Carved in Stone (The Stone Series) (22 page)

BOOK: Carved in Stone (The Stone Series)
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“I know you will. Bye Mia.”

“Bye Gabby.”

Chapter Nineteen


Standing in one of the opulent executive suites of the brand new Decadence Hotel in Beverly Hills, I gazed at my refection in the ornate cheval mirror admiring my choice of outfit. The dress I chose to wear to tonight’s grand opening event is from the wardrobe Aidan had brought for me and is nothing short of exquisite. It’s an Oscar de la Renta strapless black lace gown that hugs every curve of my figure in the most flattering way imaginable. The sheer intricacy of the delicate elegant lace is so flawlessly stunning that I looked like a movie-star goddess. I paired the dress with a pair of black Jimmy Choo strappy sandals that were also elegant but super comfortable, as I knew I’d be on my feet all night overseeing the event. It was a shame that the shoes wouldn’t be seen as the gown was floor length and they were too fabulous to hide. My waist length auburn hair was set into big soft curls and drawn back in a loose twist down my back with a wisp of smaller curls left out to frame my face and neck.

Mia had come by an hour earlier to apply my make-up, and I had to give it to my beautiful cousin, she nailed the look by using soft color pallets for both my foundation and blush but applied a Smokey dramatic effect to my eyes. Mia also insisted on clipping in four tiny little black-jeweled butterflies she’s brought with her down the back twist of my hair – the enchanting little creatures appeared to be fluttering in a whimsical swirl of auburn forest. Completing the ensemble I wore two small black pearl earrings, one for each ear to coordinate with the Black-and-white Monochromatic theme of the hotels gala party tonight.

Picking up my cell phone for the hundredth time today, I check to see if Aidan had called or texted. I hadn’t heard anything from him since last nights perfunctory message that simply read;
‘Be back tomorrow. Sweet dreams button’

The sinking feeling of dread that had plagued me for the better part of four days came back to haunt me with a vengeance - would Aidan show up tonight and tell me that our relationship was over, and confess that he didn’t love me and could never love me. Just the thought had my heart rate pulsing rapidly and a painful sickly knot churning in the pit of my stomach.

The longer I stood in the lavishly opulent suite staring at my reflection in the ornate cheval mirror wearing the most exquisitely beautiful dress I had ever worn, both my hair and make-up flawlessly perfect and looking like a movie-star goddess – the angrier I became. I was mad at Aidan for dismissing me so easily last Monday morning, I was hurt with the way he left so abruptly, coldly shutting me out, I was annoyed with his nightly obligatory text messages and zero else communication and most of all, I was pissed off with feeling all these emotions. Fear, worry, dread and anxiety – you name it - I had had a gutful of being bombarded with the whole range of these hideously fetid emotions all week. Tonight’s event was a huge achievement in my new career and it had been overshadowed by angst and torment as to whether Aidan was ending our relationship or not.

Well fuck that! And fuck Aidan Stone if he couldn’t find it in his stone cold heart to love me. If that was the case and he was intending to break us apart than that would be his loss. Yes, I would be devastatingly heartbroken (yet again) crushed beyond unbearable pain but I wouldn’t be alone. I had Mia and the rest of my precious family in my life, I had a fantastic group of friends whom I adored and I had me. My mother had spent her entire life instilling into me positive values; confidence, love and a great sense of self-worth – I might be down for the count but I wouldn’t be out.


Time to put on your big girl panties Gabby!”
I told my reflection in the mirror.

A knock at the door followed by Jeremiah sashaying through one of the double doors to the suite dressed handsomely in a black tux with satin lapels jerked me from my thoughts.

“You ready to roll sunshine,” he says, closing the door behind him. Turning around, he halts mid-step; his eyes widening and mouth gaping open. “Gabriella Stevens, you are a knock-out! That gown, the hair – you’re breathtakingly beautiful sunshine.”

Grinning I walk towards Jeremiah, placing a chaste kiss on his cheek. “And you Jeremiah Wilder are breathtakingly handsome. And you should be very proud of the job you’ve done down stairs, the room, the event – everything is absolutely perfect.”

“We should both be proud of a job well done Gabby,” he corrects. “You ready to work this event with me sunshine?”

“Sure am,” I grin, inwardly filled with a new sense of purpose after my internal tirade. “Let me get my purse.”


              “G, you and Jeremiah have outdone yourselves. This place looks amazing and the food, one word – divine.” Praises Mia taking another sip from her flute of champagne.

My stunning cousin is dressed in a pure pearl white beaded floor length strapless gown that shimmers with every step she takes. The bodice hugs her voluptuous bust and the thigh high slit showcases her magnificent long modeled legs. Her golden locks up elegantly styled in a chic up-do and the dazzling chandelier earrings in her ears draw attention to her delicate décolletage. Mia is the epitome of sophistication.

“So have you heard from the fuckwad?” She asks, her perfectly plucked brows rose in question.

Hmm… correction…Mia is the epitome of sophistication with the exception of her colorful potty mouth.

Sighing a take a long sip from my glass of champagne before answering. “No, not as yet.”

“Well the douche better show up pretty soon, the party’s been in swing for a couple of hours now and the hotel, after all, is partly owned by him.”

Before I can reply, I watch as Mia’s face blushes, her eyes diverted, gazing over my shoulder and then I feel two warm strong large hands grasp the bare-skin of my upper arms.

“Gabby,” says Sebastian, kissing my cheek in greeting. “And your equally beautiful cousin, Mia,” he purrs, releasing me and moving in to give Mia a kiss on her cheek.

Mia giggles in response, her face blushing a deeper shade – WTF! My normally confident and unflappable cousin is downright smitten by Aidan’s brother, Sebastian.

“Great turn out tonight,” sates Sebastian, indicating the room with a wave of his hand. “May I get you two lovely ladies another drink?”

Both Mia and I say yes, our gazes following Sebastian’s departure as he struts to the bar to procure our drinks. Twirling on Mia I accuse in a hushed tone, “Mia, you like him! You like Sebastian.”

“Who likes Sebastian,” drawls Caleb close beside me. The sudden sound of his voice causes me to jump startled in fright.

“Shit,” I mutter, clasping my hand over my chest. “Why doesn’t anyone make a damn sound when they walk up beside me.” My grumbled complaint only earns me an amused chuckle from Caleb.

“I can’t be to blame for your lack of attentiveness my beautiful Gabby,” he smirks winking at Mia. “Mia,” he murmurs in greeting kissing the back of her hand.

Then turning to face me, Caleb leans in and kisses my cheek. “Gabby, both you and Jeremiah have done an excellent job. I hope your taking sometime now to enjoy the fruits of your labor.”

“Caleb,” addresses Sebastian walking up to our now growing circle of people. “Ladies,” he says, handing both Mia and I a fresh glass of champagne each.

“So… do either of you two dashing gentlemen know where the other co-owner of this fine establishment is? It appears Aidan is MIA and it’s almost ten.”

              Direct as always – Mia doesn’t waste a second getting down to the burning question at hand. Biting my lip, I hold my breath waiting to see if either Caleb or Sebastian knows where Aidan is. But if I thought they were going to shine some light on the sixty-four million dollar question I was sorely disappointed. Both men give each other a strange look, their eyes clearly communicating something to each other – but what?

“Okay spill you two,” demands Mia in a warning tone, her eyes narrowing and flicking between the two men. She obviously saw the same thing I did – they both know something and are uncomfortable sharing it with us or I should say me.

Fuck this!

With the final worn thread of my patience breaking, I snap, “Fine don’t tell me,” I huff. “I haven’t got time for games right now anyway. I have to check on the caterers.” Spinning on the heel of my fabulously black Jimmy Choo sandals, my equally fabulously Oscar de la Renta strapless lace gown swishing from the movement, I march towards the kitchen ignoring the sounds of Mia sternly chastising Sebastian and Caleb. Her colorful choice in language puts a begrudging grin on my face.

So absorbed in my anger as I stomp through the throng of party guests, wishing there’d be some minor crisis in the kitchen with the caters that would keep me sequestered in there for the remainder of the evening, I don’t see the woman who’s stood still as a stature and blocking my entry to the hallway that leads into the hotel’s kitchens until I practically run into her.

“Gabriella,” she sneers, her arms crossed defensively over her surgically enhanced breasts.

“Virginia,” I snarl back, duplicating her stance.

“I’ve come to give my congratulations to Aidan this evening but I see he isn’t here yet,” she says with all the warmth of an ice-burg.

“That’s nice of you,” I reply matching her coolness once more.

Virginia glances around the room than her steely gaze returns back to me. “Well it appears that Aidan has finally made his winning move after all these years - Knight trumps Queen. Now his sanctimonious retribution is extracted from me, I’m sure he’ll revert to another one of his narcissistic self-serving schemes.” She laughs and the humorless sound of it sends frightening shivers shooting up my spine.

“A word of Advice –” She begins, but I quickly cut her off, my stomach rolling with nausea at the thought of what she could possibly spew.

“With all due respect Virginia, I don’t want to hear anything you have to say to me right now.” My voice betrays the courage I don’t feel.

Virginia Stone stares at me for several long agonizing moments, her shrewd calculating eyes are intense and focused. The eeriness of her glare is making my blood run ice cold then she mocks in a malicious tone, “You pathetic poor girl – you’re really in love with him! Don’t be naive my dear, Aidan will never love you back. He is incapable of any form of love.”

I flinch at her words, the arrow she shot is a direct hit, wounding me where I am the most vulnerable. All week I have wrestled with the same terrifying thought.

Squaring my shoulders I ask
with morbid curiosity, “Why do you hate me so much?”

Virginia scoffs. “I don’t hate you, I pity you. Just like his mother was, Aidan’s deemed the Golden Child, the favorite that can do no wrong. But a word of warning from one who knows and has lived it; he will deprive you of everything you hold most precious and valuable. And like his mother before him, he won’t even bat an eyelid when you are completely destroyed.”

“I think I’ve heard enough!” My voice vibrates with fury. I may be hurt and angry with Aidan but I will not stand there and let this bitter twisted woman disparage my boyfriend for one second longer (well, at least I’m still hoping like crazy that Aidan is still my boyfriend).

As I go to walk pass Virginia, she grabs onto my wrist, her hand almost as icy as her malevolent heart. “Don’t say I didn’t warn you,” she spits out only releasing my wrist when I forcefully yank it away.

Whirling around, I walk as fast as my heels will take me, down through the hallway and into the industrial kitchens of the hotel where the steady hum of noise from the chefs and waiters begins to make me feel safe once more.

Hunching over one of the stainless steel benches, my arms stretched out in front of me, I rest my cheek down against the cold soothing counter and try to steady my breathing.

Where the fuck is Aidan? And what the hell was Virginia talking about – all that stuff she said about Aidan and his mother? Knight trumps Queen – WTF? It sounded like she was referring to a chess game for crying out loud. Can this freaking night get any worse!

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