Breaking Free (Siren Publishing Classic) (3 page)

BOOK: Breaking Free (Siren Publishing Classic)
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Chapter Three

Staring at herself in the long, narrow mirror on the back of her bathroom door, Danny could hardly believe she’d had the nerve to do it. “Danny,” she said the name out loud. She hadn’t been called that for years. Somewhere along the way, she’d decided it wasn’t dignified or grown-up enough. Now though, she saw it differently. Danika might be meek and shy, but Danny was bold and adventurous.

Studying her image again, she decided her look reflected her adventurous new attitude. Stifling a giggle, she could just picture the look on Wesley’s face if he saw her now. No more hiding clothes in the back of her closet, afraid to wear them. On her feet were black studded leather boots that came up to mid-calf with a thick, three-inch wedge heel. Tight faded jeans, ripped in the knees and indecently across the ass, revealed the barest hint of the black lace thong she wore. The shirt had been the hardest decision. She’d finally decided to stick with the basics and pulled on a plain white button-up shirt belted with a wide, black leather belt.

She decided the look worked, tough, sexy, but not too slutty. Her hair had been somewhat tougher. She was tired of always putting it up, but having it loose would leave it in a tangled mess by the time she was done. Eventually she’d settled on a single, long braid. It made her look young and tomboyish. Giving her reflection a final cheeky grin, she headed for the door. She’d already heard a single beep seconds ago, and knew he was downstairs in the back ally waiting for her.

She paused on the landing, staring down at the man and bike waiting below.
Holy cow!
she silently cried. What had she gotten herself into? If the massive rumbling beast of a bike was intimidating, then the impressive rider upon it was doubly so in his long black duster and faceless black helmet. A hundred years ago he would have been called a desperado or an outlaw. Now he was enough to make an average man tremble and a timid woman run in fear. Fear wasn’t the problem, she acknowledged. Lust raged through her at just the sight of him. The idea of actually climbing on behind him brought a rush of white hot desire zinging through her. It would be like a giant vibrator. Lord, she was going to make a fool out of herself if she didn’t get her raging desire under control.

Taking a deep breath, she forced her reluctant feet to keep moving. There was no way she was going to let him know just how overwhelming he was. She almost laughed. He thought he was being intimidating. Little did he know.

* * * *

Gabe was glad the full-face shield of his helmet hid his expression, because the sight of her sexy little body in those tight jeans and low-buttoned shirt was enough to have him drooling. Some might consider her plump. He knew she didn’t fit the Hollywood twiggy type, but he liked curves. His height made all women seem small, and Danny was no exception. To him she was perfect, tiny but full in all the right places. The sight of her long hair in a thick, rope-like braid gave him wicked ideas. He could see himself using it as leash as he forced her to her knees before him, pulling her head back and putting that smart-ass mouth to good use on his cock. He shifted slightly on the seat, as his jeans continued to grow uncomfortably tight.

Taking a deep breath to calm himself down, he tugged off his helmet and set it conveniently on his lap, hoping she wouldn’t notice the growing hard
on distorting the front of his jeans. Time for a subject change, he told himself. “So you’ve never done this?”

Grinning sheepishly, she shook her head. “It’s a long story, but no, I didn’t just wake up this morning and decide to buy a motorcycle. It’s something I’ve always wanted.”

“What changed your mind?” Now he was curious. She seemed perfectly stable, but then you never knew what lurked beneath the surface. He was a prime example.

“Well, that’s part of the long story. Maybe I’ll tell you one day, but not now. It’s…well…it’s a little too personal.” Her embarrassed stammer told him there was more to her story, but he let it slide.

Nodding, he reached behind him and unhooked the helmet he’d strapped to his sissy-bar. “Here. This is like the one you picked out, but a little bit more your size.” Taking it from him, she slid it on, looking top heavy and awkward. Chuckling, he leaned in adjusting the chin strap until the device was firmly in place. Breathing in deeply, he inhaled her fresh spicy scent. It was slightly exotic, and he could just imagine it combined with the sexy scent of her aroused pussy.

“Okay, slide on,” he instructed, forcing himself from his lusty daze.

Blinking, she had to hop to get her short leg over the tall bike. Once in place behind him, she tensed. He felt her stiffen as she tried to keep from snuggling in too close.

He chuckled and caught her under the knees. Yanking her forward, he brought her flush with his backside. The damp heat of her pussy slammed into the firm edge of his butt. Inhaling sharply, he tried to ignore the sensitive tips of her breas
, brushing his back.

Ignoring her antics, he kicked the bike into gear. He knew she was fighting to maintain her distance, and he let her. That would change quickly enough.

“Hang on!” he ordered, and the sleek machine beneath them lurched forward
like a panther springing
to life.

She shrieked in his ear, and Gabe felt her throw her arms around him as if clinging for dear life.

To his dismay, her fear only lasted for a few seconds. As they flew through the darkened city streets, she came to life behind him. The wind whistled by them, carrying her bubbling laughter with it through the cool night. Every nerve ending was alive with sensation, awakened by the rumbling machine underneath them and the sparking desire beginning to burn between them. Lord, he needed to get laid. She was beautiful yes, but he’d known beautiful women before. They used to be part of his daily life. What was it about her that sent him over the edge? He had to get her off this bike and away from him before he completely embarrassed himself.

Easing off the road into a parking lot teeming with motorcycles and rough-looking characters, he parked the bike and shut off its powerful engine.

“Where are we?” she questioned, slowly easing back from him.

“You want to be a biker, might as well visit a biker bar,” he answered. This should send her running scared. The Rusty Screw was one of the roughest bars in town. He watched her swallow nervously as her gaze swept the assorted characters streaming from the parking lot into the

“I didn’t chicken out, and our deal was for dinner,” she hedged.

“I doubt you’d want to eat anything you found in here anyway.” He chuckled. “Come on, little girl, time to come out and play.” Turning, he walked boldly toward the door, leaving Danny to scramble after him. He instantly regretted leaving her behind. He was suddenly aware of the interest she generated. She was young, beautiful,
completely unaware
. He could practically see the vultures circling.

* * * *

Danny eyed her surroundings with a wide curious gaze. Heavy rhythmic music screamed from the jukebox, and the clack of pool balls echoed off the dirty, poster-covered walls. The sounds of people, laughing and carrying on, cut through the thud of the music. Once again she was seized by a momentary burst of fear,
quickly burned away by the fascinating sensations rushing over her.

He led her to the bar, pulling out a well-worn stool and nodding for her to sit. With a wry look, she jumped up and turned a large smile toward the handsome bartender. The man’s appreciative gaze traveled over her curvy little body, lingering on the exposed cleavage. She felt Gabe’s big body tense at the attention. He pulled her and her stool into the wide V of his legs, marking his territory by slinging a protective arm over her shoulder.

“Jake, give us two beers,” he told the bartender, giving him a sharp look of challenge, letting him know Danny was off limits.

Danny decided not to argue over his high-handedness. A beer was fine.
Hell, she loved it, and was sick to death of Wesley’s frou-frou wines and cocktails.

Studying the broad range of customers fascinated Danny. The colorful tattoos sported by so many drew her eyes. “Interesting crowd,” she commented. “I like that guy’s dragon.” Discreetly, she pointed.

Gabe grumbled something she couldn’t understand so she just rolled her eyes. “This was your idea. Don’t blame me if I enjoy the view.”

“Just drink your beer,” he ordered.

“Why don’t you like me?” she countered, taking a sip, enjoying the way his eyes followed the bottle to her mouth. Was he getting hard? She definitely felt something stir in her.

He shook his head, as if trying to clear that image of the bottle sliding suggestively into her mouth. “I never said I didn’t like you,” he finally answered.

“You certainly act like it.” She noticed he was watching her mouth again. She let her lips form an O around the mouth of the bottle, letting it slide slowly in just a little farther than necessary.

“Stop that!” He growled.

“Stop what?” She feigned innocence though she knew she was shaking.

“Deep throating the damn bottle. You’ll cause a riot.” His hand around his beer bottle looked so tight that she almost feared it would shatter.

“No one’s watching.”

“The hell they aren’t!”

“Are you always this grumpy?”

Instead of answering, he shoved his still-full beer into her hand, taking her empty one. “Drink your beer.” The cool bottle brushed her nipples, drawing a gasp from her. Their eyes met, and she fought the urge to cross her arms over her chest. She caught his grin and realized she hadn’t fooled him at all. He knew she was as turned on as he was.

Several beers later, she was feeling quite fine. As the alcohol started to relax her, she began to lean back into him, unable to stop her bottom from gyrating to the rhythmic beat of the jukebox. She could feel the thick ridge of his cock growing against her.

Suddenly he grabbed her wiggling hips and yanked her close, nestling his erection in the crack of her ass. He leaned in and growled into her ear, “Be careful, little girl, you might get more than you bargained for.” To emphasize his point, he ground his dick into her.

Danny moaned softly. She knew she should be afraid, but the combination of his closeness and the alcohol was intoxicating, stealing all caution and common sense. “I think you’re all talk, all grouch and hot air,” she taunted, anticipating his reaction.

Catching the thick braid of her hair in one hand, he pulled her back. Tilting her head slightly, he leaned down, nipping the tender flesh of her ear. Simultaneously he wrapped the other arm around her waist and pulled her onto his lap. “Does this feel like hot air, baby?”

Groaning, Danny grasped his thick thighs as a wave of white-hot desire rushed through her, soaking her panties.

“What’s the matter, little girl, bite off more than you can chew?” he sneered, clearly mistaking her trembling for fear.

Danny’s logical mind warred with her thrumming desire. She should push away. Lord knew she’d never done anything this outrageous in her entire life. But it was so hard to think clearly with his hard body and even harder erection pressing into her.
You might never get another chance,
her heated body argued. She could enjoy tonight, maybe the next few days, and then when her riding lessons were done, they’d go their separate ways, and she’d have lots of white hot memories to sustain her. It was that line of thinking that took control of her mouth. “I haven’t bitten anything yet, but you keep rubbing like that, and I might be tempted, big boy.”

It was Gabe’s turn to groan. “Baby, I got a big boy for you.”

“Then why the hell are we sitting here?”

“We’re not,” he said, standing and tossing a couple bills onto the bar, and Danny realized he’d only sipped his beer. “Later, Jake,” he called over his shoulder as he quickly steered her toward the door.

Danny was almost shocked that Gabe was able to keep the bike upright. She was on the edge of coming right there on the bike’s leather seat, and his tense frame told her he was just as close. When they reached the alley behind her apartment, he practically dragged her up the narrow stairs. On the landing, he paused. Danny had a brief second to gasp for air before his kiss seared her lips. Pressing her into the door, he ground his body into her as he forced her mouth wide, his hot tongue drawing hers out, enslaving it.

Danny clung to him, meeting his need with raging heat of her own. Her taunting at the bar had backfired. She was on fire as much as he was. One arm fisted the collar of his leather jacket, while the other struggled to get her keys out of her pocket. He tasted exotic and sinful. And she had to get him inside before she ripped his clothes off right there on the landing.

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