A Trap King's Wife 1 (9 page)

Read A Trap King's Wife 1 Online

Authors: Jahquel J.

Tags: #United States, #African American, #Urban, #Romance

BOOK: A Trap King's Wife 1
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              I pulled away from the club with a smile on my face. Tiara always made me smile whenever I saw or spoke to her. I knew me mentioning to have a daughter made her ass blush, and that’s what I wanted to do. Aint nothing wrong with harmless flirting, although I was dead serious about my future wife bringing my daughter into the world. I pushed all my happy thoughts that Tiara bought me to the back of my mind. I was heading to Kaysha’s house to bust her ass. It had been two weeks since I had heard from my son or her. That night she called me and told me my son was being rushed to the hospital, I rushed there with my heart in my fucking throat. The receptionist told me that nobody came in, especially a baby boy.

              Killing the engine, I got out the car and headed into her building. I listened to the door before knocking. I heard soft music playing, and Kaysha giggling. She seemed to be on the phone, or whoever that was in the apartment was talking low as shit. She changed her locks so my key didn’t even work. I tapped the door lightly and moved to the side of the door.

              “I knew you wouldn’t leave me hanging,” She cooed, from the other side of the door, and opened the door.

              “Fuck you talking about bitch? Where the fuck is my son, while you dressed like a classy slut?” I pushed into the apartment and kicked over the coffee table.

              She quickly closed the door and covered her body like I aint ever saw it before. I went into Keyshawn’s room and he wasn’t there. I came back into the living room and she had sat down, and sparked a cigarette. I always hated that habit she had. She smoked her entire pregnancy with Keyshawn.

              “Where the fuck is my son?” I barked, she jumped and the ashes from her cigarette spilled on her lap.

              Wiping them off quickly, her reply was. “He’s spending time with his family. Why the fuck you care?”

              In one swift moment I pulled her off the couch and choked her up in the corner near the front door. My face was so close to hers, I could smell the nicotine on her breath. “I want my son packed and ready tomorrow when I pick him up. I don’t want to hear shit about who he’s with, or I’ll stop depositing that money into your account.”

              Her eyes widen with my last statement. Her eyes had lust in them, as she eased down to the floor and fumbled with my pants. She lightly pushed me back on the couch and put her cigarette out. She pulled my big shit out and popped it in her mouth, while looking me in the eyes. She spit, sucked and slurped my shit, until I was ready to release my load. She got up just before I came, but I held her head and came all over her face, and made sure I tapped my shit on her freshly installed hair— I paid for.

              “What the fuck, Jaeshawn?” she yelled, getting up and running to the bathroom.

              “Have my son ready, and I’ll take this just in case you get amnesia.” I fingered through her wallet, and took the card I had set account for.

              She came out the bathroom with a wash cloth on her face and fingering the cum that was still in her hair. “How could you disrespect me like that, Jae?” She sobbed.

              “Nah you disrespected yourself when you started acting like a chicken head and keeping my son away from me. I’ll see you tomorrow.”

              “Ugh, I just got this put in,” She yelled in annoyance.

              “You won’t be getting shit fixed until I get my son,” I held up the card, and her eyes damn near jumped out her skin. 

              “Why do you do this to me, Jae? I loved you since we were kids, and all I want to be is your woman, wife and the mother to your children,” She explained, rubbing her stomach.


              “Yes, I’m pregnant,” She announced and I almost punched her in the stomach.

              “Stop fucking with me.”

              “I’ve been feeling sick and I think I am. I haven’t taken a test, but I felt this way when I had Keyshawn.”

              “Get rid of it, point blank.”

              “If I am, I’m not getting rid of it. I want a baby girl, and I want my kids to have the same father.”

              I chuckled to myself, because I was playing around with Tiara, and now the shit was actually coming true. If Kaysha was pregnant, I wanted her to get an abortion, but knowing her ass, she would go into hiding until she had the baby – taking my son with her. I always handle my responsibility, but I hated that I put myself in this situation.

              “Have my son ready,” I left out the door and got back in my truck to head to the club.

              I made it back to the club an hour later. I stopped home and changed clothes and now I was ready to have a few drinks and relax. I walked in the club and headed straight to VIP. I saw Tiara, Maddie and John talking and laughing. I sat down beside Tiara and dapped hands with John.

              “What yall in a huddle talking about?” I asked, taking a bottle out the ice bucket and pouring a drink. I took back the shot of patron and downed another one. The first two wasn’t enough, so I was about to pour another, but Tiara grabbed the bottle.

              “Um, you driving me home, remember?” She placed the bottle back in the bucket.

              “Yeah. You right. Let me calm down.”

              She touched my arm lightly. “You alright? You seem tensed,” she observed.

              “Yeah, I’m cool. Just need a couple drinks.”

              “Okay, well, we were debating on who is better. Biggie or Tupac?”

              John laughed and butted in. “Tupac of course.”

              “John you better quit right now,” Maddie smacked her lips and took a sip. “You on the east coast, so first come Jesus and then Biggie.”

              We all laughed at Maddie and continued to drink. I hit John and we walked down to the bar to talk business.

              “Ight, nigga, what you got to tell me?” I asked, after we had taken our first shot.

              John made a face as the liquor went down his throat and smiled. “We basically have taken over the drug game. We not as hands on anymore, besides that beef with those filthy Jamaicans, so I got something new for us.” He smiled and reached in his pocket. “Remember that money we were saving for a rainy day?”

              “Yeah and you were in charge of getting that squared away,” I countered, wondering where he was going with this.

              “Yeah, I know. I squared both of ours away, but the account we have for both of our money I took a little gamble,” He revealed. My eye brow went up and I was about to fuck this nigga up.

              “Gamble? What kind of gamble?”

              “I invested our money into oil. There’s something called oil ETFs, which is like the stock exchange for oil. You can buy, trade and all that shit without actually owning oil. My cousins in Dubai put me on when I visited last year. I took all our money and invested it.” he explained, while I signaled the bar tender.

              “Sweetheart, bring me the bottle, chilled,” I gave her orders, and slipped her a tip. “Should I take my tip back since we’re damn near broke. Fuck was you thinking, John?” I guzzled my last shot, and waited for the bottle. He didn’t bother to say anything. He slid the paper to me and I took the paper and opened it. It was out account information, and I was blinded by all the zeros in the account. It was over two hundred million dollars in the account. “Nigga we made it!”

              “Hell yeah, we already got money, but aint shit wrong with more money. I’ve been doing this shit for three years now. I wanted to let you know, so you weren’t surprised when you looked in the accounts. I’m thinking we need to invest in my cousin’s oil company he’s starting.”

              “If it’s bringing money like this, I’m in.”

              “Not yet it won’t be, but we have the means to get it where it’s supposed to be. I’ve been speaking with some CEO’s who had their own companies and lost them. We can use their experience on getting this started.” He described, as I grabbed the bottle from the bartender.

              “Nigga I’m all in. we have that other account which is looking lovely. Use some of that to make this shit work. I’ll let you do that, cause’ that’s why you went to college for.”

              “I’m bout’ to make that happen. I’m feeling the shit out of Maddie and can see this shit going somewhere far. If it does, I don’t want her to want for anything.” He looked in my eyes sincerely.

              “I feel you. I don’t know where me and Tiara are going, but I want her to be mine. I finally caught up Kaysha’s ass. She’s pregnant she claim,” I spilled. Feeling pissed all over, again.

              “Damn, how’d you let that happen again? I thought for sure you were wrapping it up,” He poured a drink.

              I sighed and rubbed my temples. “A couple times we were just in the moment, but the last time she was riding a nigga dick in my sleep. I woke up nuttin’ all in that pussy.”

              “Shit, take care you responsibility like you always do. I don’t know how you expect to move on if you keep allowing your past interfere with your future. Tiara’s a decent girl and she doesn’t involve herself with drama. Knowing her past with her ex, I think you should either put Kaysha in her place, or leave things with Tiara alone before it gets serious.” John laid down straight facts, and I was picking all of them up.

              “I feel yo—“

              “So yall leave us to come drink some more?” Tiara laughed. “My cab is here, and I called Roberto and he’s coming to pick yall up. I’ll speak to you tomorrow, Jaeshawn, and John biggie is the best,” She hugged me and gave John a two kiss check.

              “Maddie, you bout’ to leave and not say bye,” John called out, she was on the phone and silencing him with her finger. She waved for him to follow her. “I’ll be outside with them waiting. Handle your business with Kaysha,”

              “I got you.” I grabbed Tiara’s hand before she followed behind them. “When’s the next time I can see you?” I held onto her belt hooks on her shorts.
              “I don’t know. I have to make sometime, but I’m starting back school, so I’ll be busy doing that.”

              I was shocked that she was doing school. We talked damn near every day and she never mentioned she was in school.

              “Oh word, why you never told me that?”

              “I was on maternity leave, since having the twins. But I’ve been keeping up and doing online classes. I think I mentioned something about it before, but my maternity leave is coming to an end, and I need to go back,” She voiced, I was more turned on by her. Thinking back, I remember she mentioned something about doing an assignment.

              “What you going to school for?”

              “Criminal Justice. I’ve always been interested in law, and took summer classes in high school. This is my last year before I go to law school.” She smiled weakly.

              “Damn, Ma’ you sexy as fuck. I’m proud of you and this next step.” I hugged her, and she wrapped her arms around my neck.             

              “Thank you, Jae. Let me go pick my girls up, and head home.”

              “Nah, I’ll have someone bring them over. Go ahead, and make some time for me sometime this week,” I ordered, I had something planned for her.

              “I will, later and thank you.”

              I watched as she left out the club and finished my drink. When I was finished, I tipped the bartender and headed outside. The ladies were gone, but John was smoking a cigarette and in deep thought. Roberto arrived right on time and we got in the car. I needed to holla’ at Kaysha, but a nigga was too tired to deal with her shit, again. We headed to meet the Jamaicans about this territory shit.


              We pulled up the warehouse on gun hill road in the Bronx. I didn’t step out my whip, because I wasn’t that type of nigga. They wanted to meet with me, so I was going to roll the window down and talk. They ass was lucky, they were getting this meeting, and not talking out a straw in a pine box. Two men knocked on the window and I let them sit there for ten minutes, before I finally rolled the window down.

              “Yeah,” I chewed on my tooth pick, annoyed that I was having this meeting. Niggas knew my corners and blocks. Why the fuck should I share?

              “Dread says to come inside,” The tall dark skin one said, looking me with an ice grill on.

              “Nigga, you not that stupid, are you? The most I’ll do is step out this car,” I smirked, and grabbed a bottle of goose.

              “I’ll let him know,” He said, and went back in the warehouse.

              John already had the nine in his hand, and had the look of disgust on his face. “I can’t stand these muthafuckas’” he vented, and put his vest on. He handed me mine, and we stepped out.

              I leaned against the hood of the car and watched as this middle age nigga with long salt and pepper dreads came out the warehouse. He came and stood in front of me and reached for my hand, but I ignored it.

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