Better Dead (44 page)

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Authors: Max Allan Collins

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My friend and longtime research associate George Hagenauer made a trip to Iowa for a key brainstorming session, and did much reading and digging on McCarthy, Cohn, and the Rosenbergs. A Wisconsin resident himself, George was an enthusiastic advocate for the inclusion in this novel of the day Communists “took over” Mosinee in Senator McCarthy's home state.

I had intended to open the novel with Hammett testifying to McCarthy's committee, but looking at various newspaper articles on, and magazine accounts of, this bizarre event (Racine
Journal Times
Wausau Daily Herald
American Legion Magazine
OAH Magazine of History
) swung me to George's thinking—specifically, that this was a perfect nutshell view of the nuttiness of Red Scare America in the fifties. There's no record of McCarthy having been present, but he should have been, so I put him there; he was certainly a key supporter and possibly an architect of the stunt. Footage of the mock takeover can be seen in the documentary
Atomic Cafe,
mentioned below.

George and I at times divided up research reading. He read the massive and essential
The Life and Times of Joe McCarthy
(1982) by Thomas C. Reeves and guided me to key pages, while I concentrated on
Shooting Star: The Brief Arc of Joe McCarthy
(2006) by Tom Wicker and
Joseph McCarthy
(2000) by Arthur Herman, looks at the man and his era from the left and right, respectively.

Other McCarthy books consulted included
McCarthy: The Man, The Senator, The “Ism”
(1952), Jack Anderson and Ronald W. May;
(1968), Roy Cohn;
Senator Joe McCarthy
(1959), Richard H. Rovere; and
The Rise and Fall of Senator Joe McCarthy
(2009), James Cross Giblin.
Encyclopedia of the McCarthy Era
(1996) by William K. Klingaman proved helpful as a general reference.

Any book looking at McCarthy and his era must take into account the classic documentary
Point of Order!
(1963), directed and produced by Emile de Antonio and Daniel Talbot, which skillfully (if not always fairly) edits the many kinescope hours of the Army-McCarthy hearings of 1954 into an entertaining, sometimes thrilling film. I made use of both a DVD and the published transcript. Other films viewed include
The Atomic Cafe
(1982), produced and directed by Kevin Rafferty, Jayne Loader, and Pierce Rafferty (“Duck and cover!”);
Citizen Cohn
(2001), written by David Franzoni and directed by Frank Pierson;
The Edward R. Murrow Collection: The McCarthy Years
(1991), produced by Bernard Birnbaum and written by Russ Bensley and Sam Roberts;
The Real American: Joe McCarthy
(2011), written by Lutz Hachmeister and Simone Holler and directed by Hachmeister; and
The Unquiet Death of Julius and Ethel Rosenberg
(1974) written by Alvin Goldstein and directed by Alan Moorman.

Unusual things that turn up in research often don't make it into the Heller novels. For readers who share my affinity for Mickey Spillane's Mike Hammer and the film
Kiss Me Deadl
y (1955), the following historical tidbit may mind-boggle: in 1950, before any arrests in the Rosenberg case were made, an FBI agent named Spillane was searching for an iron box containing a piece of plutonium (pilfered by David Greenglass).

Thanks to my friend and agent, Dominick Abel, who has worked mightily to keep the Heller memoirs alive; and my editor, Claire Eddy, whose enthusiasm for Nate Heller and his creator is much appreciated and reciprocated.

As usual, love and thanks go to Barbara Collins—my wife, best friend, and valued collaborator—who was working on her draft of our next “Barbara Allan”–bylined novel while I was writing this one. Despite the demands of her writing, she endured my constant need for a sounding board, providing tough-minded suggestions and patient support.


The Memoirs of Nathan Heller

Better Dead

Ask Not

Target Lancer

Triple Play

Chicago Lightning
(short stories)

Bye Bye, Baby

Chicago Confidential

Angel in Black

Majic Man

Flying Blind

Damned in Paradise

Blood and Thunder

Carnal Hours

Stolen Away

Neon Mirage

The Million-Dollar Wound

True Crime

True Detective

The Road to Perdition Saga

Return to Perdition
(graphic novel)

Road to Paradise

Road to Purgatory

Road to Perdition 2:

On the Road
(graphic novel)

Road to Perdition
(graphic novel)

With Mickey Spillane

Murder Never Knocks

Kill Me, Darling

King of the Weeds

Complex 90

Lady, Go Die!

Kiss Her Goodbye

The Big Bang

The Goliath Bone

The Consummata

With Barbara Collins (as Barbara Allan)

Antiques Fate

Antiques Swap

Antiques Con

Antiques Chop

Antiques Disposal

Antiques Knock-Off

Antiques Bizarre

Antiques Flee Market

Antiques Maul

Antiques Roadkill

Quarry Novels

Quarry's Choice

The Wrong Quarry

Quarry's Ex

Quarry in the Middle

The First Quarry

The Last Quarry

Quarry's Vote
Primary Target

Quarry's Cut
The Slasher

Quarry's Deal
The Dealer

Quarry's List
The Broker's Wife

The Broker

Writing as Patrick Culhane

Red Sky in Morning

Black Hats

With Matthew Clemens

No One Will Hear You

You Can't Stop Me

Fate of the Union

Supreme Justice


A Forge Book



Max Allan Collins
is the author of the acclaimed graphic novel
Road to Perdition
(basis for the Academy Award–winning Tom Hanks film) and its sequels. An independent filmmaker, Collins lives in eastern Iowa. You can sign up for email updates


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Title Page

Copyright Notice


Author's Note


Book One: Red Scare

Chapter 1

Chapter 2

Chapter 3

Chapter 4

Chapter 5

Chapter 6

Chapter 7

Chapter 8

Chapter 9

Chapter 10

Chapter 11

Chapter 12

Chapter 13

Book Two: Deep Creek

Chapter 14

Chapter 15

Chapter 16

Chapter 17

Chapter 18

Chapter 19

Chapter 20

Chapter 21

Chapter 22

Chapter 23

I Owe Them One

Books by Max Allan Collins

About the Author




Copyright © 2016 by Max Allan Collins

All rights reserved.

Cover design by Michael Graziolo

Joseph R. McCarthy photograph courtesy of the National Archives and Records Administration, Records of the U.S. Information Agency

Bettie Page photograph courtesy of CMG Worldwide

Robert F. Kennedy photograph courtesy of the Executive Office of the President of the United States

Julius and Ethel Rosenberg photograph courtesy of the Library of Congress

A Forge Book

Published by Tom Doherty Associates, LLC

175 Fifth Avenue

New York, NY 10010

Forge® is a registered trademark of Tom Doherty Associates, LLC.

The Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data is available upon request.

ISBN 978-0-7653-7828-6 (hardcover)

ISBN 978-1-4668-6078-0 (e-book)

e-ISBN 9781466860780

Our e-books may be purchased in bulk for promotional, educational, or business use. Please contact the Macmillan Corporate and Premium Sales Department at 1-800-221-7945, extension 5442, or by e-mail at
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First Edition: May 2016

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