Alpha Male Incorporated Under Your Protection (15 page)

BOOK: Alpha Male Incorporated Under Your Protection
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“Do it,” he encouraged in a much deeper voice than he’d used earlier. “Show me.”

Before she changed her mind, Sahara slid the fabric up her body, pulled it over her head dropping it behind her. Slowly, Jax’s hot gaze raked over her breasts, unfettered by a bra,
before his fingertips traced the birthmark on her left breast right above her nipple.

“Do you know what this is” Jax asked as he cupped her breast in the palm of his hand. “I can tell you if you want me to because every vampire knows what his
woman’s mark is and the true meaning behind it.”

“There is no special meaning behind that thing. It’s just an ugly birthmark that I’m going to have removed as soon as I’m done promoting my new upcoming CD. I’ve hated that thing for years.”

“Don’t you dare have it removed,” Jax snapped, brushing his thumb over it. “This birthmark makes you very special. Every
woman has a different one only meant for her. This mark symbolizes what makes you who you are. It’s a harp.

“The harp is the symbol of love in the form of a lyrical art, poetry and music. The harp shares a mythical connection with the bridge of love between heaven and earth. It’s like the purest form of devotion and love.”

Sahara loved how Jax was trying to make her birthmark more than it was but she was going to still have it removed because there was no way that quarter size blemish on her breast truly meant all of what he just told her. There was no way.

Lowering her down to the bed, Jax removed his hand from her breast and ran his tongue over it. The light brush of his tongue made her birthmark tingle like your fingertips did after being out in the cold too long.

“Oh, what did you do?” Sahara moaned, softly. She had touched the birthmark several times, but never gotten that prickling feeling before.

“When a vampire finds his mate he licks her mark to bond their connection making it even harder for her to reject him or their future together. It’s the first and most important step in marking her as his,” Jax said.

Sahara found it hard to believe all of this stuff Jax was telling her. Jax might believe he’d get control over her but he was wrong. She was her own woman and did what she wanted to do. She didn’t have time to be bonded to him or any other man because her profession was the most imperative thing in her life at the moment.

“You may think you have marked me but you haven’t. I can fight my desire for you anytime I want.” Sahara only hoped Jax wasn’t reading her mind, because he would find out what a big fat liar she was. “I have total control over my mind, body and soul.”

“Is that what you really believe?” he questioned, softly. Jax didn’t give her a chance to answer him before he trailed his mouth down the side of her neck inching his way over to her nipple.

His tongue flickered over the tight bud a couple of times before he sucked it into his warm mouth shooting sparks of desire from her breasts down the entire length of her body. Dizziness swirled around in Sahara’s head as Jax continued to kiss and lick his way down her skin until his mouth hovered above her belly button.

“Shit, I’m not even there yet and the scent of you is driving me to take a bite out of you this very moment, but I have control. I can wait until I get to the sweetness I want more than anything in the world. Do you want me to lick all of this stickiness away from between your beautiful thighs?” Pushing her skirt up further, Jax spread her legs until the bottom of her feet were flat against the mattress.

Sahara tried to speak but the words got lost as she watched Jax’s tongue come out and lick his fuller bottom lip. “Baby, do you want my touch...or better yet my tongue?”

He glanced up from between her legs and his eyes locked with her. His look was so
that Sahara grabbed the sheets with her hands to keep them from reaching for Jax.

“Surprise me,” Sahara finally whispered when she regained her voice.

With a masculine smile that spread from ear to ear, Jax lowered his head and inserted one long thick finger inside of her.


Chapter Twenty-Six



Closing her eyes, Sahara loosened her grip on the sheets allowing her limbs to relax as Jax continued to wrap her up in his allure. He worked two more fingers into her wetness stretching her to the limit.

“Oh God,” she moaned softly as Jax’s long, thick digits worked at making her fall for him more than she already had.

This is so wrong

Sahara thought about stopping him for a second then shoved the idea from her mind. The way Jax was touching her felt too damn amazing to end.

“Please...I need...” She wasn’t quite sure what she was pleading for, all she knew was Jax would be the only man who could give it to her.

“Sahara, you don’t ever have to beg for what I want to give to you freely.”

Moving away from her trembling body, Jax slowly stood up. He quickly removed his shoes, pulled his t-shirt over his head then finally shed his pants adding them to the rumpled pile on the floor.

Sahara’s breath caught at the sight of Jax’s powerful, well muscled naked body. He stood in front of her as if he knew he looked good and didn’t have a problem showing it off. She didn’t know where to look first, so she decided to work her way from bottom to top.

His confident stance emphasized the force of his strong thighs and the slimness of his hips. Her eyes widened as they continued to travel the length of Jax’s hot unclothed body and all her mind could focus on was how his long, beautifully made hard cock curved against the blond sprinkle of hair on his washboard abs.

His shoulders were wide and a mouth-watering golden tan like the rest of his flawless body.

“You’re beautiful,” Sahara whispered as Jax closed the distance between them rejoining her on the bed.

“No, baby. You’re the beautiful one,” Jax complimented as he unsnapped her skirt and pulled it off her sweaty body. “I never thought my mate would make my blood sizzle the way you do without even trying. I can barely control myself. Are you ready for me?”

Biting her bottom lip, Sahara nodded then moaned when Jax eased the tip of his cock into her body and she hissed at the invasion of his thickness. She never imagined how it would feel to have Jax inside of her. Her hand shot out and touched him in the middle of his warm chest.

“Can you please wait? You’re so big and I need a few minutes.”

“Oh’re so snug and hot,” Jax hissed. “It’s hard for me to put into words how good you feel, but I can wait.”

Sahara squirmed around on the bed trying to get used to having Jax’s cock in her for the very first time. God, Jax wasn’t even all of the way inside of her and she already felt stuffed.

“Baby, stop moving like that or I’m going to lose what little restraint I have,” he growled as he reached for her hips holding them still.

“Sorry,” Sahara apologized.

“Not a problem. Are you ready now?”

“Yes”, she nodded.

Jax held her hips a little tighter as he slipped more of his cock into her and then he suddenly stopped, pulling completely out of her.

“FUCK!” he snapped as he jumped off the bed.

What in the hell was going on

Sahara watched as Jax grabbed her clothes off the floor. What in the world was Jax doing? They were so close to making love. She was about to give him her virginity and then he just stopped and jumped off of the bed. There better be a
good reason for him stopping like this.

“You have to get dressed. I hear someone coming and I think it’s your uncle.”

“Oh my God,” Sahara screamed as she bolted off the bed. She snatched her clothes out of Jax’s hand and hurriedly put them on. “He can’t catch me in here with you. What was I thinking? He’ll be pissed as hell. This can’t happen again.” She slipped on her shoes at the same time Jax pulled his t-shirt over his head.

She ran past him towards the closed bedroom door, but only got halfway when Jax’s hand shot out and latched on to her wrist.


“Sahara, you aren’t going to pretend this didn’t happen. If your uncle hadn’t come home from his trip early, my cock would be in your soft, tempting and very welcoming body right now. We will make love and sooner than you think.

“Now, don’t forget your mail on my dresser before you hide in your bedroom. I’ll be back up here to get you in an hour so we can go to this club you’re performing at on Friday.” Jax slipped his hand under her skirt, cupped her ass and then planted a soft kiss at the side of her neck.

“Remember you’re mine and I’m yours. What we shared in this room will stay here.” Jax removed his hands from her aroused body and sauntered over to the door, opened it and walked out without even looking back at her.

Standing alone in the now empty bedroom, Sahara for the first time in her life hated that her Uncle Frank had come home earlier than expected from one of his business trips. He’d just ruined her day without even knowing it.

Sighing, she made her way over to the door and picked up the mail off the dresser as she walked out of the room wondering if she’d gotten any new mail from one of her fans today.


Chapter Twenty-Seven




The large threatening words were written in red ink across the face of her picture from the interview she did a couple of months ago with Cosmopolitan about being an upcoming star in the world of music.

Sahara dropped the picture on her bed and covered her mouth quickly with her hand before the scream worked its way from her body and exploded from her tight throat.

No! This couldn’t be happening to her. Not now. Not with her performance tomorrow at the Kitty Kat club, the hottest club in South Beach, Florida. Why did she get this picture now? She thought this lunatic had forgotten about her and moved on.

She had to get rid of this picture because if her Uncle Frank, or worse Jax, laid eyes on it there was no way in hell that either of them would let her leave the house until this psycho was behind bars.

The instant fear she felt at seeing the picture eased its way from her body only to be replaced by boiling anger. How dare someone do this to her? They wanted to take her dream away, but she wasn’t going to allow it to happen.

Performing at the Kitty Kat club Friday would be a huge step in her career. Sure, a couple of her songs had landed in the Top 40 but she had to keep them there and rising. She didn’t think she was putting her life into danger by keeping this a secret. She was protecting her career and at the same time showing this person that they didn’t scare her.

Picking up the photo, she slid it back into the envelope and hit it underneath the pillow on her bed. She would find a better place to store it later and then she would give it to Jax after her performance on Friday.

Okay...Sahara knew she had to calm down because the hour Jax had given her was almost up and her bodyguard was very punctual. He would be back any minute to get her. She only hoped Jax wouldn’t have a huge problem with the location.

The Kitty Kat Club was located on a dead end street next to an alley, but it was truly the hottest place to be on Friday nights. The Kitty Kat club was so ‘exclusive’ that the bouncers at the door could turn you away based on your age, clothing or anything else they might not like. Some night performances at the club only allowed fans or people entrance if they are on a guest list.

Last month, Sahara had almost dropped her cell phone when the owner Archer personally called and invited her to sing there. Archer wasn’t big on wasting his time with anyone. He only called singers when he was a fan.

This could be a life-changing step in her career and she wasn’t about to stop living or achieving her ultimate goal because of a stalker. What Jax didn’t know for the moment wouldn’t hurt him because if he saw the frightening picture now, without a doubt in her mind, Jax would make her cancel her show.

Sahara knew she could handle this without involving Jax. All she had to do was keep all thoughts of the picture out of her mind and Jax wouldn’t be able to read her mind. He was already possessive of her but he wasn’t smothering...a trait she couldn’t and wouldn’t have in a man.

“You changed clothes,” a familiar voice commented behind her.

Picking up her purse and sunglasses off the bed, Sahara spun around and smiled at Jax. Her body instantly got warmer as the memory of what they had done an hour ago filled her mind. She could still feel Jax’s body inside of hers.

“Yes, I thought I would be more comfortable in jeans since I have to get in and out of that monster SUV you drive. It definitely wasn’t made for a woman at all.”

Walking up to him, she kissed him on the mouth and stepped back. “Where’s my Uncle Frank? I thought he’d come up here and see me.”

Jax touched her on the side and tugged her back against him. “I like that you kissed me first. How about we finish what we started earlier? Frank only stopped by the house to change clothes and check in with us before heading back to the office. He wanted to know if the stalker had sent any more letter or emails and I told him no.”

“Isn’t that a good thing?” Sahara hedged, placing her hand on Jax’s chest over his heart. “Hey, I thought vampires didn’t have a heartbeat because they’re considered the walking dead?”

“You watch way too many movies,” Jax sighed before giving her a quick kiss. “Baby, please don’t get caught up in the nonsense from movies because those vampires aren’t real. Yes, I have a heartbeat. I can eat garlic and I can even see my reflection when I look in a mirror which is a good thing since I need to shave every morning.

“But let’s get back to your first question,” he said, changing the subject. “No, it’s never a good thing when a stalker suddenly stops sending threatening material. No contact usually means he’s plotting something more dangerous. Starting tomorrow I’ll start going through the mail and making sure nothing is in there. Have you gotten any emails since we changed all of your old accounts to new ones?”

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