Awakening the Wolf (15 page)

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Authors: Crymsyn Hart

BOOK: Awakening the Wolf
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“It looks beautiful on you. One last thing.” Coret pulled out a vial of oil and dabbed a few drops along her throat and down the line of her breasts. The fragrance reached Illiana’s nose. It smelled like sandalwood, roses, and some other deep spice she could not place. “Wolves have a great sense of smell. Don’t want him to be figuring you out right away.”

Illiana smiled and then sneezed. The perfume was strong, and she prayed that it would mask her scent. “Thank you. I hadn’t thought of that.”

“You’re welcome. This should put off anyone. Now let me do your hair and your makeup. When I’m done, they won’t know who you are. Come on. Sit down.”

Illiana hugged her aunt and stared at her reflection in the glass. Coret combed and twisted her hair. When she was done, Illiana could hardly believe her eyes. It fell in loose curls around her face and was held up in back. All she had to do was remove a couple of pins and it would fall down her back. Next Coret worked on her makeup, deepening the color around her eyes and giving them a smoky look. She accentuated her cheekbones and made her skin darker with the mixing of certain powders. When Coret was done and Illiana had the mask around her eyes, she didn’t recognize herself. The woman staring at her in the mirror was sexy and voluptuous. Illiana felt the wolf more in her nature than she ever had before. It was anticipating this night as well. She concentrated on it and felt it merge with her the way her raven form did right before she was going to shift, but it did not take over her body. It was lending her its strength and getting ready to become one with the pack.

“You think this will work? What about my brand? He’s seen it. Christopher’s going to know.”

Coret eyed her. “The disguise
work. I forgot about that. Let me see.” Her aunt rummaged in her satchel and pulled out something that looked like clay.

“What is that?”

“Something that closes wounds and hides scars. I use it from time to time. He shouldn’t notice unless you two get a little busy.” Coret rubbed some of the putty on the brand and blended it into her skin.

“You’re awful. But thanks.” Illiana examined the brand in the mirror and ran her fingers over it. She could barely tell it was there. So she hoped Christopher wouldn’t either.

“The celebration is about to start. The moon is rising.”

A gong signaled the beginning of the ceremony. Already the scent of food wafted up from the ground and from the meeting place. Tonight was the one night of the year where the Corvus and the Lupus Clans had free range to go into the trees and mingle on the ground if they wished. Normally, she stayed for the opening greeting and spent most of the night with Christopher away from the festivities. But the last couple of years he had spent a little time with her and joined in the dancing and celebrating. Illiana watched her aunt get ready. When she was done, Coret left first and then Illiana followed a few minutes later, down to the gathering below. With the flock and the pack together, there were almost five hundred souls. Had any of them come together and loved one another to create a different species, never telling anyone? She spotted her mother talking with the alpha—Christopher’s father, Simian—with Christopher standing at his side. Illiana lingered in the shadows to watch the goings-on of the other shifters. Coret stood by her side.

“Aren’t you going to say something to them?”

“No. I don’t want to push my luck.”

“Okay. I’ll tell your mother you’re with Belik. How is that going, by the way?”

Illiana smiled thinking about him. “He wants to be my mate.”

Her aunt quickly hugged her. “That’s wonderful. Tell me how it goes. I’ll mention to Christopher that I saw some strange woman mingling with some of the flock. Maybe that will spice up his night.”

“You’re awful.”

“Yup. That’s why your mother and I never saw eye to eye on a lot of things.”

She shook her head and watched her aunt interact with Lelana and Simian. After several minutes of her talking, Coret pointed toward another part of the gathering by the large bonfire where the music was. A large smile spread across Christopher’s features. Illiana wandered over to the blaze and stood in the shadows, blending with the other wolves and a few of the flock. Some started to talk to her, but once they realized she was not exactly one of them, flock or pack, they went off on their own. She glanced up at the moon and saw it was rising. The party would wind down in a few hours, and she would reveal herself to the pack. When that happened, all bets were off and she would see if she came out of her ruse alive. If the pack accepted her, it would be a spectacular thing and then she could hope she’d get to have Christopher for a mate, too. But if that happened, would he accept Belik, because she was not going to give him up either? Illiana wandered closer to the fire, feeling the warmth spread along her skin. She stared into the heart of the flame and saw the tiny fire spirits that comprised the larger bonfire. It swayed to the melody that the drums were beating and the flutes were warbling. People were dancing, both flock and pack, but it was tricky to tell with all the masks that were being worn.

She slipped into the crowd and began to lose herself to the music, letting her body sway to the tune. Illiana closed her eyes and raised her arms to the sky. Both elements met inside of her. The breeze wrapped around her like a ribbon, coiling until the fire blew it apart. The wolf gave her its strength, and the raven lent its grace so she could pull on both. Slipping into the tempo was easier than ever. It would have been very easy to give herself over to all facets of herself. But someone trailed their fingers down her arms and came up behind her. Illiana opened her eyes and smiled.

“I haven’t seen you around here before,” someone purred in her ear.

Illiana didn’t have to turn around to know it was Christopher. She could smell his musky scent and prayed that her perfume was working so he would not know it was her. She swayed a little bit more before finally turning around. He had a mask decorated with eagle feathers and bits of wolf fur, but she knew it was him. “I had an invitation from you, I believe.”

He smiled, and she saw the excitement in his blue eyes. “Yes, you were. I wasn’t expecting you to come so early.”

“I love parties. Didn’t think you’d mind if I blended in.” She ran the back of her hand over his stubbled cheek. “How is your mate to be?”

“Did you have to bring her up?”

She continued to move with the music as it slowed down a little bit. Illiana draped her arm over Christopher’s shoulder and ran her fingers along his neck while she danced around him. Being so close to him and him not knowing it was her infused Illiana with a sense of power she had never known before. She rubbed against him and felt his hands settle on her hips to keep in time with her. He ran his nose along her throat, taking in her scent.

“You smell delicious. I love the fragrance you’re wearing, but I would rather take in your true scent.”

“Maybe next time.” She sent a silent prayer to the spirits that the scent worked. “You never answered me. I didn’t see her here tonight.”

“She’s mending, but she’ll be at the pack gathering later. Although I doubt she’ll be happy to see you.”

“Are you happy to see me?”

“You have no idea how much I’ve been waiting for this moment.”

“Really? Word is that you have this thing for some bird girl.”

He grabbed her arms and spun her around until she was in his grasp and dancing with her. “Where did you hear that?”

“So it’s true. Why are you coming on to me then if you have her? Why are you mating that horrible bitch who challenged me?”

“That was pack business. And . . . what is between me and that bird girl is none of your concern. I have to do what’s best for the pack in regards to mating. Weren’t you raised in a pack to understand that?”

“No. I wasn’t. So tell me about this woman you care about?”

“Why is it important to you?”

Illiana wanted to ask so many more questions, but she did not want to push Christopher over the edge either. “If I’m going to be a part of your pack, and maybe pursue you, then I need to know my competition. Maybe learn to share.”

“Share?” Christopher asked.

She broke from his grasp and pressed her lips to his while wrapping her arms around his neck. Illiana conformed her body to his. His firm cock pushed into her thigh. She swept her tongue across his bottom lip. “Yeah. If you love her, then why not have both in your life? The woman you love and the woman you have to mate.”

“Wolves mate for life with only one mate, but . . . ”

She saw the questions in his eyes as though he had thought about sharing before. Because she had brought it up now, maybe he might reconsider, but it also showed that Christopher loved her and was not ready to throw her away.

“But . . . what is there to consider? I like you, Christopher. It was your scent that I first caught when I was moving through the forest. I’ve always been so alone even when surrounded by people who love me. It’d be nice to find someone and a place to know where I can fit in.”

Christopher grabbed her hand and pulled her into the shadows of the forest where there were no prying eyes. Illiana saw other couples making out. He pinned her against the tree and took off his mask so she could look into his blue eyes. In the light of the fire it appeared that his eyes were violet, but even mixed with the violet, she could see the gold of the wolf coming out. With his free hand he restrained her arms above her head and claimed her lips in a kiss. It was slow and hungry. It was so intense it melted her insides and made her want to fall into a puddle of ooze. Christopher thrust his tongue into her mouth, probing it until she returned the kiss with the same fierceness. His free hand reached around her head and began to pull the mask from her head.

“Stop.” Illiana pulled away and tried to catch her breath.

Christopher’s brows furrowed. “Why? You’ve seen my face. I should see yours. Besides, you’re going to reveal yourself to the whole pack in a little bit. I want to see you now.”

“You never answered my question about sharing.”

He still had not released her arms.

“You’re the most frustrating woman I have ever met. What do you want me to tell you? Yes, I’m in love with another woman who isn’t my own species and to mate with her would go against everything I am, but I want her. My mating Jalisa is off because of what you did to her. I see she’s the wrong choice because the woman I want I can’t have. So I have to settle for someone inside my own species. You come along and shake things up. How am I supposed to behave when I can’t get you out of my mind? You intoxicate me the same way the raven does.”

“I’m sorry if I shook up your plans. But sometimes events happen for a reason.”

He pulled away from her and ran a finger down her cheek. This time he released her arms. Illiana felt the tie on her mask slip. If she moved too quickly, it would fall away. Her stomach rolled with anticipation of what was to come. There was so much she wanted to tell him, so much that was going to come up in the next few hours, she wasn’t sure how he was going to take it. The music had died down and couples who had been making out had slipped away to do whatever it was they were called to do. The heat between her and Christopher remained. She slipped her hand down his chest and rubbed his shaft, craving to feel him inside of her. He moaned and closed his eyes. His nails dug into her skin. Illiana stroked him faster through his pants, and he opened his eyes. Christopher drew in another ragged breath. He slid his hand through the slit in her dress and cupped her left breast. He flicked his thumb over her nipple until it firmed. A brief moment of panic rushed through her that he might discover her brand and everything she had worked for would crumble away. But he was too enamored with what was going on between them to notice. Thoughts flew out of her mind the more he fondled her. Illiana let her head fall back against the tree and moaned. The wolf stirred within her skin, and she felt her teeth begin to sharpen. The fire element in her was sparked. Right now it seemed she was standing in the center of the blaze and it was consuming her from the inside out. When Christopher pushed aside the material of her dress and claimed the other nipple with his mouth, he didn’t burn up. Instead he took her right breast and flicked his tongue over it, nipping at it while he caressed her breast with his free hand. The other one wrenched open the tie of her dress, slid over her stomach, and delved between her already wet slit and found her hidden nub. She jumped when he touched her.

Christopher met her gaze as he manipulated her slowly. Illiana’s legs were already jellying. She rubbed him harder. He stopped the assault on her breast and licked a line along her collarbone until he captured her lips once more. He bit her ear gently. “Let me see your face.”

“I thought you enjoyed mysteries. Later. Please, I need you now,” she cried.

She kissed the side of his neck and wound her fingers through his hair. Illiana yanked his head back and bit into his throat, feeling the animal inside of her take over. She didn’t break his skin, but pressed her teeth into his flesh, even as her sharper teeth began to appear. Illiana loved the taste of the salt on his flesh. He squeezed her nipple again, and she arched her back.

Christopher returned the bite, harder than hers, and it only made her crazier. She pressed her nails into his scalp, and with his free hand he fumbled with his pants. He worked her faster until she ground her hips into his. Illiana felt the wind blast around her, but she did not want to listen to it now. Instead she went with the fire blazing along her nerves. The bark was rough against her back, but she didn’t care. Small cries came from her lips, and she was going to come. She had also lost her grip on his cock. Christopher lifted her up under her arms and slid inside of her. This had been the moment that Illiana had dreamed about, of them being together. Her whole body hummed at the pleasure of him being inside of her. She cried out and let the ecstasy of the moment take her away. He thrust up and hit her clit. He put one hand under her ass to hold her better and cradled her nape to support her head. He plunged into her again, and she rode his dick while the orgasm spread through her. A yelp spilled from her lips, and warmth burst through her. She arched her back and felt the completion she had always sought with Christopher flow through her. Christopher buried his face in the hollow of her breasts, and he howled out. She felt him quake as he kissed the dip of her throat. He flicked his tongue along her neck until he met her lips again. His thrusts had slowed, and she was still riding the flames that fanned her lust. He kissed her quickly. He touched his forehead to hers, resting. Illiana trailed her fingers along his chest, feeling the firm muscles. This was what she had wanted, but it was not the complete package. There was still one more hurdle to get across. Soon she would see how that would play out.

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