Bound Angel Bound Demon (28 page)

Read Bound Angel Bound Demon Online

Authors: Claire Spoors

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Romance, #Contemporary, #Paranormal, #Holidays, #Angels, #Demons & Devils, #Ghosts, #Psychics, #Werewolves & Shifters, #Witches & Wizards

BOOK: Bound Angel Bound Demon
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went around for hours, not sure where she was going, for part of the journey she blacked out. She must have disappeared and reappeared at some point while her mind was still preoccupied with how angry she had become.

She was now deep in some woo
ds. Woods she had never seen before, she didn’t even know there were any near their home, the moonlight was blocked out, and any living human wouldn’t be able to see their hand in front of their face. Alex could see everything, every detail on the trees, every leaf, she began to walk deeper into the woods, and she could hear the night-time creatures coming to life.

Soon she came into a clearing,
and in front of her was a large house, shabby and unloved. Ivy was tangled all over the front door. The shutters on the windows were hanging off. A fountain in front of the house overflowed with leaves and was also strangled by ivy.

had obviously not been lived in for years, and anyone would have carried on, not bothering with this house, but she felt something about it. She went up to the front door and pulled some of the ivy aside and pushed the door. Surprisingly it opened easily and she went inside.

eaves had blown in through the broken windows; spider webs hung everywhere like old dirty lace. The house was filled with furniture covered in sheets caked in layers of dust. This had once been a grand home, Alex sensed happier times, but it felt like a very long time ago.

She continued around the downstairs,
every room was more decrepit than the other. Then she was back in the hall standing at the foot of a large grand staircase, Gary’s club looked tiny compared to this place.

climbed the stairs. She noticed a light shining from under one of the doors when she came to the landing. She went over and put her hand on the door, as though trying to sense what was on the other side.

Something was warning her, deep inside her gut, not to go in
, but curiosity got the better of her. She turned the door handle; the light that shone from under the door disappeared. She pushed the door open; the room was dark and she looked for anyone that could have had the light on. She saw some candles, she felt them and they were still warm, someone must have extinguished them as she came in, but no one was to be seen now. How could they have left so quickly, with the window closed? The only way out would have been past her.

This room was clean, and looked after; no dust anywhere, the bed was made. There was a dressing table with an
old fashioned ink well on top and paper next to it. Nothing was written on it. Across the room was a shelf filled with books, and a fireplace, which was also warm. How could someone put the candle and fire out at the same time and disappear into thin air?

had been here was now gone. She left the room, continuing her search of the house for whoever was living there. Whoever it was, something was telling her they were important for some reason, but it looked like they were in hiding for the moment.

She came to another flight of stairs they were smaller; these must lead to the attic.
As she put her foot on the first step, she heard a voice. She stopped and listened again, it was calling her name, and then the voice got louder and more insistent.

Alex opened her eyes; she
had been dreaming and Gary was shouting for her to wake up.

Alex! Are you alright! You were asleep, I didn’t think you needed sleep.” Alex sat up abruptly; she must have gone to sleep there at the kitchen table.

I don’t sleep, well at least I didn’t think I could sleep, I haven’t needed to since my passing anyway, I don’t know what’s going on with me lately, nearly blowing up the kitchen and now sleeping. My mind is all over the place,” said Alex.

I think you need a break from this place, you have spent too much time inside these walls, you’ll be rattling around like a real ghost at this rate. All you need are the chains,” said Gary trying to lighten the mood.

Gary, I’m sorry about earlier, you’re right I do need to get out of here, thank you for finding me a new home, us a new home.” Alex stood up and held Gary close, she could still remember the images of her walking around the house, and this was more than a dream. Next time she saw Marie she would ask her about it, but for now, she wanted to hold on to this moment with Gary. He was only trying to help and if they got this other building as he said they could begin a new life together. She wanted to get her and Gary back on track and be allowed back into his other life.

Will we be going to see the new house soon?” asked Alex, she was eager to forget last night.

I have the rest of this week off to spend time with my beautiful wife, I thought we had some catching up to do in the bedroom department but if you want, we can pack a few things today and go down tomorrow!” said Gary.

We could do both,” answered Alex. She began to undo his dressing gown.

That’s what I like, naked and waiting for me,” smiled Alex. She kissed him on the lips, and began to search inside his mouth with her tongue. She could feel his hand tracing her curves.

Alex slipped out of her
clothes so their naked skin could touch. They were soon both on the kitchen floor, Gary on top riding her hard just how he liked it, being in control. The light of the rising sun began to shine through the window, Alex’s skin lit up like twinkling stars reflecting the sun’s rays. Her body felt alive, She held onto Gary pushing him in deeper into her, felt his cock grow bigger and firmer. She felt relaxed and happy that she could spend some time with her husband. This was what she wanted: for her and Gary to be happy.

Gary watched every part of her come alive; he slowed his pace moving in and out of her. He loved the feeling of her wrapped around him. Alex now moved so they were both sitting facing each other, Gary still inside of her. He lifted her up and placed her on the table, she lay back again and he began to bang into her
again. He loved how light she was, she was easy to move from one place to the other with no effort needed. Soon he could feel himself needing to come, she felt magical. Like time would stand still, and they would keep this up forever. He knew if Alex wanted to she would make him hard all over again and make him come again and again. He loved her taking over and making him a slave for her love; this was his release from work life to home life with his beautiful wife and the only time he allowed someone else take full control of him.

Alex let Gary come and then she slowed down listening to his breathing, calming back down. They both lay on the table holding each other; the sun was fully
risen in the sky now.

You are being kind to me today Alex, you usually keep me going longer than that,” said Gary, looking up from his resting place on her breasts.

I need you to have some energy left, if we going to start the packing,” Alex leaned down and kissed him. They both sat up and laughed; Alex was going to make this work and the sooner the better.

Come on then, Just pack clothes for now and any personal items you want to take with you, I have some removal men coming later today to do the rest,” said Gary, as he grabbed his dressing gown off the kitchen floor.

Coming today! That’s fast, you said we were going tomorrow, I didn’t realise it would all happen so soon, what time are they coming?” asked Alex.

Don’t worry, we will be gone by then, Ray is coming over later, to tell them what needs packing, you will not be seen,” said Gary, walking across the living room back to the foot of the stairs.

Alex loved how organized
he was, always one step ahead of her. Alex followed him up the stairs into the bedroom. Gary began to get dressed in his jeans and t-shirt. Alex puts on a long maxi dress and tied her hair up.

Aren’t you going to put any underwear on?” Gary asked with a cheeky smile.

I need to give you something to access on the journey,” said Alex as she went over to the wardrobe and grabbed the suitcases. Alex and Gary began to pack her clothes away into the cases and spare boxes, packing only a small suitcase for him.

Aren’t you going to pack your clothes?” asked Alex.

“Not all
of them yet, I will need most of them here. Remember I will be working here and coming up to you when I can, for now I will take what I need for this trip, the rest can go to the club,” answered Gary.

Alex turned away not wanting to push this any further and carried on packing the rest of her things. Soon
they were all done.

Gary loaded the car with just two cases
, the rest he left for the removal men. Alex was sitting in the kitchen, waiting for Gary to return. She took one last look around remembering all the happy times they’d had in this house.

came back and smiled at Alex, “We will be making new memories in our new home you know, moving on to the next chapter of our life,” Gary said taking her hand in his.

Come on, time to get invisible, just until we get out of town anyway, Ray is on his way and he has the spare key to let the removal men in, and the estate agents are coming round to put up the for sale sign so no turning back now,” said Gary, Alex stood up and kissed him.

Thank you Gary, for everything,” and with that she disappeared from sight, but still held his hand until they left the house.


They had been driving for a few hours, before Alex reappeared; she waited until they were alone driving along a country lane. She had been watching Gary lost in the thought of the road ahead.

Gary smiled at her, “What took you so long, I was beginning to think you hadn’t come along, I told you, you would be safe once we were off the estate”

I know, but I just didn’t want to risk anyone seeing me until I knew we were alone on the road, I don’t want to cause a road accident or anything!” said Alex. She placed her hand on his knee and smiled back at Gary.

It won’t be long, about another hour and we will be home, so don’t start getting any rude thoughts until then,” said Gary laughing.

Now, don’t spoil my fun,” said Alex, then disappeared again. Gary looked in the rear view mirror, where had she gone? He felt her hand move slowly to the inside of his leg making him move to open his legs wider.

Alex, what are you doing?”

He looked down quickly to notice the zip on his jeans begin to unfasten; he quickly looked back to the road.

“Naughty, naughty,” said Gary. He felt Alex’s hand slip inside his open zip, she was now freeing him from his underpants and pulling his cock out. Gary moved again in the chair allowing her full control.

He took a deep breath
as he felt her hand move up and down his length, her lips touching the top of his cock. Alex licked and tasted his tip, then began to take it in her mouth. Gary looked down; all he could see was his cock standing to attention. He gripped the steering wheel hard with his hands.

Oh God, Alex,” said Gary in a husky voice.

She began to suck harder and harder on his cock, Gary couldn’t take any more, he looked around for somewhere to pul
l over, he noticed a little lay-by on the side of the road that looked deserted, he pulled in so the car couldn’t be seen from the road, he pressed a button on the dashboard, and the driver’s seat began to roll back.

Alex came into sight again; she smiled up at Gary and carried on sucking on his cock. Gary reached down and put his hand inside her dress, he was now glad she h
adn’t put underwear on. He lifted his bum up and pulled his jeans down and underwear and lifted Alex’s dress up and helped her get on top of his cock. She leaned down and kissed him with a smile, he could taste himself in her mouth, she began to move slowly up and down on him, building him up and up, he knew she was going to make him come over and over again.

Gary held on to Alex pulling her close each time he exploded inside of her, not wanting her t
o stop using him as her relief, even with everything, he knew this part he would never change, sex with Alex was amazing.

Alex slowed down, letting him slide out, she climbed off and pulled her dress straight and sat back in the passenger seat. Gary pulled his jeans up and
zipped himself up, then slipped the driver’s seat back to the correct place.

Well that was new!” said Gary looking at Alex.

What’s wrong? Didn’t you like it?” asked Alex, as she smiled back at him.

Alex baby, you can do that anytime you like, just make sure we aren’t anywhere I can’t pull over when it gets too much. You know I like to treat you as well,” said Gary Laughing.

Come on, let's get going I want to get there while it’s still light,” said Gary. He started the car and pulled back to the road.

I’m going to love living in Wales, there are so many quiet lanes,” said Gary.

gave him a fond look, she closed her eyes to the sun to feel the warmth wrap around her, and listened to the hum of the car as they continued to drive.

An image began to appear in her mind, she was back at the house, and it was dark again. This time she was in the room waiting on the bed, she listened for any signs of who else was in the house with her. The house was silent; she got up and
went across the room opening the door, she stepped out on to the landing. She heard music being played, it was coming from downstairs.

She began to walk down the stairs, not wanting to make a sound she floated just above the steps, until she reached the main entrance hall. The music was coming from the large living room; she
went over slowly across the hallway reaching the doorway. The music was enchanting, like nothing she had heard before. The room was lit by candles. In the fireplace a log fire was ablaze; she could feel the heat warming her as she stepped into the room. There were two large wingback leather chairs facing the fire. As she got nearer to the chairs she smelt cigars. She saw the smoke rising above one of the chairs; she went closer to see the person sitting in the chair.

Alex, Alex, we’re here, Alex you ok, wake up,” Gary was saying as Alex opened her eyes. The car had stopped and she saw Gary looking at her, holding the passenger car door open. Alex rubbed her eyes, she had fallen asleep again! This was getting weird, she thought ghosts didn’t sleep but this was all she seemed to do lately. Alex smiled at Gary and climbed out of the car.

Sorry I must have needed to sleep.”

Gary looked at her he felt
worried about her; something wasn’t right, but then again this whole situation wasn’t right, he was trying to act like she was a real living person, trying to ignore she was a real life ghost! How messed up was this, he felt guilty for even thinking like this, he was the one who wanted her to stay and not move on or go where ever she would have gone if he had chosen to let her go. Now everything he did was keeping her away from him. Locked up at home and now bringing her to Wales.

It’s ok, I just need to recharge my batteries that’s all,” said Alex and took his hand and turned to look at their new home.

It was the ground keeper’s cottage for the estate,” said Gary, trying not to show what he was thinking.

The estate?” asked Alex.

Like I said, I wanted the new house to be somewhere near to where the new club would be, so I bought the estate, along with all the buildings. So we will be living right on the doorstep of the new club,” said Gary his smile nearly reaching his ears with excitement.

So the club is around here too?” asked Alex looking around.

It’s through the overgrown path over there, I haven’t managed to get the work started on the path up to the main house yet, but once it has been completed we will be able to start working on it,” said Gary, he then turned to the cottage. “But this will be our new home; this I made top priority to get finished.”

Alex looked at her new home, it wa
s better than the picture with roses growing round the front door. There were flowers and shrubs of all kinds everywhere in the garden. The brick work was painted white, and the windows were new but made to fit the style of the cottage. Gary held on to Alex, and led her up to the front door and passed her the key to the door. Alex opened the door and went in. The house had been furnished already, everything brand new. Alex gave Gary a big hug.

“I hope you don’t mind
, you know, with everything being new, I just wanted us to start afresh, some of the things from the house will be coming in the morning, clothes, photos, linen, but the old furniture will stay and be sold along with the house,” said Gary.

This is brilliant, better than I expected and more.” She jumped up and wrapped her legs around him.

In that case I think it’s time we christened every room in the house!” said Gary, and pulled off her dress and threw it to the floor.

Your wish is my command oh master,” Alex answered with a big grin.

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