Carved in Stone (The Stone Series) (17 page)

BOOK: Carved in Stone (The Stone Series)
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“Gabby, have you ever considered that Aidan is as head over heels in love with you as you are with him and by buying you those clothes, that’s one of his ways of showing you how much he cares. G, to us, a gift of an entire designer wardrobe is extravagant but to Aidan it’s not. And one thing I know for sure, Aidan Stone is a very successful and very shrewd businessman who, as far as I know, has not once been in a long-term relationship with a woman. He’s seven years older than you, so naïve he is not. He would not be the CEO of a multimillion dollar corporation if he was.” Mia says solemnly.

“And your point…” I quip sarcastically.


              “My point wiseass, is… taking all that into account, has it occurred to
, Aidan clearly sees how smart, funny, stunningly gorgeous you are both inside and out, what an incredible catch you are
being a smart man himself, he’s wasting no time in making
his? He chased you relentlessly from the first day you arrived then he fucked up majorly but, not even a week went by and he’s apologizing, wasting zero time in getting you back. Aidan’s defended you against his bitch of a stepmom, he’s protective, caring, and attentive and the guy’s a love machine! Wake up and smell the roses G, let go and enjoy the ride.”

“Really? The rollercoaster metaphor… again M?”

Smiling, Mia’s nods her head. “Yep, the rollercoaster metaphor is like my own personal Jedi mind trick; works every time with you,” she laughs.


Chapter Fourteen


              Parting ways with Mia after lunch, I walk back to my office with a renewed sense of reassurance and confidence in my relationship with Aidan. Mia has always had this uncanny knack for spinning a situation around, making you see it from a new angle and she’s never been one to shy away from the truth; Mia was such a straight shooter she’d give Dirty Harry a run for his money.

The afternoon passed quickly as I tackle a ton of work needing to be done in time for Hotel Decadent’s opening gala next week. Popping his head into my doorway, Jeremiah tells me he’s heading off for the night.

“What time is it?”

“Just after five Sunshine so why don’t you pack it in and head out yourself.”

“I’m just about done here. Have a good weekend Jeremiah.”

“You too Gabby,” he waves out.

Shortly after,
I get a text from Aidan letting me know he’s leaving his office and to meet him down in the lobby. The plan being to drive back to Aidan’s, have a shower, dress and go from there to the cocktail party Virginia is hosting.

Oh, oh joy, oh…
who am I freaking kidding. I want to go to this party almost as much as I want a giant zit to explode on my forehead!

All day I’ve avoided asking anything in regards to the evening’s festivities, partly because I was preoccupied with several pressing projects at work but mostly because I was dreading the event so I figured the ‘ignorance is bliss’ approach was the way to go.

Aidan briefly mentioned on the drive home, that along with his family there were going to be a handful of business colleagues and family friends in attendance. The party was an annual cocktail affair his mother hosted and although he would have like nothing more than to decline, being a major shareholder in Stone Investments, the company he partly inherited from his father, presence was required. The only good news was, Aidan promised that we wouldn’t stay long, an hour and a half tops and then we’d go to some little cozy restaurant close to his place, have dinner and enjoy the rest of our evening – a plan I was totally onboard for.

I could hear Aidan talking on the phone in his home office as I walk out into the kitchen to retrieved my handbag from the kitchen counter. The cocktail dress I was wearing was from the new wardrobe Aidan had brought for me.

The designer sheath dress was made entirely of elegant black lace with delicate cap sleeves, a boat neckline and hit just above my knees. Overall the dress was the perfect combination of chic and sophistication. I was crazy in-love with it.

Leaving my long wavy auburn hair down in soft big curls, I choose a pair of strappy black satin Jimmy Choo sandals with matching black satin clutch to complete the ensemble. I felt confident, sexy and ready to face the world.

After getting past my major flip-out this morning over the wardrobe I was like the proverbial kid in a candy store.

I kid you not – that freaking wardrobe was a girl’s wet dream.

              Transferring the contents of my purse into the black satin clutch I shiver when a whisper of touch glides slowly across my shoulder, the tingling sensation rippling down my spine. Aidan’s warm fingers continue their dance up the back of my neck and with a continuous move he brushes my hair to one side. His soft lips replace the path of his hand feathering across my skin forging a tantalizing wet trail with the flick of his tongue.

“You look beautiful baby,” he murmurs closely in my ear, his hot breath fanning my cheek.

Turning around I examine Aidan, sweeping my appreciative gaze from his handsome face, down to his shiny black leather shoes and back up again. Aidan is wearing all black too, a tailored black two-piece suit, black silk shirt, no tie but open at the collar exposing the thick column of his tanned throat and simple but elegant black onyx cufflinks. Overall the contrast of his clothes against his blazing iridescence emerald green eyes is extraordinarily striking.

“You’re looking mighty fine there yourself Mr. Stone,” I grin shifting in his arms and wrapping mine around his waist.

“A girl may even dare to say…mouthwatering!”

“Hmm…” he muses bending down to touch his lips against mine.

“I only care what one girl in particular has to say.”

Laughing I move my arms up to entwine around his neck., “Is that so? Do I know her by any chance?”

“I think you might know her,” he whispers against my mouth, our breaths mingling.

“She has long fucking gorgeous auburn hair, big baby blue eyes, the cutest button nose and a hot little body I can’t fuck enough of.”

“Why Mr. Stone, you sure know how to sweet talk a girl. I think you’ll be getting very lucky later tonight.”

Stepping up onto my toes, for better purchase, I lean closer pressing my mouth to his and run my tongue across the seam of his lips. Instantaneously his part, allowing my tongue entry and within moments Aidan takes over the kiss, slanting his head for a better angle while thrusting his tongue urgently into my mouth with demanding strokes. Between his lustful groan and my moan of desire, the kiss consumed me fueling a burning passion so quickly I forgot momentarily where I was and where we where going tonight.

Reluctantly Aidan draws back on a curse and glances at his watch.

“Fuck! The sooner we get this over with, the soon we can get back home,” he says brusquely.

Gentling his tone he adds, “The sooner we can finish what we’ve started here baby.”

Signing, I reach for my clutch and let Aidan lead me to the front door while thinking I should probably touch up my lipstick.

“So where is this party anyway?” I ask, typing out a response to an earlier text from Mia while Aidan is driving.

“The Beverly Wilshire Hotel,” he replies not taking his eyes from the road.

“Oh, lovely, it’s a beautiful hotel.”

“Gabriella, this evening I want you to either stay by my side or close to Sebastian until we leave. Okay?” The gravity in his voice makes me shift in my seat with uneasiness.

His tone is solemn, a far cry from his playful one earlier and I’m guessing he wants to ensure there isn’t a confrontation between his stepmom and I, especially as there’ll be business associates of his there too.

‘I must bite my tongue, I must bite my tongue,’ I chant mentally to myself.

“Okay,” I mummer looking out the window.

              “Gabriella,” calls Aidan, “Look at me, please.”

              Turning my head I glance at Aidan noting we’ve stopped at a traffic light.

              “I’ve spoken with Virginia and I’ve warned her against starting anything tonight but as a precaution, I intend to keep you as far away as possible from any of her bullshit.” Nodding I don’t say anything – what more can I say.

The Rodeo Terrace at The Beverly Wilshire Hotel, with its lush leafy shrubbery, blossoming florae and breathtaking views of Rodeo Drive is the perfect venue for an evening cocktail party during the summer month of August in Los Angeles. Twinkling fairy lights give a magical ambiance to the quaint terrace setting and it would be so easy to get caught up in the enchanting atmosphere of the place if it wasn’t for who was hosting the event.

On arrival, a waiter offers Aidan & I champagne in long elegant crystal flutes glasses that are presented on a gleaming silver platter.

“Why not,” I mutter, smiling at the waiter taking a glass. I have a feeling alcohol and lots of it will be required tonight.

Within minutes of arriving Aidan is approached by two middle age men dressed in suits, both greeting him with a familiar ease. They smile politely at me, making the obligatory small talk when Aidan introduces them however I can tell they’re eager to talk business with Aidan so I quietly excuse myself on the pretense of finding the bathroom.

Spotting another waiter with a full tray of champagne I make my way over to him, lifting another glass and taking a long sip.

“I thought he was jesting,” says a familiar voice behind me.

“Pardon,” I ask, turning around to see none other than Virginia Stone in all her Botox plastic glory, adorned in a long, silver sequined gown, glaring daggers… at me of course.

“I assumed Aidan was jesting when he mentioned bringing you along tonight.”

“It’s a pleasure to see you again too Mrs. Stone,” I lie using a sweet sugary tone while conjuring the brightest smile I can manage.

Hold your tongue,
Gabby. Hold your fucking tongue!

“Mother,” greets Blake kissing Virginia on the cheek.

“Gabby, lovely to see you again,” he says turning towards me. “Still with Aidan, I see. You must possess some remarkable talents in order to continually hold the eye of my womanizing big brother.”

Studding Blake and doing my best to ignore Virginia’s snickers I smile.

“A pleasure to see you again too, Blake. Although, I’m sorry to see you’re still wrestling with that pesky ‘middle child syndrome’, I have heard it can be incurable condition.”

Indignant Virginia blusters as Blake opens his mouth in response but both of them promptly shut their mouths as Aidan walks up behind me, sliding his arm around my waist.

“Blake, Virginia,” he greets coolly.

“Seriously Aidan,” sneers Virginia, “you have the audacity to bring
here tonight after she tried throwing me out of my husbands own company.”

“Yes I do, and correction Virginia,
company. The Stone Corporation is all mine remember. Aidan fires back with a frigidly cold tone.

“Ha,” scoffs Blake. “You wouldn’t have a thing if it wasn’t for father leaving you fifty-one percent of Stone Investments,” he spits, his lips twisting in bitterness.

Aidan stiffens beside me, his features blank, expressionless except for a muscle clenching along his jawline.

“And that just eats you up inside, doesn’t Blake…brother,” taunts Aidan.

“Ah, guys, this is not the place nor time to do this,” intercepts Sebastian walking up along side of Aidan.

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