Dalton, Tymber - Stoneface (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour) (12 page)

BOOK: Dalton, Tymber - Stoneface (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)
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Jack had stewed all day. The woman from that morning started his day off badly, and it went downhill from there. The DA gave a methhead a plea bargain in exchange for turning on his dealer, but it meant the addict would be on the streets later that night on probation.

All he wanted to do was go home, collapse, eat dinner, get a backrub from Tim, and hopefully get laid before falling asleep. The unfamiliar car sitting in his driveway would make that impossible, apparently. Tim’s car was gone, and he found no one home even though strange luggage and a laptop case sat on one of the guest room beds.


He wondered who they belonged to. It wasn’t unusual for Tim to invite friends out from Cali, but usually he warned him about their arrival.

He poured himself a bourbon over ice and sat by the hot tub on the lower back deck to stare out over the valley. He loved this view. He knew Tim missed the ocean and surfing, but he’d never quite lost his taste for a quiet Black Hills evening. There were definite benefits to living near LA, like not having to hide anything about themselves, and being able to hold hands in public if they wanted without too many worries of getting the shit kicked out of them.

Not having to deal with behind-the-back snickers of his fellow officers.

Despite those benefits, Jack knew his heart lay here in South Dakota.

They hadn’t sold the Laguna house, only rented it out. Maybe in a few years they could go back there and resettle. He couldn’t believe Tim handled the move as well as he had, including opening the second store.

True love.

He sipped his drink and tried to relax. Jesus, if only he could forget that woman. Her voice sounded different than Melodie’s, but her face had brought back both painful and happy memories.

He closed his eyes and couldn’t help but think about Melodie. Nearly two decades later, and he could hear her voice clear as day in his head. Smell her perfume. Remember the feel of her hands on him as the three of them snuggled in bed.

He knew damn well Tim’s ménage “fantasy” was more an attempt to feel him out than an effort to get a hotter orgasm out of him. Tim’s kinky streak ran as deeply as his own, even though he was content to be monogamous.

Yes, if the opportunity presented itself, he might be open to another triad. Only if he knew he wouldn’t lose Tim in the process. Being poly had its benefits, but the drawbacks could be heartbreaking, and Tim had never experienced anything like that. His sweet beach boy literally had led a mostly sheltered life in terms of tragedy. He’d grown up with liberal parents who’d embraced and loved him, even when he came out to them as a teenager. He’d never had to endure the fears and risks of living openly as a gay man in Laguna Beach. Rapid City had grown up in the past two decades and become a little more tolerant than it was when Jack left for California, although they were still more cautious here than they’d had to be in Laguna.

Tim hadn’t grown up having to worry about every nuance when out in public, always looking over his shoulder to make sure no one could overhear him, never able to do something as innocent as holding hands without worrying who could see.

Even after they’d had Melodie with them, they still had to live a lie, only able to freely be open when safely at home behind a locked door, or when they took a trip to California to visit her parents…

Lost in his thoughts and memories, Jack startled back to reality with the sound of the front door slamming shut and Tim’s voice as he talked to someone upstairs.

Jack pulled himself out of his deck chair and carried his half-empty glass up to the kitchen. Tim must have heard him, because he raced out of their bedroom and nearly bowled him over as he grabbed him and spun him around in a happy embrace.

“Guess what?”

Jack struggled not to spill his drink. “We won the lottery?”

“Nope! We have a guest!”

“Yeah. Saw the car. Thanks for the warning.” He set his glass on the counter. “Could have used a call.”

“You were in court this afternoon. I remembered. See? I do listen to you.”

Jack dropped his voice. “I wish you’d given me a heads-up. I’m not much in a dealing-with-guests sort of mood. I’m sorry.”

“There’s nothing to deal with. You’ll love her! I want us to take her out to dinner—”


“Our guest!” Tim grinned. “You’re going to be so surprised! I know I was, this is incredible!”

Jack grabbed him by the arms to hold him still. He already felt the first warning throbs of a tension headache. “Tim, babe, please. Who is our guest?”

He heard the guest room door open seconds before the woman from that morning in the station hesitantly stepped into the kitchen.


Tim either didn’t hear him or ignored his epithet as he walked over and draped his arm around her. “Gwen, honey, this is my boyfriend, Detective Jackson Kelly. Jack, this is Gwen! You know, my writer buddy!”

She glared at Jack. “We’ve met.”

* * * *

Dammit. Figures. How small a town is Rapid City anyway?

“You’ve met?” Tim looked confused.

She nodded. “Deputy Dickhead.”

His eyes widened. “What? You mean you dealt with Jack this morning?”

Her heart sinking, she pulled away. That’s what she got for indulging herself in a little hot fantasy, fueled by Tim’s fairly serious flirting. There obviously wouldn’t be any help to find Amy, either. “Yeah. I’m sorry, Tim. I’ll pack my stuff and head for a hotel.”

Detective Dingdong leaned against the counter, crossed his arms over his chest, and nodded. “Probably a good idea.”

Tim wore a desperate look and refused to let go of her. “No! You are
going anywhere, lady. Your brother will kill me if I let you leave. I promised him I’d take care of you.”

“I’m sure your boyfriend doesn’t want me staying here.”

“You’ve got
right,” Officer Dildo chimed in.

Tim grabbed her hand and pulled her down the hall to the guest bedroom, where he shut the door behind them.

“Look,” he whispered, “I don’t know what the hell’s wrong with him, but I’m damn sure going to find out.” It surprised her to see how angry Tim looked, and she suspected she wasn’t the target. “Please, baby, promise me you’ll stay.”

She couldn’t stand the desperation in his blue eyes. “I’ll stay, but we should forget about dinner tonight. I’ll just stay in my room out of his way, and when Liam gets here tomorrow, we’ll get a hotel room near the airport. She’s probably fine. This was just a wild-goose chase.”

He pulled her close and it took every ounce of will she had not to rise up on her toes and kiss him. “You listen to me,” he said, his voice serious. “He’s not the only one who lives here. You’re my friend, and you aren’t going anywhere.” Then he kissed her, full on the lips with every bit of passion she ever wrote about in a first kiss between her fictional characters. It shocked the hell out of her, so much so she didn’t have time to react or respond before he lifted his mouth from hers. He winked. He did that a lot, she’d noticed. “You be a good girl and stay here, and maybe there’s more of that for you, if you want it.”

Stunned, all she could do was nod.

He smiled, sexy and soothing and playful all at the same time. “You can’t leave because I’ve been dying to ask you about your work. Especially where you get your ideas for the ménages.”

She forced her voice to work. “How’d we get on this tangent?” she managed to gasp, still recovering from that mind-blowing kiss.

Tim pulled her tightly into his arms, and it was then she realized that huge, hard bulge digging into her hip wasn’t his cell phone.
Oh, fuuuck me, baby!

“Because if you want a little real-life inspiration, I for one would be happy to give it to you.” He kissed her again before stepping away to the door. “Wait right here, don’t go anywhere. I’m going to find out what the hell’s going on with him. Okay?”

Unable to find her voice, she nodded.

He grinned. “That’s my good girl.” He left the room, closing the door behind him.

Her knees unhinged. She sat on the bed and touched her lips with her fingertips.

Holy fuck!

Yeah, he’d kissed her, all right. She still felt the slight scratch of his afternoon stubble against her cheek, and where his fingers had dug into her ass.

And the memory of his well-endowed cock pressing…


She fell back on the bed, unable to decide if she should laugh or cry.

Chapter Eight

Jack watched as Tim stormed through the kitchen, grabbed his arm, pulled him into their bedroom, and quietly shut the door behind them.

Then Tim turned on him with an angry look he’d never seen before on his lover’s face. “Now, dammit, you listen to me and you listen good. You behave yourself. She’s my friend, and I really like her, and she needs our help. I don’t care if you two got off on the wrong foot, she’s really worried about her sister, and she’s got a lot of shit going on in her life right now. What is
with you? This is rude even for you!”

Of all the possible ways Jack had thought of broaching this conversation, this never made the list. He sank to the bed. “She looks just like Mel,” he softly admitted.

“What? Who…” Comprehension dawned. “Oh,” he softly said. “Oh, Jack.” Tim sat next to him. When he slung his arm around Jack’s shoulders, Jack let him pull him close. “I’m sorry, baby.”

It spilled out in a rush, even though he hadn’t meant to let go. “Pete killed her. The son of a bitch was drinking, and he drove and he killed her. So I lost both of them.” He finally met Tim’s sweet gaze. “We were poly, a triad. It was me and Pete, and then we met her and we fell in love with her. No one knew that, we couldn’t tell anyone. We said she was my girlfriend because of my parents. Pete’s family was all back East. Can you see my parents accepting something like that when they barely tolerate me being gay?” He wiped at his eyes. “So they’re both dead to me. Mel’s in her grave, and he’s in a cell. I’m sorry I didn’t tell you the whole thing before. It’s not something I like to think about, much less talk about.”

Jack pulled his wallet out and opened it. Inside, tucked behind a picture of him and Tim, he kept a picture of her. “See?”

Tim nodded. “Yeah. They could be twins.” He returned the picture. “Is that the real reason why you got into it with her this morning?”

“Her sister’s not missing.”

“Come on. Rapid City isn’t LA or New York. You can bend rules in some cases, and you know it. You’ve told me it happens all the time with you guys, as long as you don’t bend them too far. You’re just doing someone a favor, like you would check on someone’s coworker who didn’t show up when they’re Mr. Reliable. Don’t blow her off and be rude to her because you’re afraid of getting your heart broken.”

“What the hell are you talking about?”

Tim grabbed his chin and made him look at him. “You can’t go back in time. She’s not Melodie. But she’s a sweetheart, and believe me, I think she’d jump at a chance to have some fun with us.”


Tim smiled. “Look at the stuff she writes. I’ve been flirting with her, and I’m pretty sure she’d be interested if we told her we were, too.”

“Then what? She leaves and we never see her again? She’s here to find her sister, not fuck around.”

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