Big Tex (11 page)

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Authors: Alexis Lauren

BOOK: Big Tex
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"I thought you'd never ask!"  He said and wrapped his arms around her and kissed her passionately, just as Lisa was walking back into the room.

"What are you doing!"  Lisa yelled when she saw them, her eyes wide in surprise.

Brody broke the kiss, and was surprised to see Lisa standing there glaring at them.  He grabbed Willow's hand and led her upstairs.  He got halfway up the stair and turned to where Lisa was standing.  "You know what Lisa, this is none of your business!  You are my EMPLOYEE, nothing else.  Its time you started to realize that."  He yelled at her.  Brody stopped for a minute and looked up at Willow, then back to Lisa and said calmly, "We're going to be busy for a while, then we're going out to dinner.  You might as well go home now and come back tomorrow, with a new attitude.  Don't be too early, I'm sure we won't get much sleep tonight."  He turned back to Willow as she giggled and jumped into his arms, giving him another knee-weakening kiss.  He carried her up the stairs and brought her to his bedroom.

Lisa was shocked and looked over at Micah and Sierra.  Micah spoke up and said, "You had to know that was going to happen.  He's been telling you 'no' for how long?  He is in love with Willow, it’s time to see him as your employer, not as a possible mate."

"It's time to leave him alone Lisa.  You really don't want to mess with Willow.  She's tough when someone gets in the way of what she wants."  Sierra said.  "Just wanted to warn you.  Now, if you'll excuse us, I think Micah needs to give me a proper welcome!"  She grabbed Micah's hand and led him upstairs.

When everyone had left the game room, Lisa sat on the couch crying.  She just couldn't believe that Brody didn't want her.  There had to be a way.  She left the house trying to think of a way to get Brody away from Willow.

Upstairs, Brody led Willow to his bedroom.  As they stood at the door, Brody told Willow to close her eyes.  When she shut them, Brody opened the door and led her into the room.  Willow could feel the heat from candles, as well as see little flashes of shadows against her closed eyelids.  She knew that he had a lot of candles lit in the room even though she couldn't see them.  After he had led her to the middle of the room, he pulled her into his arms and whispered against her neck "Ok, you can open your eyes now."

Willow slowly opened her eyes and looked around the room.  There were hundreds of candles lit throughout the room.  Right behind them was a king sized bed with navy blue silk sheets, and on the bed was a white box with a big red ribbon on top.  On the tables on each side of the bed, sat vases of Fire & Ice roses.  Willow gasped when she saw how beautiful the room looked.  Brody sat her down on the bench at the end of the bed and handed her the box.  Inside was a baby blue silk nightgown with a matching robe.  Willow ran her hands over the gown and looked up at Brody.  "This is beautiful Country Boy!  Thank you so much."  She said as she stood up to kiss him.  "I can't wait to wear it for you."

"Why wait?  The bathroom is right through that door.  Go put it on."  Brody said pointing to a door across the room.  While Willow was in there changing, Brody undressed down to his boxers and slipped into bed and lay between the sheets.  After a few minutes, Willow came out of the bathroom wearing only the nightgown.  It had fit her perfectly.  It was a long gown with a slit all the way up her thigh that showed her left leg every time she took a step.  It was very classy, rather than trashy.

Brody thought his heart was going to come out of his chest when he saw Willow.  His mouth went dry, and the only sound he could hear was the blood pumping in his head.  "Wow…"  was all he could say.

"So you like it then?"  Willow asked.  Brody nodded his head, still not able to get the words out.  Willow walked over to the bed and climbed on top of Brody.  He was laying with his back against the headboard, so he was half-sitting up.  Willow straddled his legs and brought her hand up to his face.  She began tracing all the lines on his face, as if to memorize every aspect of it.  Brody caught her hand and kissed her palm.  "God, I have missed you so much Brody!"  Willow said as tears came to her eyes.

"I know darling, I've missed you too.  I've been counting the minutes until I got to see you again.  It’s getting harder and harder to be apart from you.  I feel like I'm in a dream when you're here with me."  He said.

"If this is a dream, I don't want to wake up."  She said with a smile.  "Make love to me Country Boy.  I need you."  She whispered breathlessly.

"If you insist…" Brody said as he flipped her over to lay on her back.  He laid on top of her and began kissing her.  As he pushed the spaghetti strap of her nightgown down her should, he said, "Just remember what I said about the walls.  Don't hold back at all.  I want to give you pleasure like you've never felt before."

Brody sat on his knees between Willow's legs and ran his hand up the outside of her legs, pushing the hem of her gown up as he went.  When the bottom of the gown was around her waist, Brody dipped his head down and kissed the inside of her thighs.  Before she knew it, he was licking her most sensitive spot and putting his fingers in her.  She erupted in her first climax of the day, screaming with pleasure.

Brody came up and laid next to Willow after he felt her first wave pass and whispered shyly, "I need something from you…I'm not going to last, I'm just too excited."

Willow realized that he needed oral sex from her, the way she had just gotten it from him.  Without hesitation, she bent down and took him in her mouth, and as soon as he felt her hot mouth and wet tongue, he grunted and exploded in her mouth.

Brody looked at her and smiled.  "Sorry, I couldn't help it.  I think it was the nightgown or something.  Maybe the way you screamed my name…I just couldn't wait."

Willow laughed.  "It’s actually very flattering that you couldn't wait."  She laid down next to Brody and pulled the hem of her nightgown down.

He grabbed her hand as it was moving the nightgown.  "What are you doing?  We aren't done yet.  We are far from being done here."  Brody took Willow's hand and put it on his hardness.  "See, I'm ready for you again.  You didn't think I'd let you off that easy, did you?  God, I want to be inside you so bad right now."  Brody said with his eyes full of desire.

"There's nothing stopping you…"  Willow said as she climbed on top of him again and slid his shaft into her.  They made slow passionate love, and when the time came, neither one held back during their shattering climaxes.

Willow fell asleep soon after, and Brody laid there watching her.  He was so in love with Willow after such a short time.  He couldn't imagine his life without her, she had become such a big part of his world.

Brody looked up at the clock and saw that it was 5:15.  They had dinner reservations for 6:30, so he got up to take a shower.  Before he left the bedroom, he went around and blew out all of the candles.

Brody went into the bathroom and started the shower.  After he stepped into the spray of water, he felt a rush of cold air and hands around his stomach.  He turned to see Willow standing there naked.

"You left me alone in bed."  Willow whimpered.

"Sorry, you looked so peaceful sleeping there.  I was going to wake you up when I got out of the shower.  We need to get ready for dinner."  Brody said and stepped away from the water and put Willow under it so she could get wet.  She soaked her body and her hair and stepped to the side so that they could share the water.

Brody put some shampoo in his hands and turned Willow around.  He spread the shampoo throughout her long hair and massaged her scalp.  As his hands caressed her head, Willow moaned and swayed as her body got weak.  He grabbed her around the waist to keep her from falling and moved her back into the spray to rinse her hair.  He sat her down on the seat in the shower and picked up the body sponge.  Brody squeezed shower gel onto the sponge and went to work on Willow's body.  He gently washed every part of her body, then rinsed her off.  He finished cleaning himself, then shut off the water.  He stepped out of the shower stall and grabbed a fluffy towel and dried Willow off, from head to toe.

"You really know how to pamper a girl, don't you?"  Willow asked, half asleep.  "You've got me so relaxed, I don't know if I can move."

"I promise to always treat you like a princess, darling.  I will cherish you in every way."  Brody said as he wrapped the towel around her back and used it to pull Willow close to him.  He bent his head and kissed Willow.  At first, it was a very innocent kiss, that turned deep and passionate.  Willow broke the kiss and turned to walk away.

"You sure know how to wake a girl up!  We better get ready."  Willow said as she walked back into the bedroom and got dressed.  She looked back at Brody with a smirk on her face as she covered her naked body with clothes.

When the four got to the restaurant, they were led to a table next to a window overlooking the lake.  When they sat down, Sierra noticed there were five plates set instead of four.  "Are we expecting someone else?"  She asked.

"You think you can come to town and not have dinner with me?"  Lauren asked as she walked over to the table.

Willow jumped out of her chair and ran to her mother.  "Mom!  I am so happy to see you.  How did you know we were going to be eating here tonight?"

"Brody invited me a few days ago.  Such a sweet young man, including his girlfriend's mother in their plans the first night she gets here."  Lauren said as she lightly squeezed Brody's chin.  Lauren walked over to Sierra and gave her a hug.  "Been staying out of trouble?"  She asked.

"You know I have, Lauren.  Have you?"  Sierra responded.

"Never!"  Lauren said and laughed and took her seat.

Willow looked over at Brody and met his eyes.  She mouthed "Thank you" to him, and he winked back and grabbed her hand.

After dinner, everyone said goodbye to Lauren and headed back to Brody's.

The next day, Willow and Sierra got up and made a huge Sunday brunch.  Brody had told her that friends would be coming in and out all day, so they made plenty of food for everyone.  Brody said that his and Micah's friends wanted to meet their girlfriends that they hear so much about, so they would all be stopping by.

Lauren was the first to show up.  Brody had invited her to spend the day with them since Willow never got to see her mom.  They carried all the food and headed to the lake.  Brody and Micah had set up a bunch of tables and chairs down there and put a sign up telling all of the visitors to come down to the beach.

Willow was heading up to the house to get more ice when she was met by Lisa, who was walking towards the lake.  "Oh, Lisa.  I'm glad you're here, I wanted to talk to you."  Willow said in the nicest voice possible.

"What do you want?  I was just headed to the lake."  Lisa grumbled.

"Well, we need to talk about your advances towards Brody.  I know about everything, and I don't appreciate it.  Just because I'm not here every day doesn't mean that Brody and I aren't together.  Even if we weren't, its time you understood that you work for him, and that's it.  He had no romantic feelings toward you whatsoever, and if you can't get that through your head, then you won't be working for him much longer."  Willow said as calmly as she could.

"You know what, you're not my boss.  You don't tell me what to do, and you sure as hell don't tell me when I'm fired.  You watch, I'll be the one with Brody in the end, mark my words."  Lisa said and walked away, heading towards the lake.

Micah walked out of the house at that point and looked mad.  "I heard everything Willow.  There is something wrong with that girl.  I'm going to talk to Brody, he needs to get rid of her."  He said, then walked towards the lake.  "Don't worry, I'll keep an eye on her in the meantime."  He called back to her.  Willow waved and went into the house to get the ice.

When Willow got back to the beach, she saw that Lisa was sitting near Brody at one of the tables.  A few of Brody's friends helped Willow drain the melted ice from the coolers and replace it with fresh ice.  She talked with them for a while and thanked them for their help.  Afterwards, she walked over to the table where Brody was.

When Lisa saw Willow walking up, she went over and jumped in Brody's lap.  Brody tried to push her off, but she tightened her arms around his neck and leaned in to kiss him.  He stood up out of the chair, only to have Lisa cling to his neck.  "Get off me now Lisa.  I told you that I don't have any feelings for you.  I also told you that I love Willow and I won't put up with this kind of behavior from my employee.  I have tried to get you to understand this, but for some reason it just won't sink in.  Understand this…You're fired.  Don't come back here or else I will call the cops.  Now leave!"  Brody shouted.  He turned around and saw Willow standing right behind him.  He realized that she had seen the whole scene that Lisa started and went over to apologize to her.  Lisa was still standing there, and she grabbed his arm as he went to walk away.

"Missy, I think you need to let him go.  It seems as though you've caused enough trouble already!"  Lauren said to Lisa.

"Who the hell do you think you are Grandma!"  Lisa shouted at Lauren.

"Oh, no you didn't just call my mother a grandma!  You bitch!"  Willow yelled at Lisa.  Her eyes met her mom's, where her mom gave her a brief nod.  Then they met Brody's, who also nodded.  Willow walked over and punched Lisa in the nose.  "That was for my mom."  She punched her again, "And that was for Brody because he's too nice to hit a girl, no matter how much she deserves it."  Lisa fell to the ground and Micah came over and picked her up.  He threw her over his shoulder and brought her back up to her car.  He took the house keys off her key ring and turned and walked away.

Willow felt horrible for hitting Lisa in front of Brody's friends.  They all patted her on the back and congratulated her.  They all said they wished they had a girlfriend that would do the same thing.  Brody reinstated her nickname 'Rocky' for the rest of the afternoon.

After some of Brody's friends left, Willow finally felt like she could relax a little.  She opened a beer and slammed it.  She opened another to drink more slowly, and sat down with Brody.  She looked over to the path and saw an older couple walking towards them.

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