Awakening Her Racy Passion [Racy Nights 9] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) (14 page)

BOOK: Awakening Her Racy Passion [Racy Nights 9] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)
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“You are? How did you do that?”

Wyatt told her about the circuit judge having the flu, and Trent explained how he’d traded shifts. When they emerged, it was obvious they’d all been talking about her, but to their credit, they gave the appearance of recovering quickly.

Marisol and Ellis offered to help Ria move as well, and soon a caravan consisting of Trent’s truck, an SUV that Marisol borrowed from Kari Tye, whom she had called while Wyatt and Trent were talking to Ria in the bedroom, and Ellis’s car were heading toward the Rodriguez house.

Ria’s mother started to come outside as soon as she spotted her daughter, but stopped when she realized how many others were there. Wyatt sneaked glances at the front windows every time they came outside with more furniture and belongings, where both Maria and Rosa watched them through the curtains. Why they couldn’t come outside and act like decent human beings was beyond Wyatt. Everyone in Racy knew how strict and old-fashioned Ria’s parents were, and Wyatt respected their right to be that way, but at that moment he wished her mother would realize how much Ria needed her approval.

It took less than two hours to move everything Ria owned out of the apartment, even with Teresa doing nothing but moving piles of clothes and other belongings from one spot in the tiny apartment to another. As Wyatt sneaked glances at her face, it was obvious she’d been hit more than once, and recently. His stomach gave a funny lurch as he recalled Ria telling Marisol that Teresa had been threatened. It looked to Wyatt like someone had done a bit more than threaten her. He made a mental note to ask Sean if there wasn’t something they could do for her.

When it became apparent they wouldn’t have room for everything, Ellis made a few more calls, and about twenty minutes later, Sean and Maddox showed up, each driving an SUV.

Ria looked like she was going to hug them both as she gushed her thanks, and Wyatt caught Trent’s gaze as they smiled and nodded. It looked like Ria was on her way to getting her wish to be accepted into their circle of friends. He hoped she realized that this was all her doing by reaching out to Marisol the way she had.

When they finally had her loaded up and ready to drive the few miles to Riverfront Drive, Ria climbed the front porch and walked inside. Wyatt and Trent had both volunteered to go with her, but she told them she had to do this alone.

“This won’t be pretty,” whispered Marisol.

Wyatt glanced down at her. “Thank you for talking to her.”

“Thank you for whatever you said to her to make her call me.”

Wyatt shook his head. “We didn’t make her do this. This was her idea. All we did was plant a small seed, and actually it was already there. We simply watered it a bit.”

Sean moved next to Wyatt. “What happened to Teresa in California?”

“I don’t know. She didn’t tell us the whole story.”

“Did you hear most of what she told me?” asked Marisol.

Wyatt repeated what he’d heard.

“Yes. That was all of it.”

“We’ll ask her later for more details.” He glanced at Sean. “Do you think the guy who did that to Teresa might come looking for her?”

Sean shrugged. “I don’t know. But it would be nice to have more info just in case.”

“I’ll see what we can find out. I was going to ask you if we could do something for her here in the way of protection.”

“But she said Teresa already filed a restraining order in California and the guy ignored it,” said Marisol.

Sean shook head. “Well bullshit on that. If he crosses state lines and comes here looking for her, we can still pick him up for violating it. And then we can ship his ass back to California.”

When Ria came down the front steps, they all watched her. Her mouth was set in a tight line, but she wasn’t crying. She climbed into Wyatt’s car without a word, and he slid into the driver’s seat. She didn’t speak on the way to her new home, and when they arrived, she was silent and withdrawn as they all began to move her belongings into the apartment.

Peppi came home about halfway through, and helped the others. The atmosphere was like a party, and even though Ria wasn’t laughing or smiling as much as the others, she looked relieved and at ease around them. Luke surprised them all by bringing up boxes of pizza and bottles of soda as they were finishing, and the group gathered in the living room to eat together.

“To your new castle,” said Trent, raising a two-liter bottle of Mountain Dew and drinking straight from it.

“That’s gross,” said Ria.

“Why? You didn’t think it was gross when my mouth was on yours.”

Everyone laughed, and Trent’s comment had the desired effect on Ria. She blushed furiously and tried to hold back her own laugh, but it came regardless. Trent pulled her onto his lap and gave her a tight squeeze. “I’m so proud of you right now.”

“Because I called you gross?”

“Because you stood up to them, and you moved out, and most of all…” He cut his gaze toward Marisol, who was snuggled up with Ellis on the sofa. “Most of all because you took the initiative and paved the way for renewing your friendship with Marisol.”

Wyatt raised his plastic cup of Coke. “Hear, hear. To being proud of Ria, and to renewing old friendships.” Everyone joined him in raising their cups and shouting “Hear, hear.”

Wyatt beamed as he watched the look of disbelief and joy spread over Ria’s face. When she glanced up at Trent and then cut her gaze toward him, the lust and gratitude in her eyes was unmistakable. Wyatt hoped she wasn’t too tired after everyone left, because he suddenly didn’t want to wait for tomorrow night to introduce her to play.


* * * *


After everyone left, Wyatt and Trent told Ria that she was spending the next two nights in their condo, and she had one hour to do whatever she needed in order to get ready, because they wouldn’t bring her back before that.

Ria thanked Peppi over and over for allowing her to move in, but Peppi shook her head. “Hey, I know what they’re like. I was glad to do it. How is Teresa?”

“Worse than I’ve ever seen her.” Their sister coming home from another state with tales of a bad relationship gone even worse, and sporting fresh bruises, was nothing new. But this story sounded more serious than all the others, and Ria hoped she’d be all right by herself. She also felt guilty about leaving Peppi alone on her first night back living with her.

“Don’t be a dolt. I’ve been living alone up here for months. Go. Have fun with those two. I have studying to do.”

Ria gave her a quick hug. “Thank you.”

“Get out of here, already. I’m busy.”

Peppi smiled as she said it. Ria practically skipped down the stairs to wait in the back hallway for Trent and Wyatt. Her hair was still slightly damp from the quick shower she’d taken, so she ran her fingers through it, trying to smooth out the inevitable tangles that always found their way in. She’d taken one this morning but after moving, she felt grimy.

When headlights illuminated the parking lot, she ran outside and climbed into the passenger seat of Wyatt’s car. Trent was in the back, and he leaned over the seat and gave her a hug. “You were ready on time. I’m impressed.” He caressed her left breast through her coat, and Ria moaned. “But it won’t get you out of anything. You lost the wager.”

“I know.” A shiver ran up and down her spine as images of what they might do to her danced through her mind. “I deserve to be punished.”

“Yes, you do.” He switched to her right breast, and Wyatt grinned as he glanced sideways to watch his twin.

“Here’s how this night is going to go,” said Trent. “As soon as we step inside the condo, you are to address each of us as ‘Sir.’ You will continue to address as like that whenever we are alone with you, and at other times when we ask you to do so. Do you understand?”

“Yes, Sir.”
. She was to call them both by the same title that Marisol called Ellis and Rafe. She was one of them. At least for the next two nights, anyway.

“When we enter the condo, your punishment for gossiping begins. You will ask permission for everything. Speaking, eating, drinking, even peeing. Do you understand?”

“Yes, Sir.” Ria tried not to smile, but she was ready to burst with excitement. This was what she’d fantasized about for years. They weren’t upset with her about losing the bet so quickly, but something about that still nagged at her consciousness. “Sir, may I ask a question?”

“Yes. And that was a very respectful way to ask. Well done.”

“Thank you, Sir. My question is why aren’t you and Wyatt…I mean, Sir…not more upset with me about losing the wager so easily?”

“I’ll take that one,” said Wyatt, pulling onto into their condo complex. “Like I said earlier, neither one of us expected this to happen overnight. When we came up the stairs, you were talking to Marisol, and the two of you sounded like you used to when we’d all listen to you in Luke’s Bar at its prior location, or in Nan’s Place. We almost hated to inform you that you’d lost the bet, because we’re both so proud of you for making the first step so soon.”

“Oh.” She hardly knew what to say. Even though it had clearly been gossip, they were pleased with what she’d done without being prompted to do so again. She hadn’t disappointed them after all. A warm glow spread throughout her body as they exited the car and Wyatt opened the door to the condo. She was going to do everything perfect for them tonight. She loved this feeling and never wanted it to go away.

Ria hadn’t had many opportunities in her life to feel as though she’d made people proud or happy. But during the next two days, she had the chance to make these sexy, charismatic men pleased with her in ways she’d only fantasized about it, and she was going to run with it. She was going to embrace it, and learn everything they had to teach her, and enjoy every second with them.

Chapter Fifteen


When they crossed the threshold, Ria waited while Wyatt and Trent shed their coats and gloves. Wyatt turned toward her first, his face all serious but his eyes blazing with lust and mischief. She shivered, and let out a shaky breath.

“Take off your coat and gloves, then get on your knees. And by the way, you will answer each request with ‘Yes, Sir’, and you may use a safeword from this point on, but you will not speak or ask a question without permission. But of course, asking for permission to speak is allowed. Is that understood?”

“Yes, Sir, but what is my safeword?”

“Red. That is the only one you are allowed to use. You may use it as often as you need to, and for any reason. Understood?”

“Yes, Sir.”
. The color of a stop sign and of blood. So much significance for such a small word. Tonight, she would find out just how powerful one word could be.

Ria took off her gloves and placed them in her coat pockets. She tossed her bag on the floor, and then she took off her coat. She couldn’t look away from their eyes, so deep blue tonight, and so penetrating.

Once her coat was off she dropped to her knees and waited, every nerve ending on fire. What would they make her do first? Was she actually going to have sex with them tonight, or would they force her to wait for that? She should be tired after everything that had happened today, and considering all the emotional upheavals she’d gone through in such a short time, but she wasn’t. She felt more awake than she had in months.

Gone were thoughts of her parents, Teresa, Marisol, and all the rest of them. There was only room in her brain right now for Wyatt and Trent, their deep-blue eyes, and the nearly identical looks on their handsome faces.

Trent moved behind her and took off her sweater so quickly, Ria didn’t have time to react. She’d worn the same black bra as she’d had on in the picture she’d texted them, and neither of them missed that fact. “Ah, my favorite bra.”

Wyatt chuckled as Trent brushed his fingers across her nipples. Even through the fabric, his touch sent tiny jolts of electricity straight to her throbbing clit and soaking wet pussy. She hoped they would find out soon enough just how wet and ready she was for them. When Trent rubbed his bulge up against the back of her head, she moaned.

Wyatt moved directly in front of her, and she couldn’t help but see how aroused he was as well. Even his jeans couldn’t hide it. How big were these two? The idea of both their huge cocks inside her filled Ria with so much desire, she was ready to burst. She’d have an orgasm before these two got her undressed, at this rate.

Wyatt cupped her face and tipped her head up, forcing her to meet his gaze. “By the way, just in case we forget to tell you this in a few minutes, you will not come without our permission, under any circumstances. Understood?”

“Are you kidding me?” There was no way. He had to be teasing her. A look of disbelief filled Wyatt’s face, and she knew she was in big trouble.

“What did you just say?” His voice was soft, but held a note of command she’d never heard before. The effect was to make her even wetter, and also fill her with a delicious sense of brattiness. How far could she push them tonight? And what would happen if she did? Was this how Marisol felt when she was with Ellis and Rafe? No wonder she looked deliriously happy.

“I said, are you kidding me, Sir?”

He cut his gaze toward Trent over her head, and even though she couldn’t see the latter, she felt the waves of incredulity coming off him. “I think she needs a lesson in obedience before we do anything else.”

“I agree,” said Wyatt. “Stand up and follow me.”

“Yes, Sir,” she muttered, forcing her voice to stay calm. She wanted to shout her excitement from the front walk.

Wyatt led her upstairs. They weren’t wasting any time. She didn’t know whose bedroom they entered, but candles had been lit, and there were toys and what looked liked bondage implements laid out on the forest-green comforter. Ria stared at them, suddenly filled with the realization of what was going to happen tonight. Could she truly handle this? Yes, she could. She had her safeword, and they’d said she could use it as often as necessary. She trusted them.

“Over here.” Wyatt pointed toward a plain, wooden chair. “Sit.”

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