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Authors: Vasily Grossman

A Writer at War (62 page)

BOOK: A Writer at War
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Gertler (in

Giterman, Girsh




Glushakov (soldier)

Glyanko (

Goebbels, Joseph

Goebbels, Magda

Goering, Hermann

Golfman (battery commander)

Golyaperov (soldier)


Gomell, Major-General Ernst

Gorbatov, General

Gordov, General Vasily Nikolayevich

Gorelik, Lieutenant Colonel

Gorelov, Colonel

Gorishny, Lieutenant General Vasily A.

Gorky, Maksim

Gorokhov, Colonel S.F.


Great Terror

Greiser, Arthur

Gromov (soldier)

Grossman, Anna Petrovna Matsuk (‘Galya’)

Grossman, Olga Mikhailovna (‘Lyusya’)
; Grossman’s letters to

Grossman, Semyon (father)
and n
; Grossman’s letters to

Grossman, Vasily Semyonovich: birth and early years
; character and personality
; at Moscow University
; marriage and birth of daughter
; works as mining engineer
; publishes novels
; survives purges
, begins relationship with Olga Mikhailovna Guber
; and his mother
; unfit for army
; employed by
Krasnaya Zvezda
; trains for the front
; journeys to Gomel
; visits Aviation Fighter Regiment
; at the front
; at meeting of Belorussian Communist Party
; and bombing of Gomel
; escapes to Orel
; ordered back to the front
; attached to
th Army
; in the Ukraine
; and Major Babadzhanyan
; avoids capture
; at capture of Orel
; escapes back to Moscow
; visits Tolstoy’s estate
; sent back to the front
; visits father
; begins
The People Immortal
, (
see Works
); on South-Western Front
; at Svatovo airfield
; with
th Army
; with Khasin Tank Brigade
; on leave to write novel
; ordered to Stalingrad
; visits Tolstoy’s grave again
; at Stalingrad
; and death of stepson and nephew
; annoyed at editing of his articles
; delivers presents for Political Department
; after Stalingrad
; suffers from strain
; sent to Kalmykia
; discovers about the Holocaust
; name deleted from Stalin Prize list
; in Ukraine
; rejoins Chuikov’s army
; at battle of Kursk
; at liberation of Orel
; and anti-Semitism
; joins Jewish Anti-Fascist Committee
; and liberation of Ukraine
; hears of massacres of Jews
; and Berdichev massacre
; advances with 3rd Ukrainian Front
; disillusioned over Stalinism
; in Odessa
; meets Babadzhanyan
; with
General Batov’s
th Army
; interviews German generals
; and liberation of Poland
; rejoins General Chuikov
; visits Treblinka
; collapses from nervous exhaustion
; rejoins 1st Belorussion Front
; enters Warsaw
; visits ghetto
; enters
; on behaviour of Red Army
; with Chuikov’s army in Pozna
; advances towards Berlin
; reaches River Oder
; en route to Berlin
; in Berlin
; collapses again
; and postwar anti-Semitism
; and publication of
Life and Fate
, (
see Works
); death


‘Accursed and Derided’

‘Axis of the Main Attack’

For a Just Cause

Forever Flowing

Glück auf!

‘The Hell Called Treblinka’

If We are to Believe the Pythagoreans

‘In the Enemy’s Bunker – On the Western Axis’

‘In the Town of Berdichev’

‘The Killing of Jews in Berdichev’

Life and Fate

‘Military Council’

‘Murder of the People’

BOOK: A Writer at War
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