Burn (4 page)

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Authors: Anne Rainey

BOOK: Burn
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“You told me not to think, just to feel,” Blake coaxed. “Now I’m telling you.

Forget about right and wrong, just press those sweet lips to Heather. I want you lapping up pussy juice while I fuck.”

His words did me in. Those taboo, carnal words took me out of myself and into the moment. I moved sideways and dipped my head to kiss Heather’s mound. Her hands came up and cupped my scalp, her fingers stroking my hair in such a loving way I nearly wept.

“Lick me,” she murmured. “Take us both there, sweetie.” I surrendered. My tongue darted out and swept over her fleshy tissue, so puffy and wet. Her trimmed tuft of hair tickled my face as I rubbed my lips back and forth.

She pushed her hips upward, her bottom lifting off the ground entirely, groaning in ecstasy. Her pleasure fueled my own wanton needs. I lifted my arms out of the water and wrapped them around Heather’s hips, holding her still for the invasion of my tongue. The instant I tasted her essence, my sex exploded. I could have stayed like that for an eternity, tongue fucking her sweet, hot cunt. I drew my mouth away and stared at her there, sopping wet and throbbing. I blew a draft of air over her clitoris, mesmerized when she moaned and grasped my hair in a tighter grip. I dipped and sucked her clit into my mouth. Heather shot her hips forward, nearly knocking me backward into the pool.

“Oh God, Ally!” she shouted, coming in a rush all over my lips and tongue. I licked her dry, then lifted my head and stared at her satisfied expression. Her eyes were closed, her breasts heaving. She was beautiful. I felt Blake against my back and I was suddenly embarrassed.

“You’re so much more woman than I ever imagined, Ally. So damn hot.” I hadn’t expected his words of praise, but it was exactly what I needed in that moment. I turned my head and smiled. Our eyes locked, and he slowly pushed his cock inside my pussy. He’d gone only a few inches when he paused and growled,

“Come down here, Heather. Right next to Ally.”

Heather lifted her eyelids as if coming out of a long slumber and blinked several times. She looked at Blake. I could see the instant she decided to do his bidding. Her eyes went drowsy with need all over again. She slowly moved to the side, and slid into the water. Heather faced Blake while my back was to him. I didn’t like that scenario. I started to wiggle away, but Blake only planted his hands on the ledge, caging me in.

“No. Stay still.” He looked at Heather and ordered, “Turn around, show me that ass.”

Heather licked her lips and swiveled her body around. She thrust her ass toward him, the warm, clear water hiding nothing. I felt a wild need to keep the two of them apart. It wasn’t supposed to go that way, though. My head wanted this to be all about sex. My heart knew the truth.

Blake leaned close, his hot breath against my ear. “You jealous, baby? Want me all to yourself?”


“Liar,” he murmured. “You want me all to your greedy little self. I can see it in the way your body stiffened. Guess what? I felt the same way when I arrived, but you started this. You wanted this. Remember that later.” Then he plunged all the way inside my tight sheath. I heard him emit a low growl, before he pulled all the way out and plunged in again. His heavy length filled me, and my inner muscles pulsed to life. I flung my head back and moved my hips in a little circle. His growl turned into a harsh command as he said, “Stop or I’ll come, baby.”

I didn’t feel like indulging him. I pushed backward, then squeezed my pussy around his cock until we were both groaning with the torturous pleasure.

Blake pulled out completely and ordered, “Open your eyes, Ally.” Curiosity had me obeying him. As I watched, he moved behind Heather, his gaze holding me captive as he grasped Heather’s buttocks and pulled her open and sank his engorged cock all the way inside her hot pussy. Heather cried out with pleasure. A muscle in Blake’s jaw twitched. His eyes demanded I watch him fuck the exotic woman.

Equal amounts of anger and excitement flowed through me. I wanted him to stop, but I couldn’t seem to pull my eyes away from the two of them. The only man I’d ever loved and the one woman I secretly craved, locked together in the most erotic of embraces.

Heather’s teeth bit into her lower lip as Blake pounded into her from behind. Her hands were planted on the edge of the pool, knuckles white as she attempted to stay upright. As if some invisible thread pulled me toward her, I leaned my head down and licked at her lips. Her eyes flew open, startled and turned on at once. I could easily see her hunger play over her expressive face.

Suddenly I forgot my reservations. Heather’s lips parted, and I dipped my tongue inside, scouring her mouth, toying with her tongue. I was so lost in the moment I hadn’t realized Blake was once again behind me until I felt the head of his cock at my entrance.

I lifted away from Heather and turned to watch him. His eyes were ablaze with arousal when he entered me a second time. His hand came around my body to flick and tease my clit.

“Play with her, Heather,” Blake commanded as he plucked at my little nubbin.

Heather grinned and whispered, “My pleasure.” She dipped her head and sucked my left nipple into her mouth.

Her teeth scraped the hard peak, and I whimpered. My control snapped. I wrapped my hand around her head to hold her against my chest. Blake’s fingers kept up their pleasurable torment, and Heather’s mouth took great, drugging pulls on my breast. It all became too much. Blood rushed through my veins. Blake slammed into my pussy once and expertly pinched my clit at the same time.

I flew apart. “Yes! Oh, God, yes!”

My orgasm came over me in a blinding flurry. Currents of electricity zipped through my every nerve ending. Then Blake shouted my name as he bucked against me and took his own release. Heather lifted her head and wrapped her arms around me, holding me close as little aftershocks pummeled my body. Blake’s arms locked around my waist, soothing words pouring out of him. I was too far gone to comprehend anything beyond the buzzing in my ears.

As Blake’s lips drifted over my back, I slowly came out of the sexual euphoria.

The ramifications of what I’d just done hit me like a freight train. The aching truth that I still loved Blake forced me back to reality.

I tried to straighten, but Blake’s arms tightened. “Let go, Blake.”

“No. I did that once. It was a damned stupid thing to do.” I wriggled, and his arms dropped. I straightened and turned to him. “I want you to leave.” When he stood there, staring at me with those all-knowing eyes, I ground out,


Blake’s gaze went cold. He was angry. “What game is this?”

“No game. It’s been fun, but that’s all it was. Please just leave.” Heather wrapped an arm around my shoulder, and I nearly lost it. Instead, I stiffened my spine and waited Blake out. Finally he said, “I came here to be with you, Ally. Only you. You wanted to make it more than that, not me.”

“I’m not blaming anyone. I just don’t want you turning this into something it’s not.”

“And what is it?”

“Sex. It was great sex.”


I felt my face flush. “Think what you want, but leave.” Blake’s hard stare traveled the length of me, and I had to control the urge to cover myself. When his gaze was once again holding mine captive, I could see his mounting desire. He wanted me again. God help me, I wanted him, too.

“I’ll leave, but this is far from over.”

As he went to the edge and lifted himself out, I saw the condom. I hadn’t even realized he’d donned one. I waited there in Heather’s calming embrace as he grabbed his clothes and went inside, then I turned into Heather’s shoulder and wept.

“Oh, God, I really screwed up this time.”

Heather forced me to look at her. “Why send him away?”

“I love him. I still love him.”

Heather frowned. “Then what’s the problem?”

“He crushed me when he left for New York. I can’t go through that again.”

“I understand, but he seemed sincere. I don’t think he’s any more over you than you are him, sweetie. Maybe you need to take a chance.” My heart screamed at me to go after him, but my mind was replaying that last day. It was enough of a reminder. “I just don’t know. I need time to think about all this and if he’s here, I won’t be able to do that.”

“Then I have another idea.”


“Yeah, let’s go get dressed and hunt down some chocolate doughnuts. I’m starving.”

Heather’s silly suggestion was just what I needed. “Yes. Sugar is definitely what the doctor ordered.”

We left the pool together and dressed. The rest of the evening, we talked and laughed. The encounter in the pool was never brought up again.

Chapter Four

My doorbell rang, and I groaned aloud. “This better be good,” I mumbled as I scooted my chair backward. The knife scene I’d been writing was coming along brilliantly. Having to stop when the story was flowing so well was beyond frustrating.

I stomped to the door and flung it wide, then nearly swallowed my tongue. Blake stood on the other side, leaning against the jamb, a box in his hand. He looked as edible as ever. He had on a pair of jeans and a white t-shirt. I wanted to lick him until he cried mercy.

Then I remembered my vow to keep him at arm’s length.

“What do you want, Blake?”

“Great company. Nothing more than that, I swear,” he assured. He frowned and asked, “Heather’s not still here, is she?”

At the mention of her name, my cheeks burned with mortification. “No. She went back to Florida.”

He seemed relieved. Which relieved me. I
did not want him wanting Heather.

“Then maybe you wouldn’t mind spending some time with me?”

“I don’t know if that’s a good idea.” It’d been a week since our little pool party.

Every night my head hit the pillow, I conjured up the image of him and Heather making love to me. There, in the darkness of my bedroom, was the only time I let myself remember it. During the day, I forced those carnal images out of my mind and concentrated on work.

“No hanky-panky,” he explained. “Just a movie. I even brought Hitchcock.” I smiled despite my resolve. “You remembered?”

“I remember everything about you, Ally.”

I didn’t want to go there, so instead I gave him a civil smile and opened the screen. “Well, you do have great timing. Dinner’s ready.” He grinned that devastating ornery grin that got me every time and stepped over the threshold.

“Have a seat while I dish up the chicken,” I ordered, and went to the stove.

“Can I help with anything?”

“Nope, it’s all under control. All you need is a big appetite.”

“No problem there.”

I grabbed a potholder and spatula, then went to the table. When I looked up and saw Blake sitting in one of the oak chairs, emotions swamped me, nearly choking me.

He looked good sitting at the head of my table. Crazy as it was, it was nice seeing him there, waiting on dinner. As a teenager, I’d dreamed of the exact image. My ambitions weren’t huge back then. I only wanted to be Blake’s wife, keep his house and make him happy. Those days were gone. I forced the pain down and dished out the chicken breasts and green beans.

“Can you pour the wine?”

“Sure,” Blake said. “Everything smells terrific.”

“I enjoy cooking, but I don’t do much of it. It’s tough to make a gourmet meal for

Blake pulled my chair out and helped me sit. He was being such a gentleman. I hadn’t remembered him being that way before. Then again, he’d only been a teenager.

For the first time, I wondered if I was being too harsh on him. We’d both been so young when we were dating. He was a grown man now and obviously not the impetuous boy he once was. Still, I wasn’t making any changes to my plans.

Blake dug into his chicken and for several minutes, we ate in silence. Once he was halfway finished, he started in with questions.

“So, you said on the phone that you’d been concentrating on your career. What do you do for a living?”

The wine glass I was holding froze in mid-air. “You’re serious?” He frowned. “Uh, yeah.”

I thought for sure he knew I was an author. Apparently not. “I’m a suspense author.”

“For real?”

“Yep. I write under the name, A. L. Ryan.”

His eyes fairly bulged. “Damn, I’ve read your books! You’re good.” He squinted at me. “I never put it together, though. Why not use your real name?”

“You mean Ally Ryanaldo?” He nodded. “I didn’t feel that fit the right image for a suspense author, so I changed it a little.”

“You’re a New York Times bestselling author. I’m impressed.”

“Thanks. I have a website, an agent and an editor who’s been breathing down my neck to finish my latest manuscript.”

“I’ve been to your site. I liked the excerpt of
Grave Dealings
.” He paused then said, “You don’t have a picture of yourself on there or I would have noticed.”

“No. Most of my readers think I’m a man. I let them think what they want. It seems easier for them to imagine a man writing about death and crazed killers, rather than a woman.”

He looked at me for a moment, then murmured, “I don’t know. I think if you put your picture on there, you’d get a whole slew of new readers.” I laughed. “I’m flattered, but I’d rather they read my work because the writing is enthralling, not me.”

“It’s nuts, but I feel like asking you for your autograph.” We both laughed and went back to eating. As we finished off the last of the wine, Blake stood and started clearing away the dishes. I watched in silence as he rinsed each one with care. My eyes were drawn downward. The jeans molded to his buttocks and hips as if custom made. He had a world-class ass. Suddenly, I didn’t care about my plan to keep him at a distance. He was here now. We both wanted each other. As I watched him, a new plan took shape.

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