Read Betwixt, Before, Beyond Online

Authors: Melissa Pearl

Betwixt, Before, Beyond (13 page)

BOOK: Betwixt, Before, Beyond
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Chapter Twenty-Five


I know Dale's right. Finding me will be the only way to prove he's innocent. But how the hell am I supposed to get him out of this cell!

"Okay, I can go through the bars, but then what?"

"You'll need to find the key and bring it back to me."

I squeeze my eyes shut and silently swear. I don't think I can do this. I'm about to tell Dale that when he whispers, "I know you're scared, but you can do this."

Opening my eyes, I look directly at him. His eyes are filled with such conviction I might just be capable of believing him.

"Okay," I sigh. "Okay."

Dale shoots me a winning smile and walks towards the cell bars. "Good luck."

I let out two quick breaths then close my eyes and step forward.

My body breaks apart as I pull myself through and I spin around with a small smile.

"Are you through?"

"Check." I nod as I look down the corridor. "Okay, I'll go exploring. You just wait for me here."

Dale's eyes shift from side to side before he nods. "Okay."

I watch him trying to bite back a grin as I realize what I've just said.

"Oh shut up! I'm nervous."

His face illuminates with a smile. "You'll be great."

"Yeah, whatever."

I ignore his quiet chuckle as I creep away from the cell and head towards the front desk.


I don't know why I'm tiptoeing, it's not like anyone can hear me! Sneaking up to the front of the station, I peer over the top of the desk and spot the deputy with his head buried in a pile of paperwork. He looks bored to distraction as he flicks through notes and signs various pieces of paper.

A noise from the adjacent office distracts me and I look over the desks to see the sheriff pacing away from his guest. He looks at his watch in agitation and glances out the door. I instinctively duck then roll my eyes and stand. He looks annoyed as he nods at... is that the mayor? I squint my eyes, but can't get a decent view as Sheriff Hutton walks in my line of vision.

I decide it doesn't really matter who he's talking to and the longer it takes the better. From memory, the mayor is a total blabbermouth so this meeting of theirs is working in my favor.

Forcing my brain to think cell key, I pull my attention back to the deputy and his desk. It's not exactly the tidiest work area I've ever seen. I frown as I walk through the partition and stand behind the man. He pulls off his glasses and gives his eyes a rub before stretching his arms back and letting out a yawn. I jump out of his way and spot the keys next to his coffee mug just before he leans forward again.

How am I supposed to get those without him noticing? They're right beside his left hand.

rowning, I fidget with my watchstrap as I try to formulate some kind of plan. I can't go back to Dale without the key. I just can't.

Wiggling my fingers and stepping around the policeman, I try to reach past him for the keys. His hand jumps up and scratches his shoulder. I try once more and the same thing happens. The only way I can get those keys is to pass straight through him and even if I do that, he'll probably freak out when he sees the keys moving along the de
sk by some invisible force. No — I have to distract him.

I scrunch my lips up as I look at the back of the deputy's head. He scratches his shoulder again and I get an idea.

Please work. Please, please, please work!

Rubbing my fingers together, I run them down the side of his neck.

He twitches and scratches the spot. I grin and do it again. This time he slaps it. My smile grows wider and wider as I continue to torment the man until he jerks tall and moves away from his desk.

"You okay, Walter?" The female officer working at the desk behind him looks up.

"Yeah, I just feel like something's crawling on my neck."

"Let me take a look." She stands up, hitches her pants
and leans over her desk to study the deputy's pink neck.

I quickly step into the vacated space and snatch at the keys. My fingers slip straight through them.

"Oh come on!"

It's not like I have seconds to spare. I glance over my shoulder as the female officer mmms and squints her eyes, trying to find some invisible bug or bite.

Looking back at the keys, I narrow my eyes and mutter, "You are coming with me."

I put my index finger inside the key ring and slide it across the desk. Like magic it shuffles across the wood and lands in my left hand. I wrap my fingers around the precious cargo and cling for dear life as I make a beeline back to the cells.

I'm in the corridor when I feel them begin to slip.

"No!" I try to squeeze them tighter, but it's no use. Air fingers are back and the keys are heading for the floor. They land with a loud tinkle that will surely be investigated. Dropping to the floor, I give them a shove and thankfully they glide across the shiny floor and come to rest in between two filing cabinets.

The deputy's head pops around the corner. He looks down the corridor with a confused frown then starts slowly walking towards me.

"Don't look at the cabinets. Don't look at the cabinets," I say over and over, until he walks past them.

He turns again and puts his fingers in his belt. His frown lines are deep with confusion and panic is knocking on my door until he shrugs. His face resumes the bored expression from before and he makes his way back to his desk.

I sigh and force my heart to start beating again as I scramble for the keys.

As quietly as I can, I pull them from beneath the cabinet and shuffle them along the ground. I must look ridiculous as I crawl on my hands and knees towards Dale, pushing the keys ahead of me.

"Okay, that is the freakiest thing I have ever seen."

I look up at Dale's comment and smile. "Nearly there."

"Good job." Dale squats down and reaches through the bars, gathering up the keys in his hand and searching for the right one.

"Try that one." I point at the small, flat key.

"Which one?"

"The small one. No...yes, that one."

Dale jiggles the keys around as he tries to get the right angle and slot it in.

My breath catches. "Someone's coming."

I can hear the slow footsteps of leather boots on linoleum.

Dale scuttles over to his bench, shoving the keys in his pocket. He's just slumping into a look of despair when the deputy's head appears.

"What's the noise?"

Dale looks at him with forced confusion. "What do you mean?"

"Don't get smart with me, kid. I heard a noise."

Knowing he can't move and risk the chance of the keys jingling in his pocket, Dale stays lounging against the wall and shrugs. "I'm sorry, officer, but it wasn't me."

The man's eyes narrow and I so don't want to see where this is going. Jumping behind him, I run my finger down his neck again. The officer twitches and slaps the spot. I do it again. He scratches this time. I repeat myself one more time and the deputy mumbles an irritated curse then spins on his heel. I watch his retreat and notice him heading for the men's room.

Dale stands with a chuckle. "Was that you?"

"Too mean?"

"Perfect." He grins.

Pulling out the small, flat key, he tries to work more quietly this time and slips it into the lock. It's not the right one.


"Don't worry. I'll just try them all until we find it." Dale's calm voice soothes my
nerves, but I still dance from toe to toe until two keys later the lock clicks open.

We both freeze at the sound, but nothing heads our way.

Sliding the door open, the smallest amount possible, Dale wriggles through.

"You're free!" Before thought stops me, I wrap my arms around his neck.

He shivers and I jump away from him. "Sorry."

"No problem." His smile is golden. I can feel my entire body warming with it until the sound of boots approaching distracts me.

I let out a gasp. Panic flashes over Dale's face.

"Run, I'll distract him."


"Just go!"

I race back down the hall towards the deputy. He is wiping his face down with a paper towel as he saunters back to check on Dale. This can't happen. We need more time.

I hold my breath, close my eyes and run straight towards him, passing through his body and making him stop with a jerk. His spine twitches and his limbs do a quick dance before he spins to look behind him.

"Yes, come this way."

He slowly scans the walls around him, looking nervous, before taking a cautious step back towards the cells.


I glance around me and spot distraction number two. Running the opposite direction, I aim for the open filing trays stacked on the shelves along the wall. With as much forced as I can muster, I tear them from the shelves. They land with a bang, scattering paper everywhere.

The deputy appears in seconds.

"Everything alright back there, Walter?" The female officer calls.

"Yeah," the deputy sighs. "Just the wind wreaking havoc again. We have got to find another home for these file trays." He bends down and starts collecting up papers.

I jump over him and head for the exit.

Dale is ducking beneath the front counter. I was hoping my file tray distraction would pull both the officers away, but it didn't work. I stand up to see where the female officer is working then bob back down again.

"If you try
walking out that door, she'll see you straight away."

He nods with a frown.

"How are we supposed to do this?"

Dale mouths, "Distraction?"

"Another one? I'm running out of ideas!"

His lips quirk with a grin as he squeezes the keys in his hands.
I watch his knuckles turn white and am suddenly inspired.

"Use the keys."

He looks at me.

"Throw them across the desk or something. They'll turn around and look and we can run out the door."

Dale thinks for a moment then nods at my plan, pointing to the door.


"Open the door," he mouths.

"They'll see."

He quickly points to himself and mimes throwing the keys then points at me and mimes opening the door.

"I'm not strong enough to do that."

He nods.

"No, I'm not."

Throwing me a stern look, he does another definitive nod.

"Your faith in my ability is stupid."

His eyes soften with a look of adoration, which I totally fall for. My insides buzz with warmth as my lips fight a smile.

"Okay, fine. I'll move to the door and count to three. You throw the keys and I'll try to push it open."

He gives me the thumbs up.

I creep over to the door and lean against it.

Concentrate, Nicole. Don't you dare screw this up.

I look to Dale, who's poised, ready to risk himself yet again for my sake. He's such an idiot.

Glancing at the door, he gives me a nod.

"Okay, one...two...
three." I grunt as I try to convince myself I'm not made of air and push on the door.

I hear the swoosh of keys, followed by a, "What the hell was that?"

Dale rushes past me and I turn to see the officer rummaging on the floor behind her desk.


Nervous giggles make my muscles quiver as I race around the side of the building, following Dale through the parking lot and over the fence. Dale scrambles up the wood and flicks his leg over the top. Me, being Miss Shortness will have no show. Squeezing my eyes shut, I pass through the wood and end up next to Dale as he lands on the ground. He leans against the planks to catch his breath.

"This is bad." I start to rock on my heels. "This is really, really bad. I just broke you out of jail."

"Calm down."

"Calm down? We're hiding from the police right now? As soon as they find out you're gone all hell is going to break loose."

"Don't you think I know that?" Dale runs a shaky hand through his curls.

"What now?"

"We go find Adam and get your body before Sheriff Hutton does."

"School's like five miles away. How are we supposed to get there?"

Dale frowns and licks his lip. He's obviously reluctant to say whatever it is he needs to say, because he opens and closes his mouth a couple of times then winces.


He sighs. "Fancy a joy ride?"


Chapter Twenty-Six


"Are you out of your mind? No! I'm not going to let you get in
to more trouble for me."

"What else are we supposed to do? We don't have time for a five mile run."

"What if you get caught?"

"What if I don't get to you before the sheriff does?"

A shudder runs down my spine. I want to break into my spiel about how he shouldn't be doing this for me, but he's already started moving. I let out an agitated huff and follow him.

It only takes a couple of minutes to make it to the road parallel to the police station. I reluctantly scan the cars, looking for lowered windows or unlocked doors.
Thankfully the residential road quiet. Most people are at work this time of day.

I spot a car parked across the road. "What about that red one?" I point to it.

"No, let's take the grey one on this side."

"What is it
with you and crappy cars? That's a piece of junk." I look at its beat up exterior.

"Yeah, a piece of junk that probably won't be alarmed."

We run towards it. Dale tests the driver's side, but it's locked. Bending down, he peers in the window and a small smile flitters over his lips.

"They forgot to lock the back door." Running around the car, he opens it up and climbs through to the driver's seat."Keep an eye out for me."

He reaches below the steering wheel and pulls out some wires.

"Of course you know how to hot wire
a car," I mutter. "Who doesn't?"

I turn away to scan the street and make sure no one can see him. My pulse is racing so fast I think I might pass out. If my physical condition doesn't kill me, I might actually die from a brain explosion.

The car revs to life.

"You in?"


Dale reaches over me and slams the back door closed.


I can tell he wants to drive like a maniac, but is fighting the urge in order not to draw any unnecessary attention. For all we know the Sheriff is still pacing in his office and the deputy is still stacking up hundreds of sheets of paper. All I can do is cross my fingers and hope that is the case.

Taking the back road, Dale parks on the opposite side of the school. We sneak in through the back and jog across the fields. The students who spot Dale just assume he's running late and trying to get in undetected. That fence is where all the late kids arrive.

We duck behind the bleachers and edge our way towards the school buildings. Dale checks for a clear path then sprints to the make-out alcove
where many a free period has been spent by numerous couples. No one is there today and we lean against the wall as Dale catches his breath.

"Where will Adam be?"

Dale glances at his watch. "Let me think. We're not in many of the same classes, but it's...what day is it?"

I scour my brain. "Friday?"

"That's right. Friday, okay...we have Advanced English first then..." he mumbles a few more classes and stops with a nod. "Free period. I think he has free period and he usually goes to the library."

Dale goes to make a move and I grab at his arm. He shivers and looks at me. "You'll be spotted. Wait here and I'll come back and get you."

"It'll take too much time."

"I don't want you to get caught. The library is right next to the quad, it's like major thoroughfare through there."

Dale finally gives me a reluctant nod. "Okay, but I'm not waiting here, it's too far away. I'll hide in the resource room."

"Yeah, I know where that is."

We carefully make our way to the hub of the school. I pass through the library doors and quickly scan the tables. I spot Trent whispering into some redhead's ear with a seductive smile on his face. I resist the urge to punch him as I walk past. I'd much rather do that when I'm flesh and bone. If I'm going to hit him, I want it to hurt.

There's no sign of Adam in the normal group study areas so I start systematically searching each of the aisles.

Ten minutes later, I'm rushing out the doors with an irritated frown.

I arrive in the resource room and gently clear my throat, so I don't surprise Dale. It doesn't really work. He still jumps and places his hand on his heart.



"He's not in the library."

"Shit!" Dale flicks a curl out of his face.

"Where else does he go?"

"I'm not sure." Dale curses again
and thumps his hand on the bookshelf in front of him.

"It's okay." I touch his arm. "We'll find him." I look around me as I try and force my brain into action. "If you were Adam right now, where would you go?"

"I just said I'm not sure."

"But let's think about this. He's hit me with his car. He's possibly feeling guilty and his Dad is pressuring him into finishing me off."

Dale stands up and nods as he listens to me.

"He knows his Dad is coming to collect
him from school soon, so...where's a good place to hide?"

Dale stares at
the ceiling as he thinks. His head soon drops to face me and he nods. "I know this one room that's never really used. Mr. Attley shoves all his old computers and broken tech stuff in there. The students he likes are allowed to go and potter in there during their free periods. I'm pretty sure Adam's on his list."

"It's worth a shot."

We start running, heading down a flight of stairs and through a rabbit warren of corridors.

"How do you even know about this room?"

Dale slows to a stop outside the door. "Mr. Attley told me about it."

"Kiss ass."

He gives me a dry look and opens the door.

We creep inside. The room is crowded and dusty. Computer monitors and keyboards are piled in disarray along the counters. Various cables hang from nails along the wall and scattered along the centre table are a plethora of technical gadgets. Obviously students have been taking parts from different devices and trying to turn them into something new. I squint at a digital camera attached to the bottom half of a remote control car.

Hmmm. Images of it sneaking into the girls' locker room make me frown.

Nerdy boys.

Dale flicks the lights on as I move further into the room. There doesn't seem to be any sign of human activity. Dale throws me an annoyed look and I'm sure he's about to swear when we hear a soft tink from the back of the room.

"Hello?" Dale calls.

There's a pregnant pause as we inch further into the room.

Finally someone peers around the corner. "Oh hey, man. How's it going?"

Dale's face is etched with disappointment as he approaches the giant blond hiding behind a mound of technical books.

"Hey, Adam."

I watch Dale's face with concern. He so does not want to have this conversation right now. He shoves his hands in his pockets and stops next to his friend.

"What are you doing down here?" Adam glances up from the open laptop. The keyboard is removed exposing all the chips and wiring that make it tick.

"We need to talk, man."

Adam looks away. I notice how pale he is. The dark circles beneath his eyes make him look like he's been in a bar fight.

"What's up?" he finally mutters.

Dale's face bunches with pain. "Where's Nicole?"

"How should I know?" Adam picks up a miniature screwdriver and continues tinkering.

"Adam, don't lie to me."

Fast breaths spurt through Adam's nostrils as he shakes his head. My stomach coils. He's not going to tell us. He's going to deny everything and then his Dad will arrive and arrest Dale all over again.

"Come on. Please, I need to find her."

Another head shake. "I don't know what you're talking about. Look the girl's an unpredictable basket case. She could be anywhere."

Dale's eyes darken with rage and from out of nowhere, he turns
all Hulk on everybody. Letting out a loud cry, he grabs Adam's collar and pushes him until he's fallen flat on his back. Dale's muscles are bulging, the tendons in his neck look ready to snap as he digs his knee into Adam's chest.

"Where is she

"I don't know, man. She ran away." Adam's voice is quivering, his eyes wide with fear.

Dale punches him square in the face, leaving behind a burning red mark. "I know it was you. I saw your car. Now tell me where she is!"

Adam's bottom lip begins to wobble and his voice breaks as tears bubble up from nowhere. "I didn't mean to do it.
I was tired of all the pressure. I needed a night off." He sniffs. "I wasn't supposed to be out and I was rushing to get home, but I'd had a few drinks. She came out of nowhere, man. I didn't mean to hit her, but it's like my arms were made of lead. By the time I saw her, it was too late..." He pulls in a ragged breath. "And now she's dead. I killed her."

Watching him is pitiful. Dale slowly stands and steps back. Adam sits up and wipes his nose with his finger.

"She's not dead."

"You don't know that."

"Yes I do. We need to find her. I need you to take me to her."

Adam stands on shaky legs and rubs his swollen cheek. Fear is oozing from his very pores. "I can't. I can't do it."

"Look, I know what your Dad's expecting of you, but you don't have to."

"How do you know that?" Adam's brows dip together.

Dale shakes his head. "It doesn't matter right now, okay? We're running out of time." Stepping forward, he grabs Adam's collar. "You don't have to be a killer, Hutton. Now get moving before I have to drag you to the car."

Adam shakes himself loose and gives a small nod. With jittery hands he grabs his backpack and slings it over his shoulder. His knuckles are white as he grips the strap. I watch his freshly bruised face twitch and my insides spark with foreboding.

BOOK: Betwixt, Before, Beyond
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