger. My mama has plenty of daycares. She certified by the state,” He added.

              “All this is moving too fast. I just met you and now your mother is watching my kids. I mean, I don’t kn—“

              “If you aren’t comfortable, we can chill at your crib. Would you feel more comfortable if she took you to one of her centers?”

              “Yeah, I’m sorry if I’m being annoying.”

              “Nah, you care about where you leave your kids. That’s not annoying. It shows you care.” He responded.

              “Okay, so I’ll go tell her.”

              “No need, go pack the princesses up and she’ll drive you.”

              “Okay, but can you tell me what is so important I need to drop my kids off?” I probed.

              “Nah, I’ll see you in a few.”

              We ended the call and I let his mother in and apologized. She expressed how much she understood and knew exactly what I was going through. We talked as we got the girls together, and she was really cool. She knew everything about babies and children, and even told me a couple things that I was doing wrong. By the time we made it to her car I felt so much better about her watching the twins. Maddie was locking her mother’s house up when we got the girls in the car.

              “Where we going? I done rushed and did my make up, and you looking like plain Jane,” She sassed, sliding into the back seat.

              “This is Monica, Jaeshawn’s mother. Ms. Monica, this is my best friend, Maddie.” I introduced the two.

              “Hey, so where we going Ms. Monica?” Maddie nosey ass asked.

              “To my daycare a couple blocks down. Then I have no clue, my son is always up to something,” She pulled off toward our destination.

              We arrived at her center a few minutes later and I was impressed. It was a nice center with a full staff. There were little rooms for the older children to play games, read books or just play with toys. She had bathrooms for younger children, and she had a room designated for nap times. She handed the twins off to two staff members and took me and Maddie into her office.

              “This is one of my many centers. I love children and although I was blessed with two boys, I’ve always wanted a little girl. I need some contact information from you, just in case something happens. And what kind of schedule you have them on?”

              She handed me papers and I filled them out and answered her questions. “Their names are Pride and Joy. I mark their clothes with pink and purple in the tags, since they look so much alike. Pride drinks lactose milk, and Joy is on regular milk. I listed all my number, including my mother’s cell, work and house number.”

              “Great, we’ll take good care of your babies. Jaeshawn just sent me a text and said for you and Maddie, to step outside.”

              We got up and went outside. I expected to see Jaeshawn standing there, but there was a black Rolls Royce with a white man standing on the outside with two dozen of roses. He handed one to me, and the other to Maddie. She was all smiles and glowing. We weren’t used to this type of treatment.

              “Mr. Bird, wanted me to hand you this.” The white man said, and handed me an envelope.

I just want to take the time to make you smile. Relax and enjoy the fruits of my labor.   – Larry Bird.

“Girl, what does it say?”

              “Ahem, I have one for you too,” He told Maddie.

              She snatched the letter from him and squealed. She handed it to me and it to me.

I don’t do blind dates, but your man has to be blind to let you get away. In my family, we cherish our women and shower them with gifts. Enjoy, Habibi.

              “Awe, Maddie, he’s Arabic. He has to be, just by this letter. They treat their women like jewels, but the women also treat their men like gold too.” I explained.

              “Ah, shit he got that Arab money,” She joked.

              “John is a great man, and yes he’s loaded,” Monica came behind us and laughed. “Enjoy ladies and your babies will be well take care of.” She pushed us toward the car.



              “I can definitely get used to this, Tiara,” Maddie moaned, as we got back massages at one of the best spas in New York City. I had just got a chocolate and gold facial, and my feet and nails done.

              “Me too, but let’s not get used to it. Soon as this is over, we’ll go back to normal.”

              “I know, but a girl can damn sure dream. Jared has called about twenty times, and I’m not about to have him fuck up this man’s money stressing me out.”

              “I feel you. Dyron has called three times. I’m trying to get these nerves out my head.”

Knock! Knock!

              We turned our heads toward the door and the driver was standing there with two more cards with instructions. He handed me mine and turned toward the door. “I’ll be waiting out front when you ladies are finished.” He smiled and left out the room. I opened mine first.

Now that I got you relaxed and anticipating tonight, I need something to look forward to. Time for you to get dressed. Roberto, will show you where to go. –Larry Bird.

              “Who the hell is this Larry Bird? He keeps signing his letters like that. I was going to ask it, but his mother interrupted.”

              “I’ll let him explain that. Here read mine,” She shoved her card into my hands.

Now that I got your body smooth, and your mind clear, let’s put something on that body. It’s your world and I’m just living in it.

              Ps: I love blue.

              “Damn, why did his card just make me hot,” I snorted as I sat up.

              “Right! I’m gonna have to pop three pills to deal with anxiety. Let’s get ready and go shopping!” She squealed.

              We got in the car and headed to Saks Fifth Avenue. There was a personal shopper waiting for us, and took us to a private room with an array of different clothing, shoes and purses. I was heaven as I looked through everything and tried to find something that would look good on my curves.  Maddie was picking anything blue and throwing it in her changing room. Roberto came back into the area and handed me only a card.

Mind, body and soul. But, what about your hair? Head on down and get something done to that. Enjoy!

“We’re getting our hair done next,” I told Maddie.

              “Yas, I’m bout’ to get me some bundles,” She joked.

              “I’m thinking about cutting mine. It’s too much to manage with the girls. A cute little pixie cut.”

              “It might be cute. What you getting?”

              “I don’t know.”

              “Girl, let’s enjoy tonight.” We both slapped hands and continued to shop.

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