Cancun: Bad Boys on the Beach: A Standalone Romance Novel (13 page)

BOOK: Cancun: Bad Boys on the Beach: A Standalone Romance Novel
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The engine roars to life and a fine spray of water refreshes our faces as the boat leaves the shore. The guide yells the instructions over the thunderous engine, never taking his eyes off of Stephanie the entire time. I guess she’s the only one who’s worth saving or maybe he thinks she’s so dumb that she’s the only one who can’t figure out how to work a snorkel. I like the latter option better. We’ll go with that.

“Now who wants a drink?” the young, muscular guide asks.

“I do,” Stephanie says, her hand shooting into the air. “Bloody Caesar,
extra spicy
.” Her voice even sounds sexual when she orders a drink.

The guide ignores the other hands that are in the air and pulls her to the bar. He holds up a small bottle of hot sauce with a skull and crossbones on the label. “It’s very spicy,” he warns.

“Good!” she says, strutting back to her seat. “I
like it
.” She laughs as she squeezes on the bench between Megan and I. “This is so fun,” she says as she wraps her arm around Megan’s neck and digs her other elbow into my ribs. “My bestie and…Tanya.”

The guide comes back with her drink and smiles as he hands it to her. “Fuck,” she says, as she takes a sip. “It’s so spicy!” She dumps it over the boat into the beautiful turquoise water.

“I don’t think you can do that,” I say, looking over the edge. “The coral around here is really fragile.”

“Who cares?” she says, throwing the empty plastic cup over to join the drink.

She laughs when she sees my outraged face. “You’re not still mad about Aaron are you?” she asks. “It doesn’t count if it’s in a different area code.”

Megan cranes her head around Stephanie. “What?”

“Oh it’s nothing,” Stephanie says, waving her off. “Tanya is just overreacting.”

Megan looks at me, trying to read my face.

“Yeah,” I say. “It’s nothing.”

Megan is not buying it. “What happened?” she mouths when Stephanie is looking away.

“Nothing,” I mouth back. I still don’t feel like talking about it with her and especially with Stephanie sitting between us.

The boat slows to a crawl and the guide stands back up. “Okay,” he says, in his heavy accent. “Grab a life jacket and jump in the water.”

Stephanie grabs three snorkels and stands out of the way. “I’ll hold the snorkels and hand them to you when you’re in the water.”

I look at her funny. She’s being nice and that’s not like her. “Uh, okay,” I say. She walks over to the bar and starts chatting with the bartender as Megan and I sort through the cold damp life jackets for our size.

We get dressed up and watch the other tourists flip over the boat backward. Megan and I look at each other and laugh. We’re not the most athletic of people.

“Let’s go, klutz,” Megan says, sitting down on the ledge. She flips over backward and lands on her head with a splat. She pops out of the water rubbing her head.

I try next and am even less graceful, landing on my back. Stephanie reaches over the boat and hands us our goggles and snorkel with an evil smile on her face.

The guide tosses some ripped up tortilla pieces into the water and a school of fish pop out of nowhere.

“Ahh!” I scream as something brushes against my leg. There are fish everywhere.

Megan puts the snorkel in her mouth and dunks her head in the water as Stephanie flips backward over the boat perfectly. God, I hate her. Her hair is perfectly slicked back as she pops out of the water. The top strap of her life jacket is open and her big tits are proudly on display. Who is she trying to impress now? The fish?

I slip on my goggles, put the snorkel in my mouth and put my face in the warm ocean water. Colorful fish are darting around everywhere tearing the tortillas apart.

I breathe in through the snorkel just like the guide told Stephanie, and my mouth and throat fills up with liquid fire.


I burst out of the water spitting out the insanely hot, hot sauce, not caring if every piece of coral in the ocean dies. I just have to get it out of my mouth. The next thirty seconds is a jumble of coughing, gagging, choking, crying, wheezing and gargling salt water.

When my eyes finally stop watering I see Stephanie laughing at me with the snorkeling instructors. Megan is swimming a few yards away, oblivious to what happened.

Stephanie’s face turns from laughing to a mean glare. “Oh, relax…

It’s fucking on now.



I’m desperate for a nap when the minibus finally pulls up to our resort at the end of the day. I’m beyond exhausted. Not so much from the sun or from not sleeping, but from dealing with Stephanie all day. It just got worse after the hot sauce incident. She actually made out with the snorkel guide in front of a family of five. The image of his hand on her bathing suit, lodged in the crack of her ass is seared into my brain forever.

For once I’m happy that my room is literally in the lobby. I’m there in a few exhausted steps.

“Nice room, Tanya,” Stephanie says with a laugh. “Are you staying in the janitor’s closet?”

I just grit my teeth. I’ll get back at her but right now I’m too fucking tired.

Stephanie wraps her arm around Megan and pulls her away. “Come, Megan,” she says, glaring at me over her shoulder. “Let’s go back to our beachfront rooms overlooking the ocean.”

Megan glances back with the same ‘I’m sorry’ look that she’s been giving me all day.

I roll my eyes and turn back to the door.
Grow a backbone Megan
. But I guess I could say the same for me.

Aaron is in the room watching TV. The air conditioner is blasting and it’s beyond freezing in the room. He doesn’t even turn when I walk in.

“Can I have the room please?” I ask. “I’d like to take a nap.”

“So take it,” he says with a shrug. “But I’m staying here. It’s too fucking hot out there.”

“Please?” I ask again. I need him to be nice to me right now. I’m way too tired for this.

“You can sleep on the balcony,” he says with a smirk on his face.

“You don’t have to be such a dick,” I say. “You’re the one who cheated on me remember? You have nothing to be mad at me for.”

He just stares at the TV with a blank face. “I was here first.”

“Fine,” I say, grabbing my beach bag out of the closet. I check the pocket for the key card. It’s still there.

I slam the door and walk across the long resort to the VIP building. It’s much nicer than the regular buildings, with huge bouquets of fresh flowers every few feet, nice paintings hanging on the walls and staff that smile more than the staff in the lobby.

I find room 307 and take a deep breath before knocking. Even the door is nicer. It’s solid oak with an intricate carved design on it. When there’s no answer I slide Ethan’s key card in the slot and the lock clicks open.

He’s sitting on the balcony behind the closed sliding door reading All Angels Fall. He’s shirtless with that cute look of concentration on his face as he reads. The spectacular ocean is visible in the background and I stand there for a few seconds enjoying the sight of Ethan sitting shirtless in front of it.

His room is large and clean. His clothes are neatly folded in the large closet and his suitcase is tucked away under the desk, unlike Aaron whose clothes are still lying on the floor from the first day.

There’s a walk-in shower with a Jacuzzi in the bathroom and the bed in the middle of the room is massive. I moan as I look at the dozens of pillows and soft sheets. I just want to sink into it and sleep for days.

His cologne is on the desk under the large flat screen TV and I take a whiff of it as I walk through the room. The smell brings me right back to the dance floor last night.

He turns and smiles when he sees me in the room. His smile just gets bigger when I slide open the patio door.
Wow, there’s a hot tub out here.

“How was snorkeling?” he asks.

“Wonderful,” I lie. “I didn’t get eaten by a shark.”

He puts the book down in his lap. “That’s always good.”

I shift my weight from foot to foot as the awkward silence fills the air between us. I try not to look at his big chest and ripped abs.

“What can I do for you?” he asks with a smile.

My shoulders drop. “I really need a nap.”

“By all means,” he says, jumping out of his seat.

“You don’t have to get up,” I say.

“Oh please,” he says, stepping into the room. He fixes the bed, opening the sheets and removing some of the pillows for me. He turns the lights off and closes the blinds.

“I didn’t mean to disturb you,” I say, feeling bad as he rushes around the room.

He stops and looks at me with a serious expression on his gorgeous face. “You could never disturb me.”

He takes the bag from my hand and places it in the closet. He slides his clothes over to one side on every shelf. “This is your side of the closet.”

“I wasn’t going to stay the week,” I say when he pulls out a stack of towels from the bathroom. He just ignores me.

“Your towels. Your drawers,” he says, tapping the dresser. “I’ll bring your suitcase over while you’re sleeping.”

I open my mouth to argue but I’m too tired. Plus, I don’t want to go back to my old room anyway.

“Okay,” I whisper as I slide into Ethan’s bed. The sheets are cold and crisp and feel nice on my sunburnt skin. My eyes are heavy and I’m already having a hard time keeping them open now that I’m finally in bed.

Ethan walks over and tucks the blankets over me. He leans in and kisses my forehead.

“I thought you’d try to jump my bones if I was ever in your bed,” I say.

“That will be later,” he says with a sexy grin. “But right now you really look like you need a nap.”

a lot

He jerks his head back in panic. “I didn’t mean it like
.” He looks like I caught him off guard.
Score one for Tanya!

“I’ll let you get some rest,” he says, grabbing his book off the balcony and slipping on a shirt. He winks as he opens the front door. “I’ll be back later.”

I drift off to sleep dreaming about what’s going to happen next.


Chapter Nine


Day Three



I stretch out on the soft mattress feeling more well rested than I have in months. The room is dark and the only light is from the moonlight coming through the slats in the curtains. I stretch my legs and arms and yawn contently.
This feels so good.

It feels nice not to have to deal with Aaron anymore and I’m excited to be staying with Ethan if I’m being honest with myself.

I flick the lamp beside the bed on and smile when I see my suitcase by the door. I wish I saw the look on Aaron’s face when Ethan went into my old room to take my stuff.

Ethan isn’t on the balcony and I have no idea where he is. I unpack, placing my clothes on the shelves and drawers that he cleared for me while I wait for him. I jump in the shower, dry my hair and put on some makeup when I start to get hungry. It’s about seven o’clock and I skipped lunch.

I pick out a cute, light summer dress with a soft polka dot pattern, and slide it on, picking out my good underwear to wear underneath.

Ethan’s copy of All Angels Fall is sitting on the nightstand and I pick it up to read. Mine is in my beach bag by the door but for some reason, I feel compelled to read out of his copy. I get a chapter in when there’s a knock on the door.

Ethan is there with a resort employee pushing a huge cart of room service. Every plate has those fancy silver covers on them, hiding the food inside.

“I thought you might be hungry,” he says with a smile. He’s wearing beige linen beach pants with a buttoned up short sleeve navy blue shirt that’s tight on his strong arms. He looks good as usual.

“I got it from here,” he says to the guy, slipping a tip into his hand.

“Muchas gracias señor!” the guy says, leaving very happy. I can’t help but wonder how much he gave him to elicit such a positive reaction like that.

He rolls the cart in, closes the door and slowly looks me up and down. “You look beautiful,” he says, in such a convincing way that I believe him.

I turn to hide my blushing cheeks.

He pushes the cart onto the balcony and starts to set up. “What’s for dinner?”

“Everything,” he says, pulling out a bottle of wine. He hands me a wine glass and opens the bottle as I look over the balcony at the view. The ocean is dark and captivating as the moon and stars shine down on it. The sound of the gentle waves mixed with the calm music from the beach bar is both soothing and exciting, and the salty smell is just perfect. The pool is lit up a passionate blue as it snakes through the resort, lighting it up in a wonderful aqua glow. It’s a tad better than the parking lot.

Ethan hands me a glass of wine and now it’s my turn to admire him. The first few buttons are open on his shirt showing off his muscular chest underneath. His hair is slicked to the side. It looks good with his nice tan. Ethan is one of those people that will get a perfect, even brown tan no matter what. I’m the opposite with my pasty skin and spots of bright red. I look like a piece of chalk that someone threw handfuls of cinnamon at.

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