Charlotte and the Alien Ambassador (6 page)

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Authors: Jessica Coulter Smith

Tags: #BIN 07523-02426

BOOK: Charlotte and the Alien Ambassador
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“He’s never going to admit it. He’s convinced that he would make a bad mate.”

“Then maybe we need to ask how he feels about being a daddy?”

Charlotte winced.

Larimar sighed and squeezed her hands. “You can’t keep this a secret. You know I’m not going to mate with you, which means he’s eventually going to make arrangements with other males. And they aren’t going to want another male’s child in their house, especially not the Chief Councilor’s. Even worse, they’ll tell him you’re expecting a baby.

“I don’t know how to tell him,” she said softly. “If he won’t speak to me, how can I possibly tell him about the baby?”

“You’re going to have to figure it out. How did you seduce him to begin with? Maybe that’s your way in.”

She blushed. “He caught me just after I got out of the bath. But he hasn’t come to my room since then. I don’t see an encore happening. And I have no idea where his bedroom is in that monstrous house.”

“Ask Helio. Trust me, he wants to see Borgoz settled as much as the rest of the council. We’re hoping a mate will soften his edges and make him less… I believe the Earth term is less of an asshole. He’s given some of the mated couples a hard time because he didn’t approve of the Earth women the Terran males chose. Perhaps if he has someone in his life, someone he can learn to love, then he’ll understand what those males have been through.”

“So just anyone will do?” she asked, feeling hurt.

“No, Charlotte, don’t think that way. Anyone with eyes can see you’re special to Borgoz. He wouldn’t hide from you if you didn’t get to him. He wants you, but for whatever reason, he doesn’t
to want you. You need to remind him what you had between you, however brief it may have been, and show him that you can have many more of those moments in the future. All he has to do is claim you for his own.”

“You make it sound so easy.”

“Trust me. It won’t be as difficult as you think. Now, let’s get you home.”

The walk to Borgoz’s house left Charlotte’s stomach in knots. It was getting late, past dinner, and she knew that Borgoz would either be in his office or hiding in his bedroom. As Larimar had suggested, only Helio would know for certain. She sought him out after she entered the house and found him in the kitchen, sipping on something that looked like champagne.

“I don’t mean to disturb you,” she said.

“Not at all, Charlotte. Is there something I can help you with?”

“I need to see Borgoz. I know he’s been avoiding me, but…” She blew out a breath. “Please.”

Helio smiled. “It’s about time. I believe he’s retired for the evening. Do you know where his suite is located?”

She shook her head.

“Go to the second floor and turn left at the top of the stairs. He’s all the way at the end of the hall on the right. And, if I might make a suggestion, don’t knock and give him a chance to send you away. Slip in before he has a chance to come up with an excuse to get rid of you.”

“Thank you, Helio.”

Charlotte climbed the stairs and tried to still the rioting butterflies in her stomach. She had no doubt that Borgoz would toss her out the moment he realized she was in his bedroom, but maybe she could speak to him first. Not that she thought the words
I’m pregnant
would be able to slip past her lips, but maybe she could find another way to make him realize they were meant to be together.

Outside his door, she paused and wiped her sweaty palms on her dress. Then, before she had a chance to change her mind, she pushed the door open and stepped inside. The lights were set low and something smelled like patchouli and musk. She crept further into the room and looked for Borgoz. Two doors stood open on the other side of the room and she approached them, her heart hammering in her chest when she saw him standing on the balcony, shirtless and perfect.

He tensed and looked over his shoulder, pinning her with his gaze.

“Can we talk?” she asked. “You’ve been avoiding me for weeks.”

“You shouldn’t be here, Charlotte. It isn’t safe.”

Her brow furrowed. “How is it not safe?”

Borgoz looked down at the ground and shook his head, then turned to face her. The erection tenting his pants made her gasp. Her startled gaze met his and he smirked. “I think you now understand why it’s not safe for you to be here. Larimar wouldn’t take it well to discover that I’d fucked his chosen mate. Again.”

“I’m not his chosen mate.”

Borgoz narrowed his eyes. “If he’s been toying with you, stringing you along, I’ll have him gutted. You’ve spent the past six weeks together, and while he’s moving slowly, I figured you would be telling me any day that you wished to mate with him.”

“I don’t want to mate with him.” She swallowed hard. “I don’t want to mate with anyone… but you.”

He sighed and shook his head. “It’s not going to happen, Charlotte. If you truly don’t wish for a mate, I won’t send you back to your father. You can stay here until we figure something else out. But I won’t be setting up my nursery with you. You’ll stay out of my bed, I’ll stay out of yours, and we’ll seldom see one another. Much like the past weeks. I can’t be around you. It’s too hard.”

Her gaze dropped to his pants.

“That’s too hard too,” he said, his lips tipping up on the corners.

“Why won’t you take me as a mate? Is it because I’m deaf and you’re worried your children will be too? Is it because I’m not pretty enough? Because I don’t know how to be a hostess for a big party?”

“It’s none of those things. Charlotte, you’re beautiful, and sweet, and… you’re damn near perfect. I don’t care that you can’t hear. I wouldn’t care if our children took after you. What I do care about is the amount of time my job requires of me. I don’t have enough hours in a day to devote to a family and you.”

“But you want a mate. If you’re going to take a mate anyway, why not let it be me?”

“Because you deserve better,” he said softly. So softly she almost couldn’t hear him.

“How can I deserve better than the man I love?”

His eyes widened and his chest swelled for a moment. But all too soon that shuttered look entered his eyes again and his lips firmed. She knew that despite her words, he was still going to reject her. Charlotte could tell him about the baby, but then she’d never know if he was with her because he loved her or because she was pregnant.

“You can’t love me, Charlotte. I’m not worthy of your love. You should have fallen for Larimar. If you’re determined not to take a mate, I won’t force you. Just… stay in your wing of the house. Make friends with the human females in Terran Prime. Have them over for lunch, go shopping with them. Do whatever makes you happy.”

“You make me happy.”

“Stop. Don’t say things like that. We can’t be together, Charlotte. It’s not going to happen.”

Tears gathered in her eyes when she realized he was never going to accept her, never fall in love with her. And now she was carrying his baby. She had to try one last time, make him feel the way he did the night he’d taken her in his arms. She approached slowly and his gaze burned through her. Her hands slid up his bulging biceps and landed on his shoulders. The muscles under her fingers tensed as she pushed herself up on tiptoe and pressed her lips to his.

At first, he was unyielding. Then, slowly, he began to kiss her back. His hands cupped her hips and brought her closer, until her body brushed against his. For a man who said he didn’t want her, he kissed her with a passion she only ever felt in his arms. He made her feel wanted, needed. But she needed more than to feel it. She needed him to say the words.

Borgoz slowly undressed her, his hands caressing every exposed inch of her flesh. She tugged at his clothes, wanting to explore his body as well. When they were both naked, she nipped at his throat, kissed her way down his broad chest, and sank to her knees at his feet. His cock was big and hard, and she was very determined to give him another reason to keep her. She knew things between them were explosive, but she wanted him to know that it wasn’t one-sided. Charlotte wanted to please Borgoz as much as he pleased her.

Her gaze fastened on his as she licked his shaft. His eyes widened and she felt his body tense as she took him in her mouth. In theory, she knew what she was doing, having read a lot of romances over the years, but having never done this before, she was worried she would disappoint him. She licked and teased, sucked and stroked, until he was groaning and fisting her hair.

Charlotte felt his balls draw up and prepared herself, but instead of coming down her throat, he jerked her to her feet, spun her to face the railing, and pressed on her back until she was bent over.

She looked at him over her shoulder and gripped the railing tighter as he slowly entered her. His cock stretched her and filled her, making her want more. Borgoz trembled behind her, and after a few strokes, he was pounding into her hard and fast. Charlotte closed her eyes as the sensations flowed over her, taking her higher and higher. She felt his fingers lightly pinch her clit, and it was enough to send her over the edge. Crying out her release, she felt herself tighten on his cock, milking his seed from him.

When he was finished, Borgoz leaned his forehead against her shoulder, then kissed her there softly. She felt hope bloom inside of her as she turned to face him, but the look in his eyes doused her in icy water. Despite the incredible moment they had just shared, she could tell nothing had changed. He still meant to push her away.


He held up a hand. “I’m a weak male when it comes to you, Charlotte, but what happened tonight doesn’t change things. I still don’t have time for a mate, and you still would be better with someone like Larimar. Perhaps it’s best if we keep our distance from now on, until you’re mated and in another home. I don’t seem to have any control where you’re concerned.”

She nodded slowly, pulled her dress over her head and turned. Charlotte walked out of his room and out of his life. If he didn’t want her around, then she wouldn’t be around.

When she reached her room, she used the Vid-Comm to contact Larimar and told him everything that had been said. As tears streamed down her cheeks, she begged for him to find her a place to live. Someplace away from Borgoz. Knowing he was under the same roof was too much temptation. And far too painful. Charlotte knew that putting distance between them wouldn’t stop the ache in her heart, but maybe it would buy her some time before he found out about the baby. And just maybe, he’d come running after her and realize he couldn’t live without her.

“Get some rest, Charlotte. I’ll come for you in the morning so have your things packed. I’ll get you approved for a suite in the building where single females stay who are seeking a mate. Even though you don’t want one, you might like having the other women around. I’ll put out the word that you are no longer here to mate with someone and that should keep the males from pestering you.”

“Thank you, Larimar.”

“You know, it’s only a matter of time before he finds out about the baby.”

“I’m hoping he comes after me before then. I don’t want to mate with him because of the baby. I want him to want
. Is that really too much to ask? To be wanted?”

“No, Charlotte,” Larimar said softly. “That isn’t too much to ask. Borgoz is a fool if he can’t see what he has right under his nose. If you weren’t in love with him, I’d have convinced you to be mine, but I could tell from the very first that you were already taken.”

Chapter Eight


Borgoz stood on the balcony for hours after Charlotte had left his suite, time spent gripping the railing to keep himself from going after her. Watching her walk away had been the hardest thing he’d ever done, but it was for the best. She would eventually come to her senses and settle for a younger male, one who had more time to devote to her and a family. Never before had Borgoz resented his position, but this one time he wished he wasn’t the ruler of Zelthrane-3. The council could easily run without him, but his was the voice of reason, the final say on all matters pertaining to their world. If he stepped down, he wasn’t sure who would take over.

Startled, he realized that, for the first time in his life, he was actually thinking of abdicating his position. But even that wouldn’t solve all of their problems. He was years older than Charlotte. She needed someone closer to her own age, someone who would enjoy going on all of the outings she seemed to like. He was too old and set in his ways to change now. Wasn’t he?

As the suns crept over the horizon, he realized he’d spent another night thinking about Charlotte instead of sleeping. He’d barely slept at all since their previous night together. And when he did, he dreamed of her. She haunted him whether he was awake or asleep. It was wrong of him to spy on her, but he’d found he couldn’t help himself. Every time she returned from an outing with Larimar, he’d hidden in the shadows and watched, wondering if she enjoyed her time with him more than her time with Borgoz.

Every smile she gave Larimar was like a knife in Borgoz’s heart. Every touch filled him with despair that she would never touch him that way again. He couldn’t eat, couldn’t sleep, and no matter how many hours he spent in his office, he didn’t get very much work done because he spent all of his time pining after Charlotte.

What if she was right? What if they could have something together? Maybe he was being ridiculous, pushing her away when he should be pulling her closer. He hadn’t missed the tears in her eyes or the look of devastation on her face as she’d turned from him last night. By denying what he wanted, what he
, he was punishing them both. He’d promised to watch over her, take care of her, and now he was hurting her. Would her father approve of a match between them? Or would the man even care, as little as he seemed to care about Charlotte.

Borgoz turned on the Vid-Comm and recorded a message to be sent to the Senator.

“Senator Mayweather, I thought you would like to know that Charlotte has flourished here on Terran. I’ve become rather fond of her.” He cleared his throat. “More than fond, actually. I know I promised to find her an influential member of society to mate, but I would like to ask your permission to claim her for myself. No one on our world holds a higher station than I, and I will take excellent care of her. I won’t mention any of this to Charlotte until I hear back from you.”

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