Deception (Tamia Luke) (5 page)

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Authors: Naomi Chase

BOOK: Deception (Tamia Luke)
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Brandon chuckled, the sound muffled against her damp abdomen. “Don’t hate the playa, baby. Hate the game.”
She sputtered indignantly, swatting at his head.
He laughed, catching her wrists and pinning her arms above her head. She squirmed beneath him as he rose over her, settling his body between her thighs. Their stares locked, smiles dissolving as their mouths met in a deep, carnal kiss flavored with Cynthia’s juices.
With his free hand, Brandon reached down and wrapped his fingers around his hard dick. As he began stroking himself, Cynthia ground her hips against him, urging him to take what was his. When he’d teased her enough, he guided his shaft to her slick opening.
“I’m going commando,” he told her, because he didn’t want to stop the flow to retrieve a condom. “That all right?”
Cynthia nodded quickly. “You’re good, soldier.”
The words had barely passed her lips before Brandon thrust into her, burying himself deep. They both groaned with pleasure.
He looked downward, watching himself slide out of her, then slowly back inside. Cynthia moaned and tugged at her captured wrists. As soon as Brandon released her, she grabbed his ass, fingernails digging into his skin. He began pumping into her with long, deep strokes that she met with hungry thrusts of her own.
“Damn, woman,” he whispered, sweat collecting on his forehead. “You feel good.”
“So do you, baby,” she breathed, licking at his lips. “You’re banging the
outta my spot.”
“Oh, yeah.”
“Should I stop?” he teased.
“You’d better not!”
His laughter dissolved into a groan as she tightened her thighs around him, locking him into place. As he closed his eyes and pounded her pussy, the force of his thrusts made the bed frame shudder and sent Cynthia’s books bouncing across the mattress.
Reopening his eyes, he gazed down at Cynthia. One moment he was looking at her small breasts bouncing up and down. A moment later the image changed to big, luscious tits with dark caramel nipples pointed straight toward him.
Brandon thought, squeezing his eyes shut again as he tried to block out the familiar vision of Tamia’s breasts. But the more he tried not to think about them, the more he wanted to lick and suck them. When he leaned down and wrapped his mouth around Cynthia’s nipple, she moaned with pleasure. But it was Tamia’s throaty purr he heard, Tamia’s hot pussy he was drilling like a piston.
Seconds later Cynthia screamed in ecstasy as he exploded inside her, his dick spurting violently, another woman’s name nearly spilling from his lips. He clenched his jaw, head thrown back, arms trembling as they supported his weight. He felt Cynthia’s chest heaving beneath his as they both gasped for air.
After several moments he collapsed beside her on the bed. She sighed contentedly and rolled onto her side, facing him with a satiated smile. Ignoring a sharp pang of guilt, he gathered her into his arms, enjoying the dampness of her skin pressed against him.
Hooking one leg across his hip, she murmured, “I love the way you feel inside me.”
Brandon smiled. “Good, ’cause I love
inside you. Speaking of which, are you ready to take round two to the shower?”
She laughed. “In a minute. I need to catch my breath first.”
He grinned, stroking her thigh. “Can’t hang, huh?”
“Oh, don’t even try it. You
I can hang.”
“No doubt,” Brandon agreed.
Who would have guessed that beneath her prim and proper demeanor, Cynthia was a straight-up freak who could get down and dirty with the best of them?
certainly never suspected. But he should have. After all, she
a pastor’s kid.
At the thought of Joseph Yarbrough, Brandon casually asked, “Does your old man still have a problem with us living together?”
Startled, Cynthia stared at him. “Where’d
come from?”
Brandon shrugged. “I’m just wondering.”
“Are you serious? You just fucked my brains out, and all of a sudden you’re wondering what my father thinks of us shacking up?”
“Well ... yeah.”
Cynthia chuckled, shaking her head at him. “Way to kill the mood, bringing up my father after sex.”
Brandon grinned sheepishly. “Sorry.”
“You should be. Now you’re gonna have to work extra hard just to get me back in the mood.”
“That’s cool,” Brandon drawled, letting his fingers wander between her legs. “I like working hard.”
“And you’re so good at it, too. But to answer your question”—Cynthia shivered as he strummed her clit—“no, my dad isn’t too crazy about our living arrangement. He thinks we should—” She broke off with a gasp as Brandon slipped his middle finger inside her.
“He thinks we should what?”
Cynthia groaned, closing her eyes as he stroked her pussy. “N-Nothing, baby. It’s not important.”
But Brandon knew what she’d been about to say. Their parents had made no secret of the fact that they wanted the two of them to get married. Brandon had resisted the idea for years, telling himself that he and Cynthia were better off as friends. But everything had changed, and he now realized how special she was. But was she special enough to—
“Brandon?” Cynthia purred, interrupting his thoughts.
He met her eyes. “Yeah, baby?”
She smiled wickedly. “I’m ready for round two.”
Chapter 5
Later that morning, Fiona Powell was awakened by the sound of voices outside her bedroom. Opening her eyes, she peered groggily at the alarm clock on her nightstand. It was 8:26 a.m.
Frowning, she rolled over in bed, encountering the muscled warmth of a man’s naked body. She eyed him blankly for a moment, trying to remember who he was and how he’d gotten there.
As a kaleidoscope of images flashed through her mind, the memories came rushing back. Last night she’d driven to a popular downtown club hoping to crash Tamia’s homecoming party. But she’d been turned away at the front entrance by a big, beefy bouncer who’d checked the clipboard in his hand and informed her that she’d been placed on a “Do Not Enter” list, as if she were some fucking terrorist.
Enraged and humiliated, Fiona had cussed the dude out before taking her ass to another club, where she’d hooked up with a sexy, caramel-toned brother who’d bought her drinks and shared his weed. They’d worked it out on the dance floor, then returned to her house for a serious fuckathon that had lasted into the wee hours of the morning.
Since Fiona didn’t have any appointments scheduled until noon, she’d hoped to sleep in late.
So much for
Hearing the shuffle of heavy footsteps in the hallway, she frowned and jumped out of bed, naked breasts bouncing. She snatched her panties off the floor and tugged them on, then strode to her closet and grabbed her robe.
“What’s going on?” came a drowsy mumble from the bed.
What the hell is his name again?
“Go back to sleep.”
He did just that, pulling the covers over his head as Fiona quickly left the room and started down the short hallway.
When she reached the living room, she was stunned to encounter bare walls, windows without curtains, and missing furniture. As she stood there gaping around, two young Hispanic guys strolled into the house, walked over to the remaining sofa, and lifted it onto their shoulders.
“Hey!” Fiona yelled, rushing over to them. “What the fuck do y’all think you’re doing?”
They stared at her with confused expressions.
“What? Y’all motherfuckers don’t speak English? That’s my shit you’re stealing!”
“Actually,” a voice said coolly, “it’s mine.”
Fiona whirled toward the front door.
Tamia sauntered into the house looking like she’d just stepped off the set of a BET music video. Her long bob was swinging, and she wore a pair of designer sunglasses, skintight jeans, and strappy stiletto sandals.
Fiona glared at her. “What the hell’s going on, Tamia?”
“What the hell does it look like? I’m moving out, and I’m taking my shit with me.”
Fiona exclaimed in shock. “You didn’t tell me you were moving!”
“I just did.” Tamia signaled to the two men, who carried the sofa out the front door.
“Wait a minute!” Fiona protested vehemently. “They can’t take that!”
“Says who?” Tamia countered. “
the one who bought that sofa, not you. Matter of fact, I bought practically everything in this damn house. Which is why I’m taking everything with me.”
Fiona stared at her. “What do you mean?”
“I don’t think I stuttered,” Tamia said coldly, pushing her sunglasses off her face as she started across the room. “But since your stank ass is obviously high or hung over, let me make myself clearer. When I leave this house today, everything that belongs
me is going
Fiona panicked. “You can’t do that!”
“Oh, yeah?” Tamia challenged, advancing on Fiona until their faces were separated by mere inches. “Who’s gonna stop me?”
Fiona swallowed hard as something like fear crept over her. “Don’t move out, Tam-Tam,” she said plaintively. “Stay here with me. It’ll be like old times again.”
Tamia eyed her incredulously. “
Are you out of your fucking mind
? How can you even open your mouth to say some outrageous shit like that to me? You let me take the fall for a crime
committed! After everything I’ve done for you, you were willing to let me spend the rest of my life rotting in prison. As if that weren’t fucked up enough, you threatened to have me killed if I told anyone the truth about what really happened! Do you have
idea what the past five months were like for me? Constantly looking over my shoulder, sleeping with one eye open, inspecting my food, wondering which of those crazy bitches would walk up to me one day and shank my ass because my own sister told them to. And now you have the audacity to stand there and talk to me about old times? It will
be like old times again, Fiona! Do you hear me?
Guilt assailed Fiona, bringing tears to her eyes. “I never meant to—”
“Save your fucking apology,” Tamia snarled furiously. “Nothing you can say will ever make up for the way you betrayed me. So, yeah, bitch. I’m taking all the furniture, linens, pots and pans, silverware—every damn thing that I bought with
hard-earned money. And I wish you would try to stop me.”
Fiona gulped hard, blinking back tears. “Fine,” she mumbled. “Be that way.”
“I will, fuck you very much.”
Fiona hesitated, then couldn’t resist adding snidely, “It’s not like I can’t replace everything. I make good money now.”
Tamia smirked. “Only because Brandon asked his brother to hire you as a favor to
. But how long do you think you’d keep that job if they found out that you killed Isabel Archer?”
Stricken, Fiona stared at Tamia. “You wouldn’t.”
“Maybe I would.”
“But you promised not to!”
“Maybe I’ve had a change of heart.” Tamia jabbed an accusing finger at Fiona. “You killed a woman for no reason. We both know your psycho ass should be locked up, not working at one of the top sports agencies in the country. My conscience has been bothering me for months. So maybe I’ll wake up tomorrow morning and decide it’s my civic duty to turn you over to the police, like I should have in the first place.”
The blood drained from Fiona’s head. She couldn’t go back to jail. She’d rather die than see the inside of another prison cell. “You promised,” she whispered.
A malicious gleam filled Tamia’s eyes. “Some promises are meant to be broken.”
Fiona’s heart thudded. “If you tell—”
“You’ll do what? Put out a hit on me? Do what you gotta do.” Tamia leaned closer, eyes narrowed menacingly. “But you’d better make damn sure the motherfucker gets the job done. ’Cause if I’m still standing when the dust settles, I’m coming for you. And when I get through with your black ass, you’ll wish you’d never met me.”
Shaking from the inside out, Fiona watched as Tamia slid her sunglasses over her eyes and smiled coldly, then turned and headed toward the door.
Fiona knew she should just let her leave. But she couldn’t—not when there was a chance that Tamia would walk out that door and go straight to the police.
“What about Brandon?” Fiona blurted desperately.
Tamia stopped walking but didn’t turn around. “What
“He broke up with you because of all the lies you told him. How do you think he’s going to feel when he finds out that you sat by and let him defend you in court when you knew all along who the real killer was? Even if you try to explain that you were just trying to protect me, he’ll see it as one more lie you told him. And he’ll never trust you again, let alone take you back.”
Tamia turned slowly around.
Sensing that she’d gained the upper hand, Fiona smiled tauntingly. “Isn’t that what you want? To get your man back? Haven’t you spent all these months plotting how to take him away from Cynthia? Haven’t you tortured yourself thinking about him going home to her every night, eating her pussy, fucking her doggy style the way he used to fuck
When Tamia said nothing, Fiona laughed. “I know you have. And I also know you have every reason to worry about Brandon and Cynthia. They’re getting serious about each other. So serious that their parents have started planning their wedding.” Fiona paused, watching with satisfaction as the corners of Tamia’s mouth tightened. She’d gotten under her skin. Good.
“If you want one last shot at getting Brandon back,” Fiona warned coolly, “you’d better keep your damn mouth shut about what really happened that night.”
Tamia regarded her in silence for several moments, then slowly retraced her steps across the room. When she and Fiona stood face-to-face, Tamia asked very calmly, “Are you finished?”
Fiona’s chin lifted in defiance. “Actually—”
Quick as a striking snake, Tamia backhanded her across the face.
Pain exploded inside Fiona’s head as she fell backward, landing hard on the floor. As another burst of pain shot up her spine, tears spurted from her eyes. She brought a hand to her burning cheek and stared up at her sister with a look of wounded disbelief.
Tamia pushed her sunglasses off her face, then crouched down beside Fiona. She’d never seen her sister’s eyes filled with such hatred and fury.
“Listen, bitch,” Tamia snarled, viciously grabbing a fistful of Fiona’s long hair and wrenching her head back. “After today, I don’t
want to see your face again. Don’t call me, don’t try to visit me, don’t even speak my fucking name. Because as far as I’m concerned, you’re dead to me.”
Fiona eyed her piteously, tears rolling down her face. “But we’re sisters—”

don’t use and betray each other,” Tamia spat venomously. “
don’t let each other take the blame for their crimes. And
sure as hell don’t put out hits on each other.”
Fiona whimpered as Tamia’s ruthless grip tightened on her hair. “I know you showed up at the club last night and acted a damn fool when you got turned away. So let me repeat myself since your ass is stuck on stupid. You and I aren’t sisters anymore. Got that? I want absolutely nothing to do with you. If I catch you anywhere near me again, I’ma fuck you up, then call the police on your stalker ass. If you think I’m playing, just try me.”
Fiona cried out as Tamia gave her hair one last vicious yank, then slid her sunglasses back into place and rose to her feet.
“What the hell’s going on out here?” asked a slurred voice.
Fiona and Tamia glanced across the living room. Dude from the club stood there butt naked, eyes bloodshot, nappy dreadlocks hanging to his shoulders.
He looked Tamia up and down, lewdly admiring her big breasts and ass. “Dayuum!” he exclaimed, licking his lips as he stroked his short, fat dick. “You fine as
, baby. Did she bring you here for me?”
Tamia peered at him over the top of her shades, then rolled her eyes in disgust and muttered, “Nigga, please.”
As she sauntered out the front door, he stared after her departing ass. “Dayuum,” he repeated, glancing down at Fiona for the first time. “Was that your
She glared at him, trembling with pain and outrage. “Get out.”
He frowned at her. “What’d you say?”
“I said GET OUT!” Fiona screamed, lunging to her feet and charging toward him with tightly balled fists.
He backed away, holding up his hands as he eyed her incredulously. “Wait a minute. Why you trippin’ just ’cause I said your sister’s fine?”
“You dumb motherfucker!” Fiona raged, following him into her bedroom. “I don’t give a damn about that! I just want you to get your shit and get the fuck outta my house!
Calling her all kinds of a crazy bitch, he hurriedly threw on his clothes and grabbed his stash of weed, then bounced.
After he left, Fiona ran to the kitchen and flung open the cabinets and drawers. They were bare as a bone, not even a fork to be found.
With mounting hysteria, she turned and raced down the hallway to Tamia’s bedroom.
It was empty!
Fiona turned slowly in a circle, her stunned gaze sweeping around the room. Her sister hadn’t been bluffing. She really
moved out, leaving Fiona completely alone.
The word ricocheted through her mind.
For the first time in her life, she was truly on her own.
As reality sank in, she opened her mouth and screamed at the top of her lungs before crumpling to the floor, her body wracked with sobs of anguish and fury.
If Tamia thinks she’s heard the last of me
, she silently raged,
she’d better think again!

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