Bound Angel Bound Demon (43 page)

Read Bound Angel Bound Demon Online

Authors: Claire Spoors

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Romance, #Contemporary, #Paranormal, #Holidays, #Angels, #Demons & Devils, #Ghosts, #Psychics, #Werewolves & Shifters, #Witches & Wizards

BOOK: Bound Angel Bound Demon
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The wedding day continued into the night, with
great music and wild dancing, everyone was at last happy and relaxed. Able to be free. Alex watched as Ryan and Nick were sat talking to their wolf clan, laughing and joking. Alex took that moment to get some fresh air.

left the great tent and found her way to the little bench in the vegetable garden. She sat and gazed up at the stars in the inky sky, and they were bright tonight. Two of those stars were her father and Gary, she remembered watching them leave and then seeing them twinkling in the heavens. Alex liked to look up at those stars each night, she’d never told Ryan about that night of Gary’s passing, although she didn’t like to have secrets from Ryan, she knew he would never understand her feelings for Gary. She wondered if Gary was watching her today, did he see how happy she was?

She watched as the two stars glimmered brightly, as if trying to communicate with her. She watched closely as one seemed to move, Alex began to think the cham
pagne and the joy of the day were beginning to take its toll on her.

Alex rubbed her eyes and looked up again, she noticed only one star was
visible now. She looked around wondering if her father had returned again. Then she noticed a figure standing in the archway, which led to the woods. Alex stood up to move nearer but the figure disappeared, Alex went to walk over to the archway, but she felt a gentle touch on her arm.

Alex turned around and there standing in front of her was Gary. He was even more beautiful than she remembered; he was in white linen trousers and
a cotton shirt slightly unbuttoned to show his toned chest, with his beautiful pale wings folded down his back.

Being an angel suits you,” said Alex smiling at him.

“Thank you.”

“I received the letter from your solicitors, thank you, but you didn’t need to.”

It was the least I could have done for you, Alex,” answered Gary.

Gary reached out and held her hand
, looking at her. “Alex, you look beautiful, you’re glowing, I’m so glad you are happy at last.”

Ryan is a good and kind man; I couldn’t ask for more, I love him Gary.”

I can’t say I’m not jealous Alex, I just wish I could have been more of the man you deserved, I can see now how I was with you, I was controlling and it could have turned out so bad.” Gary lowered his head in shame.

You saved me, Gary, when I needed you most you came through for me, that is all that matters.” Still holding his hand she looked up at him, his grey eyes twinkling.

Alex, there’s something I must do. I know I will get into a lot of trouble for it, but how I see it is that coming here to see you will already have ticked them off. So what, may as well, but I can’t leave without taking advantage one last time,” Gary smiled his amazing cheeky smile.

Gary moved closer and took her in his arms and kissed her softly on the lips, the kiss
sent shivers down her spine, she felt his arms wrap around her and pull her even closer. Alex felt she was lost in time, and didn’t want the kiss to end, but Gary pulled away.

I couldn’t help it Alex, I will always have feelings for you and will never leave you, you know that don’t you?”

Alex smiled up at him,
“I wouldn’t want it any other way, you are my guardian angel Gary, even if you do seem to still have a naughty side,” she began to laugh. Gary leaned down and kissed her softly on the cheek.

Alex, I really do not want to leave you, but you have this new wonderful life with a man I hate for the right reasons. He is everything I wasn’t when I was alive, but if he ever steps out of line, I don’t know what I will do, but he will regret messing with me. Just don’t forget me and remember Alex how I always love to watch you,” he winked at her.

You will always be part of what made me who I am, Gary, as for the watching part I don’t think the guys above will approve of that, will they? You’re supposed to be an angel, Gary, now go before the boss sends out a search party for you!”

Alex just remember I will be always looking out for you.”

Yes you’re bound to me forever, it’s like we’ve switched roles,” smiled Alex.

One more thing before I go,” Gary leaned forward and whispered something in her ear. “Just a little gift as such from me for the future.”

Gary blew her a kiss and then disappeared; Alex looked up at the sky and smiled, knowing he was looking down on her.

Alex went back toward the sounds of the party and saw Ryan was standing outside the marquee waiting. Alex was worried how much he’d seen. “How long have you been standing there?” asked Alex.

Not long, I noticed you had gone so I came looking for you, I saw you with Gary.”

Alex looked at him, reading his mind.

“You can stop that, Alex, reading my thoughts, I trust you, I know what happened that night you know, between you and Gary in those last moments. You talk in your dreams and you have been easier to read lately,” he smiled and kissed her.

He was giving us his blessing, he approves of you by the way, and he was passing on a wedding gift.”

I saw that for myself, I’m just glad he only gave the gift to you,” said Ryan. Alex gave him a gentle slap.

There’s something I want to tell you Ryan, but wanted to wait till we were alone, it’s my gift to you.”

Ryan stood still looking at her
, “You marrying me is gift enough Alex.”

Well, call it a nice bonus then, I went to the doctors last week, because I had not been feeling well, this last month or so, I was putting it down to wedding nerves and everything else.”

Ryan didn’t speak he just squeezed her hand, Alex could see the worry in his eyes again, she smiled.
“Well, husband of mine you’re going to be a daddy, I’m just under 12 weeks gone.”

Ryan picked her up and squeezed her tight
, “Alex that is the best news ever.”

I’m glad you’re pleased, and before you panic, I haven’t had that much to drink, just a couple to be sociable.”

Ryan was still holding her in his arms,
“I don’t understand then, what was the present Gary gave you?”

That my dear was a gift for both of us, he told me congratulations to both of us for becoming parents, and that we are having twins, one boy and one girl.” Alex kissed Ryan and hugged him to her.

Ryan looked up at the sky and smiled,
“Well let’s hope our daughter doesn’t cause as much trouble as you have, because I don’t think I can take much more of this exciting life I have had since being with you!”

Oh Ryan, both our children will grow to live whatever life they want and can cause as much trouble they want, knowing they have a big strong loving dad like you.”

I love you, Alex.”

I love you too, now take me to bed and let’s get this honeymoon started while I still can.”

Ryan carried Alex up to the house. Alex gave one last
glance at the stars and smiled, she knew her life was now complete. A loving husband, a family, and an angel bound to her for the rest of her life, what more can a girl ask for?




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