Beyond the Waves (Pacific Shores Book 1) (22 page)

Read Beyond the Waves (Pacific Shores Book 1) Online

Authors: Lynnette Bonner

Tags: #Romance, #Love Story, #Christian Fiction, #Christian Romance, #Inspirational Fiction, #Contemporary Romance

BOOK: Beyond the Waves (Pacific Shores Book 1)
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“You must have gotten here when I was taking Marie home.”

“Marie was here? Friday night girls’ night?”

She sighed. Now was as good a time to tell him as any. “No. Marie stayed with me for a few days this week.”

“Oh? Something happen to her place?”

“No.” She pinned him with a look and then had to glance away and blink back tears. “She’s pregnant, Ky. She needed someone with her to help her think through the future.”

“She’s—” Tension zipped through him. “Is it Brice’s?”

Taysia pinched the bridge of her nose. “I don’t think so. She at least says it couldn’t be him. In fact, she says she doesn’t know who the father is.”

Concern etched his features. “Is she going to be alright?”

Taysia thought for a long moment, then finally answered, “I hope so. She’s strong. She’s had to be. But I can tell she’s really scared. She’s chosen to keep the baby, though, and I’m really thankful for that.”

“That’s good. We’ll need to be there for her. She’s going to need all the support she can get.”

Taysia flopped her head back against the couch and then rolled it toward him. Love for the man threatened to overwhelm her. “Kylen, forgive me? For running off and not trusting you? I need to hear you say it.”

He leaned over and kissed her softly, then eased away just enough to cradle her cheek in one palm. “I forgive you, Taysia. Truth is, I was so hurt that you assumed the worst that I didn’t respond very well. So…forgive me for not just saying straight out what really happened?”

This time she kissed him. “I forgive you. Not that I was in any sort of emotional state to have listened.”

Humor crinkled the corners of his eyes as he leaned forward and lingered over another kiss. “This forgiveness thing could really work to a guy’s benefit. Let’s see…what else can I ask you to forgive me for…?”

She chuckled and thumped his chest with the back of her hand. But she didn’t protest when he leaned in again. His lips settled on hers more firmly this time. Tugging. Pulling. Parting. And as his tongue caressed hers, she wrapped her arms around his neck and freed all the passion and emotion that had been dammed up for the past two weeks. Her fingers curled into the hair at the back of his head, and she pressed herself closer to him.

“Layne.” The word emerged on a groan as he snatched his hands from her waist and thrust them behind his back. He pressed his forehead to hers, his eyes closed, his breaths coming rapidly. Then he leaned in and gave her a quick final kiss before he leapt to his feet and reached down a hand for her. “Come jogging with me?”

She heaved in a shuddering breath and allowed him to help her to her feet. Jogging was the last thing on her mind, but he was right. They needed to get out into public. Her gaze traveled to his lips. She wanted more. And she could see the same desire reflected in his eyes. The power of her desire scared her a little. She wanted him so much that if she gave in to the need, she might not stop. They both stepped back from each other at the same moment, and she chuckled tremulously. “Yeah, jogging’s probably a really good idea.”

He took another exaggeratedly large step back and grinned at her.

She was once more overwhelmed with how much he cared for her. The fact that he was putting his own desires on hold, and encouraging her to do the same because it was the right thing to do, only made her love him more.

He stopped at her door and rubbed his thumb over his lips as though the feeling of their kiss still lingered there. “I’ll go get changed and meet you outside?”

“Yeah.” She nodded and willed down the trembling caused by the adrenaline rush. “See you out there.”

Taysia changed into a white spandex top and running shorts and slipped into her favorite running shoes. She took time to put up her hair so she wouldn’t have to fight it in the notorious Pacific wind, and added a little makeup. By the time she finally got herself together enough to head for the beach, she was sure Kylen would be waiting for her. But when she arrived at the place they normally started their jog from, he still wasn’t anywhere to be seen.

She turned to glance back in the direction of their houses, and stilled. The sunrise was so spectacular, Taysia drew in a breath of awe. She absentmindedly pulled up one quad to stretch as she studied the sky above their rooftops. Shards of coral and watermelon pink shot through with lemon yellow swirled with every shade of purple imaginable before fading to lavender, peach, and cream above her head.

She heard Kylen’s footsteps crunching in the sand as she switched to stretch out her other leg, but just then a flock of gulls cavorting against the backdrop of the sunrise drew her attention. “Isn’t it beautiful?” she asked, unable to disguise the awe in her voice.

“Yes.” It was the husky quality of that one little word that shot a dart of awareness through her. Dropping her foot, she turned to face him.

He was wearing a suit and tie. And carrying a huge bouquet of her favorite purple lupines that grew wild along the beach this time of year interspersed with beach grass. The bouquet was large enough to almost be a burden. But it was the glint in his eye that sent her heart rate soaring. A glint that held a note of mischief, promise, hope, and adoration.

“You can’t go jogging in a suit…” Her hands flew to her mouth. He couldn’t be… “Kylen!?”

He grinned and held out the bouquet to her.

She took the flowers reflexively, resting them against the crook of one arm as she studied his expression.

It turned oh so serious as he took her hand and dropped to one knee on the sand before her.

Everything in her went still.

“Anastaysia Layne Green”—he tilted his head, his eyes never leaving her face—”will you marry me?”

The strength left her legs, and she dropped to her knees before him. Slowly, she set the bouquet of lupines onto the sand. Wrapping her arms around his neck, she pressed her forehead to his and just took in the moment. She pulled in a slow breath. She was so undeserving of this man, of this moment of happiness, of the lifetime promised to them. Yet here it was being offered, and with love at that.

Pulling back just slightly, she caressed his cheek with the backs of her fingers and then met his gaze.

His brows arched, and he worked one side of his lip like his life depended on it.

“I might not be the perfect wife.”

He chuckled. “I know I won’t be the perfect husband.”

Her heart thundered a staccato beat against her sternum. “We have a lot of mistakes in our past…do you think we can—”

He laid a finger over her lips. “‘But one thing I do: Forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead, I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus.’ Philippians chapter three, thirteen and fourteen. We have a lot of mistakes, Layne, yes. But we have to put that behind us and move forward. And with God’s help, we can do that.”

Tears blurred her vision. Hadn’t she just been pondering those verses a few days ago? Yes, God would help them. Love for the man threatened to overwhelm her. Leaning forward, she pressed a light kiss to his lips, then whispered, “You’re right.”

“So? What do you say?”

“Yes. Yes. A thousand times yes.”

He grinned. Kissed her quickly. Then gave a loud whoop and leapt to his feet, pulling her with him. He swung her around and around, laughing like a crazy man.

She giggled and struggled for her freedom. “Put me down, Kylen Sumner, before I change my mind!”

“Oh no you don’t!” He set her on her feet and draped his arms lazily against her shoulders. His breaths came in short puffs as he bent down and grinned into her face. “No changing your mind allowed. You are stuck with me now.”

“Well…” She grabbed his tie and rose on her tiptoes to give him a quick peck. “I think I can live with that.”


The day of the wedding dawned bright and sunny. Taysia woke with the sunrise and rushed through breakfast before hurrying out the door to meet Loraine and Marie at the hairdresser’s.

As she drove, she pondered the last few hectic weeks.

Even though Loraine and Daddy had married in a very spur-of-the-moment ceremony several weeks back, Taysia hadn’t quite been able to bring herself to call Loraine Mom yet. But the woman had stepped into the mothering role like she’d been doing it all her life, and today’s hair appointments had been set up at her insistence. Taysia really was looking forward to a bit of pampering. Heaven knew she could use it after the last few weeks of planning for the wedding and trying to keep her business running, to boot.

Yes, Loraine was a special woman and had done amazing things for Daddy’s disposition, lately including getting the man to church. Last week, when Loraine and Daddy had walked into the Wednesday night Bible study class, Taysia had nearly fallen off her seat. Daddy had shrugged and dismissed her questioning with “Kylen invited us, and Loraine said we should come.”

Kylen had winked at her from behind Daddy’s back.

Now, as Taysia pulled into a parking spot in front of the hairdresser’s, she grinned and shook her head at the memory. She would keep praying and reminding herself that God loved Daddy and Loraine more than she could ever even imagine loving them.

Marie was standing on the walk by the door waiting for her. Her tummy was just starting to round now that she was in her fifth month, and Taysia was once again reminded of God’s goodness and love.

Marie had finally and truly given her life to the Lord a couple months back, and she’d been like a new person ever since. Her maturity and care for others had really blossomed over the past few weeks, and Taysia didn’t know if she would have been able to pull this wedding off if it wasn’t for Marie’s help. She knew she and Kylen wouldn’t be headed for Hawaii tomorrow if it wasn’t for the fact that Marie had really stepped up and would be running the gym for those two weeks.

At first, she’d been a bit worried. But she found, now that the time to leave was here, she didn’t have any concerns. Marie would do a fine job for all the clients.

She hugged the girl, who gave a little squeal and then set her back at arm’s length. “Are you ready for this, Taysia?”

A grin as large as the Cheshire’s bloomed. “Oh, you better believe I’m ready!”

The pampering at the hairdresser’s was just as lovely as she’d counted on it being, and two hours later she was standing at the head of the aisle with her arm looped through Daddy’s.

Marie looked radiant in the purple gown they’d settled on. And Brice, who Kylen had chosen to stand up with him, tugged at the sleeves of his black tux.

The flowers, a mixture of purple lupines (that they’d had to buy from a hothouse because the ones on the beach were out of season now) and white roses, looked amazing. And several lit candles added to the beauty of the moment.

But it was Kylen who she couldn’t tear her gaze from. Kylen who was waiting for her at the front of the church—in front of all their friends and family. Kylen who would be her partner and companion, lover and friend, for the rest of her life.

He looked so handsome in his tux and white vest.

She grinned as she remembered trying to talk him into wearing a purple vest. But he’d wanted nothing to do with that and had given her a flat-out no followed by a kiss.

His dark gaze gleamed with satisfaction when he found her at the head of the aisle, and his feet shuffled as though anticipation made it impossible for him to stand still. The music started, and as she and Daddy stepped slowly down the aisle, everyone stood. She lost sight of Kylen for a moment. But when he reappeared, they were only steps from each other.

Her breath caught. How could one man be so handsome? He was perfect, this man made for her, even if she did miss his usual five o’clock shadow.

Daddy gave her away with a hitch in his voice, and she lifted her veil far enough to give him a kiss on the cheek. And then she was
. Standing beside the man she’d loved since a long-ago summer under a willow tree. Pledging herself to him until her dying day and hearing his sweet words of promised commitment in return.

And when the minister finally said, “You may kiss your bride,” she felt like every joy in the world burst to life inside her.

Kylen’s hands trembled as he lifted the veil back from her face. Then he cupped her neck with one hand and whispered softly, “We did it.”

“Yes,” she whispered back. “And I couldn’t be happier.”

“Me either.” He kissed her then as though they weren’t standing in front of a crowd of people. As though he might never get the chance to kiss her again and needed to store up a bank of emotions and feelings. Finally, when the audience started to titter, he eased back and grinned at her. “I love you, Mrs. Sumner,” he breathed.

After that kiss she wasn’t sure her legs would sustain her up the aisle. And she was glad for the moment of reprieve the cheers from the audience provided as she looped her arm through Kylen’s and they turned to face their friends and family. Kylen pumped his fist in the air, bringing even more whistles and cheers, and Taysia couldn’t withhold a laugh.

She glanced over at Kylen, her face stretched in a mile-wide smile.
Thank You, God, for bringing this man back into my life. Help me to love him and remain faithful to him always. I can’t wait to see what the future holds. And I know You are going to be with us every wonderful step of the way

And she did. She really did.

After all, He’d brought them this far. Beyond the waves of sin and uncertainty, doubt and fear. And onto the sea of His love and desire for their lives. There would probably still be storms ahead, but they would weather them together. With God’s help.

Dear Reader,

I hope you’ve enjoyed this story about Kylen and Taysia and the little town of Marinville on the Oregon coast. I’ll be writing more stories in this series. Marie and Reece’s story is next, but before I give you a sneak peek at that book, I wanted to let you know a couple of ways to connect with me and my other stories.

First, check out my website where I'm offering a free download of my short contemporary romance novella, My Blue Havyn, when you sign up for my newsletter. The address is:
. If you’d like to be informed when I release future stories, signing up for my very infrequent newsletter is probably your best bet.

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