Dead Sure?: A Paranormal Mystery (31 page)

BOOK: Dead Sure?: A Paranormal Mystery
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Rene looked at the pill bottle apprehensively, “Do you really think this is necessary? I really don’t like to take pills of any kind.”

“If I didn’t think it was necessary, I wouldn’t prescribe them. The medicine I’m giving you is really not that strong, and doesn’t have any major side effects. Just take them, you’ll feel better.”

Rene reluctantly took the prescription that Shelby thrust into her hands. “If you think its best, I’ll give it a shot.”

“Great!” Shelby said, practically beaming with pleasure. “Let’s keep your Thursday appointment as well, and, with some effort on your part, we’ll be looking at that journal.”

Rene smiled back halfheartedly, getting up and exiting the room.


*    *    *


That afternoon, Steve sat in his office staring out the windows, mired deep in thought. If anyone could have seen the look on his face, they could have surmised that the thoughts were troubling ones. A clicking noise behind him brought him quickly around in his chair, a gun in hand pointing towards the sound.

Shelby had just entered the room. The cocky look on her face fell right off as she realized, she was staring down the barrel of a gun. “Hold it, what’s this crap all about? Nothing happened, I swear.”

As if waking from a trance, Steve’s shaking hand put the weapon down slowly on his desk. “I didn’t mean to point it at you,” he said in a soft voice that didn’t sound like his usual confident and cocky self.

“Well, it sure as hell looked like you meant it to me.” She strode across the large office the gleam in her eyes returning. “I’ve got some great news, honey.” She proceeded to sit down on Steve’s lap. “I’m working on some breakthroughs with Rene. She told me Jack has the journal, and she will have it for me by Thursday. Also, to accelerate triggering her episodes and getting this thing figured out, I gave her a pretty heavy duty prescription. It’s in the hallucinogenic family and may even trigger more episodes.” Shelby chuckled, “The girl’s so naive. I told her it was a lightweight pill and she believed me. That’s why you should always question your doctors. Oh, I crack myself up.”

Steve stared at Shelby for a moment; his face looked wrought as if he’d seen a ghost. He spoke slowly and deliberately as if the conversation required a great effort.  “Thursday is not going to be soon enough. There have been other developments.”

“What do you mean by other developments?”

The color and strength gradually returning to his handsome face, he repeated himself. “I mean what I said, there have been other developments. I’ll secure the journal myself, and I want you to stay away from both Rene and Jack until further notice.”

“What kind of bullshit is that? I don’t work for you, and I stuck my neck out on the line writing a prescription that Rene didn’t really need.” Her face was a mask of anger.

Steve was about to yell more, but stopped himself. He grabbed Shelby by the wrists and glared directly at her. “Was there anything new that Rene mentioned when you met with her today?”

“Just the usual stuff, more strange episodes and fighting with Jack. She did say something about a cemetery and a gravestone she thought was her father’s. Now let go of my wrists, damn it.”

“What cemetery was the grave in, and did she mention anything else?” he asked, jumping up and knocking Shelby nearly to the floor.

She managed to catch herself awkwardly against the desk before landing, feeling rather undignified. “There’s something you’re not telling me and I don’t like it. We’re lovers and so much more, you can trust me.”

Steve walked deliberately across the room as if trying to make up his mind about something. “I can trust you, huh, that’s what they all say.” He paused almost completely still as if stuck. “You’re sure about that, because if I find out differently it won’t end well for one of us, and I don’t mean me,” he turned looking over his shoulder at her with a look that left no mistake as to his meaning. From there, he proceeded to one of the many built-in bookshelves that lined the office walls. He appeared to be searching for something.

Shelby felt slightly ill, as if she were making a deal with the devil. Sure she wasn’t the most scrupulous person around, but she had never threatened to kill anybody, especially someone close to her. Feeling like there was no going back now, she looked for a distraction, any distraction, no matter how small, to lighten the mood that now overshadowed the room. “Who’s the guy standing next to you and the Duesenberg in this old picture? You’ve sure got on some funny suits, must have been one of those old fashioned photo places.”

Steve momentarily turned away from the bookcase he was searching and tipped his head to the right, an expression of frustration appearing. Quietly he answered, “That is not me in the picture, it is my grandfather Charles. As for who he is with, that’s irrelevant to what we’re talking about.” With that, he went back to scanning the bookcase methodically from top to bottom.

“He sure looks a hell of a lot like you except for the clothes and the hair.”
In fact there is something very familiar about this other man as well. I wish I could put my finger on it. I know I’ve seen him somewhere before.

Before she could continue to ponder the matter, Steve was back in front of her, lording over her like she was some kind of underling. He had placed with a firm thump an extremely old-looking book on the desk next to them. “Are you sure you’re ready for the next step, and that you’ve told me everything and I mean everything?”

Steve’s mannerisms had a new ferocity that was really scaring her. Normally, Shelby never felt scared. She wouldn’t allow herself that. Fear was for weaklings. At least that’s what her father used to say. The midnight- blue roadster screamed down the straightaway towards the hairpin corner. She cried with terror, begging her father to slow down. He just laughed at her and then, with a snap, told her to be quiet. “Fear is for the weak and timid of heart. Now shut up and learn.” The little girl squeezed the arm rest in desperation, wishing she was anywhere else but here, it’s not as if she asked to come along. No, her father had forced her into this ride as he had done with many others before it. Not always cars, just anything that would go fast, boats, horses, you name it. The tires squealed as they entered the corner. It seemed to her that this time dad had pushed it just a little too far. She began to sob quietly, then increasingly louder as the sound of the tires grew in pitch. The car began to tip; Shelby could feel it going up onto one side. Any moment now it was going to roll over and that would be the end. Closing her eyes and screaming, she drew in what she thought would be her final breath. All kinds of crazy thoughts raced through her thirteen-year-old head, and then in a flash it was over, the car had come safely back down onto all four wheels and was slowing as it approached the side of the road.

“Get out, you said you were ready but you weren’t, not even close. A nice long walk will help you think about it and get things straight.” Stopping, her father threw open the door and motioned for Shelby to exit the car. This was not the first time Shelby had faced her father’s wrath for disappointing him, but it sure stung much more than usual. She exited the car. “I was ready, I was ready,” she repeated halfheartedly over and over. He didn’t even look back at her as he drove off.

Her eyes were red as she fought to hold back the tears of the past, the current situation came flooding back into light. “Of course I’m ready. I’ll do whatever it takes.”

“Now, that’s what I like to hear. Prove that to me by telling me everything, and no holding back details of any kind,” his voice had a hint of accusation in it.

She was in all the way now, there was no turning back.
I know he’s upset about Jack and me. He must have had me followed. So what, I took off my shirt. I’ll fess up to that and seem very forthright. There is definitely something else he’s driving at as well. Maybe it’s the medallion Rene mentioned, how could he know about that?
“All right, here’s the straight and skinny. I tried to get close to Jack and find out what he knows, which doesn’t appear to be much of anything. Yeah, and in the process, I took my shirt off and things got a little frisky.”
Man, I bet that Jack would be a great lover; he was sooo good with his hands.

“And,” Steve said impatiently, demanding more exactly as she was expecting.

“There is nothing more to tell about Jack. There is something else about Rene, now that I think about it.” Steve’s eyes blazed at this statement. “Rene mentioned something about an old man in the cemetery with an eye patch, and he kept babbling about some medallion. She didn’t really seem to understand any of it. Does it mean something to you?” Much to Shelby’s astonishment, Steve grew calmer and smiled.

“Yes, it does mean something to me, at least the medallion part of it.” He reached over to the desk and picked up the book he had just brought over. Opening the volume revealed that it was a faux book concealing a secret. The inside was hollow with a compartment that held a black velvet bag. “Take it out and have a look at it.”

Shelby reached hesitantly at first, her fingers accelerating as they got closer to the velvet pouch. Opening the drawstring, she reached in pulling out a very unusual looking medallion. It was extremely old and ugly, not at all what she expected to find in such an elaborate hiding place. “What is the significance of this unsightly coin? The thing looks to be near worthless.”

“It sure does appear that way, doesn’t it? The truth is, this one IS worthless, it’s nothing except a mere copy of the original.”

“Is the original this fucking ugly?” Shelby said, trying not to sound so perturbed.
Was this really the great secret? What a let down!

Steve must have read by her mannerisms the disappointment she was feeling. “Yes, this is the secret, but before you write it off, let me fill you in on some details. First off, the medallion is worth millions to the right Chinese collectors. Secondly, it’s supposed to bring good fortune to those who possess it. My grandfather had the real McCoy for a time, and I dare say he did rather well for himself. A lot of the wealth you see here today was built up by him and passed along. I want the medallion back; it has sentimental value.”

Like hell it does, I’ve never seen you show one once of sentiment towards anything or anybody.
“So what makes you think Rene is linked to this thing?” Shelby’s interest returned to the thought of millions, and to the conclusion Steve was still concealing something of far greater importance.

“My grandfather mentioned a journal kept by a Tim Bartington containing clues to the medallion’s whereabouts. I’m convinced Rene has said journal, and will stop at nothing to keep it and discover its secrets. There you have it, the whole story.”

“So you need that journal now before she discovers the medallion, making it worthless,” Shelby stated matter-of-factly.

Steve’s countenance changed suddenly like a lightning strike. “Let me tell you this,” he started waiving his finger directly in Shelby’s face. “I’ll have that journal and the medallion, anyone who gets in my way will be buried six feet under, including you if you try to double- cross me!” He paused and pointed at the door, “Now get the hell out.”

Shelby, not easily, scared jumped up and headed quickly for the door.
Remind me why the hell I stick with this guy,
she asked herself.
Oh yeah, the money, don’t forget about the money. What if I could get the medallion and have my own supply of money, not a bad idea?
She was almost to the door when her pace slowed,
Can’t let him see me scared, he’s just like a dog, show too much fear and you’re bound to get ripped to shreds.
Facing back in Steve’s direction, Shelby stated boldly, “I’ll help you because I want to help you; not because you threatened me!”

Steve didn’t pay her any mind. He was staring out the large floor-to-ceiling office windows, muttering something unintelligible to himself.

Turning, Shelby left the room, quietly shaking her head; Steve had gotten the better of her. 


*    *    *


“Sam, I really appreciate you taking me over to see Liam. I’m not supposed to be driving for a while, especially now that I just started taking this new prescription.”

“Why not, what kind of meds are you on?”

“Nothing major, just something to help stop the episodes I’ve been having. After I take a few and get used to it, I’m sure driving won’t be an issue.”

Sam’s red Dodge pickup rattled up next to the curb in front of Liam’s house. The yard was even more overgrown than it had been on Rene’s previous visit. Rene had only been here once before, to console Liam after his scare at the bank building.

“Sam, would you mind coming in with me? Liam is fine at work, but at home he kind of gives me the creeps.”

Sam gave Rene a big hug. “Sure, no problem, you know I’d do anything to help you out.”

I wish I felt more chemistry with this guy. He is always so nice and ready to lend a hand. What is it about Jack that just keeps drawing me back?
“Great Sam, I really appreciate it,” and with that she started to kiss him. It was a small kiss at first, which grew slowly with intensity until the two were glued together.

Finally coming up for air, Sam smiled at Rene, his face beaming. “Well, if I knew helping you out would lead to that, I’d do it more often,” he said with a slight chuckle.

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