Cupid's Test (3 page)

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Authors: Megan Grooms

BOOK: Cupid's Test
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“I have water in the car, actually I should run out and get that too incase the pipes freeze good thinking.” He praised smiling. “Be right back.” He grabbed his jacket and left again.

At least he seemed nice enough, even if he did eat meat. She laughed realizing that most people ate meat it was she that was the oddball. Maybe it wouldn’t be so bad with him here. She didn’t feel like she had to try to impress him or anything and she was determined to relax whether he was there or not. She wasn’t even going to change out of her comfy clothes and get dressed into something more appropriate. Pretty much all she brought was comfy clothes anyway. She poured two cups of coffee and waited for him to come back inside.

Banging on the door had her up and running to it. She pulled it back to find him covered in snow his hands full of water and even more stuff. “Sorry couldn’t get it this time.”

“I should have thought to wait for you.” She answered trying to take some of the load off his hands. “It’s really bad out there isn’t it?” She asked glancing out the door before shutting it.

“Yea it’s getting to be white out conditions. Which is not good, you did rent this place right, people know your way back here?”

“Of course I did.” She said shocked. She set the stuff down. “Why would you ask that?”

“Well I didn’t ask for your receipt and if no one knows your back here we may be stuck a while. Already my SUV would have trouble getting out of here. Not to mention I’m not driving in that. The trail is way too narrow and if we got stuck we’d be screwed.”

“You were thinking about leaving?” She asked surprised by the fact that she was a little sad that he would leave. Maybe she actually wanted his company.

“I was thinking about getting us both out of here.” He said
, once again he looked at the wood pile they had. “Maybe I should get more.”

“You’re really worried about this storm aren’t you?” She asked unknowingly moving closer to him.

“I brought my radio in, would you mind plugging it in and seeing if we can get any weather up here? It has batteries in case the power goes out. I am just going to bring in as much wood will fit in here.”

“Well, wait a
second drink some coffee and I’ll get dressed and help you.”

“I don’t want us both cold out there.” He said pulling off his jacket and gloves again. He took the coffee
gratefully and started drinking it black.

“Don’t worry about it.” She said taking her coffee and heading to the back room.

Jay couldn’t help laughing when he heard the lock click on the bedroom door. He couldn’t blame her. He was pleased that she was taking the idea of him staying there so well. She seemed nice enough, maybe a little too ‘green’ for him. It hadn’t escaped him that there had been no meat before he put his in the fridge and a bunch of fruits and veggies. He laughed and the car, seriously, who takes a car like that up to the mountains. She must have known it wouldn’t make it in the woods.

At least she was pretty and so far they have been able to have conversations. Though he did keep running out of the house so he wasn’t quite sure if that would keep up or not. He grabbed one of his boxes of crackers out of the cupboard and started munching. He was going to have to make himself something to eat when they got done with the wood. He realized that he might be over reacting. The snow could stop at any time and it wouldn’t be that bad. They would still have to wait for a plow t
ruck but they would be comfortable at the house waiting on it. If only the electricity would hold out they would be fine.

“Are you ready?” Lillian asked she had walked out of the bedroom a bit ago and just watched him a moment. He really did seem concerned about t
he weather. She had never been through a snow storm so she had no idea how bad they could get or what they might be in for. She was very grateful for him at the moment. That might change later when they were stuck in the house with nothing to talk about and he starts getting annoying.

h let’s go.” It took them a while and both were freezing and hungry by the time they had stacked as much as they could in the house and right outside the door. Jay found two shovels in the shed as well as a tarp that they put over the wood outside. They were both soaking wet from the snow that had already fallen. It went over the tops of their shoes to get their shoes, socks and pants wet. “Alright we need to change out of these wet clothes or we will both be sick this whole week.” He said after shutting the door, “trust me you do not want to see me sick. I’m such a baby and it’s not very attractive.” He laughed picking up his bag and heading to the bathroom.

Lillian headed to her room and changed as well. She heard Jay leave the bathroom before her. She didn’t know why but she was suddenly nervous and not in the “I think he’s going to kill me way” either. She found that she was glad that she and her boyfriend broke up and was wondering if he found her as attractive as she found him.

“Hey Lilly you want me to make you something to eat?”

She smiled, no one called her Lilly. She didn’t mind it though. “No thanks, I’ll find something for myself.” She called back quickly getting into more comfortable and warm clothes.
She walked out of the bedroom and found him messing around with pans and the stove. “You eat meat I saw. I’m a vegetarian.” She took a seat at the table and watched him work. The kitchen wasn’t big enough for them both to be moving around it at once.

“I was just going to make some spaghetti. I don’t need to add meat to yours. So why did you decide to be a vegetarian? Or have you always been one?”

“Do you know where that meat comes from?”

,” he glanced back to look at her.

“Ewe and you still eat it?” She asked shuddering. “I learned in college and it grossed me out and made me feel bad for the animals so I stopped eating it.” She could tell he was laughing. “You should go to one of those places and then tell me if you can eat that stuff.”

“I have been there. It is gross.” Jay said “that’s why I found a farmer that lets me buy my meats from him personally, same with my produce.” He could tell she was shocked by that. “Never thought of doing it that way?” He asked smugly.

“No, and I don’t think many people do. I live in a city, not too many farms around.” She said shrugging
, standing up and going to the fireplace. “Can I add another log?” She asked trying to change the subject now. She wasn’t quite sure what to make of what he said. No one would think to do that, so he was either lying or he was a very interesting man.

“Sure. So what do you say
, spaghetti or no?” He walked into the living room and handed her a log.

“Why not,” s
he answered.

She b
ent down to the fire and Jay had to back away a little. If he didn’t he might do something that he would get in trouble for, she was downright beautiful. Her butt looked cute in the night pants she had on and when she stood back up he realized that she did have the perfect body. She turned around and was startled by the look on his face. She smiled shyly and he had to shake his head before he decided to walk to her and kiss her. This was going to be an interesting week he was sure. “What do you do for work?” Jay asked turning away from her to sit down in the rocking chair.

“I’m a lawyer.” She saw him look at her quickly a bad look on his face. “You know we aren’t all horrible.” She
laughed, Lillian didn’t bother saying what kind of lawyer. Most people didn’t even know what an environmental lawyer did and she didn’t feel like explaining it. “What do you do?”

“A little bit of everything. You could say
I’m an entrepreneur, on the small scale right now. Don’t want you to think I’m filthy rich. I’ve got one big investment right now that I’m not sure if it was worth it or if it’s going to tank.” A worried look crossed over his face before he hid it laughing a little. “So are you from Texas originally or did you move here?”

“Born and raised, though I was down on the coast. I moved to the city for college and haven’t left. What about you, seems like you know
a lot about snow. I’m guessing you’re not from around here.” She relaxed back on the couch sitting in one corner and curling her legs up, looking at him.

I’m from South Dakota, we get quite a few storms up there. I’ve been down here for 15 years now though. I went to college in New Mexico and followed a girlfriend down here. Of course once I did that she dumped my ass but I didn’t want to leave. I’ve been working on buying companies and selling them for ten years now. This latest one is the biggest investment I’ve made yet.” Again the worried look crossed his face.

“Well I hope it works out for you.” Lillian said quickly she didn’t like seeing him upset.

“Thanks Lilly.” He smiled again and was rewarded when she grinned back at him. “You have got a great smile.” He said standing up to check on the water. She stood and followed him. “So are you sure you don’t want to try any of my meat?” He asked looking at her and wiggling his eyebrows. He wondered if she got the joke and when her cheeks got a bit red he was sure she had.

“No thank you. I’ll stick with no meat… for now.” She added laughing a little. Jay
, who was caught off guard, laughed loudly.

“You’re alright Lilly.”

*                                                                         *                                                                 *

“Well so far so go
od. What do you do next?” Tooth Fairy asked looking down at them. “Don’t you want the big problem to come out now so they have time to work it out?”

“No, if it comes out now before they know each other it would be disastrous. I really just sit back and watch. Every time they notice how cute the other one is, that’s me sending down a little shock of love. They
both think it themselves but they are gonna need a little help to get going. A week isn’t very long for me to get them together to the point they need to be. It’s going to be harder than I thought. Both of them are rather reserved, she more than him.” Cupid also looked down at them. “Well I have to go check on some of my other couples. You can stay and watch them or do your thing. They will be going to bed soon I think. It’s been a long day. I’ll start fresh with them in the morning.”

“You are just going to leave them? What if something happens?”

“Well it’s not like they can go anywhere and I can’t stop them from talking. If something was going to happen my being here wouldn’t change it all that much. Do you really think I just take over peoples mind and make them do whatever I want them to do? No wonder you don’t like me.” Cupid said shaking his head before flying away.

Tooth Fairy bit her lip. That was what she thought he did. Maybe she was wrong about him. He seemed to genuinely care about his matchups. He was leaving
now to go check on one of them. She would just have to see how this match up played out and make her decision after that. If it wasn’t Cupid that was making the bad connections than who was? Surely someone had to be to blame.

*                                                                    *                                                            *

Lilly woke up the next morning already smiling. She had some great dreams, some of which her new friend stared in. Last night had been nice after they ate they found some cards and played games for quite a while. She enjoyed talking and learning more about him and she found that she was able to talk to him about things she found important. He listened well and asked questions. She was finding this vacation a lot more fun than the one that she had planned for herself. She didn’t have cabin fever yet, though if it was still snowing and they couldn’t go outside she was afraid she would start feeling it soon.

She grabbed her clothes and headed to the shower when she opened the door she heard Jay in the kitchen
. His radio was on and he was singing along with it. She could tell he was cooking something because it smelled wonderful. She looked around the corner to find him in his boxers and a t-shirt. The fire was going and pants were across the back of the rocking chair near it looking like they were drying. He had a pan on the stove and was messing with something in it.

“Hey!” He exclaimed when he turned around to find Lilly up. “You do eat eggs don’t you? They are fresh too.”

“Yes I’ll try the eggs.” She laughed. “I actually do get those in the city from the same people that I get my vegetables from. I’m just gonna go take a shower and get dressed.”

“Come on don’t be silly just pull up a chair I was going to come wake you in a minute this food is almost done. Hope you don’t mind I used some of your vegetables in the omelet. He handed her a cup of something that was not coffee. He laughed at the look on her face. “It’s Apple
Cider, I get it in packages like Hot Coco. Try it, it’s really good.” He walked back to the stove and took off the omelets. “Here ya go.”

“You don’t have to cook for me you know.” She said taking it. “But thank you for doing so.”

“I like to cook and it’s the least I can do for barging in here on your vacation.” He answered sitting across from her. “I’m actually glad this storm came though. I’m having a much better time now than I think I ever would have by myself. You take my mind off my company.”

“I was just thinking the same thing this morning. I’m glad you’re having a good time. How does it look outside today?”

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