Alpha Hunter (13 page)

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Authors: Cyndi Friberg

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Romance, #Science Fiction, #Science Fiction & Fantasy, #Space Opera

BOOK: Alpha Hunter
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She’d been rather nosy already, but she couldn’t help but ask, “
Is your father still alive?”

Aria shook her head and glanced into the distance. “
Sending Drakkin to rescue me was my father’s last wish. We’ve interacted briefly on the metaphysical plane. I’d love to have known him better.”

, you seem genuinely happy. Drakkin must be doing something right.” She sighed, fiddling with the bedspread. “I hope my roller-coaster ride has a happy ending.”

Aria stilled and all humor left her expression. “If you need some time to sort through your feelings, I can have Drakkin back Blayne off. You’ve been through a lot in the past few days. It’s natural to feel overwhelmed.”

Angie suspected his absence would be more of a distraction than a blessing. She’d never hid from a conflict in her life and she didn’t intend to start now. “I’m not afraid of Blayne. If I need him to back off, I’ll tell him to. We don’t need a referee.”

“All right.”
Aria pushed to her feet. “Shall I send up a tray? You two were occupied during dinner.”

“I’m not hungry, but I’d love another glass of
blood wine. Might increase the chances that I’ll actually sleep.”

“I’ll see to it. There should be an assortment of toiletries in the bathroom. Is there anything else you need?”

“Could I borrow something to wear tomorrow? Blayne didn’t give me time to pack before we came here.”

“I had no idea you left in such a hurry. You’re quite a bit taller than me, but I’m sure I can find something that will fit you.” Aria
hurried from the room, then returned a short time later with an assortment of clothing draped over her arm. “I know it’s not your usual style, but I figured dresses and skirts would be more forgiving than pants with our height difference. If you stay more than a day or two, I’ll take you shopping.”

“This is
great. Thank you.” She took the clothes from Aria and laid them across the foot of the bed.

“I wasn’t sure what to do about underwear. I can send one of the servants out for some. I didn’t think you’d want to borrow.”

“I have no problem going commando for a day or two. If we’re going to stay longer, I’ll take you up on the shopping spree.” She gave Aria a hug and walked her to the door. “What about Blayne? Can you raid Drakkin’s closet for him?”

“Blayne’s a Mystic. It’s likely he can conjure clothes, but I’ll ask Drakkin to be sure.”

“Thank you for all of this.”

“You’re welcome. Now get some rest.”

The room felt empty and overly quiet after Aria left so Angie went out onto the railed balcony and watched the sun sink behind the trees. Other than the green-tinged sky the scene looked very much like Earth. Cool air caressed her cheek and the scent of pine or something similar drifted on the breeze, fresh and invigorating.

Her surroundings
might not look that different, but she was on an alien world. Her mind was still struggling with the reality of what that meant. Worse, she’d been brought here without resources. She knew no one but Blayne and Aria. She had no way to return home without their assistance. Not that going home was a much better option. Until the Shadow Assassins were caught or neutralized, she wasn’t safe on Earth.

Vertigo swirled through her mind and weakened her knees. She grasped the balcony’s thick wooden railing, struggling to remain on her feet. Her vision blurred, light dimmed and then flared burning away reality.

A room came into focus. The basic structure formed before the details separated from the shadows. An oblong table with simple wooden chairs, a kitchen in the background, and a sliding glass door framed by narrow windows. Angie didn’t understand the significance of the room until Nazerel walked in and sat down at the table. She tried to expand the image, to determine the location of the house. The harder she concentrated the weaker her body became.

Arms wrapped around her, supporting and stabilizing her. She accepted the assistance without shifting her focus from the vision. Nazerel
opened a thick notebook across the table. She’d heard about the notebook, knew it contained information on potential victims. Still, seeing hundreds of well-organized pages sent dread and anger twisting through her consciousness. The program was premeditated, each victim carefully chosen for characteristics she didn’t fully understand. It made the outcome even worse somehow. This was no crime of passion; it was the systematic targeting of a group of women for the benefit of others.

Nazerel turned to a page near the middle of the notebook and angled the binder upward so the light hit the page just right. Angie saw the woman’s image and cringed. Pale blonde hair, delicate features, and a mysterious little smile, Jillian used this shot for publicity and
included it with her resume. Why was Jillian in the notebook? This made no sense. With obvious interest, Nazerel passed his thumb over Jillian’s cheek almost as if he caressed the woman rather than a sheet of paper.

No! Angie fought against the vision, battling her way back to reality. She would not stand by and allow a dear friend to be victimized in her place. The image bent, undulating as she struggled free of the image. Nazerel’s head came up and he looked around with obvious suspicion.

“Angie?” A cruel smile twisted his lips and then the vision released.

Angie returned to her body in a sickening rush. She gasped and blinked, bringing the balcony back into focus. She was
sitting on the floor between Blayne’s thighs, her legs draped over one of his. His arm supported her back and he looked at her with obvious concern.

“Are you with me?”
He brushed her hair back from her face, his touch wonderfully gentle.

She took a deep breath and waited for the lingering haze to dissipate. “I saw Nazerel, but I couldn’t tell where he was.”

“Was the vision spontaneous or were you trying to find him?”

She rubbed her temples, trying to alleviate the lingering throb. “It just happened.”

“Don’t be discouraged. You’ll likely have more control if you intentionally activate your gift.” He reached to the side and picked up a glass of wine. “Aria asked me to give this to you.”

Angie thanked him for the beverage then raised it to her lips. The wine was sweet and spicy, the warmth welcome. “Jillian is in the notebook. Nazerel was looking at her bio.”

“Jillian is the blonde you were going to run to when you decided to ditch me?”

His phrasing made her smile. “We need to let Lor know she needs protection.”

Blayne stood and helped her to her feet. “Are you all right
now? I can send a message through one of the servants if you don’t want me to leave.”

“Go on.
” She waved him toward the door. “I’m fine.”

“At least
come inside. You’re too exposed out here.”

“Exposed to what? No one knows I’m here.”

“I’d still feel better if you went inside.”

Not in the mood to argue, she followed him into the suite’s common room. “I’m going to go take a bath.” Needing to regain some measure of control, she added, “You’re welcome to join me when you return.”

She expected a smile or chuckle. Instead his gaze turned hot and hungry. “I won’t be long,” he promised and then left the suite.


Chapter Five


Drakkin sent a telepathic message to Lor
, warning him of Nazerel’s interest in Jillian. “Was there anything else he needs to know?” The humor in his tone was unmistakable. He lounged in one of the high-backed chairs in the massive library, looking every bit the lord of the manor.

“No, sir.
That was all.” Blayne hadn’t felt this awkward since the day of his Choosing when the Mystics assessed his worth and declared him worthy of training. Still, Drakkin was a living legend, and Angie had Blayne tied in knots.

“Are you avoiding her?”
With characteristic directness, Drakkin cut to the heart of the matter.

“I don’t trust myself with her.” Blayne
ambled farther into the room and sat in a chair facing his host.

“You want her.”

It wasn’t a question, but Blayne added, “Badly.”

“Is she indifferent to your desire or too willing for your peace of mind?”

“I’ve been entrusted with her protection and her training. I can’t indulge my desires, even if they are reciprocated.”

“Generally I would agree with you, but time is of the essence
in this case. Her gift can be used to locate Nazerel and perhaps the other Shadow Assassins, but first she must learn how to control her abilities.”

“I understand that.”

“She resists any hint of force because of an abusive past. Your only hope of creating a link interactive enough for accelerated learning is a full-body joining.” Drakkin paused as if to give Blayne a moment to absorb the implications of the strategy. “If she’s willing to have sex with you, it might be your best option.”

“That’s the problem. I don’t want to have sex with her. I want to
with her, claim her body, soul, and spirit.”

A wry smile curved Drakkin’s lips. “That is a complication. I convinced myself I’d keep things casual with Aria and I still claimed her as soon as our bodies joined.
If Angie is your mate, you must tread carefully, but avoiding her will only postpone the inevitable.”

“I know.” He raked his hair with his fingers as his mind raced on ahead.

“Angie is unusually comfortable with her sexuality, especially for a human. Don’t be afraid to access that side of her personality. As long as you’re honest with why you’re touching her, she will likely cooperate.”

“How do I remain honest about what I want from her without terrifying her? She uses sex as a shield, a way of keeping herself from feeling legitimate emotions.”

“The fact that you understand that distinction is more of an advantage than you realize. She needs to face those demons. They’ve tormented her long enough. She’ll never move beyond the pain until she does.”

“Were you able to see what happened, why she’s so filled with rage?”

“I was, but I won’t tell you. It’s Angie’s choice to trust you or not. I’m hoping she will. I think you’ll be good for each other.”

Blayne smiled as he stood. “I appreciate the vote of confidence. I’m going to need that and more.”

“I said it once before, but it bears repeating. She’s stronger than you think she is. Don’t be afraid to push her beyond the pain.”

Drakkin didn’t give advice lightly, so Blayne
considered the comment as he made his way back to the ambassador suite. He’d sensed the gaping wounds deep in Angie’s psyche. Only something dark and violent had the power to create such destruction. And apparently Angie had never dealt with the emotional ramifications of what she’d suffered. If she’d avoided the pain all these years, she would resist confronting it now. Unfortunately, her past was hindering her present and he needed her unencumbered by ghosts.

The common room was empty, so Blayne checked one bedroom and then the other. True to her word, she was soaking in a bathtub, the bathroom door ajar.
All he could see was the back of her head until he noticed her reflection in the large mirror mounted above the sink. She’d piled her hair on top of her head, her slender arms rested on the rim of the tub and her eyes were closed as she relaxed. The currents created by the jets of air concealed her body beneath the swirling water. Still, the sight of her dewy skin was enough to fuel his imagination.

“Are you going to join me?” she asked without opening her eyes.

He couldn’t help but grin. She’d meant join him in the tub, but his body immediately contemplated a far more intimate joining. “I’d rather watch,” he whispered.

Her eyes flew open and she met his gaze in the mirror.
“Really? I wouldn’t have pegged you for a voyeur.” She gave a one-shoulder shrug that made the water ripple across her breasts. “Each to their own.”

Crossing the room, he lowered the lid and sat on the stool so he could
see her directly. “If we had weeks rather than days, I could use conventional training techniques.”

“But,” she prompted. “We’re in a hurry, so
what’s the option?”

“Fear, pain or pleasure.
Each creates a surge in emotion, opening the mind to outside forces.”

“Well, I’m not afraid of you and I’m not into pain, so that leaves pleasure.” She tilted her head a
s a lazy smile parted her lips. “Does this mean we’ll be having sex after all?”

Lust spiraled through his body, intently hardening his cock. He clenched his fists and took a slow, deep breath. “It means we’ll have to be creative, but I still think it’s a very bad idea to actually have sex.”

Her deep blue eyes drilled into his, narrowed and intense. “Are you involved with someone?”

“There is no way I would have kissed you, much less—gone down on you if I’d been involved with someone else.”

“Then why are you so afraid of having sex with me?”

He ch
uckled then shook his head. “Believe me, it’s not fear I feel when I look at you.”

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