Boss (23 page)

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Authors: Sierra Cartwright

Tags: #Erotic Romance Fiction

BOOK: Boss
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Again he made a pattern she couldn’t decipher, but each drop was liquid heaven.

“Do you like this?”

“Favorite thing,” she said, unable to form a complete sentence.

“It might be mine too.” He drizzled the wax lower, and she pumped her pussy harder in response.

“I’m going to come,” she warned him.

“Not yet.” He dropped wax from a great height and it landed in a cool splash just below her belly button.

Kelsey recognized that he could control the intensity based on how far away he held the flame.

He drizzled several drops on her shaven pubic area as he’d promised then he pressed his thumb deeply into it, leaving his print, temporarily marking her.

She felt dizzy and delicious.

“Put your hands at your sides.”

Any urge to protest vanished when she saw the way he loomed over her, sinfully dominant.

With his cuffs rolled back, necktie tossed casually over his shoulder and eyes blazing, she saw what she did to him.

This overwhelming need wasn’t one-sided. That knowledge made her feel powerful.

Lust was banked in his dark-green eyes.

She could deny him nothing.

Slowly she moved her hands from her throbbing pussy.

Keeping the candle a foot or more from her, he drew a broken line as he continued to move down, farther and farther. He wouldn’t…

“Show me your clit.”

She’d never been more terrorized by a command. Nervously she glanced from his face to the flame then met his gaze. Kelsey fell back through her memories, of the things he’d asked her to do, her hesitations, her triumphs.

The candle started to drip. He put his hand beneath it, capturing it, letting it harmlessly splat in his palm.

She clenched and unclenched her butt cheeks, searching for courage, wondering if she’d find it and knowing she’d regret it if she didn’t.

“You’re curious. You want to know. How bad will it hurt? How much pleasure will it give?”

“More than anything.”

“Then pull back that hood.” Waiting, Nathan turned the candle upright, letting a reservoir of molten wax pool.

With her jaw clenched, she squeezed her eyes closed and used the index fingers on both hands to expose the tiny bit of nerves. This…this she couldn’t watch.

Her breaths came so fast she almost panted, and she expected him to encourage her to relax, maybe to ask if she was ready, but a series of warm drips seared her, making her scream, writhe, beg…fuck if she wasn’t begging for more.

He dropped one more, much closer, so searing she orgasmed with a shriek…the most intense thing she’d ever endured.

And then, then it was over.

She was gasping, and she inhaled the sharp scent of smoke as he blew out the candle. After wiping her body clean, he helped her to sit and pulled her against his chest. It took a couple of seconds for her to realize that he’d sat on the bed, back propped against the headboard, and that he was holding her close, saying amazing, loving, approving things against her ear. Kelsey held on to them as if they were a lifesaver, breathing with him, matching the rise and fall of his chest until the room came into focus.

Kelsey had no idea how long he cradled her against him. All she knew was that he was the one she’d turned to for comfort.

Long moments later, she became aware of the hardness of his cock beneath her.

And that was the one thing that would complete her.

The orgasms had been spectacular. He’d taken her places she had not even been capable of imagining. But the truth was, she was restless, unsated. She ached to have his cock in her. It was as if the scene wasn’t real without it.

She turned and straddled him.

With unusual boldness, she began to unfasten his necktie.

His eyes were an interesting color, a mix of dark and light, focus and curiosity. It unnerved her. But she continued, pulling the knot free.

“Did you think I was done with you?” His mouth twitched in an appealing way that made him seem younger, more accessible.

Her heart melted. “I was hoping you still wanted sex,” she admitted.

He reacted so fast she could never have prepared for it. Within a second, he had her pinned flat on her back, arms over her head.

“What do you want, Kelsey?” He plucked the tie from her hands.

His voice was raw with passion, giving her courage to meet him with her own truth. “You,” she said. “In me.”

Expertly, he threaded the tie around her wrists and looped it through in a figure eight. When she tried to pull loose, the knot tightened, effectively preventing her from moving.

Nathan climbed from the bed but stayed close where she could see him. He unfastened the first few buttons on his shirt then pulled the hem free from his waistband and undid the rest.


God, he was sensational.

She took the opportunity to drink him in. His chest had the exact amount of hair that she preferred, arrowing down toward his honed abs, and his waist was trim. The result of his hours in the gym showed in each cut muscle, every bit of precise definition.

Nathan’s biceps were even more defined than she’d remembered, though with the way he effortlessly moved her around, she should have known.

Kelsey wasn’t the type to drool over hot men like some of her friends. Rather, she hadn’t been until now.

He bent to remove his shoes and socks before unfastening his trousers and letting them slide down his powerful legs.

Beneath his tight navy briefs, his dick was hard. The material barely contained his straining erection.

Restlessly she shifted, impatience making her body tingle.

Nathan took the time to drape his pants over the footboard and tuck his socks inside his shoes before slipping them under the bed. Once again, she wondered what it would take for him to lose even a little of his carefully harnessed self-control.

Finally he removed his underwear. He was every bit as big as she might have guessed. She’d never been with a man whose cock was so thick. As she watched him roll a condom on, she moved around a bit, preparing for his penetration.

He knelt on the bed between her legs and squeezed her nipples.

In response, she pushed her ass into the mattress. His touch was torturous and not nearly enough.

He stuck two fingers into his mouth then rubbed between her legs. Her heated flesh blazed. Nathan had sensitized her skin, and each touch seemed magnified. She’d never felt more alive.

With gentle strokes that were a contrast to the way he’d been with her, he slid his fingers in and out of her pussy, preparing her.

Not just from the physical way he treated her, but because he was so determined to care for her, she was starting to care for him. And that, she knew, would be disastrous.

He continued to torment her, and when she was slick, he pressed his cockhead into her opening, and she moaned. The contact was even more than she’d hoped for, intimate on an entirely different level.

“Tell me you want me.”

“Mr. Donovan, I almost grabbed your dick and put it in me a couple of minutes ago.”

Despite that, he moved slower than she’d hoped, entering her then pulling out before going in again a little deeper.

She placed her feet flat on the mattress, spreading her legs wider in silent invitation.

Finally, he sank in the rest of the way with a deep thrust.

Even though she’d been sure she was ready, his length and girth filled her. “Holy hell,” she gasped.

“Almost deep enough.”

He grabbed her right leg and lifted it, putting it on his shoulder, taking control of her and the rhythm.

Nathan pulled out almost all the way then plunged back in and she let out a screaming, shuddering sigh.

This was what submission was about for her, the fantasy of being helpless, of having rough sex with an unbelievably caring man.

Maybe because of her dreams coming to life, a climax gripped her.

“Take it.”

It stunned her to realize he’d read her so accurately that he knew she was so close.

He thrust deep, shooting spasms through her as she orgasmed.

He held her, an arm under her back, supporting her, silently letting her know he had her.

The paradox between his strength and gentleness made her weak.

Slowly at first, he began to move again.

She looked at him, saw the lines of concentration, the way he willed her to keep her gaze on him.

Then he kissed her, so fucking gently that she melted.

As he pistoned faster, he kissed her deeper.

Then the answering response arced through her, and she met him tongue to tongue, feminine to masculine.

His lovemaking went on for an impossible amount of time. Then he broke the kiss and tightened his jaw.

She gave herself over to the thrill of his orgasm and brought her free leg up over him.

“Kelsey.” Her name sounded part endearment, part growl.

He came deep inside her, and she felt the pulse of his ejaculation. For that moment, she felt powerful too.

Eventually, she opened her eyes, and she smiled at him.

She wondered how she could feel so tender toward him after experiencing all this.

He released the grip he had on her wrists and brushed wayward hair back from her face. “So perfect for me.”

“For me as well.”

He stayed there for several seconds, looking at her. His smile faded and a frown replaced it, and when he spoke, his tone was gruff. “Let’s get you untied.”

She wondered what thoughts had gone through his mind, but before she could ask, he’d pulled out of her and eased her leg from his shoulder.

After releasing her, he spent a few seconds rubbing her hands and wrists and studying her. “Any problems moving?”

She tested her range of motion to show him she was fine. “No. I’m fine.”

He helped her sit up, then went into the bathroom to discard the condom.

Then, surprising her, he wiped her with a damp washcloth that he’d brought back. Instead of getting ready to leave, he pulled up the blankets then climbed into bed, propping a pillow against the headboard. “Come here.”

Common sense urged her to refuse. After everything they’d shared, things she’d never done with anyone else, she was feeling vulnerable.

As if he knew that, he opened his arms.

Damn him.

She snuggled against his chest and he wrapped his arms around her. The sound of his pounding heart soothed her.

He smoothed her hair and curled a lock around his index finger, toying with it.

Kelsey had never felt anything more reassuring. This, she knew, was the intimacy he’d spoken of.

She wasn’t sure whether or not she dozed, and for a few minutes, she drifted in the altered state between sleep and consciousness.

For a while, he seemed as content as she was to stay there and enjoy the silence.

“Tomorrow night, I want you to come to my house and stay. We can drive in to work together.”

“That seems a little too personal.”

“Not much more than what we’ve already done.”

Though she wasn’t looking directly at him, she heard the smile in his words. “Spending the night is different.”

“I want to introduce you to my spanking bench. Since it will be late, I don’t want you driving home. And if I’ve done a proper job, you won’t be capable of it anyway.”

“You could always take me home.”

“I could.”

She hated that he was always so agreeable. It made it difficult to argue.

“I’d prefer that you stay. We could ride in together Thursday.”

“What if someone sees us?”

“We had an early meeting.”

She cocked her head to look at him.

“Which would be true. I would want to bury my morning erection in your hot cunt.”

Breath whooshed from her lungs. “And now it’s the only thing I can think of as well.”

“And when you pack a bag, be sure to include your butt plug and your slut paddle. I want to mark you as mine.”


* * * *


There was a reason Nathan didn’t fuck his subs.

Even though he’d been home for an hour, had taken a shower, sipped some particularly fine cognac and streamed part of
The Godfather
, he hadn’t been able to clear his mind.

Nathan changed into a pair of shorts and headed into his home office. The space didn’t contain only a computer and desk, he’d outfitted it with a couple of pieces of cardio equipment, a television and a sound system. Outside of work, he spent more time in this room than anywhere else, including his bedroom.

He set the treadmill for eight miles an hour. When thoughts of Kelsey continued to creep in, he notched it up again.

Surely starving his brain of oxygen would help.

Even when his feet pounded the belt, he couldn’t outrun the events of the night.

His attraction flirted with being a fucking fixation, and it confounded him.

Since he’d been inside her hot pussy and held her in his arms afterward, he’d opened a door to his heart that was better closed. As she’d rightly pointed out, they had a work relationship. Even though that wasn’t necessarily a bad thing as far as he was concerned, the fact that he was thinking about her when he shouldn’t be, planning her next experience, waiting for her to get to the office, all that weakened him, made him less able to compartmentalize each part of his life.

He notched up the speed on the treadmill one more time and looked outside at the sliver of a moon, barely visible through the quickly moving clouds.

Twenty minutes later, he wasn’t any clearer, and the burn in his lungs matched the one in his legs.

He slowed to a walk, and when his annoying-as-hell watch pinged to alert him to the fact his heart rate was once again normal, he decided to channel his energy into something productive.

After wiping off with a towel, he went into the playroom. Earlier, he’d put his bag next to the counter, and now he unzipped it and placed the items he planned to use, including her nipple clamps, on a white towel.

As it had been a long time since the equipment had been used, he wiped down the spanking bench before opening the armoire that held his equipment. He pulled out his short flogger, made from supple cowhide, and flicked it several times, testing it and himself before returning it to its hook.

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