Abducted (7 page)

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Authors: Adera Orfanelli

Tags: #Science Fiction/Fantasy

BOOK: Abducted
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The palace beckoned with its marble floors and beautiful tapestries. She wanted to see every inch of her prison, for although its bars might be gilded, as far as she was concerned it was a cage. Smoothing the fabric over her hips, she slipped her feet into soft house shoes before leaving her room.

Jacey made special note of the tapestry on the wall beside her room, fixing it in her mind for a reference point. The weaving boasted a bare-chested man standing over his opponent. Along the bottom, she made out the word
, though Jacey had no idea what it meant.

She started down the hall, noticing a large, ornately carved door. For a moment, she wondered if it was Aidan’s door. Low, throaty laughter came from inside, and she instantly recognized the husky notes as belonging to Aidan. A higher-pitched giggle followed. A child?

Jacey paused. She curled her hand around the doorknob. Heart pounding, she turned it, then paused. What if she intruded? Aidan had told her he was going to work, and his laugh sounded too lighthearted for work. Surely he hadn’t lied to her.

She pushed the door open.

Aidan sat on a rug in front of the hearth, a pile of small furry creatures in his lap. Beside him stood a tall, slender blonde woman. Her silver scarves barely concealed her breasts, and the skirt gave ample view of the woman’s trim buttocks. A towheaded boy stood beside her, clearly the woman’s son. He giggled again as one of the furry creatures covered in gray tiger-striped fur lunged from the pile to lick Aidan’s chin.

Aidan tipped his head back. His booming laugh filled the room. With gentle hands he picked up the four-legged animal. Its small ears swiveled toward the man holding it, and it made a small cry, almost like a meow. The creature turned its head and Jacey saw the pointed snout. It looked like a cross between a cat and a dog. The quivering mass of bodies made her think of a litter of puppies.

Aidan swung the tiny creature above his head. The beast made a light growling noise, then shrieked. Instantly, he pulled it back to his chest, cuddling the animal. He made soothing noises and patted the creature on the head.

He looked up. His eyes widened when he saw Jacey standing at the doorway. With a smile, he held out the wriggling gray body toward her. “Would you like to play with a

“A furma-what?” Jacey asked. She stepped fully into the room and closed the door behind her. Some of the catlike creatures were crawling out of Aidan’s lap and she didn’t want any to escape.

“A furmarup.”

“They look like kittens with pointy noses to me,” Jacey replied. She strode toward the group, noticing Aidan’s gaze caressing every inch of her body. In the silken gown with no undergarments, she felt sexy. The fabric caressed her breasts, her nipples hardening against it. The slinky material moved over her buttocks, and she wondered if they made sheets out of the stuff. For a moment, she imagined Aidan laying her down, his lips moving over her body until he drank from the heart of her, the silken sheets sliding against her back. Her pussy tightened and grew damp. She knelt in front of Aidan, which put her breasts at eye level. His gaze seemed riveted to the points of her nipples pressing against the fabric. “I thought you were going to catch up on work.”

Reluctantly, Aidan drug his gaze back to her face. “My steward, Ailissa, handled everything in my absence. This is her son, Bani. His furmarup had a litter shortly after I left, and he couldn’t wait to show me the kits.”

“I see,” she said, her gaze suddenly riveted by his hardening cock as it pressed against the fabric of his robe. The gown barely covered his knees, his bare calves and feet poking out from beneath the hem. She licked her lips, and Aidan’s gaze followed the movement.

Aidan scooped up the furmarups in his lap. “I think the kits have had enough excitement for today,” he said, handing them back to Ailissa.

She nodded. “I’ll see to it that you’re not disturbed.” With a soft smile for Jacey, she herded her son and the furmarups from the room. As soon as she’d left, Aidan reached for her.

He clasped her ribs, pulling her down into his lap. Jacey straddled him, her skirt riding high on her thighs. He cupped her face in his hands and kissed her. Something shifted inside her when she saw Aidan with the kitten-like creatures. He seemed so tender that her kidnapping seemed like a horrible dream. Her lips moved over his, drawing a broken sigh from him as he tightened his arms around her. Against her pussy, his arousal throbbed through the thin fabric of his robe. Her hands threaded through his hair and held him to her.

With gentle strokes, Aidan moved his tongue along hers. His cock pressed against her, hungry for entry, and Jacey shifted on his lap to bring him even closer to her. Slowly, he caressed her back. The fabric slid sensuously over her skin, and Jacey pulled her lips away with a moan.

She nibbled her way along the line of his jaw to the curve of his throat. No pulse beat a steady tattoo against her lips, and she sucked greedily where it might have been. She shifted, allowing Aidan to slide his hands beneath the dress.

His skin against hers sent shivers down her spine. He tugged the dress toward her shoulders, and she leaned back, allowing him to skim the fabric from her body. Reaching for her, he cupped her breasts in his hands. “So perfect,” he said, leaning forward to lave her nipples with long strokes of his tongue. “So tempting.”

Jacey smelled the scent of her arousal. The rug cushioned her knees, and she wondered what it would be like to be fucked on it. She rose, impatient now, and tugged at Aidan’s robe.

He chuckled softly, a husky sound that wrapped around her and went straight to her core. He quickly shifted position and sent his robe floating through the air to join her dress. Wrapping his hands around her waist, he pulled her back to him.

The first touch of his hard cock at her opening forced a cry of desire from Jacey. She lowered onto his hard shaft. With her hands on his shoulders, she braced, and when Aidan reached between her legs to rub her clit, she nearly climaxed.

His thumb moved in sure circles over the tight bud, sending wave after wave of pleasure cascading through her body.
So gentle with the furmarup and now with me
. The cords on his neck stood out. She knew he wanted his release and wanted it badly. The thought that he waited for her only made her burn even hotter for him.

Jacey moved her hips against him. Each touch brought her closer to the edge, until she finally fell over in a ground-shattering climax. Her cry echoed in the room.

Then, Aidan moved.

He thrust shallowly against her. Beads of sweat emerged on his forehead, and Jacey leaned forward and licked the salty drops. Rising on her knees, she moved over his cock, sliding down again until he was buried deep inside her. She rocked over him, retreating, returning, lost in the sensations of his cock inside her body. Higher and higher she soared, the desire thrumming through her body intoxicating.

Aidan’s thumb rubbed her clit, sliding down to stroke where they joined. Pleasure shot through Jacey, and with a harsh cry, she arched her back above him. Her release pounded through her, harder and faster than any she had experienced. Her breath came in tiny gasps as she shattered above him.

Aidan grabbed her waist. He hammered himself home, stroking inside her hot, tight sheath. Bonelessly, Jacey let him. He thrust into her slick depths, then with a guttural cry, he came.

Jacey slumped against him.
I could really feel for him
. The thought made her sit upright and stare at Aidan. He rested his forehead against her shoulder, his softening cock sliding from her. Lightly, she ruffled his hair.
My God, I actually could care for an android.

Chapter Five

Jacey mulled her situation as she strolled beside Aidan in a garden. Sunlight cast dappled pools of light beneath the boughs of the trees towering around them. Flowers, white as snow, bloomed on almost every available surface, and their sweet odor filled her nose with the scent of a sinfully sugary confection. Aidan’s hand engulfed hers, a warm, comforting presence.

The holographic theater didn’t do this justice. Damn, this place is beautiful
. She looked around her again, at the tiny purple and pink flowers creeping along the ground, to the lushly manicured trails of green grass. A slight breeze ruffled the leaves and teased strands of her hair.

Aidan halted. His emerald eyes softened as he looked down at her, and, gently, he tipped her chin so her gaze met his. “Are you happy?”

Jacey swallowed. She pursed her lips, her mind tumbling through the events of the last few days. Kidnapped from her planet. Taken to some strange land and told she would marry a robot. She wanted to yell at him that hell no, she wasn’t happy and she wasn’t going to stand for it any longer, but she couldn’t. She looked down at her gown, a luxurious garment in deep indigo that covered her from shoulders to knees. Breakfast tasted better than anything she’d ever cooked for herself, and her maids kept her suite spotless. “Yeah. It could be worse.”

Lightly, he smoothed his thumb over her cheek. Sparks lit from his flesh to hers, and Jacey fought against a shiver that tightened her nipples into hard peaks. “You don’t sound convinced.”

She smiled. “A part of me wants to yell at you for taking me away.” She gestured to the beauty surrounding her. “But this is ten times better than anything I’d have back on Earth, and you didn’t take me away from much. You’ve fed me, clothed me, and you’re a handsome man, Aidan. So yes, I can say I’m happy. I miss Earth, and I hope to see it again, but for now, I’m happy.” The conviction in her voice amazed her, and her smile grew.

Aidan leaned forward and brushed his lips across her forehead. “Good. I want to make you happy, Jacey. You know that, don’t you?”

Jacey nodded. Sudden tears at his tender words stung her eyes, and she blinked them hastily away. Not soon enough, for a tear spilled from her eye. The cool liquid slid down her cheek.

Aidan leaned forward. His warm lips scooped up the tear, his tongue caressing her flesh. “Don’t cry,” he whispered.

His husky voice sent shivers down Jacey’s spine, and she reached for him. Her hands closed around his biceps, the muscles hard beneath her fingers. Aidan’s lips trailed over her face, along the line of her jaw, until he sucked against the pulse point beating in her neck.

Heat rushed through her body. Moisture filled her pussy. The gentle sweep of his lips over her skin nearly made her tear up again. No man had been so tender with her before. He skimmed his hands along her ribs, his fingers warm through the fabric of her shirt. Over the floral scent hanging in the air, she smelled the woodsy odor of his skin. All thoughts fled as he slipped the strap of the gown from her shoulder and laved the exposed skin with his tongue.

He reached up and dislodged the other strap of the dress. He slid them down her arms until the dress gaped in front. Folds of silky indigo fabric surrounded her breasts. The pale skin drew his gaze, and he nuzzled her soft flesh.

As his lips moved across her skin, tasting her, savoring her, Jacey wondered if she had felt anything more wonderful. He treated her as if she were special, truly fit to be a princess to his prince. No man had ever treated her that way.
He’s not a man. He’s a robot
. The thought should have sent shivers coursing through her and made her run as far as she could. Instead, she stood there, her hands sliding over his arms to his shoulders.
I don’t care if he’s programmed to do this. Not now.

His lips pulled the fabric from her breasts, revealing her hardened nipples. As his warm mouth closed over a tight bud, Jacey tilted her head back. A moan of pleasure escaped her lips.
I might care. Later…

* * * *

Jacey’s moan shot through him straight to his cock. It pressed against the front of his robe, pounding for release. He sent extra resources to his self-control subroutines, knowing that he could keep his body in check just until Jacey received her full measure of pleasure. His sexual programming accelerated. It fed him with a hunger that he couldn’t deny. The touch sensors in his bare feet told him the grass was soft enough to fuck her on, and he intended to do just that.

“Drop your arms.” He lightly skimmed his hands back up her sides, and when Jacey complied, he gave the fabric a light tug that sent it pooling at her feet.

Naked. Perfect. His cock throbbed. The ache threatened to short-circuit his logic center, and he breathed deeply, trying to keep control. He cupped her ass, pulling her against him so she could feel the full strength of his need.

Jacey’s tiny gasp told him she felt his rod pressing against her, and his slender finger slid between her legs and stroked her hot pussy. The musky aroma of her arousal tantalized his olfactory routines, and his taste subcommands relished the soft flavor of her skin. Holding her against him, he stepped forward until her back pressed against a tree. She raised her legs and wrapped them around his waist.

He pulled the tight bud of her nipple into his mouth, rolling it with his tongue. Her pussy so close to him, yet separated by the fabric of his robe, tormented him. Her heat radiated through the fabric; her moisture soaked it, and still he couldn’t bury his cock inside her.

A twig broke behind him. He doubted Jacey heard, but with his keen sense of hearing, he did. Reluctantly, he pulled his lips away from hers. He shifted his weight, shielding Jacey’s body from view of anyone behind them.

The swish of feet moving through grass sounded closer, and even Jacey lifted her head. “Someone’s here,” she whispered.

“I know. Don’t worry. I am the Lord of this land.” He brushed a quick kiss against the top of her breast, then turned his head. “Halt! I gave orders that this park was to be mine alone.”

A servant girl, barely old enough to have earned the translucent scarf around her breasts, stepped forward. She bowed, careful to keep her eyes always on the ground. “I am sorry, my Lord, but I was sent to tell you that you shall feast tonight in honor of your lady. I meant no disrespect.” She kept her eyes averted.

“Very well,” he said, his voice softening. Inside, he wanted to demand why he wasn’t informed before he left his palace but knew the young girl shouldn’t bear the wrath of his anger. “Thank you. You may return to your duties now.”

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