Blue Moon (31 page)

Read Blue Moon Online

Authors: Danielle Sanderson

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Science Fiction & Fantasy, #Fantasy, #Paranormal & Urban

BOOK: Blue Moon
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              “I’ll see you guys later, you all look wicked by the way,” I shout to them as I turn in Ruk’s arms and take a step away from him ready to transport myself back to the palace.

As I take one last look at them, a smile forms on my face. Sallack and Julian are fighting in Wolf form, Dom is levitating, and Mickey and Theo are fighting wit
h fire, literally. Catching Den’s eye, I smile sweetly to him before picturing the bathroom in Dallah’s room, as I cannot let anyone know that I can transport. I also don’t want to bump into Richard, as he will more than likely have some evil plan of torturing me before he is bonded to Dallah, or so he thinks!


Walking out of the bathroom, I take a seat beside Dallah who is having her hair twisted up into an elegantly up do.

“Your hair looks beautiful,” I tell her with a smile.

“Umm,” She replies, before rolling her eyes towards the woman standing behind her.

“When is your mother arriving?”

“Uh don’t, I’m dreading that. She will be here just in time for the bonding, so you will see her at the ceremony. Stay away from her Zara, she isn’t a nice woman,” She warns me sternly.

She keeps telling me how she and her mother don’t see eye to eye, after she gave Dallah to the Dark Coven as a child. Dallah thinks her mother is unfair for doing so, and it is unfair, I couldn’t imagine giving my child away to such horrid people. Nevertheless, I haven’t met with her yet, so I try not to judge.

There is a knock at the door, and everyone’s eyes turn to me, expecting me to open it, as I am so inferior to them. Rolling my eyes at the women, I go to the door and open it up wide.

“This is for the Princess,” A woman tells me with a sneer on her face.

“Ok, thanks,” I tell her unenthusiastically before shutting the door in her face, making Dallah snort a laugh.

“Here you go Princess,” I tell her with a smirk as I pass her the small box.

As I watch her open it, I sigh when I see her face turn red with anger. Richard! What has he done now, why can’t he leave her be?

              “What is it?” I ask gently.

“A gift from Richard,” She tells me before throwing it into the bin next to her dressing table.

“That good, huh?” I ask with a snort.

“Ok, you can go now, my hair is done, my make-up is applied, leave me please,” Dallah tells the women with a stern tone, so that they will take her seriously and not try to argue.

I sit and watch them pile out, whispering to each other, how they were only trying to help, not that Dallah is listening to them.

The triplets take Dallah’s glare as a reason to leave also, so now it is the two of us.

“Take my hands Dallah?” I ask her with my hands held out.

I have wanted to give Dallah a gift for a long time, something that will be important to her, something for her to treasure, just as I do my necklace.

Closing my eyes, I concentrate on producing the gift for Dallah. Over the last week, I have thought about bestowing something upon Dallah, something that money cannot buy. Therefore, I have build the image of a stunning gold bangle that has pink diamonds imbedded elegantly only millimetres apart, which go in a single line through the centre. It has taken me all week to get the bangle perfect. Pushing the bangle from my mind and hopefully into her palms, I open my eyes gently with a smile, feeling the coolness of the bangle.

“Oh wow...I can’ could you...I love...”

“Dallah, it’s a gift to celebrate today as the start of your life, I made this for you with my heart and soul,” I tell her whilst taking her in my arms and hugging her tightly.

“It's perfect, I love it,” She tells me with tears running down her cheeks.

“I have a good feeling about this Dallah, I can feel your anxiety, but it will work out, you will be free,” I tell her with a reassuring smile.

“I know, but will you be free Zara, or will this suck you in further,” She asks with a frown, and the feeling of her concern for me hits me hard.

“I will be ok, I have you, I have the Brothers’, a family. I will take on whatever life has to offer, never worry for me,” I tell her needing her to trust in me.

“I want you to be happy,” She tells me with fresh tears.

“I am happy.”

“No you’re not,” she sighs, “You’re happy on the outside, but you forget that I can feel your heart, you long for it to be joined to another, Ruk?”

“Dallah, please not today! I’m fine. There is one thing I want in life right now, and that is to see you happy, to love, to live a happy life. Don’t you see that?” I ask.

“Damn it! I want the same for you! How can I be happy when you’re not?” She asks back in a sob.

“You will be, I promise and when this is over I will be happy too,” I tell her gently, and smile an Oscar winning fake smile at her.

“Let’s get this night over with,” She asks me in a plea, as she knows that her words are falling on deaf ears.

I came here to do this, to save Dallah from a life of misery and torment, and I am so close to making it reality that I don’t want to think or feel anything other than that.


I help
Dallah into her dress, which is utterly breathtaking. The dress is in a midnight black, and has a trail running behind it with diamonds scattered all over it, the top of the dress has thin straps leading down to the top of her breasts. The dress is snug, to say the least, not the traditional wedding dress, but then again this isn’t a wedding, it is a bonding, or so everyone thinks. Dallah has red rose lips, her eyes are smoky and her cheeks are glowing, she looks amazing. I feel so proud of her, standing before me with a smile on her face.

“Wow, you are stunning Dallah,” I tell her whilst gazing at her in awe.

“Thanks sweetie. I have a dress for you also, let me get it,” She tells me whilst turning to fetch it.

“No, I’m wearing this,” I tell her pointing to the peach coloured outfit I have changed into.

“No you’re not, I want you to wear what I have for you,” She insists while passing me the dress in a zip bag.

Opening it by the zip slowly, I smile when I finally have it in my arms.

Pulling my dress over my head, I slip into the new dress perfectly. Is it a boob tube dress, which comes to my knees snugly, and is black with big red roses printed over it.

Looking at her with a smile, I walk over to the mirror to have a look.

              “I knew it would look amazing on you, here take this,” She tells me with a grin, while passing me her red lipstick.


              “You girls done?” Mickey asks as he barged through the bedroom door without warning, soon followed by the Brothers’.

They all wearing tuxedos, with their hair brushed

“Holy shit! You boys look hot!” I tell them, whilst looking at them all from head to toe.

“Yeah, you do! I have never seen you look”

“Sexy,” I finish Dallah’s words as my eyes lock with Ruk’s, and my teeth capture my bottom lip to stop myself from saying anymore.

“See told you, they want us,” Mickey tells the Brothers’ with a smirk.

“Ego much?” I tell him with a smirk, before winking at him playfully.

“Dallah, I wish it were me,” Julian tells her; now that he has her in his arms.

“So do I,” She tells him with regret.

Watching them both show their emotions for us all to see is touching, they are so right for each other, perfection.

Walking over to the Brothers’, Mickey pulls me to his chest and hugs me  while we look at Julian and Dallah, we should really give them space, but seeing them glow so brightly in each other’s arms is mesmerizing.

“It will be you one day,” Mickey whispers into my ear.

“Shall we head downstairs, Angus should be awake soon. What is the time?” I change the subject quickly and walk out of Mickey’s arms.

“Its only 6 pm, Angus will be another hour. We will wait here for him, and go through our plans for this evening when he arrives,” Sallack tells me and kisses my forehead.

“Ok, do you know when Parrise will be here?” I ask him, and watch him closely for his reply, as I have noticed he tenses up when I mention his name.

“He should be here soon as well. Right, let’s get comfortable shall we,” He tells the Brothers’, and diverts his eyes from mine.

Dallah has disappeared with Julian, which we all knew they would, as Julian is going crazy with worry for Dallah, and Dallah will be the only person to calm him.

Sallack, Theo, Dom, and Mickey walk out on the balcony to sit down, while Ruk and Den stand before me with shady expressions.

“Shall we go with them?” I ask them with a smile.

“You look stunning,” They both say in perfect sync, and finish with small growls to one another.

“Thank you, so do you both. Den can I speak with Ruk a sec?”

“No,” He replies simply, but just to wind Ruk up, “Ok, but I need to speak with you before we go,” He tells me with a frown.

“Ok,” I smile back at him, and watch him leave the room to join the Brothers’ outside.

“Ruk, I wanted to thank you, for being here for me, for making these last few days unforgettable. I couldn’t have coped without you; you really have made me happy.”

He takes me in his strong arms and leans down to me so that our noses nearly touch.

              “I’m in love with you Zara,” He tells me with his full of emotion.

“I... You're... what...?” I ask, holding my head, before it explodes.

Inside, my hearts is beating to a new rhythm, and my body is begging me to fall into Ruk’s arms, but I can’t. How can I accept his love
in my heart, because when we get back home and this romance has ended, I will be the one that will hold his words with me for the rest of my life. I have to keep hold of what is left of me to succeed tonight.

“You don’t feel the same,” He tells me but not as a question, but more of a statement of fact.

“Please Ruk, we need to think of Dallah,” I tell him in a whisper as I hold back the tears that threaten to fall, and the pain in my chest from sucking me into an abyss.

“No its fine. Maybe you should talk to Den, I think you will love what he has to say,” He tells me almost angrily as he walks away from me.

“Ruk, don’t walk away, let me explain?”

“Den, I was wrong,” He tells Den as he walks onto the balcony and away from the woman that wants him more than life itself, but is too scared and too pathetic to let him in, to see how I really feel.

Sitting at the edge of the bed, I hang my head in shame while my nails bite into my legs so hard that I pierce my skin.

              “Take me away with you, I need to speak to you alone babe,” Den asks with raw emotion.

“I can’t, I can’t do this Den, not now.” I tell him, but don’t look him in the eye.

“I’ll do it here then,” He tells me as he gets down on his knees before me and takes my now fisted hands.

“Shits about to go down!” I hear Mickey whisper to the Brothers’ in a panicked tone.

“Look at me babe,” He lifts my chin to look him in the eye, “Do you remember when we first met? When we started school? When I took you bowling? When we moved in together? When it was just you and me back in England?”

“I do, I remember,” I tell him with a sigh.

“But you don’t remember the times I cuddled you in bed, told you that you were mine, that we belong together?”

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