A Vampire's Saving Embrace (19 page)

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Authors: Darlene Kuncytes

BOOK: A Vampire's Saving Embrace
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Chapter 8

Abby eyes snapped open and she glanced at the bedside clock. “Shit,” she muttered when she realized that it was already past noon. She had finally fallen into an exhausted sleep just before dawn - and now half the day was already gone. She slipped out of bed and dashed into the bathroom. She quickly showered and dressed -praying that Desmond would not be awake.

Abby quietly opened the bedroom door and looked out. Not hearing any sound, she slipped out of the room and headed for the stairs. When she reached the bottom, Desmond stepped from a doorway to her left, which she believed was his study, and her heart sank.


“Desmond,” she gasped. “Cripes, you startled me. I …um, I was just coming down to see if there was any coffee.” Oh, Lord she silently prayed, please don’t let him know that I’m lying. Please don’t let him know! She suddenly felt like a schoolgirl getting caught skipping last period and tensed. She knew she was no good at this – she never had been. Lying just was not her thing.

He walked over to her, his eyes locking with and holding hers. Without a word he leaned in and pressed his lips against hers. It was such a gentle kiss that Abby found her body trembling with sorrow and a deep, agonizing need. How could this man do this to her with just one look or a simple touch? She could actually believe that he cared for her when he kissed her that way, and could so easily fall into his embrace, molding her weak, pliable body against his as she so wanted to do – but she fought back the desire with every ounce of her being. Stay strong Abby, she silently pleaded with herself – he’s just like Eric. Everything about him was just a carefully planned lie.

“You look tired,” she choked out, her eyes scanning his face. He didn’t of course – he looked absolutely perfect, as usual – but if she could just get him to rest for a bit…

“Do I?” he questioned. His gaze dropped to her lips and that all too familiar hunger caused his eyes to darken instantly.

Abby nodded - not trusting herself to speak. Her desire flamed out of control when he looked at her in that intense, smoldering way, and she didn’t trust the words that might spring from her mouth before common sense could take over. Her brain to mouth filter left much to be desired.

“I don’t feel tired,” he whispered, his grin implying that he was feeling something much different, and Abby swallowed with difficulty – that irritating warmth spreading through her entire body only to pool wantonly at her core.

Desmond’s eyes feasted on the woman he loved, as he fought back the urge to take her in his arms and claim her the way she was meant to be. His fangs extended slightly and his eyes flashed silver as his overwhelming desire for her took hold. He loved her – more than he ever thought it possible, and he planned on doing everything in his power to insure that they had an eternity together – but his vampire side wanted nothing more at that moment than to take her and make her his mate. That deep need to claim her as his, coursed through his body with unimaginable force, and he squeezed his eyes shut, willing his fangs to retract. He needed to be patient.

Abby’s eyes widened when she saw that flash of silver, and she cleared her throat. “
there any coffee?” She croaked out, trying desperately to come up with a plan B – and fast!

“Of course,” he murmured, taking her hand and walking toward the kitchen – his graceful, lithe body gliding as he led her, and she swallowed again - hard.

“Desmond, I can get it,” she protested, trying desperately to keep the panic from her voice. “I’m sure you have things to do.”

He stopped and looked at her, “Nothing that can’t wait.” He took a step closer and rested his hands on her waist – his thumbs grazing the underside of her breasts, and she felt herself shiver with longing. “Abby, I don’t like it when there is a distance between us,” he stated simply, his eyes burning into hers. “I know emotions have been running high - and I do apologize.”

Oh, crap, she thought miserably - wondering just how she was going to get out of this. She had to make him believe that everything was normal.

She took a somewhat shaky breath and tried desperately to calm her fluttering heart. “I know,” she stammered, “and I’m sorry too. I guess I’m just over-tired and stressed out. So much has happened so quickly, that my head is spinning.”

Desmond studied her quietly a moment, then lowered his mouth to hers once again - his kiss light, yet probing as his tongue teased her lips - silently urging them to open to him.

Abby cursed the reaction her body had at his touch. That damn electrical current shot through her nerve endings as if she had stepped on a live wire - and talk about her head spinning! Holy Hell!

With a will of its own, her body pressed up against his - her hands coming to rest on his firm chest. She moaned softly as his tongue explored her mouth in a slow, tantalizing dance – causing that infernal heat to rush through her with a vengeance.

Stop! She silently screamed at herself -trying desperately to regain a slight semblance of control. He was merely playing the game – but that other, traitorous part of her whispered that she didn’t care. His mouth on hers felt much too good- his hard body, too welcoming. He was just too damn good at this.

Abby leaned back and broke their embrace, her breath coming out in short uneven bursts. Good God! She gave him what she hoped was a believable smile as she tried to catch her breath. “I
could use some coffee,” she panted.

That earth-shattering grin came to his lips as he wrapped his arm around her waist, and led her into the kitchen. “Your wish is my command, my love,” he whispered in her ear as they walked through the doorway and Abby found herself thinking - if only
were true. Desmond led her to one of the chairs at the table and pulled it out for her, his fingers lightly caressing her cheek. “Are you hungry?”

“Not really.” She replied thickly – she was much too nervous to even think about eating.

Desmond’s brows drew together, his eyes narrowing. “Are you feeling unwell?” He asked, dropping down to one knee in front of her. His hand touched her forehead before sliding down her cheek to the curve of her neck. His gaze went to where she had been cut and he shook his head slightly, his expression one of worry. “You said that you had no adverse effects from the demons being near last night - and your wound is completely healed,” he mused, his eyes coming back up and searching hers – his mouth set in a tight frown of worry.

Abby swallowed with difficulty - having a hard time keeping tears from springing to her eyes at his gentle concern. She knew it was only an act, yet her whole being wanted so much for it to be real.

NO! She silently screamed, he was probably only worried because if she
sick, her blood would be useless. That’s it, Abby – hold on to
thought. He is only concerned about keeping his precious stash safe.

She forced out another smile and shrugged. “Yeah, amazing isn’t it?” she laughed softly. “But I feel fine, really. Like I said, just a bit tired,” she leaned forward and planted a kiss on his lips, telling herself that two could play this game – but if truth be told, she really just craved the contact- knowing with a sinking feeling in her gut that she would never again feel this way. “I’ve just got to get my java fix,” she said as lightly as possible. “I probably should have warned you that I am completely unbearable without my daily dose of caffeine.”

He reluctantly stood, and walked over to the counter - turning on the coffee maker. “You, my love, are far from being unbearable. In fact, I hate to tell you this- but I actually find you quite disarming, and a complete pleasure.”

Stop it! Stop it!
She silently screamed. Stop saying the most wonderful things to me. It’s just not fair!

Abby glanced at the clock and saw that it was after two already- her heart sinking. It didn’t look like she was going anywhere anytime soon and the realization hit her like a blow to her gut. She didn’t know how much longer she could play this game without having her entire soul ripped apart. She loved him way too much already and each moment she spent with him caused her to fall further and further.

She looked back to Desmond and found him leaning casually against the counter, watching her – a strange smile on his face. He looked completely gorgeous in his black jeans and shirt, and Abby felt her cheeks flush with longing when her eyes strayed to the bulge that was pressing against the zipper of his jeans in the most tempting way. Oh, Lord! Stop! Stop! Stop! She silently screamed and quickly diverted her gaze away.

She was about to try to make small talk when there was a knock at the front door. Desmond pushed himself away from the counter and walked over to her. Leaning down he kissed her again, his lips lingering against hers.

“That is most likely the men to repair the window,” he murmured against her mouth, his breath deliciously mingling with hers. “You will be able to come back to our room tonight, my love.” Abby’s heart did a strange flip when he called it
room and she swallowed the lump forming in her throat. Damn, but he was just way too good at this.

“I’m afraid that I must take care of this,” he said, kissing her again, this time with much more promise.

Abby nodded, knowing that perhaps fate had stepped in and given her the chance she needed. “I’ll just drink my coffee and then perhaps lay down for a bit,” she lied and cringed when she noticed her voice cracking.

“This shouldn’t take much more than a few hours,” he whispered, his dark brow rising seductively as he gently took her bottom lip between his teeth and tugged on it playfully. “Perhaps I’ll join you when I’m done,” he whispered huskily. “You did mention that I looked tired.” He gave her that grin and pressed his lips to hers once again before reluctantly standing and leaving the room to answer the door.

Abby waited until she heard the sound of the men heading upstairs before jumping up and running to the back door. A few hours! She silently cried, praying that would be enough time. If she could only get into town and to Echo’s before nightfall… She took a deep breath and left the house, making sure to stay clear of Desmond’s bedroom windows.

Abby was halfway across the lawn and heading toward the long, winding drive when a voice stopped her.

“Hey, Abby!”

She turned to find Caleb running over to her – smiling broadly. “Where you headed,” he questioned, then suddenly looked back towards the house and the smile left his lips. “What are you doing out here alone? Has something happened? Where’s Des?”

“He’s having the bedroom window fixed and I was just headed to town,” she stammered, panic rising in her gut. “I really need to meet a friend.”

“You’re planning to walk?” he questioned, as if she had lost her mind, and she realized with a start that she really had no idea how far out she was.

She was hoping to reach a main road and possibly hitch a ride with someone, but now that she looked around, she realized with a growing sense of dread that she hadn’t thought this through. Desmond’s property was secluded – and why wouldn’t it be? He
a vampire after all, she silently berated herself. Of course he would need privacy! Oh, Holy Hell! What was she going to do now?

“Why don’t you take one of Des’s cars?” Caleb asked, falling into step beside her. Abby cleared her throat nervously, trying to think of a reasonable explanation. Damn! “I..um…I can’t drive stick,” she lied - having learned when she had been fifteen - but she figured it sounded plausible enough - she also guessed that someone like Desmond could afford luxury sport cars, which were most likely standard.

A moment later Caleb nodded his head-the smile coming back to his face with a vengeance, “Yeah, that does suck - Des has some pretty awesome cars.”

Abby graced him with a smile, thinking quickly. “Is Luke around?” she asked, hoping that perhaps she could convince him into taking her where she wanted to go. “Desmond told me to ask him for a ride,” she lied again and felt another pang of guilt assault her.

“He and the rest of the pack are at a council meeting,” Caleb explained. “They left me here to keep watch in case of trouble,” he finished proudly, puffing his chest out slightly at the responsibility he had been given.

“Do you have a car?” she asked, praying that he did.

“I have a pickup – been fixing her up myself for almost a year now. On and off that is.”

Abby hated doing this to Caleb - but knew that this was her only chance of getting away from here…away from Desmond. “Would you be willing to drive me?” She asked, flashing him one of her sweetest smiles and hating herself for it. She suddenly felt very dirty.

Caleb hesitated a moment, his brows furrowing with concern. “I don’t know that I should leave my watch,” he began, but a moment later shrugged. “But I guess since you’re the one we’re supposed to be watching– it would probably be best if I did. I’m sure Des wouldn’t want you walking alone. Do you want me to run up to the house and let him know that I’ll be taking you?”

“No!” Abby burst out, much more forcefully than she had intended. She knew that she had to tread lightly as to not arouse any suspicion - and that the boys hero-worship of Desmond and wanting to please the vampire was just the thing she needed. “Oh, Caleb,” she purred. “There’s really no need to bother him. He will just be so grateful to you for doing this. He must not have realized that Luke would be at a meeting and he was just so upset that he couldn’t take me himself, but what with the repairmen at the house and of course it being daylight…” she trailed off, batting her lashes at him slightly and cringing inwardly at her disgusting display. God, she had sunk to an all-time low! But desperate times called for desperate measures, she silently told herself – yet it made her feel absolutely no better. She had the overpowering urge to take another shower – this time in scalding hot water!

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