Cloaked (10 page)

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Authors: T.F. Walsh

BOOK: Cloaked
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I couldn't hold back the laugh.

She glanced down at her top. “Like it that much, hey?”

“Remove the princess part and yeah. Sums up my past few weeks … ” I shrugged. “Months, in fact.”

“So what brings you … ” Her attention momentarily lowered to the bags in my hands. “Guys usually bring flowers. Unless you've brought several bottles of wine?”

I shrugged. “Guess you'll have to open them and find out.” I handed over the gifts.

One of her eyebrows arched. The moment she accepted the bags, her shoulders lurched forward from the weight, and the present thumped against the wooden floor. “Whoa, what's in here? Bricks?”

“Let me help.” Taking back the bags, I strolled into her tiny kitchen. “Something to say thanks for helping me with the case, and … ” My throat choked up.

The shutting door sounded, then light footfalls closed in behind me. “And?”

I turned around, my lower back pressed against the counter. She stood several paces away. My gaze fell on her bare feet with no nail polish on her toes. Michaela would never have been caught dead without painted nails or, God forbid, wearing sweatpants, even around the home. And she'd insisted the sweatpants rule applied to me too. The moment we split up, I bought five pairs and wore them every single night. We weren't alike, but for years, I'd pretended to be what she wanted. I recognized that now.

The kitchen light reflected in Daciana's eyes, giving them a glistening effect. Loosely folding her arms across her chest, she cocked her head, studying me. “Why are you really here?”

Taking a deep breath, I squared my shoulders and pushed past my insecurity and doubt. “From the first time we met, I was drawn to you. But a bunch of crap in my past had me doubting it. It's a past I intend to forget.”

Her lips pursed. “So, you've been thinking about this for the past week?”

“Well, yes, and … Yes.” I stepped away from the counter and closed the distance between us. “Sorry for not calling you, but I had a few things I needed to fix first. Can you forgive me?”

She stared up at me. Her stoic expression gave nothing away. Oh, she was good. She sauntered into the living room. “And your gift is supposed to make up for it?” An underlying teasing tone lined her words, and hell if I didn't adore the shameless flirting game she played.

“Well, if you'd rather, I'll leave and take the Tortured Torts pastries with me.”

She spun on her heels, a grin tugging the edges of her mouth upward. “Which ones did you get?”


Her bottom lip caught between her teeth in a provocative pose, and my fingers tingled to reach out and take her into my arms.

“You know the way to my heart.” Strolling past me and back into the kitchen, she peered into the bags, the rustling sound filling the room. She retrieved a large, black box from one of the bags. “What's this?”

“A new coffee machine and fresh coffee beans.”

“Aha, I knew you hated my coffee.”

“You got me.” I stepped closer, standing behind her, inhaling her vanilla and coconut fragrance. “Daci, can we start again?”

She turned around, pinned between my body and the counter behind her, but she made no hint at pushing away. “Like dating? Or me making you another cup of coffee?”

I nodded. “Both. We can go at whatever pace you want. And no secrets between us. That's my only request. Secrets destroyed my last relationship.”

A serious look crossed her face for a split second, then vanished. “I'd like that,” she said. “Though I think you owe me a month's worth of pastries to make up for this past week.”

My pulse stormed through me. This felt right. Us being together, sharing our time, flirting, and not wishing to be anywhere else.

“Done.” Reaching across, I folded my arms around her waist, drawing her close.

She lifted her chin and raised herself on tippy toes, her lips brushing mine. “Let's start over.”

Hearing her say it made me smile like crazy. I kissed her with the hunger of someone starved for too long. Daciana's body softened against me. Her hands slid under my shirt, her touch sizzling hot against my back.

She broke our kiss. “Remember our time in the car?” Her needy words were breathy and drove me insane.


“I want to continue from there.”

“Are you sure?”

“Shit yeah. I haven't gotten you out of my head since you ravaged me in your car.” The lust in her voice had me burning up and suddenly my pants were two sizes too small. Yep, I was all for moving fast because I wasn't sure I'd be able to hold back much longer anyway.

“You got it.” I lifted her off her feet, and in quick response, her legs snapped around my hips. Her mouth captured mine. The fire between her thighs was electrifying, and I doubted we'd make it to the bedroom.



Connell edged his Audi into the parking lot of the institute while I waited near the entrance, rubbing the cold out of my arms. A buzz zipped through me. Only hours earlier I'd woken up in his bed, bundled in his arms, on the nine-month anniversary of our first kiss, which ended in the best morning sex ever.

I climbed into the car, and the sweet aroma of pastries caressed the back of my throat. Connell shot me a devilish smirk. Before he could say a word, I leaned over, and he rewarded me with a kiss, the kind that did nothing to ease the magical excitement already dancing in my belly. His mouth captured my lower lip, and if we weren't parked near work, I would have climbed across his lap and ridden him rodeo style.

He broke our embrace, and I laid a hand on his thigh, loving the heat radiating from him. “Got caught up at the station, so I'm running a bit late.”

“No problem.”

“Ready for this?” he asked.

“Yep. Vasile gave me the lowdown. Sheep were slaughtered overnight on a farm outside Braşov.” I slouched into my seat as Connell reversed out of the parking lot. “But I don't believe only one wolf was responsible.”

He shrugged. “The farmer only saw one. I guess if a wolf got hungry enough—”

“One wolf would never kill half a flock. Maybe several, but it's rare. And wolves mostly hunt in packs.”

“What about the story of those two wolves who killed over a 170 sheep?”

I sighed, having read about that freak incident in Hungary. “Actually, they only bit ten sheep, one was consumed, and the rest died from being trampled or asphyxiated by huddling tightly in a large mass. And from what Vasile told me about today's case, all these dead sheep were ripped apart.”

“Well, my little animal expert, this is why I requested you to help us on the case.” He smirked.

“I like it—animal expert.”

Connell winked. “You sure are. Anyway, the farmer said this was no ordinary wolf, but disfigured and massive. He shot at it several times when it got close to the house, but it ran away.”

Surely, the farmer had been wrong. “I bet the dark played with his imagination.”

But why would wolves go after so many sheep? It didn't make sense. A knot formed in my throat.

“I suspect you're right.” He reached into the back seat and slightly swerved off the dirt trail. “I got you a gift.” He set a Tortured Torts brown paper bag into my lap. My stomach grumbled. Digging into the bag, I retrieved a tart and bit into it—flaky pastry melted on my tongue, and the sweet creaminess of custard had me sinking in my seat.

“I'm getting jealous of that pastry.” Connell glanced over as he drove deeper into the woods and away from the institute.

Stuffing the rest of the morsel into my mouth, I searched the bag. One left. We had a problem.

“It's yours.”

I glanced up. “Are you sure?”

“Yep. Already had two.” He cut me a sultry look with his hypnotizing mocha eyes. “Are you free tonight for dinner at Flora's?”

I chewed on my lower lip. Tomorrow was the full moon. Every month since I'd started dating Connell, I'd had a set of excuses as to why I couldn't be with him on those nights. From work projects, to catching up with friends, to traveling for work. Each time I lied to Connell, a part of me died, but I somehow doubted he'd be okay with dating a werewolf. Especially since he didn't even know our kind existed. As much as I yearned to tell him, to unleash the burden of my lies, I couldn't draw him into my problems. If Sandulf found out I'd told a human about our existence, he'd not only target me, but Connell too, with his deathblow. So, for Connell's own safety, I had to keep him in the dark. Though finally coming clean one day would be a dream come true.

“Can we do dinner tomorrow night instead, please? I've got something on.”

He turned his attention to the road. “Already got plans?” His tone lowered.

An uncomfortable itch formed at the base of my neck. “I'm really sorry. Vasile has several members from the Environmental European Society in town and asked me to join them for dinner.”

And it was true. I had spent all of yesterday helping Vasile with a presentation, but I had turned down my boss's dinner invitation, too. It wasn't as if I could tell any of them the truth.
Sorry, tonight's the full moon so I'll be turning into a wolf and running wild in the Carpathian woods.

I reached over and touched his forearm, his muscles tense beneath my fingers. “Well, it only means I'll have to make it up to you tomorrow.”

His sensual smile pushed past his frown as he gazed across at me. “I'll take it,” he said.

Sunlight shone on the dirt track ahead, and my mind sprinted through the busy day Vasile had planned for me: help the police in the morning, then visit a vet, and return a healed lynx into the woods. Vasile insisted that ever since his mistake with the bear cubs, he felt compelled to give the police anything they wanted … Mostly my help on cases. Naturally, I didn't mind if it meant spending time with Connell. Especially since my stay in the city was running out.

Thoughts of my
streamed through my head. It was one month until my stay here ended, so, hell yeah, I'd been counting down to the dreaded time when my alpha expected me home. Dating a human was forbidden by my kind, but I wasn't ready to give up my freedom, my job, or the man who'd won my heart. Heaviness sat on my shoulders, and each breath was a struggle.

The track ahead of us carved through the woods, reminding me of the pack house deep in the forest. If I continued to stay in the city, the alpha would track me down and force my return, especially since the blood moon rose in less than two months. I'd transform into a wulfkin, meaning I controlled my own changes, not the moon. I'd been looking forward to it for as long as I could remember, but no wulfkin was allowed to live away from a pack. Death would be delivered by the Varlac—the alpha clan overseeing all packs—to any member who did.

Shivers sprouted down my arms. How was I supposed to deal with that?

I yearned to see my pack family again, spend long hours by the fire at night telling stories, and run wild in the woods together. My happiest memories were with them. But now … Now the idea of leaving Connell ached in my stomach, and bile hit the back of my throat as I considered parting from him.

Connell drove out of the forest and across town to the farm.

Suddenly, the busy day ahead of me lacked luster and its usual excitement. Curling up in Connell's arms forever might help. I hugged myself.

“You all right?” His knuckles gently caressed my cheek. My next breath hitched, and I couldn't swallow past the expanding boulder in my throat.

“Yeah.” I kissed his hand. Sitting around and waiting for a miracle wouldn't help my case. I'd pay Radu, my best friend from the pack, a visit. He'd read every book on our kind, so if anyone had heard of a loophole to allow me to leave the pack, he'd know about it.

“Need to make a quick detour,” Connell said. “I forgot my folder with the case information at home.”

I nodded but couldn't bring myself to say a word until we reached his townhouse, where I climbed out into the chilly morning breeze, desperate to inhale fresh air.

Connell held the front door open for me, and I strolled inside the familiar home where I'd spent nights for the past nine months. It reminded me of my apartment in many ways, from the minimalistic furnishing and bare white walls to the wooden floorboards.

Inside his bedroom, I searched for my coat and retrieved it from his wardrobe. Behind me, his bed lay disheveled from last night, and the faint tingle of sex hung in the air. Footfalls fell behind me. Connell's arms slid around my stomach, his chest pressed tightly against my back.

“Is something wrong?” He kissed the top of my head.

Melting back against him, I closed my eyes, inhaling his soft, musky scent. Goddess, I didn't want to give this up.

“What would you think if I left town?” I asked, keeping my back to him as I threw my coat on the bed.

Connell spun me by my shoulders to face him. Dread built up behind his hooded eyes. “Are you planning on leaving?”

I shook my head. “No. Just saying, if I had to leave, would you come with me?”


I laughed. “You're not even going to think about it?”

The pack would never allow a human to live with us. They'd kill him before they agreed. So Connell and I would have to leave Braşov, maybe the country. But I wasn't sure if an inspector could pick up and transfer to another location easily.

He brushed hair from my face. “I love you, Daci. No need to think about it.”

“I love you, too.” The uneasiness tightening in my soul reminded me it wasn't just my heart I'd shred if I returned to the pack, but Connell's too.

His hand slid to the back of my head, and he closed in, his lips pressed against mine.

The heat emanating from him wrapped around me. My pulse spiked from just one kiss.
Forget the future and enjoy the present.
Slowly, my fingers inched up his neck, and I parted his lips with my tongue, offering him all of me.

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