Breathless (20 page)

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Authors: Bonnie Edwards

BOOK: Breathless
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anny knelt behind her and parted her ass cheeks for a better view. The rosebud she presented could wait until another day, he decided. Right now, he needed to claim her cream-filled slit. He tongued her there, lapping and swallowing her moist offering.

She rolled her plump ass higher so he could see her clitoris peeping out at him. He stretched the tip of his tongue to lick her. The soft bud hardened under his tongue.

He pressed two fingers into her wetness, amazed when she opened wider and her clit grew long and firm. He flicked the dark bud with his tongue while she moaned and rocked back toward his plunging fingers. He slid his hand to his cock and rubbed the pulsing flesh against her calf.

She stiffened and came, sending a stream of fresh cream over his fingers and down her slit to his waiting tongue. She was wide open now, so he plunged a third finger into her hole and let her ride out her orgasm while he pumped in and out.

When she was done, he rose to his feet, turned her to face him, and pressed his forehead to hers. He dropped a kiss to the tip of her nose, bringing a sliver of sanity to the moment. “I need to shower.”

“You smell rugged and manly.” Her eyes were glazed with sated afterglow. “But I appreciate the sentiment.”

He chuckled. “You can call it what you want, but I’ve been working all day. We don’t know each well enough for me to take that kind of chance.”

“Okay. If you can wait, I can.”

He wanted this to be right, perfect.

“I’ll wait in the bedroom,” she said, after a long kiss. “You know where the bathroom is.”

Danny had wanted her for so long, it would be hard to hold back, but he had to give her what she needed. Gentle lovemaking now would prime Mariel properly for everything he wanted later.

And he wanted it all. He wanted her mouth on him, her pussy on his face, her slick moisture on his tongue.

Because he planned to fuck, fuck, fuck her.

And then he wanted to do it again.

“Five minutes, tops,” he said as he stepped away and moved down the short hall to her bathroom. She followed him, stopping at a narrow door. She opened it and handed him a fresh towel. Her eyes were wide and eager.

“I’ve waited a long time for this,” he said.

She grinned and set her hands on his arm and shoulder, giving him an ineffectual shove. “Go, don’t waste a minute.”

He soaped in the warm sluice of water, spending extra time on his cock and balls, thinking of Mariel’s wet mouth and wetter cunt sheathing him, pumping him. His balls tightened and he had to squeeze the head of his cock to prevent ejaculating. After that he showered quickly, slipped back into his boxers, and grabbed a couple of condoms from his pocket. He squirted some of Mariel’s toothpaste onto his fingertip and did the best he could to freshen his mouth for her. He finger-combed his hair and sucked in his gut.

He hadn’t felt this way in years. Nervous, anxious to impress, and out of his depth. Mariel wasn’t herself today. Whatever had happened to bring on this change, he was afraid that one wrong move would ruin things. In spite of her lascivious behavior on the deck and in the kitchen, she was usually sensitive and shy, and that had him in knots.

Most of his women were confident and definite in what they wanted. Mariel was only like that when they discussed the work she wanted done on the house. She was decisive, a rare client in the renovation business. If he held an opposing opinion, he had to prove why her idea wouldn’t work. She knew her own mind, stated her desires, and it was up to him to find a way to give her what she wanted. But that was their customer-contractor relationship.

This side of things would be different.

He opened the door and stepped into the hall, wearing only his boxers. His cock was so hard it stood straight up his belly, so he pulled his waistband higher to cover it. No point scaring her.

Light glowed softly, spilling yellow onto the hall carpet from a room across the hall. He peered through the doorway and found her.

Mariel was apparently naked under the covers. Her blankets pulled tight across her breasts, tucked demurely under her arms. But the sight of her purple silky top and hot short skirt on a chair in the corner added to the excitement. Her shoes rested by the closet door.

Mariel, naked and waiting in bed—life didn’t get any better. “Is this okay?” she asked.

“This is fantastic.” A lit candle sent a light vanilla fragrance through the room. The flame showed a tentative expression on her face. “You’ve been fretting.”

“How do you know?”

“I’ve seen the look before. I know you better than you think. We’ve worked together. Made decisions together.” He strode into the room, cock fully loaded and aimed straight for her. “And I’ve watched you.” It was good to know a woman well in one area of her life, then add this dimension to their relationship. “And you look perfect.” He stood over the bed to let her absorb the fact that he stood in her room, seconds from climbing into her bed with her.

A moment of hesitation warred with desire in her eyes.

To tilt the outcome toward the desired result, he held up the condom packets. “I worried you might have changed your mind. I’m glad I was right to bring these with me.”

Desire won out over hesitation. “Oh, thank God you brought some! Mine are too old to be safe.”

He chuckled. “You’ll always be safe with me, Mariel.” To that end, he picked up the candle and moved it to the dresser, to reflect in the mirror. “The flame will be safer here.”

She blinked and blushed and looked away all at the same time. “I thought we’d be covered up.”

“I want to do a thorough inspection.” He dropped his boxers and slipped into bed beside her, but she’d planted herself dead center and he had to stay on his side.

Propping his head on his hand, he leaned over and kissed her mouth with a soft brush of his lips, when he wanted to dive in and take. She kissed him back and reached to hold his head.

Mariel may have looked nervous for a moment, but her kiss told him she was his for the taking. Whatever doubts she’d had while he’d left her to take a shower were gone. With a sigh that invited more, she shifted over and gave him room. The sheet loosened with her movement.

He wasn’t about to refuse the invitation. Scooping her into his arms, he ran his hand across her chest, enjoying the feel of her plump breasts. Mariel was well-formed and full, and he loved that her nipples were hard as pebbles. Her breath caught when he focused on one and rolled it between his thumb and forefinger.

She arched and caught her breath when he tugged the sheet lower so he could see her. Her breasts lay rosy and round against her chest. Perfect spheres topped by luscious red berries ripe for sucking. He bent his head, took one delicately between his lips, and licked. She moved her legs.

He sucked. More movement.

He opened his mouth wider, took more of her flesh, and sucked deeply, strongly.

She opened her legs and he took quick advantage. He moved his hand down over her pliant belly, her lush hair, and deep between her legs.

“You’re hot and wet, Mariel.”

She nodded. A whimper escaped and her eyes flew wide as he plunged a finger into her. He pressed higher and used his thumb to burrow for her clit. He found it hardened into a firm nub. “You wanted this for a while? You thought about it?” So much wasted time.

“Yes. Oh! Do that again.” She rolled her hips and bit her lip.

He rocked his hand as he pumped in and out, keeping his thumb planted firmly on her clit. She liked that he stepped up the pace.

“Soft and gentle could be way behind us already.” He’d never seen a woman so ready, so ripe for sex so fast. He slid a second finger into her slickness and felt her open like a Morning Glory in the sun. Pop!

“Faster!” she pleaded. “Harder! I need more.” Her hips pumped and rocked as her need to come built.

His balls tightened just watching her. “Want me to take you there? Should I let you come on my hand?” She moaned and thrashed, her legs wide open, her pussy weeping.

His cock flexed at the sight of her, at the scent of her creaming mound. “Open your eyes, Mariel.”

She did. They were wild and damp with need.

He pulled his fingers out of her soaking cunt and licked them while she watched. Then he placed her hand on his cock so she could feel his pre-cum. She swirled her thumb across the moist droplet and wrapped her hand around his shaft. “Squeeze,” he said.

She did, making arousal and the urge to shoot spike through him. He arched into her hand while she played him.

He plunged three fingers into her and pressed her clit with each slide in and out.

Her hand on his cock went slack as her own need took over. She arched and groaned, legs wide while he pumped into her slickness. He slid down her glorious open body to settle his mouth on her mons, feeling her curls tickle while his hand worked her into an orgasm.

The feel of Danny’s head on her lowest belly, the weight of it, undid her. Pulsing sensations rocketed up from her pussy and clit as he rubbed and plunged and took her over the edge into full orgasm. The inner clenching went on and on while she felt the release through her hips, chest, legs and arms.

She felt wetter than she’d ever been as the feeling of completion settled. He still kept his head down at the apex of her thighs, but now it felt quietly gentle to have him there.

Threading her fingers through his hair she quieted, spent and replete.

His cock nudged her leg while his fingers stilled inside her. The echo of her pulsing contractions faded gently. She may be spent and wrung out, but he felt hot and ready.

“I love the scent of your juice,” he said. “You’re fresh and creamy.” He removed his fingers and slid his face to her open pussy in a sly move that surprised her. Gentle strokes of his tongue and his moans of appreciation broke the last of her shyness, and she opened wide again.

With a move that surprised her, he rose up to straddle her upper body. His knees pressed into the mattress. The position made it easy to guide his cock to her mouth for a taste of that slick pearl she’d found earlier. His whole body stiffened as she took the tip of his cock between her lips. Tension coiled through his body.

She swirled her tongue in imitation of what he was doing and he grunted his approval. Carefully, she rimmed his ridge with her tongue and delighted when he flexed forward for more. She slid her mouth higher on his shaft and worked at suckling him strongly.

“Keep that up and you’ll get a mouthful.”

The words thrilled her. Danny sounded throaty and needy. She’d never caused such a reaction before. She settled her ass on the bed and lifted her legs to wrap around the back of his head. She couldn’t be more open as he speared his tongue deep into her.

He worked her with tongue and fingers. On her clit, then her pussy. He jiggled her swollen, sensitive labia, fluttered his tongue across her clit, and plunged in and out of her channel. Deep and hard, gentle and soft he took her to new heights of sensation.

His cocked flexed deep in her throat and she wondered how he tasted. It wasn’t fair that he’d tasted her come while she hadn’t tasted his.

There was only one thing to do.

She reached for his tightened balls and squeezed gently. Playfully, she tapped them with her fingertips while she rolled her tongue around the ridge of his cock. His body flexed and tensed, her cue to squeeze his balls lightly. With Danny’s harsh cry, a warm gush filled her mouth. His fingers stilled inside her while she milked him.

She lunged her hips upward and pressed her clit to his chin and mouth. She swallowed and took what he gave her while rubbing herself to full orgasm again.

He trembled over her as they cried out their release, and when it was over, he tumbled to the bed beside her. Head to toe, they lay quietly while their hearts’ thunderous beats eased to normal.

The seduction of Danny Glenn had been a roaring success. She hoped with all her heart this wasn’t the only time.

That idea flitted away as he combed through her pubic curls with languid fingers. Her heartbeat slowed to normal while her breathing slowed.

She raised her head and looked at him. “This was spectacular. You’re spectacular.”

He grinned. “Right back at you. If we’re this good together now, imagine how great it’ll be when we’re used to each other’s bodies.”

Her mind boggled. “You won’t get bored?”

He raised her foot nearest to him and kissed her arch as he draped it over his shoulder. He gazed at her between her legs in a blatant show of curiosity. “You’re beautiful. Plump and pink and wet. Perfect just like the rest of you. I can’t imagine ever getting tired of this.”

Before she could comment, he slipped one finger into her to the hilt.


et me play a moment,” Danny said. Her belly dropped with the invasive rub against her vaginal walls, but it felt too good to stop him. Deep inside, he bent his first knuckle and found a spot she didn’t know she had. Circles of sensation built while he played. More moisture filled her and she felt it run down her slit to her bed.

Oh, to hell with it. She was decadence personified, womanly and fulfilled. She gave up to him and stretched back. Flinging her arms and legs wide, she let Danny look his fill. He played and experimented with her tender flesh. He opened her outer lips and speared his tongue into her. Then he lapped like a cat with cream. “See? You bloom open like a flower.”

“I feel it.” Her belly clenched and she gushed against his mouth. She would come again if he continued. The feelings were building, the urge to arch into his mouth got stronger. He went back to finger play to tease and tantalize some more.

Her pussy melted around him as he played. He built her up to gasping, then retreated again several times.

She didn’t care. Trusting that he’d take her to the peak again and again, she settled back and let her lover play as he wished. All the weeks she’d wasted being shy washed away. She would make up for lost time while she could.

Eventually, after long moments of quiet exploration, she couldn’t take his retreating teases anymore. She rolled her hips in need. He chuckled when she slid her fingers to the back of his head to hold him in place. “Your clit gets long and firm, like a tiny cock.”

“It’s sensitive.”

“And delicious.” Cool air drifted across the area. He opened her and blew seductive puffs of air across her hidden flesh. “Want me to kiss it?”


“Suck it?”

Yes, yes yes!
“Yes.” The circling continued, faster. She rocked toward him in offering. Why didn’t he do what he promised?

“Want me to suck it hard?” His breath curled around her exposed clit, tantalizing and warm.

“Oh!” She came in a wild gush. In an act of sympathy she’d never forget, he set the pad of his tongue to her clit and pressed and held and licked and sucked until she couldn’t come another second.

Wrung out, she opened to whatever he wanted, however he wanted it.

“I want to fuck you now, Mariel. Gentle and slow.”

Oh, God. This was murder, she realized. Murder by orgasm.


The condom slipped over the head of his cock swiftly, surely, bringing Mariel’s restful abandon to an end. She raised up on her elbows to watch Danny settle in the V of her body. “You’re still hard, even though you’ve already come. Are you always like this?”

He slipped his hands under her butt and pulled her close to his full cock. “You don’t want me to apologize, do you?” He spread her inner lips and pressed the tip of his cock against her opening.

“No, ah,” she sighed. He raised her ass higher, his muscles bulging in his powerful forearms as he held her up. He pressed ever so slowly into her, his face intent on watching as his cock slid deep. She gasped and felt the width as her vaginal walls grasped him. He pulled back out a little, then in a fast, hard lunge buried himself to the hilt. The exquisite push-pull of his every inch made her gasp.

She moaned and bucked with him. As much as she loved the orgasms Danny had given her, this deep fullness completed the act. Completed her.

She wanted the feel of his chest on hers, needed the weight of him. Gathering him to her chest, she hugged him to her and twined his legs with hers. He felt right and close and heavy and warm, while she marveled at the smooth rocking that took her closer and closer to the edge.

He whispered words. Sexy, dark, hot words that put images in her head of heavy need and deeply delicious desires. Anything he wanted was his. Anything.

She would gladly give Danny any part of herself, including her heart. “Fuck with me,” he whispered. “Let me slide into you, take your cunt.” He slid to draw her nipple into his mouth and suckled her. Her womb tightened as he plunged harder, faster, deeper. She answered each lunge with a buck of her own and spoke to him in dark whispers of yearning and passion.

“I want you inside me, I want your cock, hard and full. I want your mouth, your wonderful fingers, fucking me, taking me past anywhere I’ve been.” The whispers moved them faster toward the brilliant ending that took them with surprising speed, tumbling over and around each other.

Danny shuddered and shook inside her melting channel while she felt the wracking spasms that signaled her release.

“Fuck! I’m so deep! You’re hot—so wet—tight.” He groaned and burrowed deeper still as the last surges rolled through him.

He sagged into her, letting her rock him gently while he gathered enough strength to roll to the middle of the bed. He scooped her close to rest on his chest. She finger-combed his chest hair while he smoothed her soft shoulder.

“Mm, that was the best time I’ve ever had.”

“It’s nice of you to say so,” she murmured, content and sated.

He slid his fingertip to her chin and tilted her face up to look deeply into her eyes. “There’s nothing nice about this. Nice is a boring word, said about boring people. What we’ve got here is exciting, flat out roller coaster exciting. And, no, I won’t get bored.”

For a moment, she believed him, and that was all right with her. “Me neither.”

They rested for a few moments, too spent to say more. Mariel refused to consider what would happen when he finished the deck. And she’d completely forgotten about the competition,
about asking Danny to pose for her. She raised her head to ask, but he spoke first.

“I know you often make salad for your dinner, but I know a burger joint that serves the best steak burgers in town. Come with me tonight. They’ve got picnic benches. We could eat under the stars.” His stomach growled and he grinned. “I need to eat.”

“After all this, I need protein, not just a green salad.” So this wasn’t just a convenient way to get laid. He’d been serious when he said he’d watched her, wanted her. “I’d love a burger.” And she loved that he’d invited her.

For Danny, her response was perfect. He hadn’t demanded too much and he hadn’t frightened her. A tight coil of dread sprung free. “I was afraid to scare you off,” he admitted. “I wanted you for so long, I worried that I’d tear into you if I wasn’t careful.”

She wiggled her hips. “Not torn, but definitely stretched and deeply satisfied. When you bent your finger inside me I thought I’d go through the roof, because it felt incredible.”

“I’ll do it again, then.”

“Please. Did I do everything right?”

Relief made him playful and he teased, “You mean sucking my cock?”

She flushed a delicious shade of pink. “You’re so free and open.”

“No point pretending we didn’t do what we did. I ate your pussy, sucked your clit, finger-fucked you, and fucked you with my cock.”

Her eyes went wide, then filled with an easy humor. “Okay, since you want a list.” She counted off on her fingers. “I kissed you, shoved my pussy in your face, came all over your hands and face, and took your cock deep into my throat.” She went redder. “And I swallowed your semen. Which tasted deliciously salty and hot by the way.”

He laughed. “And here I decided you were demure and shy.”

“I am. But like you said, there’s no point pretending we didn’t do what we did. I liked it. Very much. All of it.” She hesitated, then added, “I like you, Danny. I like doing this. With you.”

“Good, because I’m not done with you yet.” He rolled to the far side of the bed and sat up. “We’ll shower and go get those burgers.”


The juice from the minced steak oozed out of her bun and ran down her hand. Mariel sat snuggled up close to Danny on the top of a picnic bench beside the diner. They faced the back fence that ringed the parking lot. She licked the juice from the inside of her wrist.

Beside her, Danny froze. “You have a way with your tongue that makes me crazy. Did you know that when you drink your tea you put the tip of your tongue on the rim of the mug just before you take a sip? Makes me hard as nails to see that.”

“Believe me, I had no idea.” But it pleased her that he’d seen past her nerves and shyness. She reached for his forearm and pulled his hand close enough to lick. Turning her head, she licked the stream of burger juice from the thick muscle at the base of his thumb. “God, do that again, but lower. Much lower.”

She gave him a throaty chuckle and couldn’t believe this was her. “You make me feel free, so unlike myself. I want to enjoy these moments to the fullest.” She would remember them later when she was alone again.

“I’m enjoying you to the fullest. You’re the hottest woman I’ve ever met. I knew it before, with your pretty blushes. But now? You’re flat out killing me.”

“Funny, that’s what I thought earlier. Death by orgasm. Is there any chance we could achieve that together?”

He leaned his shoulder against hers. “Absolutely. When can we try again?”

“When we get home.” She still hadn’t asked the question she’d wanted to ask. This was a night for brave, bold Mariel and she had to continue. “You know I teach high-school art, right?”

“I’ve seen your easel in the back bedroom.” He sipped at his soft drink.

“That’s right, you stored tools and wood back there when you built my shelving unit.”

“You haven’t used that easel in a long time. All your art supplies were covered by sheets.” He chewed the last bite of his burger. “I confess, though, I looked at some of your paintings.”

She probably should have thrown them out, but she hadn’t. “They’re not very good.”

His brows knit and he shook his head in disagreement. “I thought they were nice.”

That was the problem! Art wasn’t supposed to be nice. It had to be
. Like the sex they’d shared. If she told him that it had been nice, he would be offended. Nice was almost as horrible a word as mediocre.

But she didn’t want to bring her private pain into the bold, brave night. “Thank you,” she said, but the words were flat, like her paintings. She gathered her nerve. If she didn’t ask him now, the chance might not come again. She either wouldn’t have the guts to ask, or he’d have had his fill of her and moved on to his next woman. If she asked then, he’d see her as desperate and clingy, and he wouldn’t be inclined to do her the favor she needed. “I need a favor, Danny, a big one.”

“A body? I gave you that not an hour ago.” The twinkle in his eye made her grin and gave her the courage to ask.

“You heard me talking to Jayne?”

“I love the sound of your voice. It’s got a husky undertone that’s sexy as hell. Makes me want to kiss you.” He kissed her mouth, long and slow, tongue deep and stroking. “And kissing you makes me think of sex with you.”

He cupped her breast, molded the fullness until her nipple hardened and shot an arrow to her womb. “I love your nipples, they stand up proud.”

She melted and let him play and pluck. The sun had gone down, and because the parking lot was behind them, no one could see where his hand had wandered. The public sexual exploration excited her.

“I’ll do whatever you need,” he offered.

“I want to paint you.”

He pulled his head back and stared at her. “You want to do a nude? The paintings I saw were landscapes.”

“No, I want to paint your body.” Her landscapes were too safe, too controlled. Too ordinary. They were, indeed, nice.

Mediocre. “I want to enter a body painting competition.”

“Like naked?”


“All right.”

“That was easy.”

“I figure it’ll give me more time with you, right?”


“And that’s what I want. More time with you.”

Her belly dropped at the easy way he spoke. “I’m glad.” Happiness bubbled up and out from her mouth in a light giggle. She clapped her hand over her mouth. “Sorry, I never do that. Makes me sound like a fool.”

“Stop doing that.”

She sobered immediately.

“No, not the laughing, not the being happy. I love that you’re happy.” The arm he’d draped over her shoulder felt warm and comforting. He squeezed her close to his side.

“Then what? What should I stop?”

“Don’t apologize for being lighthearted. Happiness isn’t something to be hidden away, Mariel.”

“It is in my family!” she blurted. “Along with creativity, artistic expression, a love of books, whatever.” She waved her hand in dismissal. “I never fit in with my family.” Talking about this made her anxious, especially with a stranger. For all intents and purposes, Danny was a stranger. “Sorry, you don’t know them and I shouldn’t say any more.”

“If it makes you feel better, I never fit in with mine, either. My sister’s an architect, my brother’s a surgeon.” He released her to put his hands out in front of him, flexing his fingers wide. “They’re brainiacs, both of them. Me? I’m happy working with these.”

“Do you feel like you’ve disappointed your folks?” She couldn’t see how he would, he was a fabulous carpenter, with an eye for detail she envied.

“Not anymore. They’ve accepted my decisions now that I’m making a good living.” He drew her close to his side again. “Besides, I have my ambitions.”

“So do I. That’s why I want to enter this competition. You remember that saying:
Those who can, do, those who can’t, teach?
It makes me crazy that I’ve never gone forward with my own art.” She refused to tell him about her deeply humiliating experience three years ago. She couldn’t. That time with Withers was still painful and too raw to share.

“So, I take it this competition is important to you as an artist.”

“In a way, it’s vital.”

“Then I’m honored you wanted me.”

He had no idea exactly how much she’d wanted him. She’d wanted him day and night, in daydreams and nighttime fantasies, which he’d more than fulfilled.

“There’s one more thing. Paint doesn’t stick to body hair.” She gave him a quirked-up smile and a beseeching look.

He went still. “I’m not very hairy.”

“I love your body hair. It’s perfect.” Just enough to look like a real man. Sadly, it would all have to go. “But—”

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