Cameron, Paige - The Billionaire Cattleman Wins a Wife [Wives for the Western Billionaires 4] (Siren Publishing Everlasting Classic) (17 page)

BOOK: Cameron, Paige - The Billionaire Cattleman Wins a Wife [Wives for the Western Billionaires 4] (Siren Publishing Everlasting Classic)
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Lily took in a deep breath, enjoying his musky scent. His wide cock filled her. Her blood had heated and her hunger had her gripping him tight. She was afraid any moment she’d wake up and find it was all a dream. The Ty she’d known before had been irresistible, but this teasing Ty drew her to him even more.

He raised his head. His dark blue eyes stared into hers as he pushed in hard and held tight, sending them both over the edge. Afterward, he held her close.

“I’ve missed you.”

“You didn’t call.”

“Neither did you. And my stubborn pride was determined to wait for you. When I couldn’t stand it any longer, I gave in. Brent told me where to find you.”

“You went to a lot of trouble.”

Ty grinned. “Not as much as you caused me when you were in

She laughed. “I guess you’re right.” Pushing him aside, she reached for her panties and straightened her dress. “I can’t believe I allowed you to make love to me in a limousine.”

“We Terrell boys manage one way or another to get what we want.”

Chapter Twelve

His sexy mouth had curved up, and his eyes flashed. Her heart jumped. But doubt came back as she wondered what he really wanted. She definitely couldn’t agree to a marriage without children, even if she wasn’t pregnant.

Ty rubbed a finger across her wrinkled forehead. “Quit frowning. Tonight is for enjoying. Remember, I’m Jeff. Forget that other guy.”

“I’ll try. But I keep expecting him to jump out from around a corner.”

He picked up the phone. “You can take us to the restaurant now.”

Lily felt her face get red when they stopped and the chauffeur held the door for them. “I’m sure he knows exactly what was going on in the back,” she whispered to Ty as they walked into the waiting area.

“I love your blush. Stop worrying. He’s paid to ignore the people in the back.” Ty nodded to the maître d’ and gave him his name.

“Just this way, Sir.” He led them into the dining room. The furniture was decorated with plush red velvet material. Huge crystal chandeliers hung from the ceiling, scattering diamond-like prisms of light across the room and its patrons. The music of Tommy Dorsey’s band played, through hidden speakers, in the background. Women were dressed in cocktail dresses or long gowns, and the men in suits or tuxes.

Lily glanced at Ty in his dark blue suit. The chandeliers made the gold in his brown hair glisten. She noted women’s eyes following them as they walked across the room to a secluded corner.

“Does this meet your request?” the waiter asked Ty.

“Perfect. Thank you.” He pulled back a chair for Lily.

Their table was arranged to face a window and the lovely fountain sitting in the middle of a small courtyard. Large plants gave them some privacy from the other diners.

“Do you like the restaurant, so far?”

“It’s lovely and intriguing. I’m glad we came here.” She smiled at him. He’d sat in the seat closest to her rather than across the table.

Their waiter arrived with menus. “May I get you a cocktail?”

Ty looked at her. She started to order wine but decided against it. “Only water for me, but please have a drink,” she said to Ty. “After all, we have a driver.”

“Sure you won’t join me?”

“No, thank you.” She’d already had a sip or two of champagne. She’d better not drink alcohol until she saw a doctor.

After the waiter brought Ty’s drink and they’d given their order, he lifted his glass. “To the prettiest lady I know.”

“What brought you here, Ty? I thought we were at an impasse when I left

“You gave me a lot of time to think. But let’s leave this conversation until later. Tell me are you going back to

“No. My father’s trial starts next Monday. They’ve worked fast to get him into court. I need to be here. Otherwise, he won’t have anyone. No matter what he’s done, I can’t turn my back on him.”

“I’d like to fly you to
. We’ll spend the weekend with Brent and Angie, then I’ll fly you back in time for the start of the trial. Will you go with me?”

She’d been dreading the long weekend alone. But did she want to get her hopes up and have them dashed again?

The waiter brought their food. Her grilled mahi-mahi was delicious and so were the vegetables grilled along with it. Ty kept a running commentary on what had been happening at the ranch. Several times he had her laughing.

If he could be this way, instead of the quick-to-anger man she’d known during most of her visit there, then she doubted she could resist whatever he offered. But could this mood last?

“Would you like dessert?” Ty asked when the waiter brought a tray of delectable desserts to the table to tempt them.

“The chocolate cake looks delicious. I’ll have a small piece,” Lily said and hoped she wouldn’t regret it later.

She ate every drop and licked her spoon. Glancing at Ty she saw the hunger in his eyes, but not for the cake. An impish desire to taunt him took hold of her. She scraped another dollop of frosting from the plate and leisurely licked the spoon while keeping eye contact with him. A muscle twitched in his cheek and he held his lips tight.

“Let’s get the hell out of here, darlin’, before I embarrass both of us.” He quickly paid the bill. With his arm around her waist, he hurried her out to the limo. “Straight to the hotel,” he told the driver.

Lily didn’t say anything. She sat with her hand on his thigh. His muscle was tight, and she thought she heard his teeth grind.

In the hotel he guided her to the elevators. When the door closed, leaving them alone, Ty grabbed her and pushed her against the cool wall. His hips ground into hers.

“You are going to pay for that performance.” His voice was low and husky and had her insides quivering with delight and expectation.

Her hand shook, and the key missed the lock. Ty took over and had them in the door in seconds. The latch snapped shut, and his hands had her zipper down and her dress off in record time.

Stunned, he stared at her body, clad only in a tiny lace bra and matching bikini panties. Stepping back, he sank into the nearest chair and removed his shoes, socks, pants, and shirt before walking toward her again.

Ty’s fine, toned body lent a grace to his movements. His expression threatened retaliation. She grinned and moved to the right, then left, barely avoiding him catching her. He stalked her like a sleek cat toying with her. And then he lunged, grabbed her, and carried her into the bedroom.

He laid her on the bed and leaned over her. “Forget about before. Pretend I’m Jeff. We’re starting fresh.” His mouth captured her lips. She gasped, and his tongue slid sensuously inside her mouth, tasting, teasing, gliding around her tongue.

Her lower abdomen pulsed with desire, her pussy and lower lips moist with her need. He buried his face in her neck and sucked on the soft skin.

Moving down, he unfastened her bra and threw it to the side. Cupping her breasts, he licked each rosy nipple and blew a whisper of breath across, making her shiver in delight.

His hard cock pulsed against her abdomen. She reached down and curled her hand around him.

“Ah, I’ve missed your sweet touch. I can’t get the picture of your face out of my head, or your taste and fragrance out of my senses. But tonight is about you.” He gently removed her hand from around his dick. “If you give me too much attention in that area we won’t be playing long. It’ll all be over. I’ve been longing for you.”

He slid down and went between her legs. Separating her folds, he brushed his tongue across her most sensitive spot. She moaned and raised her hips.

“Ah, so you like that.”

“Yes, you know I do.”

His lips continued down her legs, kissing, nuzzling, and raising her temperature to boiling hot. Ty sat at her feet and massaged her instep, her toes, all along her foot. Pleasure enveloped her.

“Turn over.” His deep, husky voice flowed along her skin like a silken caress.

Obediently, she rolled. Something cool was dribbled on her back, and then his warm hands massaged the scented lotion into her skin. Muscles held tight since she’d gotten the call regarding visiting her father began to loosen, and nights without much sleep caught up with her. Her eyes drooped. She tried to rouse herself.

“Sleep, darlin’, it’s all right. I’ll be right here.” His hands continued to rub her shoulders, her arms, and her back, then along her legs. She felt like a rag doll, all her muscles loose. Finally, she couldn’t fight it any longer and she slipped into sleep.


* * * *

Ty kept rubbing her back for a few more minutes until, very gradually, he stopped. He pulled the covers up over them and pulled her close to his side. Unconsciously, she moved her head to his shoulder and her leg across his thigh. Her sweet scent filled his nostrils.

He’d planned to get her to relax. Then he’d take her from behind, but when he saw how tired she was he knew she needed the sleep more. The last eight months or more had been difficult for her, and he hadn’t made it any easier. While she was gone he had done some real soul searching. He didn’t like what he saw.

She’d been right. He had been a coward running away from life. But Lily needed him, and he needed her, the sunlight, the hope, the love she brought with her.

Lily stirred and opened her eyes. “I went to sleep on you.”

“I must be losing my charm. I’m quite devastated,” he said and kissed her mouth. “Really, you’re tired. Go back to sleep. I’m going to dress and go to my room. When you’re awake and ready in the morning, give me a call.”

Her head nodded. She curled into a ball and went right back to sleep. Moving silently in the dark, he got his clothes on, left, and checked to make sure the door locked behind him. Tomorrow he’d see about them getting a suite together.

Whatever happened in the future, he was going to be by her side, unless she sent him away. He couldn’t blame her if she did. But he planned to work on her until she changed her mind.

Tomorrow, they’d have their talk.

* * * *

Lily had put Ty off until lunchtime. He’d called and asked her to breakfast. She’d made an excuse. Eating the chocolate cake had not been a wise decision. Her stomach had rebelled. She sat on the side of the tub hoping the nausea was over for the day. If she could slip away from Ty, she’d find a drugstore and buy a pregnancy kit.

She was wary of Ty’s change, afraid it wouldn’t last. Her nerves were rattled enough with her father’s trial ready to begin. She didn’t need Ty upsetting her, too. Maybe flying to
for the weekend was a good idea. She’d never given him an answer last night.

Feeling more steady and with a calmer stomach, she showered and dressed. Just in time. Ty knocked on her door.

“Hi, beautiful.” He stepped inside and pulled her into his arms.

For a minute, she let herself lean into his warmth and enjoy feeling safe. Safe from all the changes in her life that she’d had no control over. If only she could depend on him being here for the long haul. At that thought she pushed him back.

“I thought you came to feed me.”

“I did. I’ve rented a car. We’ll find a place to eat lunch and do some sightseeing. That is, if you want to, or we can come back here and make love.” He grinned at her.

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