Billionaire Black: My Billionaire Boss, Part 4 (A BDSM Erotic Romance) (4 page)

BOOK: Billionaire Black: My Billionaire Boss, Part 4 (A BDSM Erotic Romance)
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"Call me Andrea. All my
Swedish tennis instructors do," she said and grinned at me. She laughed and walked away to a young blond hunk in a suit nearby who handed her a drink.

"That's her son, not her tennis instructor," Mr. Stone whispered to me. "She has a strange sense of humor," he added. He smiled at me and suddenly the buzz was back, full power. I felt my knees go weak and I bit my lip.

"How are you feeling Ms. Neri?" Mr. Stone asked.

"Just wonderful," I answered, gritting my teeth. The buzzing stopped and I managed to hold back my sigh of relief. Another moment and I would have been on the ground
, howling like a mad woman.

Mr. Stone led the way again, this time directing me to a handsome man in his early thirties. As we reached him, the vibration started on low again.

"My business partner, Matt Black."

Like his surname, Mr. Black had dark hair and dark eyes the verged on black. I'd seen the odd photog
raph of him but never one of he and Mr. Stone together. He was as tall as Mr. Stone and it was a good thing they were never photographed together because the sheer sexual energy of that picture would melt any woman into a puddle.

"Good to meet you, Delilah," he said and kissed my hand.

His eyes were twinkling, like he held some deep secret, but there was something in him that made my skin suddenly crawl. It sounded like he'd said
good to mate you, Delilah
. The buzzing stopped and I smiled politely at him.

"Very good to meet you too," I said and took my hand back.

"I have heard so many wonderful things about you from Jackson. Your extraordinary work for the company. How you go to great lengths to provide the very best."

He grinned at me and I felt myself flush red. Had Mr. Stone told him about us together? They were business partners and presumably friends. What did he know?

"Always a pleasure," Mr. Stone said in a flat voice.

"I hope to see you again," Mr. Black said and winked at me before walking away to join a beautiful woman near the window.

I looked at Mr. Stone and saw the expression on his face. It was more than simple annoyance. He was actually angry. Then it washed away and he smiled at me before leading me across to the bar. He handed me a glass of white wine and ordered a scotch on the rocks for himself.

"No one has a photograph of you
two together you know," I said, seeing what I could find out.

"Photographs are for friends," he said and swallowed half his scotch in one gulp. I sensed I was walking on thin ice here but I needed to know more.

"Weren't you friends? I thought you started the business -"

"We were. Once," he said and swallowed the rest of the scotch before depositing the glass in the hands of a waiter who appeared from nowhere.

"So many questions," he murmured and stroked his fingers down my back. His voice was soft and he was almost smiling but I could feel the hard edge under it. Question time was over. I sipped my white wine and missed his hand slipping into his pocket. The vibration started and I clenched the stem of my wine glass, holding on for dear life. I managed to gulp down the wine and set the glass down on the bar before I had to step into Mr. Stone and grab on to him. I simply couldn't hold back any more. I squeezed my eyes shut, tried to hold my breath, clenched my hands but nothing worked. Mr. Stone smiled down at me, his eyes absorbing. He pulled me closer and kissed my cheek.

"Come now, little slave," he whispered.

His words were like the switch in his pocket. I came, shuddering and shaking against him, unable to even hold myself up. The vibration hit a crescendo and then vanished, leaving me trembling in his arms. I felt his hard cock pressing up against me and wanted it inside me. I managed to compose myself, even as I felt ripples of pleasure still flowing through me.

"Are you always so obedient?" he murmured to me.

"No sir," I said.

I felt his arms tighten around me, pulling me closer.

"I want you now," he whispered. He suddenly stepped away, holding me by the hand and begun pulling me through the crowd. I followed as well as I could but he moved so quickly I was nearly wrenched off my feet. We practically ran up the stairs, moving so fast I couldn't see if anyone was watching us. As soon as we turned the corner of the corridor leading to his study, he turned and pulled me to him.

"You went into my office without permission," he said, his hand stroking down the curve of my back and lightly brushing across my ass.

"I was going to fuck you, sir," I answered, twisting his shirt in my hand.

He smacked me on the ass and before I could say anything else, hauled me down the corridor by the arm. I felt like I was being arrested. He hustled me through his study
and through the door that was hidden in the wall. A moment later and he used the small black key to open the dungeon door and pulled me inside.

As the indirect lights came on, he dragge
d me across to a small wooden platform. I stepped up on it without him instructing me to.

"Put your hands up," he said, his voice dark

I raised my arms above my head
. Mr. Stone stepped closer to me and then ran his hands down my body. Suddenly he tore my dress, splitting it down the middle. The thin straps split in his hands and soon my ridiculously expensive dress was a pile of material on the ground, leaving me topless in the vibrating underwear I couldn't remove and my super high heels.

He reached up above me. I looked up
and saw Mr. Stone clamp my wrists in leather restraints lined with wool. They were connected to a thick silver chain that hung from a solid wooden beam. Once my arms were restrained, he again stroked his hands down my body, the tips of his fingers lightly brushing my nipples and causing me to moan.

"Quiet," he said and swatted me on the ass.

He stepped away from me and pulled his phone out of his jacket pocket. He tapped the screen and the low vibration started again. I was already sensitive from the last orgasm and so even this made my mind go blank. I managed to keep my mouth shut however and my sighs bottled up inside me.

Mr. Stone watched me for a moment as I held his gaze. His eyes were dark pools of blue-green and he looked like he wanted to consume me.

"Technology," he said and winked at me before tapping his phone again.

The vibration kicked up a notch and I nearly squealed at the feeling pushing through me. Then I felt my platform move. I thought it was just a wooden step but it was actually built into the ground. As it slowly sank I heard the chain above me move. I was soon on tip-toe, my arms
stretched above me. The platform stopped in place, leaving me trembling to hold myself in place.

"You should not have gone into my office without permission little slave," he said. He tapped his phone again and the vibration kicked up to full power. My legs jolted and suddenly the step was gone and I was hanging by my wrists.
I was completely helpless before him, unable to stop him doing whatever he wanted to me. A moan escaped my lips and I closed my eyes as the vibration from the underwear surged through me. What had brought me to my knees in the corridor when I first put them on hadn't been full power. I couldn't think. My entire world had shrunk to the sensation between my legs.

Suddenly the vibration stopped and Mr. Stone pulled the underwear off me. He had stripped down and I barely had a moment to appreciate his cut body before he pulled my legs up and slammed his cock into me.

He wrapped his arms around me even as I put my legs around him and started fucking me furiously. He bit my neck and then moved his head down to take a nipple between his teeth. I squealed as he nipped me with his teeth, feeling first the pain and then the hot rush of pleasure. With every stroke of his cock into me I heard the chain clinking above us.

"I need you," he grunted, pulling his hand up to enclose my throat. I couldn't answer because I was gasping with his every movement.
I felt his fingers tighten and between his hand on my throat and his cock pounding into me I couldn't take it any longer. I cried out as I came again, trying to pull myself on to him, trying to pull myself away from him. I opened my eyes and found he was an inch away from me, our noses nearly touching. I heard him gasp and then felt him come, his arm tightening around me, his hand tensing on my throat.

Somewhere between my hitching breaths and aftershocks he undid the restraints and lowered me to the floor. I leaned against his naked body, hearing his heart thudding in his chest.

"Will you be mine?" he asked, stroking my back with his fingers.

This time there was no doubt in my mind.

"Yes, sir," I said, looking up into his eyes.

He turned away from me and picked up his suit jacket which he'd thrown over a tall wooden bench. He reached into the pocket, pulled out the black leather collar and turned back towards me. He'd been carrying it with him this entire time! Just waiting for this moment.

Holding his gaze, I pulled my hair and away from my neck and then turned my back on him. I heard Mr. Stone move behind me and then felt the warm band of leather encircle my neck. There was a soft snick as the clasp closed and with that sound, I knew I was his completely.

I turned around to face him and saw he was watching me, looking into my eyes. But what was he looking for? I raised my fingers to the collar and felt myself shiver. To be possessed. To be his.

To be

"I'm yours, sir," I said.

He stepped closer to me and kissed me.

"I know," he said.

With that, he took me by the hand and led me out of the room. For a moment I worried we'd be seen by the party guests but as soon as we stepped out into the corridor I realized the guests must have all gone home. The mansion was quiet and still. We stopped off in the guest bedroom to grab two thick white robes and then he led me down the corridor, past the main stairs and down the corridor that stretched off the other side. It turned and we ascended another staircase.

I was dizzy enough from the sex (and floating along wearing the collar) but I quickly realized he was taking me to his bedroom. I wasn't going to be sleeping in the guest room or sent home in a limo with Mi-oh.

Soon we reached a set of large black mahogany doors and Mr. Stone used the small black key again. They opened inwards and he led me inside before they closed behind us. Against the wall was a simply gigantic bed, like someone had joined two king size beds together and then decided that wasn't quite enough. As soon as I saw it, I felt a wave of sleepiness wash across me. I wanted to be in it, nestling against Mr. Stone. He led me across the room to the window and I looked down into the grounds behind the mansion. Tiny solar lights glimmered throughout the garden and I smiled at the sight of the hedge maze. Mr. Stone stepped behind me and wrapped his arms around my body before gently kissing my neck.

I smiled and felt my body tingle as I refocused on his reflection in the window. I had seen angry Mr. Stone. I had seen cold. I had seen furious. Just for a moment, I caught a glimpse of content.

Without another word between us he pulled me away from the window and to his bed. We slipped under the sheets and my head was only on his chest a moment before I was asleep.


The next morning I awoke and found Mr. Stone was gone.

I sat up, feeling warm and relaxed and saw a gold envelope sitting on the end of the bed.
I quickly rubbed the sleep out of my eyes and opened it.

I will be away on business for the next few days.
We will begin your training on Wednesday morning in the office. There is a driver waiting to take you home once you have had breakfast.

You will learn how to please me.

I shivered, imagining all that he had in store for me. Training in the office? What did he mean?

I stretched and then brought the note up to my lips, smelling his faint scent on it. I was still sore and worn out from yesterday but the scent of him made my skin tingle and my heart start to beat faster. I suddenly remembered what I'd agreed to and reached up to feel the leather collar around my neck.

I was his.


After a shower, I found a pile of clothes in my size in the en suite that fit me perfectly. I dressed and then after a quick breakfast prepared by Nadine, Mr. Henry led me out the front of the mansion where a limo was waiting. He opened the door for me and I slipped inside.

"The driver will take you home miss," said Mr. Henry.

"Thank you so much," I said as he closed the door.

I gathered it wasn't Mi-oh driving me home this time. The driver kept the barrier up between us but I barely noticed. I kept touching the collar around my neck and remembering last night. I was so lost in daydreams that I didn't realize I was home until the car stopped.

The driver opened the door for me and I stepped out and almost into him.

Mr. Stone.

Dressed in a tuxedo.

I squealed as he grabbed me and pulled him hard against him, our lips meeting in a passionate kiss. He pushed the car door closed behind me and then I was against the car, feeling his cock press up against me.

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