A Vampire's Saving Embrace (26 page)

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Authors: Darlene Kuncytes

BOOK: A Vampire's Saving Embrace
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She heard his sharp intake of breath and pressed her lips against him, suckling gently as she felt him shudder. His hand went to the back of her head, pulling her even closer as a moan escaped him- his head falling back. She remembered the sensation of it when he had drunk from her and wondered if it felt the same for him - a spectacular euphoria washing over his body?

Surprisingly, Desmond’s blood tasted wonderful to Abby. It was thick and rich and sweet and tasted wholly of him – that spicy, outdoor essence - and before she realized it, she was drinking greedily - feeling his power surging through her with each pull that she took.

She wrapped her arms tightly around his waist to pull his body closer and he complied instantly. When she felt his hardness press into her belly - that familiar tingle hit her at her core, and she finally leaned back from his chest – quickly and thoroughly licking the wound.

She watched the place where she had taken his blood – waiting to see the skin fuse together, but a moment later looked up at him with concern clouding her eyes as she saw the small crescent shaped scar appear. It was about an inch in length, directly above his heart and was a deep scarlet in color. Oh, God, she thought miserably, he’s not healing as he should. Did my blood do something to him? Did it weaken him?

“Desmond?” she whispered, her unease evident as she tried to bite back the fear that was creeping up her spine. What had she done to him?

He opened his eyes and looked at her, his gaze filled with a passion that was crackling around him like an electrical storm. “Hmm?”

“You…you didn’t heal completely,” she said, tracing her finger along the scar, her brows furrowed as a deep, gnawing dread filled her and her eyes glistened with tears. She could not handle it if she had caused him any harm.

Desmond pulled her to him, so that there wasn’t the least bit of space between their bodies. “That, my love, is to show the world that I am your mate,” he explained huskily, “I belong to only you. This is my brand that I wear proudly - to let all know that there will never be another.” He leaned his head forward and took her lips with all the need and yearning that she herself felt.

“Don’t I get one?” She asked against his mouth and felt him smile. He reluctantly leaned away from her and lifted her wrist. There, where there had once been two small puncture marks, was a crescent shaped mark identical to his. “Holy hell,” she breathed and Desmond laughed, kissing the brand tenderly.

“Would you prefer a ring, my mate?” he asked softly.

“Not at all. In fact, I love this. It’s… it’s so permanent - just like us.” Desmond kissed her wrist again, his eyes shining. “Still, my wife
have a proper ring and human ceremony.”

“That really isn’t necessary,” she argued. She was completely content with the way things were. “Remember, I’m a t-shirt and jeans kind of girl.”

Desmond burst out laughing. “That is about to change, my love. I plan on spoiling you rotten! Nothing but the finest for my wife…my mate.”

“Des?” She looked up into his face, her cheeks turning red.

“Yes, sweetness,” he murmured, his mouth trailing kisses down her forearm, up her shoulder - to her neck.

“You won’t ever…I mean, you won’t grow tired of me, will you? Forever is a very long time. And I have been told on several occasions that I can be an exasperating handful.”

“Never!” He growled, and in wonder, she
the passion in which he spoke. She felt his desire – his Contentment - but most of all his happiness and his love.

He threw her back onto the bed and hovered above her, his eyes flashing silver – causing a giggle to erupt from her. “You are mine!” He declared possessively, his voice a low, seductive growl and she knew beyond a shadow of a doubt that it was true. She was his – just as he was hers. Forever.

“Oh, such a big, scary vampire you are,” she teased, her body responding to his in the most delightful ways.

“And what a tasty little fey you are.” He replied, before capturing her mouth with his. He kissed her hungrily, his tongue staking claim as he ground his hips against her -causing her to cry out her need when his hardness made contact with the sensitive area which was throbbing in anticipation and longing.

Her hands went to the waist of the trousers he still wore and she tried desperately to free him of them. He laughed again, breaking their kiss. “So impatient,” he scolded, but his eyes were gleaming with desire, and in an instant his pants were being thrown across the room. He looked down at the shirt she wore and broke out into a huge, smug - very pleased with himself smile.

Abby followed his gaze and laughed. “So, I see I’m back in your shirts again, am I?” She said with a giggle, not having even noticed it before now.

“Not for long.” And in a flash the shirt was sailing through the air.

“But I thought you liked me in them?” she questioned, trying her best to appear coy- but the feel of his cool skin against hers was distracting – to say the least, and she found herself wriggling impatiently against him.

“I like you
of them!” He growled- playfully nipping at her lips. “And if I have my way, neither one of us will ever wear another stitch of clothing again,” he whispered huskily, his hand cupping her breast as his thumb teased her nipple into a hard peak – bringing yet another moan from her lips.

She needed him so desperately – as if her very existence depended on it. “Or ever leave this bed for that matter.”

“Mmmm, that’s very tempting,” she breathed, arching her back up towards him. His lips took the place of his hand and she twisted her fingers in his hair, pulling him closer. “Please,” she whimpered, needing him to be buried deep inside her.

Desmond looked up into the eyes of his mate and smiled – feeling her need as if it were his own - which in reality, it was. With a low growl he stationed himself between her thighs and slowly slid inside her as his mouth took hers.

He stilled, relishing the feel of being home – one with his mate – his wife. He broke their kiss and stared into her eyes. “I love you, Abby. You are my heart, my life, my soul,” he murmured, with so much feeling that Abby’s eyes widened - reeling from the onslaught of emotions that were coming from him!

She was in absolute awe as she felt everything he was feeling and she knew that this man loved and cherished her above all else. That he would protect her and stand by her side for eternity, and the realization of it all was staggering. The depth of his love was boundless. He would kill to protect her.

“Is this what it will be like?” she asked in wonder. “My God, it’s as if…as if…” she broke off, unable to find the words as tears sprang to her eyes.

“We are one soul now,” he softly whispered and smiled when she nodded emphatically. He kissed her tears away as he began moving his hips slowly, torturously - and Abby moaned again, her legs wrapping around him as her body matched his movements to perfection.

Her hands cupped his face as she stared into the blue depths she loved more than life itself. “Love doesn’t seem strong enough a word for what I feel for you,” she stated- simply, truthfully, and he felt as if his non-beating heart had suddenly burst to life. “I love and adore you and can’t wait to spend eternity with you. You are everything to me, Desmond. You have given me love and warmth and family. And I will cherish you for eternity.”

Desmond groaned, unable to speak. Her love was everything to him, and he would never tire of hearing her say the words. They were a rich, soothing balm that washed away all the darkness of his past.

He quickened his pace, his body desperately needing this release. It seemed as if it had been a lifetime since he had made love to her and he realized that he would forever want more. An eternity would never be long enough with this woman.

When he felt her body begin to tighten, she grabbed his face in her hands once again and looked deeply into his eyes, her emerald depths sparkling with desire and love. “Desmond,” she pleaded, breathless. “Drink from me.” His eyes widened slightly as she turned her head and offered him her neck.

“Abby,” he protested, his eyes going to the pulse beating just beneath her silken flesh and he felt his fangs descend.

“Please, Des,” she begged – wanting nothing more at that moment than to give herself to him in every way possible, to show him that she trusted him above all others, that she belonged to him - and he found that he could not refuse her. Not when he could clearly feel her desire, her trust – her love.

She gasped as his fangs sank into her and his hips began to thrust harder, faster against her - in rhythm with each pull from her vein and Abby was certain she had actually died and gone to Heaven. Nothing should ever feel this good – this right. Cripes, what he was doing to her should be illegal! She cried out his name in wonderment as her orgasm slammed through her, taking him with her. Desmond withdrew his fangs and tenderly licked the wounds on her neck as he whispered endearments into her ear, his body still joined with hers.

“My God, Abby,” he breathed, his eyes capturing and holding hers. “You never cease to amaze and astound me,” he said in utter admiration – his words overflowing with the love he felt.

She caressed his cheek, her eyes sparkling. “I love you, my husband.” She murmured with a smile. “I am yours in every possible sense of the word and will be for eternity.”

Abby nestled in the circle of Desmond’s arms and sighed in complete and utter contentment. There were no words, she thought with a smile. This man was hers. Now and forever – and just the thought of spending eternity with him warmed her in a way that had her heart soaring. Her brows furrowed a moment later as the memory of him lying on the floor of that basement flashed in her mind. She had come far too close to losing him, and the thought of all that had happened down there, scared her to death. Would there be others? Would her blood always be a commodity that demons would come after?

“Abby?” Desmond’s soft voice embraced her as his arms tightened ever so slightly. “What’s wrong, baby?”

Damn, she thought with a slight grin, they really
feel each other’s emotions. She felt his concern instantly, and looked up at him.

“I was just thinking about what happened,” she whispered, snuggling closer to him. “Des, what did I do? How did I…” she shivered slightly – not in the least bit upset that she had blown that bastard to smithereens -but wondering just how in the hell she had done it. She could only remember her blind rage at seeing Desmond lying there – and then the next… Holy Hell.

“My love,” he replied softly, his hand gently rubbing the small of her back. “You will find that you have many powers now that your Fey blood has come out of its dormancy.”

“I will?” she questioned, her eyes wide. “Well, if they are anything like that…” she stopped, shaking the image abruptly away. She had never felt such power before and it scared her - then she remembered her ring! She glanced down at her hand and there it was, the same as it ever had been – no pulsating, glowing red stone. “My ring glowed red,” she told him softly.

Desmond’s fingers wrapped around her chin, and he lifted her face up to meet his – his eyes warm and tender. “From your anger,” he replied simply. “There is no need to worry, my love. We will deal with whatever comes our way - together,” he reassured her, his lips lightly touching hers. “We will work on harnessing your powers so that you will be able to control them. They will help to protect you against the evil out there.” He leaned back and smiled at her – quirking his eyebrow slightly. “Just please, until you do
promise to remind me
to piss you off,” he said, trying desperately to look serious which only caused Abby to burst into a fit of giggles - and the sound was music to his ears. “The thought of laying at your feet a pile of ash does not interest me in the least,” he said, nuzzling her neck. “Especially when I would be missing out on all of this,” he growled softly, running his hand along her belly and up to her breast, loving the feel of her silken flesh beneath his fingers. He smiled smugly when a groan escaped her mouth. “All mine,” he whispered and Abby’s smile broadened – her entire face lighting up as she felt his wonder and possessiveness and longing – but most of all his unconditional and absolute love.

“All yours,” she murmured, her body heating at his touch.

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