April, Dani - Superstar (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour) (12 page)

BOOK: April, Dani - Superstar (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)
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“I want it like this,” she informed Scott as she flopped over on her belly. The covers had bunched up uncomfortably against her ribs. “Wait,” she told him as she smoothed out the covers and got comfortable with her new position. “All right. I’m ready.”

He straddled her from behind. She felt his cock bounce along her buttocks and his hands pulling aside her cheeks. Getting comfortable, she placed a pillow under her chin and gently closed her eyes, waiting for yet another lover to take her to new places.

Scott carefully entered her, enfolding her with his body, positioning his elbows on either side of her face to hold himself above her. He used his hands to stroke her hair and massage her neck. Scott was just as well endowed as his brothers. She was so wet now from the previous lovemaking that she no longer needed to worry about lubrication. It was easy for him to slide in and out of her body at will. She moved her pussy up just a fraction of an inch to afford him deeper penetration into her.

“That feels nice,” she purred into her pillow.

And it did feel nice. He took it so slow she was able to start to move her rump back against his thrusts, and they met each other in the middle, his thrusting pelvis sinking into her swaying bottom. His face just inches above her, she heard him moan as she ground into him.

She used her arms to arch herself back into him. Each time she did so, his cockhead caressed her cervix, sending a shudder through her. Because she was so tired, she knew she was going to have to work for this one, but she did not want Scott to be the only man of the three she did not share orgasmic delights with.

He pivoted his hips into her. She gasped but was able to thrust back to meet him. He hesitated on the next downward spike. “Did I hurt you?” he asked, unsure.

“You’re okay.” Her voice had urgency in it as she pivoted her hips, taking his cock and twisting it in awkward directions. This time he let out a gasp. “Did I hurt you?” she teased him with a smile, looking over her shoulder into his eyes.

He laughed and went back to his steady pumping. She met him each time, arching back against him, her pussy sore but also on fire and greedily seeking more stimulation that only the muscle probing it could provide.

Each of his thrusts she found a counter to, and their lovemaking became like an erotic dance. He continued to rub her shoulders and flipped back her hair to expose the nape of her neck so he could plant wet kisses. When he found a spot she liked, she reached over her shoulder and held him down, forcing him to continue to pleasure her.

This time she had to really work at it. After minutes passed, she knew she was running out of time as his rhythm was getting faster, and each desperate stab up inside her became more forceful. His time had almost run out, and he was just pumping her on adrenaline. She brought her legs tightly together and strengthened her pussy’s grip on his cock. She forced her pussy muscles to contract around his head.

She reached back to him again and pulled his hair aggressively, not caring if she hurt him or not. “Baby, I’m starting again,” she told him through her panting.

Sweat broke out on her forehead once more and pooled above her eyebrows just like it did during the course of a long workout. Her heart rate sky rocketed, pumping blood desperately through her body, and most especially to the delicate folds tortured by his cock between her thighs.

She felt the need to grab hold of something again. This time it was almost an angry feeling. Her mind was whizzing into a blur, traveling at light speed. No thoughts could be sane now because nothing in her world made any sense. There were no cares, just the friction of his cock against her swollen lips as she thrust back into him.

He was ejaculating in her, long and hard, the volume of his climax seeming to be more than the other two. She hadn’t quite reached the edge yet, and he kept on hammering her with his cock. More jets erupted inside her. The liquid was thick and hot.

Then she was falling, her climaxing body rushing up to her in unstoppable muscle contractions that racked her from her neck muscles all the way to the muscles in her feet. She squirmed under him in unbearable ecstasy and hid her wet face in the folds of the pillow.

He fell on top of her, his weight forcing her farther down into the cushions of the couch, and it was all over.

* * * *

Ethan came back from the shower, a towel wrapped around his waist. Brad got up from his chair and headed down the hall to take his own shower. Ethan went out to the kitchen and started fumbling around to start breakfast. Outside, the first rays of the sun were just starting to brighten the landscape.

Chrissie looked at the world through bleary eyes. She was cuddled in Scott’s arms. The two of them were still lying naked on the couch and sharing in the afterglow of their lovemaking.

Every muscle in her body ached, and she wanted desperately to go back to sleep, but it was a good feeling. Resting her head against the unyielding muscles of Scott’s chest, she had never felt safer, better protected, or more loved in her life. This was one of those moments that she never wanted to end and knew she would remember her whole life no matter which direction it took her or how old she lived to be.

Everything had grown very quiet. The wind had even died outside and just moaned through the walls of the cabin occasionally to let her know there was still a storm out there. Out in the kitchen she heard the banging of pots and pans as Ethan prepared her breakfast. She and Scott, their naked bodies entwined on top of the couch, both smelled musky and like they had just had sex.

“I wasn’t expecting this,” she confided in Scott.

“I wasn’t either,” he said, and they both smiled at each other, too tired to laugh. “You okay with this?” he asked her.

“Yes. Why wouldn’t I be?”

“I didn’t want to ask you before”—he gently stroked her shoulder as he spoke—“but you know I read a lot about you in the Hollywood tabloids…”

“Don’t believe anything you read in those rags,” she told him firmly. “It’s all made up.”

“I know, but it is a well-known fact you’ve been going out with Zach Gomez.”

“Was going out with him, past tense,” she corrected him. Her voice was lazy. She felt halfway on the doorstep to sleep and peaceful oblivion. She didn’t even care about the mention of Zach. He no longer supplied any emotional fuel. He had become a nothing to her over the course of the last two days.

“I never read that you two broke up.” He sounded suspicious.

“Because no one knows about it yet.” She kissed his chest. “Until you brought him up, I hadn’t even thought about him.”

“I’m sorry if I made you feel bad.” He went back to stroking her shoulder. “I just had to know because of the feeling I’ve got…I should say we all have for you.”

She had closed her eyes and was starting to fall asleep in his arms again. “That’s okay,” she whispered. “I don’t mind talking about him. He’s in the past. I think that’s what makes being famous a real bitch. Everybody knows your business. Nothing is private.” She laughed and took his nipple in her mouth, sucking playfully. “I should ask you about your old girlfriends, but you’re not famous, so I don’t even know what their names are to ask about them.”

“Don’t worry.” He patted along her spine, cradling her tighter in his arms. “I don’t have any of those.”

“That’s good.” Chrissie had closed her eyes again. This time sleep really was overcoming her. “I never did like to compete with other women for a man.”

“Hey, like you wouldn’t win that competition anyway—Superstar…” He kissed the top of her head and caressed her cheek with the back of his hand. “You could have any guy in the world you wanted, and you know it.”

“I don’t know.” Chrissie was too tired for false modesty at the moment, so she nodded her agreement against his chest. “Maybe, but right now there are only three guys I want in the whole world.”

“That’s good to hear,” he told her, his whisper barely audible against her ear. “Because right now you have become our whole world.”

“What do you all want for breakfast?” Ethan’s loud voice called out of the kitchen.

Chrissie and Scott just looked at each other and smiled. Chrissie noticed how deep and blue his eyes were. Then the sound of Ethan’s commanding voice roused her, and she felt more warmth spread through her.

“You two better get up and take a shower,” he called to them. “The days almost half over, and you’re still lying around in your birthday suits. Besides, you are both the dog owners around here. Your dogs are going to need feeding sooner or later, don’t you think?”

Chrissie stretched, a long, feline movement down Scott’s body, her left knee bumping into his cock. She giggled and smoothed it back down with her hand. They shared another quick kiss on the lips.

“I see a little lovemaking didn’t change your brother much.” She laughed.

“He’ll never change,” Scott assured her. “You want to take a shower with me?”

“Yes. Let’s.”

He climbed up from the couch and held out a hand to help her to her feet. “Race you to the shower,” he challenged.

“God no,” she whined and shoved against him. “I’m too sore.”

He held her in his arms, gave her another kiss. Then throwing an arm around her back, he took her down the hall to the shower. All the way she leaned against him for support. When they passed Brad, who was just coming from the shower and wearing a pair of boxers, Brad reached down and gave Chrissie a long kiss.

He took her out of Scott’s arms and gave her an enormous hug, reaching down and patting and caressing her bottom cheeks. Then he leaned down to her and whispered in her ear that he’d had the best time in his life with her.

Back in Scott’s arms, she walked into the shower to wash up, feeling very sticky and yucky after the hardcore workout the brothers had just given her. But she had no regrets and felt like she had gotten a second chance to start her life again with these three fabulous men. She no longer wanted to be a superstar. Instead, she wanted to have these men.

Chapter Seven

Brad headed out to the kitchen, poured himself a cup of black coffee, and sat down at the table. Ethan was just serving up eggs and bacon. Scott was still in the shower with Chrissie. All Brad could do was sip his coffee and stare idly at his plate. He felt like he had just been run over by a train, a train named Chrissie Murphy.

“I got to admit I’m feeling a little scared by what just happened,” he told Ethan.

“You’re just feeling vulnerable because six months ago you thought you’d never be with another woman. Now you’re sharing a woman with your brothers.” Ethan was still working on filling the plates with bacon and eggs. “You have to concede the sex is incredible.”

Brad nodded his agreement. “The best sex of my life. But we’ve barely known the girl for twenty-four hours. And that’s not to mention that she’s an international celebrity as well.”

“Talk to me, bro,” Ethan said, taking his place across from him. “What in the hell
just happen?”

“I don’t know what happened any more than you do.” Brad realized when he spoke it was as if he was in shock. “I don’t know how it happened either, but I know how I feel.”

“And how is that?”

“I love her, man. It’s as simple as that.” Brad smiled. Just saying the words made him feel good, made the fantasy he was living seem real.

“You love her?” Ethan seemed incredulous, even a little angry.

“Well, how in the hell do you feel about her? You just made love to her, too!”

“I don’t know how I feel about her.”

“How can you say that after what just happened…after what we just did…”

Ethan shook his head and began to eat his eggs. He was taking long bites, and Brad knew immediately he was frustrated and heated. “She’s a nice girl,” he finally told Brad. “I don’t know enough about her to say anything else, and you don’t either.”

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