Blind Devotion (14 page)

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Authors: Sam Crescent

BOOK: Blind Devotion
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Pussy recognized that voice. Turning toward the sound
of yelling, he saw Kenneth in the parking lot.

“That fucker threw a brick at my woman.” Devil handed
his woman to Phoebe.

“Stay with them. I’ll be back in a moment,” Pussy

“Don’t let him hurt you,” Sasha called after him.

He wasn’t going to let anyone hurt him. Pussy was
going to hurt this fucker and enjoy it while it happened.

Devil slammed open the front door to the clubhouse.
The sweet-butts were nowhere in sight.

“Who the
fuck are
you?” Devil
asked, shouting the words. He was removing his jacket as he walked.

“Me? I’m the guy who can shut you the fuck down. I
want Sasha, and I want her now. I know you filthy fuckers have her.” Kenneth no
longer looked like a respectable man. He looked like the evil fucker he was.

An expensive looking car was parked outside the gate.
A pretty looking woman was swigging from a bottle of vodka as she looked at
Kenneth. She had to be Sasha’s mother. The woman looked scared stiff of this
man, but Pussy saw how pretty she was. Both women had been trapped because of

“You think throwing bricks at my fucking clubhouse, at
my fucking wife, is going to get you what you want?” Devil asked.

Pussy was waiting for any reason to take this fucker
out. He was tired of being ordered around and fucked over. This man had hurt
Sasha. He’d blinded her, used her, and now it was time for him to pay the

“I don’t give a fuck. Give me back my daughter now,”
Kenneth said.

“Your daughter is unharmed, but my wife isn’t.” Devil
stepped right up to the man. He was a good foot taller than Kenneth and wider.

Pussy saw a flash of fear in Kenneth’s eyes, but he
didn’t back down.

“Give me back my daughter.”

“I want an apology for my wife.” Devil spat the words
at the other man.

“I’m not apologizing to your wife.”

The moment was interrupted as another car pulled up
outside of the clubhouse. Pussy saw Frederick Gonzalez get out of the back
along with Ronald and Homer, his two cronies. One of them had killed Ashley. In
his mind, he saw her severed head.

“Devil, I’d back down if I was you.”

Frederick approached, buttoning up his jacket. He gave
off the air of being in control.

These fuckers are going to die.

“He hurt my woman.”

“She’s not dead, is she?” Frederick asked. Devil
gritted his teeth but remained silent. “Excellent. Then you don’t touch
Kenneth. He’s a friend of mine, and I don’t let my friends get hurt.”

“Ashley was your friend,” Pussy said, tensing ready to

“No, Ashley was a woman given to me to fuck. She
passed her sell by date.”

“You fucker,” Mia said, yelling. None of them had seen
the women come out. Mia rushed past them all before they had time to react. She
landed a blow to Frederick’s chest. Curse tugged her off.
evil fucking bastard.
She didn’t deserve to die. Ashley was a sweet
woman. You’re a fucking monster who deserves to die.” She fought Curse to try
to get to Gonzalez. Her sobs could be heard throughout the clubhouse.

What were they doing working for this fucker?

“I’ll take care of it,” Curse said. He was whispering
to his woman over and over. Lexie joined her man, glaring at Kenneth.

“I’m fine, baby,” she said.

Blood was dripping from a cut on the side of her head,
an instant bruise forming.

“I suggest you keep your women in check, Devil.
They’re getting a little too feisty for my liking.” Frederick ran a hand down
his creased suit. “I didn’t kill her. I’ve got people to do it.”

Pussy saw the smirk on Homer’s face. He tensed up and
charged at the other man. Tackling him to the ground, he slammed Homer’s head
against the tarmac. “You fucking killed her?”

He didn’t give Homer chance to say anything as he
perched over him, landing blow after blow against the man.

Devil grabbed his arm and tugged him off the man.
“Back away.”

“He killed fucking Ashley.” He needed to avenge his
friend. Ashley had been his best friend. He saw her smiling in his mind. They’d
that away from her, and Pussy was never going
to get that back.

“Sasha is out in the open. I need you to hold your
shit together,” Devil said.

“I’ll hold my shit together as long as I can. You’ve
got to promise me, we’re going to take these fuckers out.”

Devil nodded.

Stepping back, he joined the rest of his brothers in
staring at Frederick.

“Now, I’m just disappointed,” Frederick said. “We’re
all friends, and yet you’re attacking my friends.”

“You killed one of ours. You owe us,” Mia said,
speaking up.

No one stopped her. She was right in what she said.

Glancing behind him, he saw Sasha standing alone.
Reaching out, he grasped her hand and tugged her closer to him. She didn’t
fight him.

“Sasha,” Kenneth said.

She tensed in Pussy’s arms. There was no chance of him
letting her go back to that evil fucker. It wasn’t happening. He watched with
satisfaction as Homer had to be helped up onto his feet. At least he’d gotten
in some good punches before it was taken away from him.

“You don’t get to talk to her.”

“Sasha, honey,” her mother said.

Her mother had climbed out of the car and come to join
them. Pussy noticed the anger in Kenneth’s face. Yeah, he couldn’t let either
woman go back with this fucker. There were plans brewing inside him, and Pussy
knew they weren’t good plans.

“Mom, what are you doing here?” Sasha wrapped her arms
around his body, holding onto him.

“You need to come home, sweetie. Your father and I are
very worried.”

Sasha shook her head. “No, I’m here with Pussy. He’s
asked me to marry him, and I’ve said yes.”

That’s right, fucker, she’s mine.

“No, I don’t accept this. He’s coerced her into
accepting,” Kenneth said. “She can’t get married without our permission.”

“I’m over eighteen, and you’re not my father. My
father died a long time ago, and he’d be happy with my decision.” She snuggled
in against him. “I don’t want to leave.”

“You’re not going anywhere.” Pussy kissed the top her
head. “Tell your mother you want her here with you.” He whispered the words so
no one else would hear. “You’ve got to trust me. He’s going to hurt her
otherwise and use her to get what he wants.”

“Mom, will you stay with me tonight? Please, I’d like
for us to catch up and have some girly fun.”

He watched her mother sigh. “Of course, honey. I’ll
stay.” She crossed from their side onto his. Her mother was protected now.
Glaring at Kenneth, Pussy made sure the other man knew who had won this time.

“You can’t do this, Penny. You don’t need to stay with

“She’s my daughter, Kenneth. I’ll talk to you later,
and I’m going to make sure she’s okay,” Penny said.

“I’m afraid, Kenneth, you’re going to have to deal
with her decision. I’m sure she’ll come to her senses soon enough,” Frederick
said. “As always, Devil, it was a pleasure doing business with you.”

“Not so fucking fast,” Devil said.

Pussy watched as Devil swung back and slammed his fist
against Kenneth’s face hard, knocking the uptight asshole on his butt. “That’s
for hurting my wife. I suggest you afford a guard. When I see you next, I’m
going to fucking kill you.” Devil picked up Lexie and walked back into the

Pussy looked at Homer, remembering every part of his
body. The next time they met, Pussy was the only one coming out alive.


“Honey, what the hell is going on? Finding out you
were missing scared me. I begged Kenneth to not stop looking until he found
you. It’s not like you to not come home. When he found out about you, he wouldn’t
stop ranting about the biker group in town. I couldn’t get him to make any
sense,” her mother said.

“I’m sorry, Mom. I shouldn’t have left you in the dark
like that.” She was sitting on Pussy’s bed while her mother bustled around the
room, clearly tidying up the mess. “Mom, sit with me. This is his room, and
he’ll like it
a certain way.”

“It’s filthy.”

“It’s his room.” Sasha waited until the bed dipped.

Her mother took hold of her hands, running shaking
fingers over her wrist. She was going into withdrawal already, and it had been
at least two hours since she last drank. Sasha was worried.

“Mom, you’ve got a problem.”

“I know I have, honey. Don’t you think I don’t know
that?” She heard her mother sob. “When did things start to get so fucking bad?
When did I mess up?”

She reached up and placed a hand on her cheek. “It’s not your fault.”

“Yes, it is. I’m the one who brought him into our
home. I let him near you. If I’d been sensible you wouldn’t be sitting here
blind.” She listened as her mother withdrew and started to sob. “It’s
all my
fault. I shouldn’t have taken the pills and started
drinking. You needed me most, and I chose to look the other way. What kind of a
parent am I if I can’t even look after my own daughter? When he told me you
fell downstairs, I didn’t think it was possible, but I believed him.”

Sasha wished there was something she could say to make
it all better for her. There was nothing. Kenneth entered their lives, built up
some fantasy world for her mother, and then destroyed it just as quickly.

“You’ve got to stay away from Kenneth, Mom. He’s bad
news, and he will hurt you if given half the chance.” She reached out to grasp
her hands.

“Oh, honey. Kenneth doesn’t want to hurt me. He wants
me all to himself. It’s you he wants to hurt, and I can’t let him do that.”
Fingers touched her face, pushing some hair out of the way.

“What do you mean?”

“He’s making plans, Sasha.
that keep you out of the picture and take you away from me and here.
came with him in the hope of seeing you settled and happy, but I know he won’t
leave you alone completely. The moment I saw you with, Pussy, I knew you were
finally safe, but Kenneth won’t stop until you’re gone. You’re a lot braver
than I am.” Her mother tightened her grip. “You’ve got to stay away from
Kenneth now. He’s dangerous, and he will try to get what he wants.”

“Which is why neither of you are leaving this
clubhouse,” Pussy said.

His voice came somewhere in front of her.

“What did you hear?” she asked.

“All of it. You’re going to need to tell me exactly
what you told Sasha, and I’m going to need to know it all.”

Her mother stood, moving away from her.

please don’t do this
without me.”

“The rest of the club, do they need to hear this?”
Pussy asked.

“Only if they think they can help. I don’t want
anything bad happening to my daughter. She’s been through enough.” Sasha felt
her mother’s hands shake. They were getting worse with every moment that
passed. “I’m going to need to go to rehab. I’ve got a serious problem, and I’m
not strong enough to get through this.”

“We’ll help you.” There was some more movement. “Baby,
I’m going to touch you and help you walk downstairs. Are you okay with that?”

“Yes. I’m okay.”

“Go on ahead of us,” Pussy said.

She heard the door opening, and the footsteps started
to fade. “You can’t marry me, Pussy.”

“Why can’t I?”

“Today must have shown you that I’m a bad choice. I
couldn’t protect anyone. I’m blind, and you need someone strong.” She hated
saying the words, and the thought of losing Pussy over it was tearing her

He cupped her face, tilting her head back. “Now you
listen to me, Sasha. We’re going to get married. You’re going to become my wife,
and you’re going to do that because you love me. I don’t give a fuck about you
being able to take care of yourself. That’s my job. I’ll take care of you.”

She went to complain. He silenced her with his lips.

His tongue plundered her mouth.

Moaning, she circled her arms around his neck, loving
the feel of his hard body pressed against hers. He slid his fingers into her
hair, tightening on the strands. “So fucking beautiful,” he said, muttering
against her lips. “Now, no more talk of what you can and can’t do. I don’t need
a protector, Sasha.”

“I want to be everything you need.”

“You are. Believe me, you’re more than you think you
are.” He rubbed his nose against hers. “Stop stressing out. Come on, we need to
get out of here and join the others before I fuck you again.”

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