Because of you (3 page)

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Authors: Lea J.

BOOK: Because of you
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Thank you! You won’t regret this.” We shake hands.

Noah will bring you a form tomorrow. Fill it out so I’ll have your personal information. That’ll be all. See you tomorrow evening at seven, don’t be late!” I thank him again and happily hurry home.



Chapter 3




Hi, what are you doing?” Addison asks.

Oh, hey, I got a job. I start today—actually, I have to be there in an hour,” I tell her.

Really? You didn’t say anything! Where are you going to work?” She is visibly surprised.

I’ll be working as a waitress in some night club. It’s called Mirage, do you know it?” I turn to her and wait for her response. Her reaction is different than I imagined. She suddenly squeals and claps her hands.

Yeah, of course I know it! It’s the most popular night club around here. Even before I applied to this college, we went dancing there. My brother bought fake IDs
a friend and we’ve been partying there since I was sixteen. Awesome, I hope you won’t be working weekends, so you can join us when we go there.”

We’ll see,” I respond. Huh, I guess I managed to get into the ‘it’ club at this moment. We’ll see how ‘it’ it
be when I’m going to be working there.


The twenty-minute walk to Mirage passes quickly as I am impatient to see how I’ll do. When I open the door, I notice a gu
a little older than me
wiping glasses. He raises his gaze toward me and smiles, putting the glass and the dishcloth on the bar
, he goes around
and comes closer to me.

Hi, you must be Aaliyah, right?” He offers his hand in greeting.

Yes, I’m starting today,” I say shyly.

I’m Noah. Patrick probably mentioned you’ll be working with me tonight.” Oh, so our boss’s name is Patrick. He didn’t even introduce himself. I just nod and look Noah in the eyes. “Here’s your application, please fill it out and take it to him to his office. He’s expecting you.” I quickly write down all the information, my phone number, address and everything else Patrick needs, and go into his office. I cautiously knock on the door and he invites me to come in. The stench of cigarette smoke immediately overwhelms me.

Hi, I brought you the application, where can I put it?”

Just give it to me,” Patrick says, still looking at a pile of papers on this desk. When he raises his gaze at me, he grimaces. “Oh, hell, what are you wearing?” I glance down at my jeans and shirt and look at him in confusion.

Is something wrong?” I am still not sure what he means.

Damn, I guess I forgot to mention the dress code. Girls working for me have to wear a mini skirt or shorts. We make more money if girls, ehem, show more skin.” What the hell? Why didn’t he tell me this before? Well, it is what it is now.

Sorry, I did not know that. What do I do now?” He clears his throat.

Luckily, Sundays are not that packed, so you’re just going to wear what you have on. But next time, wear something shorter, okay?” God, what have I gotten myself into?

Okay then,” I say and leave the office.


Noah shows me around the club so I’ll know my way around once it’s full. A few tables and chairs are set against the wall and there is a stage in the middle of the club, but the rest is
dance floor. Stools line the bar and a couple of pictures adorn the walls. We complete our preparations before the clock hits eight and the work begins. I’m a little nervous—I have no idea what to expect.

Are you ready?” Noah interrupts my thoughts.

Yes, as much as I can be,” I say with a faint smile.

Hey, everything’s going to be alright, you’ll see it’s not as bad as it looks. Besides, I’m here to help you. If you don’t know something, I’ll be happy to help.” Noah puts his hand on top of mine. I finally take a better look at him. He has short light brown hair and handsome brown eyes. He runs his tongue over his full lips, watching me with a gentle smile, his dimples showing. Wiping his hands on a dishcloth, he says jokingly: “So, what brought you here in our neck of the woods? I’m sure it wasn’t our wonderful club.”

Ha, well, I stumbled upon Mirage
completely by a
ccident. I desperately needed a job, and I almost gave up, when I saw you were looking for a waitress. So here I am. Otherwise I’m a freshman at Union College. I only arrived here on Friday, so I’m still adjusting to the new environment.”

Then we won’t only be seeing each other here, but also on school campus, before classes, perhaps, I’m a senior there.”


Mirage is jammed packed with people. And Patrick said Sundays weren’t busy. Yeah, right. I wonder what it’s like when the club is actually full. I already have trouble keeping up with the crowd tonight.

Two strawberry vodkas, three beers, one tequila and three martinis,” I tell Noah, once I finally manage to squeeze my way to the bar, and wait for him to prepare everything. “Ugh, I’m beat. I can’t believe there are so many people here.”

That’s nothing—wait till Friday, when bands are playing, or Saturday, when it’s karaoke night. That’s when it gets crazy.” I simply shake my head in astonishment.

Hi guys, what can I get you?” I ask a group of guys, who seem a bit intoxicated already.

Ooh, what do we have here?” asks one of the more rowdy ones. “I wouldn’t mind getting you,” he says, squeezing my butt. I quickly jump away.

That’s not on the menu, boys,” I respond. They all turn toward me like a pack of hungry wolves.

Such a shame,” says a guy on my left, licking his lips, “you’re quite delicious.” Everybody laughs at his comment, bumping fists.

Ethan, you guys have enough groupies, so go harass them, and leave this one alone,” Noah appears from behind me and gives Ethan a nasty look.

Why? We do what we want, and nobody’s going to tell us what we can or cannot do. Isn’t that right, sexy?” Ethan looks at me, licking his lips. I shake my head.

Whatever this is, it doesn’t concern me. I just work here. Well, if anyone wants to order something, order now or I’m leaving, and you work out what you need to work out on your own.” Boys and their grudges.

Leave them to me—you go behind the
, people are waiting,” Noah orders sharply and crosses his arms. I nod and leave them to their guy stuff.


“What was that?” I ask Noah when he returns. He grabs the dirty glasses and starts putting them in the dishwasher.

That was Ethan and his group—they think they’re some big hotshots who own the town. They’re our biggest rivals in basketball.”

You play basketball? Well, I’m not surprised, considering your height.” He must be at least 6 feet 4 inches
or taller. Noah nods.

Yeah, our team has been the best until now, but Wolves are trying hard to beat us, on and off the court. They’re always looking for quarrels and fights so our players would get hurt and make it easier for them to win the game. But we won’t surrender,” he says
a spark in his eye, and shakes his head.

Great, I love basketball. In high school, I went to every school game. I’ll definitely come to your games and cheer for you. How long have you been playing?” I ask with interest.

Oh, for ages. But the last four years more seriously. Still, I don’t know if I envision myself on a basketball court later in life.” I nod. We don’t stop working while we talk.

Then you know Addison?” I ask, looking at him.

Yes, of course. She’s the younger sister of our best player. She’s dating Jackson. I actually live with the guys. Where do you know her from?”

We’re roommates. She told me her brother is playing basketball, so I assumed you all know each other.”


After the last customers leave, Noah and I lock the door and count the cash register receipts. I sit on a bar stool and count
the earnings of this
night. I yawn, rubbing my eyes.

I’m glad it’s over for the night, my legs hurt, and I can’t wait to lie down in my bed. I’m totally beat.” Noah laughs at me from behind the
, where he’s putting the last few glasses back on the shelf.

You’ll get used to it. At first, it’s hard to find a rhythm, but it gets easier. Where did you park your car? I’ll walk you to it, since all the bouncers already left.” I shake my head.

I don’t have a car, I walked. It’s not that far.” Noah’s eyes widen in surprise.

You walked? Are you crazy? It’s not safe for you to walk around alone so late at night, you can get attacked. I’ll drive you home. Come.” As I open my mouth to protest, he grabs my hand and leads me to his car.

Thanks, but it’s really no problem for me to walk.”

No, no, I’ll give you a ride,
no objections.




“Hey Noah,
home from work?” I greet him sleepily as he comes through the door.

Oh, hi, Ry. Yes, I’ll just grab a shower and then hit the sack. We start classes tomorrow and I’m already beat. What are you still doing up?” he asks
I yawn.

I came to get a glass of water, I’m thirsty,” I respond, opening the fridge. “So, how was it? Was the club full?” I manage to ask before swallowing a big gulp of cold water.

Yeah, as usual. You know Mirage is always packed. We'
got a new waitress working there. Damn, she’s so hot, you should’ve seen her. Apparently, she’s your sister’s roommate.”

Mm-hum, Addy mentioned something, yes. I haven’t met her yet, but Addison says she’s quiet and keeps
herself.” I move the chair and sit down. Noah nods.

Yeah, she’s kind of quiet, but she’s great. She’s not some bimbo, she’s very much down to earth. And she’s really gorgeous, a true beauty. You’ll see for yourself, I’m sure you’ll get to meet her very soon.”
Yeah, probably one of those girls that only chase after money
. Noah climbs the stairs to his room and closes the
behind him. I also head back to bed.


Beep, beep, beep
, rings the alarm on my phone. “Yes, yes,” I sigh sleepily and reach to turn it off. It’s definitely too early in the morning for my taste. I slowly get out of bed and put on some pants and a T-shirt. The toothbrush is hanging from my mouth as I try to button the pants. I fix my hair, mussed from sleep, and I’m ready to go. I take my book bag and go to the kitchen, where I grab a quick bite and when I’m sitting in my car, I raise the volume on my stereo to the max
and drive off.

I park in my usual spot and with a cell phone in my hand I head toward the lockers to drop off the books I won’t need.

“Hey, Ryder,” one of the cheerleaders waves at me. I nod at her and continue walking. I am completely focused on writing a text to Addison to let her know I’ll be waiting for her at the end of her class, so I raise my head just enough to open the door to the building and move down the hallway.
, I feel an impact as I collide with a slim, light-haired girl. Her books fall to the floor and I drop my phone. We both kneel down.

I’m so sorry,” says the blonde apologetically as she hurriedly picks up her scattered things.

It’s not your fault. I wasn’t looking where I was going, so I’m the one who should apologize,” I say and finally raise my gaze to her. Her head is still facing down, I think she’s looking for my phone.

Here,” she says and extends her hand to give it to me, raising her gaze in the process. I am speechless for a few seconds. Squatting in front of me is the beauty from the coffee shop. Her light hair is falling on her shoulders, and her eyes, wow, her eyes, I’ve never seen such beautiful blue eyes. I could get lost in them. I clear my throat and rise to my feet.

Oh, thank you, and again, I’m sorry for not looking where I was going.” She smiles, turns around and walks away. Just as I want to call after her and ask what her name is, Paris grabs my hand. Fuck, what does she want now?

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