Blake, Abby - Emma's Education [Viper's Dungeon 1] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) (11 page)

BOOK: Blake, Abby - Emma's Education [Viper's Dungeon 1] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)
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She snorted in disbelief, obviously unaware of her own appeal. He smacked her outer thigh, the sound loud but the sting fairly mild. “The correct answer when one of your Doms gives you a compliment is ‘Thank you, Sir.’”

She gave him an impish grin and dutifully repeated the words.

“We’ll work on your obedience later,” Jace said as he lifted a deceptively modest-looking sundress over her head. The material framed her cleavage, the neckline dipping to the top of her breasts but covering her completely. Jace helped her to stand, and the skirt fell into place, stopping just below her knee. The color complimented her skin perfectly.

Emma smiled, perhaps surprised to be so completely covered, until Jace deliberately stretched the material of the bodice down and tucked it underneath her breasts. He bent to take a nipple in his mouth, wrapping a firm arm around her waist when her balance wobbled. Her hands lifted, but before she could move to push Jace away, Logan grabbed her arms and held them behind her back. She sighed and practically melted in their hold.

It was very obvious by her reaction to being immobilized that she was in the right place. She was practically begging with her body, on the verge of orgasm, by the time Jace lifted his head. “We’re going to be late.”

Emma moaned in frustration. “Later,” Logan promised as he released her arms and took her hand in his. She grumbled something that he didn’t quite hear, so he stepped in front of her, wrapped his arm around her hip, and caressed the material over her bottom. “Not another sound, little sub, or you may find later is a very long time away.”

Her eyes widened, but she sucked her bottom lip into her teeth and nodded warily. He used his thumb to pry the soft flesh from captivity, gave her a stern look, and then grabbed the brush. He sat on the bed, waiting for Jace to give her the instruction to kneel at his feet.

She looked surprised but finally did what she was told. Logan ran the brush through her slightly damp hair, untangling the knots that had been created when she’d been writhing on the bed. She seemed very embarrassed by his attentions and tried to reach for the brush.

“Don’t, little sub. Be still while I brush your hair, or I’ll turn you over my knee and use it on your bottom.” The low moan that escaped her had his cock pressing so hard against the zipper of his jeans he would swear he could feel each tiny, individual indent.

He finished her hair just as Jace finished dressing. Jace helped her to her feet, then captured her hand and turned to lead her to the car.

* * * *

Emma glanced at her exposed breasts. She tried to pull the material back into place, but a soft growl from Jace had her hesitating. The thought of stepping out of the house with her breasts exposed was both terrifying and titillating. Her heart rate accelerated as they neared the front door, and she realized with a certain amount of surprise that if her Doms wanted her to walk to the car dressed like this, she would allow it.

What the hell was happening to her? She never left the house without a bra on, yet less than twenty-four hours after meeting these two she was not only willing to go without underwear, but to step out the door only half dressed.

Anticipation curled through her belly, warring with fear and her surprising attitude.

But as they reached the front foyer, they both stood in front of her and adjusted the bodice so that she was decently covered once more. She breathed a deep sigh of relief. Yes, she would’ve done it if they’d asked, but she was very grateful they hadn’t.

“Too many camera phones these days,” Logan grumbled as he adjusted her hair so that it didn’t fall over her eyes. She actually felt all the blood drain from her face. She hadn’t been thinking past somebody maybe seeing her. But the idea of a stranger taking a photo and…oh Lord…posting it on the internet was terrifying.

“Breathe, Emma,” Jace said in a reassuring tone. “We wouldn’t let that happen.”

She nodded. They’d already protected her from her ex-boyfriend’s behavior. She already knew she could trust them. But then, almost like a movie reel playing in her head, all of the horrible things that had led up to her being here in Jace and Logan’s care flooded back into her brain.

“Stop thinking, Emma,” Logan said in a harsh tone. She turned and gazed at him, not even trying to hide her irritation at his assumption that he could control what she thought. He moved so quickly she barely noticed her own feet leave the ground until she was pressed up against the solid entry door with a hard male chest crushing her breasts and a tongue very thoroughly exploring the inside of her mouth.

She gasped as he rocked his hips against her mound, the unexpected pressure against her clit turning her thoughts to mush. She caressed his tongue with her own and tried to wrap her legs around him to force him closer. God, she wanted him inside her more than she wanted her next breath.

She whimpered as he palmed her ass and pressed her harder against his solid cock. A third hand caressed her scalp and neck gently as Jace said, “Sorry, darlin’, but we don’t want to be late for the party.”

She groaned her disappointment as Logan slid her down his body, making sure that nearly every inch of her front touched every inch of his before he placed her on her feet. With a warm smile, he grabbed her hand, opened the door, and led her to the car. He slid into the backseat beside her, secured her seatbelt before she could protest, and then sat watching her as Jace drove them to Viper’s party.

It wasn’t until they arrived at Viper’s barbecue that it occurred to her that she’d done exactly what he’d ordered. She’d stopped thinking, but she felt too distracted to mind. She felt relaxed, happy, and cared for.

How unexpected.

* * * *

“She’s beautiful, Logan,” Viper said as he handed him a beer. It was imported, expensive, and the only one he’d get. Viper had very strict sobriety rules for his parties. It was a Dom’s responsibility to look after his sub. Alcohol had a tendency to mess with clear thinking, and since clear thinking was a definite requirement for some of the games that were played at these parties, Logan and all the other Doms here were in agreement with Viper.

Viper stood beside him as he watched his submissive. Emma was kneeling at Jace’s feet, looking relaxed and happy as Jace spoke to one of the other dungeon monitors from the club. At first, she hadn’t been comfortable walking into the room naked, but her nervousness had eased slightly when she’d seen the other women. Sitting at Jace’s feet now, she seemed better trained than some of the other, more experienced submissives in the outdoor room.

Logan counted five subs and seven Doms in the area, suggesting that either one of the Doms was alone or that he and Jace weren’t the only ones sharing a submissive.

“Do you want to talk about it?” Viper asked casually. Logan knew Viper wasn’t talking about Emma. He was referring to what had put Logan on medical leave. He really wanted to be annoyed, but Viper had been part of the SEAL teams for many years before injury had forced him out. He was probably the one person in Logan’s life fully able to appreciate what was bothering him.

“I lost a couple of squadmates.” He couldn’t really say anything more than that, but it was enough for Viper to understand. The whole mission had been a clusterfuck. The intelligence had been wrong. The small pod of enemy soldiers had been a far larger group than they’d been expecting, and the fact that the enemy had been waiting for them had—in Logan’s mind at least—been the reason his commanding officer had died.

Losing Boots to an infection caused by his injuries a few days later had hit Logan far harder than he’d expected.

“You thinking of quitting?”

He was. His squad was all but gone. Rocks and Scoop had both been shot as they carried their injured teammates to safety. The wounds hadn’t been life threatening, and they’d probably both make it back to the teams, but they had a long road to recovery. Stead’s injuries had left him with serious damage to several internal organs, and it was unlikely he’d ever recover enough to return to peak fitness.

Blaze and Logan were the only ones to come back uninjured. Although, considering the fact that Logan was still getting headaches, hadn’t yet managed a decent night’s sleep since they’d returned, and was currently on forced medical leave, uninjured didn’t seem to mean unaffected.

So, yes, he was considering quitting, but he really didn’t want to go out like that. After all the training and life-threatening situations he’d endured over his years as a SEAL, quitting just felt wrong. He was due to re-up in less than six months, but he was seriously considering a change. With Cam’s leg so badly injured, it was unlikely he would return to the SEAL teams and might even end up forced into a medical discharge.

Logan couldn’t imagine going into enemy territory without his swim buddy. He and Cam had worked side by side ever since their first day of BUD/S training, and after eight years of seamless teamwork, he didn’t like the idea of trying to build that rapport with someone new.

His teammates were all capable and experienced but they just weren’t Cam.

Viper simply stood beside him while Logan worked it out in his head. He couldn’t give details—and didn’t want to—but Viper showed he knew exactly what was going on in Logan’s head.

“You were one of the best dungeon monitors I’ve ever had. Whenever you want your old job back, just let me know.” Logan smiled. At most clubs, the dungeon monitor was a volunteer position, but with the hefty membership fees Viper charged, he could more than afford to pay competent staff. It was a good business deal all round. It meant that the clientele was made up of serious players, not weekend wannabes, and they were supported by experienced, well-trained dungeon monitors.

Logan and Viper stood side by side for a little longer just watching the interaction between the others in the room. Emma looked completely relaxed and willing to simply sit at Jace’s feet like she’d been doing it for years. It certainly proved that she was a natural submissive, and Logan had the unexpected vision of placing a collar around her throat. Nothing like the ugly dog collar her ex had put on her, but rather something more symbolic, a sign of his ownership and love.

Fucking hell. Love? Where the hell had that thought come from? Even if he did believe in love at first sight—and he mostly certainly did not—there was no way he was going there. He was career Navy. He’d planned to be a SEAL until he could no longer physically keep up, and that meant there was no room in his life for a wife or family.

He nearly groaned out loud. Wife? Fuck, maybe he’d hit his head far harder than he realized.

But he couldn’t deny the erection pressing hard against his jeans. Viper was right—she was beautiful. In fact, she was perfect for him and Jace. She had an easy smile and an appealing sense of humor. She was beautifully submissive yet capable of independence, and she was most certainly curvy in all the right places.

“Excuse me, Viper, but there’s a sub who needs my attention.”

Viper merely smiled.

Chapter Seven

It felt really strange that she was sitting naked at a man’s feet and actually feeling comfortable. Hell, if anyone had suggested as recently as yesterday that she would find contentment in this way, she would have laughed herself silly.

Jace moved slightly, and his hand tangled in her hair. The caress felt very caring, as if she were precious to him, and she had to resist the urge to lift her face into his palm. She glanced over at Penny, Adam’s submissive, and noticed the other woman rested her face on her Dom’s thigh. She looked as happy as Emma felt.

How strange.

“How long have you been in training?” Penny asked quietly. They’d been introduced and told by the men that they were allowed to converse. Emma’s instinctive reaction had been to tell Jace to take a flying leap—preferably off something tall—but then she’d witnessed Penny’s reaction and followed suit.

The smile on Jace’s handsome face had made the small sacrifice seem incredibly worth it.

“I’m only new, so I’m not really in training,” Emma said. “I only met Jace and Logan last night.”

“Seriously?” the young woman asked with what sounded like a major dose of incredulity. Emma nodded warily, uncertain why the woman would be surprised. Penny must’ve noticed because she quickly explained. “You must be a complete natural. My first day of training, I got spanked so many times I couldn’t sit properly for a week.”

Emma smiled, glanced up at Jace to make sure he wasn’t listening, and whispered conspiratorially, “I’ve come close to telling them both to go to hell more than once today.” A warm hand fisted in her hair, and she squeaked with embarrassment.

“Is that so, darlin’?” Jace asked with a great deal of amusement. “Perhaps we should teach our sub what happens when she thinks things she shouldn’t be thinking.”

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