Around the World in 80 Men Series: Boxed Set 21-30 (107 page)

Read Around the World in 80 Men Series: Boxed Set 21-30 Online

Authors: Brandi Ratliff,Rebecca Ratliff

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Erotica

BOOK: Around the World in 80 Men Series: Boxed Set 21-30
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walked toward the end of the driveway, squinting as the sun rose
higher into the sky, and called for a taxi. Thick, dark, clouds still
loomed above, but at least the rain had stopped for the time being.
Morgan was sure, if it rained anymore, there would be no taxi in her
future. Water was racing down both sides of the street, and she knew
her boot would probably disappear into the mud if she were to step on
the grass. Not even five minutes passed before her ride appeared, and
Morgan was grateful because some of the neighbors were beginning to

told the driver to take her to her hotel, and after that, no more
words were exchanged. When the car pulled up in front of the tall
building, Morgan gave him more than enough cash and climbed out. All
she wanted was a shower, her warm bed and pizza.
Yes, pizza. And a
Anything to get her mind off of Julius.
A bubble bath,
pizza, and a movie. No, a bubble bath, pizza, a movie and

walked into the lobby, and standing with his back to her, was a man
who she recognized immediately. “Manuel?”

turned, and flashed Morgan a brilliant smile, but his happiness
quickly faded, when he realized she was alone. “Morgan...where's

over, Manuel. It was a bad idea.” Morgan shook her head, and
gave Manuel a look, that told him she knew what he had done.

maybe it wasn't my brightest idea ever. Do you want to,” he
looked around quickly, not wanting an audience for their
conversation, “sit down somewhere and talk?”

been a long night, Mannie. What I really want is to get a long
shower, and maybe a nap.” Morgan smiled, and placed a hand on
Manuel's chest, and began to turn away. There was really nothing else
she needed to say, but Manuel was determined to speak to her.

understand. My flight leaves at five, do you think you can talk
before then? I want to explain.” His late flight to California
had been canceled from the storm, just as his parent's flight had.

don't think so,” Morgan smiled again and shook her head.
“Really, there's nothing to say. He doesn't want me around, or
to help, or...”

you can, meet me here at noon. If you're not here, then...I'll just
leave you alone. But please hear me out.” Manuel smiled that
time, and left the lobby before Morgan could reply, the choice was on


eleven-fifty-five, Morgan was taking the elevator back down to the
first floor. She couldn't figure out why she was meeting with Manuel,
but something brought her to him and she was going to find out why.

you, Morgan,” Manuel took her hand in his, and kissed it
softly. “Let's go next door and we can talk.” He took her
hand, and walked out the front doors of the hotel, and into the
restaurant right next to her building. A short brunette was bringing
chips and salsa to the table before Morgan and Manuel could sit down
and her urgency brought a smile to both of their faces.

took a chip and propped her elbows on the table. “You know
about the ring, right?”

course. Eva sold it.”

haven't you ever stood up for your brother, Manuel? Why didn't you
just tell Eva that he didn't do it?” Morgan ate her chip and
grabbed another.

you think I haven't? I know it wouldn't make a difference. Eva knows
he didn't do it, and I think deep down, dad knows it too. If I ever
pushed too hard, I would lose everything.”

like Julius.” Morgan scoffed, shaking her head and Manuel.

nodded and looked down at his hands. “They already know,
Morgan. For me to go there, and tell them he didn't do it, it
wouldn't solve anything. All it would do, is cost me my to

why can't you even help him? You see how he's living! live
in a mansion for fuck sake! With butlers, and drivers! When was the last time that man had a new shirt,
gas for his car, or a nice meal?” Morgan had no idea what had
come over her, but she was overwhelmed with pity for Julius, and
anger at Manuel, for never stepping up to help his brother.

mouth dropped as the server approached the table again. He held his
words until they had both ordered, then took a deep breath when they
were alone again. “Are you serious? Morgan, I've offered a
hundred times to help my brother! Money, a car, a home, anything he
wants! He won't accept it.” He took a deep breath again when
heads began to turn in his direction. Leaning slightly across the
table, and working hard to lower his voice, he continued. “Why
do you think I was so quick to sign him up on that site?”
Morgan tilted her head and waited for a better explanation. “Look,
he's stubborn, and chooses to live the way he does. I know I'd have
to keep my help a secret...if he would accept it...but when he said
he wanted a taste of the
good life,
I took care of it. With
you. I should have known that he would back out.” Manuel
leaned back in his chair, clearly defeated, and was almost ready to
walk away from Morgan and try to forget the whole thing happened.

washed over Morgan like a cold un-welcome shower. Of course Manuel
would have offered to help Julius, and she felt ridiculous for
assuming anything different. She lowered her head and stared at the
half eaten nacho that she held in her hand. “I'm sorry. I
shouldn't have said that, I don't know either of you and I was out of
line.” Manuel shook his head, regretting the entire situation.
The worst part, he had a hand in Julius being treated the way he was
by their parents the day prior, and there was no amount of money to
take that pain away. Finally, he reached across the table and lifted
Morgan's chin with one finger.

this is all my fault. I'm the one who's sorry. Forgive me?”
She watched the slight smile tug at his full lips, and she couldn't
help but smile in return. With a nod, they both went back to their

of their meal and the storm the night before had eased the
awkwardness between them enough to relax a bit by the time they
decided to leave the restaurant. Morgan was the first to mention the
taboo topic once again.

think the most tragic part of this whole thing for Julius, is losing
his true love.” Morgan was looking for a reply, she just had
to mention that it broke her heart for both Julius and Sara. Manuel
nodded as he held the door for Morgan, then offered his own thoughts
as they turned towards her hotel.

It's hard to argue with someone who is following their heart though,
isn't it?” Morgan nodded, knowing that Julius had made a huge
mistake, but also knowing that it was what he thought was best.
“But,” he held the door to Morgan's building and let her
pass, “even if we're wrong, we have to do what our heart tells
us to do. If we don't, then what's the point in having one?”
Manuel nearly plowed into the back of Morgan as they entered the
lobby, as her feet suddenly froze in place at his words. “Damn
girl, ya trying to get yourself trampled?” Manuel laughed as
he grabbed her shoulders from behind and stopped himself from plowing
into her. Morgan turned suddenly and wrapped her arms around his

have to follow my heart!” She stood on her toes and gave his
cheek a hard kiss. “If I don't, what's the point in having
one!” She kissed his other cheek, and turned around, walking
quickly to the elevator. Once there, she turned again and smiled at
the man that had no idea what was going on. “Thank you,
Mannie.” With one last kiss blown in his direction, Morgan
entered the elevator and was out of sight before Manuel could make
sense of the crazy American. He shook his head and turned back
towards the door.


left the elevator and skip-walked to her room. Her heart raced with
excitement as she knew exactly what she was going to do. It no
longer mattered that Julius was stubborn, or that he didn't want her
I'm Morgan fucking Holland, and I have a heart too!
Julius deserved her help, and nothing was going to stop her, not even

spent almost no time in getting ready for her day in the city. She
packed her sunglasses, a light jacket, camera, and a map of Lima that
was courtesy of the hotel. Thirty minutes later, she was standing in
the middle of the old shopping district.

remembered seeing the area at night, and it brought a smile to her
face as she recalled the brightly lit shops, and wonderful aromas of
everything from the sweet scent of candy, to the steaks grilled to
perfection. It was store, after store, after store, one next to
another, in a stretch that one could not see the end of, if standing
on either side. A narrow road, filled with hundreds of tourists and
natives, was the only thing separating one side of the shops from the
other. If not for the blue sky above, she almost felt like she were
walking through a mall.
On Black Friday.

hell!” Morgan got a large handbag jabbed into her side, as a
woman pushed passed her, then got shoved into a wall, as she tried to
get out of the way. “Excuse you!”

pushed her bangs out of her forehead and took a deep breath.
It's like trick-or-treat. I just have to start on one end, and go
down one side, then the other. I can do this.
Morgan felt
overwhelmed by the amount of people around her, but it was nothing
she wasn't used to. She'd been in busy town centers before.
got this.

made her way through, weaving in and out of families, past couples
and around tourists, until she got to one end of the street. “Here
we go.” The first shop was selling scarves, hats and dresses.
The second store displayed small wooden animals, Morgan assumed
hand-crafted. The third and fourth places she passed were both
selling souvenirs, from coffee mugs and tee shirts, to snow globes
and post cards. The fifth store caught her attention. Antiques.

getting somewhere.” Morgan clung onto her purse tightly and
pushed through a crowd to get to the shop. As soon as she entered
though, she knew she wouldn't find what she was looking for. Rocking
chairs, old model cars, rusted signs. Not one piece of jewelry in the
whole store, not even a brooch. “Do you know where I could find
an antique jewelry store?”

man she'd asked didn't answer her, he silently pointed toward the
front door, as if telling her to leave. “Uh. Yeah. Thanks,”
Morgan muttered and turned to leave, and giggled as she thought about
the things Angel would say about the man's
that was
dangerously close to meeting in the middle.

she walked outside though, she realized the man wasn't exactly
telling her to leave, he was pointing at a store, that was diagonal
to the one she'd just left. “Andre's Antique Jewelry. Well,
Andre, I hope you have what I'm looking for.”

was crossing the narrow street when people began to push and shove
their way to the middle. She followed their gaze and saw that the
crowd was gathering for a scene that reminded her of London. The
changing of the guards, in front of a bronze fountain that she
assumed was hundreds of years old. The crowd grew silent, with the
exception of camera clicking, Morgan's included, until the daily
ceremony was complete. The ancient cathedral in the background,
which had obviously survived several earthquakes, was the perfect
compliment to her many photos. The cracks and obvious repairs made
the ancient building even more beautiful.

took several moments to reach the other side of the street as people
moved slowly to tackle what was next on their personal agenda.
Morgan pulled the door open to the jewelry story quickly as she had
nearly been forced to walk with the crowd several times along the

The elderly woman behind the counter looked up and scowled in
Morgan's direction. “Sorry.” Morgan smiled and walked
toward her. “I'm looking for jewelry. Something...very old.”
The woman shook her head and said something over her shoulder. A
younger woman, with a bun that was pulled so tightly it looked
painful, came around the corner and leaned on the glass display.

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