BREAKAWAY (The Dartmouth Cobras) (49 page)

BOOK: BREAKAWAY (The Dartmouth Cobras)
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Chicklet smirked. She stopped the timer at the end of the table, then sat back. "About time someone did!" She laughed. "Our poor little jackpots have been waiting four hands for some action."

Clicking the button on the remote to cut off the vibrations, Sebastian nodded to Scott. "You have skin, wax, and two items of clothing. I will buy them from you for a key."

Pearce sat up, his lips turning down slightly. "I'll buy them for two. And I'll share."

The game was a strange one, but one Sebastian had enjoyed a time or two in private Los Angeles clubs. Like in a friendly game of poker, where each player paid twenty or fifty dollars to play, everyone started with an equal number of chips. Only no money was involved the colors of the chips counted for different things. In this game, it was clothes, skin, wax, and impact, the value mounting with each. They could be cashed in once between the blinds being raised, at any time, but cashing in without a certain combination was pointless. Keys were worth the most, but were not cashed in because what good was unlocking one lock out of five? However playing with a sub in any way, especially when one wasn't likely to win, was tempting. Scott would trade in his last key for more chips, but as the stakes rose, he would have to offer something of himself to win a key from another.

would gamble themselves, but Sebastian seriously doubted Scott had the makings of a Dom. He'd actually counted on Scott offering himself, planned to push Pearce into throwing in a key or two in the hopes of winning him. Unless he'd read the man wrong, Scott was the one he really wanted.

So why not let him use up all his chips?

You've used women to lure men.
Sebastian's stomach clenched as he pictured Luke, hurt and angry, believing he'd done just that with Jami.
Pearce will use Jami that way if he can.

He refused to allow that. If Peace wanted Scott, he would lay all his cards on the table now.

"Think carefully, Scott." Sebastian palmed his stack of black impact chips, shuffling them in his hand. "If you offer yourself, I will accept nothing less than you on your knees with my dick in your mouth."

Chicklet let out a hum of approval. "I'd offer up a key to have your face between my thighs, hon. I think any of us would. Go for it."

Wayne laughed. "That's easy, Chicklet. Pretty boy's probably used to
pussy. But I want to know if he'd make it worth my while. You ever sucked cock, boy?"

"Don't call me, 'boy'." Scott fisted his hands on the table, his gaze shifting from Sebastian to Pearce. "You want to know what I have to offer? Yeah, I've sucked cock. And eaten plenty of pussy. I'm good at both. I'm not out of this game yet, but luck
on my side, I'll be damned if I don't get something before you all bury me." His chin jutted up as he fixed Pearce with a hard look. "I've cashed in. You want to win me? Pray to the poker gods for a good hand."

"I will," Pearce said, quietly. "Make it worth her while. She deserves a reward for bringing you here."

"Yeah, she does." Scott licked his bottom lip as he turned to Sebastian. "I've never done wax play. Help me make it good for her?"

Sebastian inclined his head and stood. "She's drifting with the lingering pleasure. Bring her back to you. I will guide you through it and make it good for you both."

He smiled as Scott bent down to Jami, whispering in her ear as he undid the laces of her shirt. He kissed her reverently before using scissors to cut her bindings. After pulling off her shirt, he undid her bra, then set both aside.

"Sebastian is here, Jami. He'll make sure it only hurts in a good way," Scott said.

Jami smiled, her arms hanging limp over her head where Scott had placed them. "I know."

Scott kissed her again, then moved down, laying soft kisses along her throat, between her breasts. He curved his hand under one and lifted it to his mouth to suck on the nipple. He groaned as she
up, his lips leaving her breast with a load smack. He buried his face into the other, rising up slightly to flick the rosy nub at the tip with his tongue.

He was breathing hard as he turned to Sebastian. "Can you light a candle for me? A red one. I want to cover her breasts—want to see how she reacts to the hot wax spilling over them."

After pulling a red candle from a bag of toys under the table, Sebastian lit it, tested a few drops on his arm, then nodded his approval as Scott did the same. He turned his focus from Scott to Jami as the wax spilled, watching her lips part and her body thrash. Every person in the room went still as she rasped in a breath. Scott drew circles around one breast with the wax, leaving her nipple bare. He did the same to the other breast. Paused, then let a hot drop on a hard, peaked nipple, quickly moving to the other as Jami cried out.

"Ah!" Her screams were echoed by Laura. A faint buzzing told Sebastian that Chicklet had decided to use the other remote to give her sub some relief. Sebastian hardened as he looked from one woman to the other. Both were tossing and turning as though coming apart from the inside out. He pressed a button on the remote in his hand so Jami's pleasure would linger. So she would be satisfied until he won the game. Because he had to win. He had to know, before the night ended, that he had given her everything she needed.

Some petty, jealous part of him wanted to own her pleasure, but this whole scene went beyond what he wanted. Even if the night ended with one—or more—of the other players making her come until she was too exhausted for him to do more than hold her, he would be satisfied. Because in the morning, she would be in his arms. And every morning after, as long as she would allow it.

Besides, they could only have so much of her. He'd set his limits, though he hadn't discussed them with her yet. They could touch, and taste, and play with her. But only he would make love to her. All his talk of fucking was shallow, because he would never allow anyone to do that to her who didn't care for her as deeply as he did.

He refused to put a name to who that person should be. He had immersed Jami into the scene so keep her from dwelling on things he was powerless to change. It would be best if he lead by example.

The game resumed. Shortly after losing his last key, Wayne eliminated himself by cashing in his skin and impact tokens on Laura. As the
of a flogger filled the room, followed by Laura's muffled cries, Sebastian tended to Jami, checking the pulse at her throat, the restrains still around her ankles, the circulation in her feet with a light touch that made her giggle.

He moved up to the other end of the bench, kissing her cheek and whispering to her how lovely she looked. She didn't need demeaning words now, not when she'd been made the object of a game. This fulfilled her in a way he was much more comfortable with. She was a prize, treasured and valued by the few he trusted not to give her regrets the next time they met. Even Wayne, crass and rough as he could be, had spoken of her as though she was an acquisition to be admired. Rare art.

Sebastian smiled, smoothing sweat slicked strands of dark blue hair from Jami's temples. She craved objectification, loved being called a slut and worse, but still needed to know he didn't see her that way. And hopefully he had proved that he never would.

You are priceless, mi cielo.

A few hands later, Chicklet called all in and won all of Laura's keys. She let out a sigh of relief and cashed in. "I would have enjoyed playing with Jami, Sebastian, but I have to admit, I need to get my hands on my pretty girl. And since I'm so generous, you can play with us Wayne—if you don't mind a woman's lips around your dick?"

Wayne grinned. "Not at all. I've seen your girl's skills. You've got her well trained."

Chicklet inclined her head at the compliment. "That I do."

The pair went to Laura, Wayne cutting her restraints while Chicklet unlocked the chastity belt and pulled out the egg. They spread her out on the bench with her head hanging over the end, her wrists taped to the legs and a spreader bar Sebastian provided attached to her ankles. Chicklet pressed her face against her sub's pussy, groaning as she lapped up the slick juices. Wayne covered himself with a condom and fed his dick into Laura's eager mouth.

"Jesus." Scott swallowed, shifting in his seat. "I don't know how much longer I can play."

Pearce gave him an amused half-smile. "Not much longer unless you have a good hand and something to offer." His expression turned serious as he looked to Sebastian. "I have three of Jami's keys. You have two. I say we call it a draw after this hand and share her. The winner will enjoy Scott as a bonus."

"Agreed." Sebastian tossed two cards, nodding his thanks as Pearce dealt him two new ones. "But you assume Scott will not fold."

"He won't fold," Pearce said, eyes on Scott, as though issuing a challenge.

Scott nodded slowly. And kept all his cards. "You're right. I won't. But what do I get if I win this hand?"

"If Sebastian agrees, you can play with Jami as well." Pearce thumbed the edge of his cards, took a deep drag on his cigar, his lips pulling provocatively on the thick end. He replaced three cards. "And I'll suck

With nothing more to bet, they all laid their cards on the table. Scott beat both Sebastian and Pearce with a straight.

Then shook his head and laughed. "You don't have to do it, man. Seriously, it's just a fucking game."

Pearce smirked. "I would have made you do it. Besides, I want to."

"You do?" Scott stood quickly as Pearce rose and moved towards him. "But—"

With his hand around the nape of Scott's neck, Pearce pressed Scott's hand against his crotch. "Did you miss the fact that
were the prize I was playing for? I consider this a win."

Sebastian pulled off Jami's shorts, then unlocked her chastity belt, a small smile of satisfaction playing at his lips. He took off Jami's blindfold, removing her gag when her brow lifted in question.

"You knew Zach wanted Scott?"


"So they won't be playing with me?" Jami didn't sound disappointed, which pleased him.

Even though she was wrong. He chuckled. "They will play with you, gatita. I do not imagine either will pass up on the opportunity. It will not be offered again for quite a while. I did mention I am greedy after I share?"

"Scott wants to taste her." Pearce stroked Scott's bottom lip with his thumb as he trapped Jami with a hungry look. "And so do I."

"Do you hear that,
?" Sebastian used his thumb and finger to hold her plump, outer labia open as he tugged the egg out. He wet his fingertip in the moisture spilling from her, then used it to slick her lips. She stared at him as he slid two fingers into her mouth. "They will taste you. Together. Their tongues will tangle as they lick your hot cunt. Your body will bring them together."

Jami's eyes glistened, but she seemed to like the idea. Not only of the pleasure—of something good coming of it. She sucked his fingers suggestively, pouting when he pulled them away. "And what will you be doing?"

"Not what you expect." Sebastian reached under his suit jacket and pulled out the knife sheathed to his belt, hidden there throughout the game because using it was an option for him alone. "I really must remove the wax. Your breasts will be tender. They are too often neglected, but tonight, I will toy with them. Abuse them with a flogger, then my mouth. And once you feel you cannot take any more, I will decorate your nipples with clamps. The metal teeth will bite into them. And when they are removed, you will feel pain like nothing you have ever experienced."

"Fuck, Sebastian." Jami gasped and pressed her eyes shut. Tears streaked down her cheeks. She whimpered as Pearce pushed her thighs apart. "Do it. Please do it. You're driving me insane."

"And how do we experience insanity, gatita?" Sebastian pressed the flat of the knife to her cheek as he kissed her.

Her breath caught. Her eyes went wide, unfocused. But she managed to answer before she floated into the sensations of three men torturing her with pleasure.


* * * *

Rain thrashed Luke from all sides as he ran from his car to Seb's front door, soaking through his white t-shirt and ripped blue jeans. Four familiar cars had taken up all the parking spots in front of Sebastian's house, forcing Luke to park a block away. The temperature had dropped drastically at some point during the drive here, and Luke shivered as he pressed his thumb to the doorbell.

Combing his fingers through his hair, Luke frowned at the stuffed puppy he'd bought for Jami, all the fluffy white fur of the pillow-sized husky now lumpy and wet, despite his efforts to shield it with his body. His mom had told him to get 'his girl' something cuddly, had said her heart always melted when a man brought her something she could snuggle with.

His mother had a pile of stuffed animals in the attic. Most from his father, who'd often needed a way back in after lashing out. Luke had almost ditched the suggestion when he recalled his father's contrite expression as he offered flowers and chocolates and something snuggly with shallow apologies. But his mother had ended the call with a few last words of wisdom.

"Don't let it get to the point where she has a dozen gifts because 'you're sorry'. Make this one special. An offer for a fresh start." She'd laughed then. "If Sebastian is half the man I think he is from all you've told me, he won't put up with you hurting her this bad again. See that you don't. I'm looking forward to meeting them both."

He grinned, weirdly happy even though he was freezing and working things out with Jami and Seb wasn't
be pleasant. Besides the two of them, and Bower—because he loved the man like a brother—his mother's opinion was the only one that mattered. And she'd been really cool about him being gay.

No. Bi.
He laughed as he recalled how his mother had corrected him. He could still give her grandbabies. Not that she'd mind if he was gay, so long as he adopted before she died . . .

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