Dirty Little Lies (6 page)

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Authors: Clare James

BOOK: Dirty Little Lies
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Gabe takes my hand and leads
me to the dance floor—past the half-naked bodies, the cupids, and the various
three and four-somes. He pulls me in, and we begin to sway to the beat.

“There are no rules out here, Stevie. So you have to tell
me if you don’t like something, okay?”

I nod, desperately wondering what he has in mind.

Gabe inches closer to me and we mold to each other bodies.
So close, I can feel his arousal. I take a deep breath and his hand clamps down
on my ass, pushing me even tighter to him. Now, as my nipples tighten, I’m sure
he feels my arousal as well.

Leaning away from me, his eyes go to my chest and his
thumbs brush across my tight peaks. He is not restrained or shy. I feel all
kinds of eyes on us in the moment, and I’m not sure why, but it makes it

“God, you have great tits,” Gabe says.

His crude talk goes right to my core, which is so much more
sensitive, exposed and on display under my dress. I am wet and aching for him

After another brush of his thumb against my nipples. I lean
into it this time and Gabe growls. His hands move down the front of my dress,
tortuously slow. Once they reach the hem, they climb back up, talking the skirt
of my dress with them.

He wouldn’t.

The skirt continues to slide up my thighs, threatening to
expose what’s underneath. I hold my breath the entire time. I’m not sure if I
want him to keep going or stop, but I can’t seem to make a single movement.

He stops just as my rear end begins to peek out from
beneath the fabric. Two girls dancing with each other meet my eyes with a
smile. They’ve been watching us.

I bury my face in Gabe’s neck and relish in the cool air
hitting the back of my thighs. He holds my dress in place with one hand and
lets his other hand travel over my legs, occasionally dipping under the dress.
I don’t think I’ve ever been so turned on in my life.

Snaking his hand between us, it moves underneath the
material. Up. Up. Up. Until his fingertips reach my slick entrance. And when
they do, Gabe bites down on my neck with a low rumble in his throat.

I can’t believe he’s doing this right now, in front of
everyone. But it amplifies my excitement, by like one thousand percent. It’s
like he’s claiming me here for all to see, and I want to be claimed by him. His
fingers continue to run along my hot folds, increasing in both speed and
pressure. It’s not long until I can feel that familiar build grow low in my

My eyes flutter open and the girls are still watching us
with lust in their eyes. Gabe notices, too, and lifts my dress a little higher,
before plunging two fingers deep inside of me. And that’s when my brain goes
off the clock, leaving me in the hands of my libido.

I move into each thrust of Gabe’s beautifully skilled
fingers, unable to control my body. My nipples strain against the fabric of my
dress, my sex clenches in a pool of wet heat, and I become frantic with desire.

The girls look to Gabe as if asking a silent question. He

They move closer to us and split up, moving to either side
of me. Gabe pulls me in close, and they move together, sandwiching me in the
middle of the three of them. The girl with a long dark braid grabs the fabric
of my skirt so Gabe can release it. The blonde holds up the other side.

And then, holy hell … they begin to lift it higher—exposing
me to the entire room.

“Don’t worry,” the blonde whispers in my ear. “Nobody can
see but us.”

She says this like it should be a comfort, when I have no
idea who these two women are. Once Gabe works me over with both of his hands, I
don’t care who or what they are. All I care about is the pulling sensation deep

Two fingers are plunging into me while Gabe’s other hand
works my clit. The power he wields over me is intoxicating. Soon, it becomes so
intense, my vision blurs. So I close my eyes and let go.

I come so hard, Gabe has to hold me up because my legs have
apparently stopped working and can no longer support my weight. The trembling
and aftershocks go on forever.

Sometime after, the girls let my dress drop and walk away.






Chapter 12


“Here, let’s get you into a
booth,” Gabe says, practically carrying me.

I slide inside. It’s anything but elegant. My bare thighs
catch on the leather seat every few inches, like there’s a series of speed
bumps positioned across the booth. Gabe pretends not to notice. He waves over
the cocktail waitress and orders a cranberry juice and water.

“You’re going to need to drink lots of fluids tonight,” he
says, pushing my hair off my face. “I don’t want you passing out on me.”

When the drinks arrive, I follow his orders, still too
dazed to talk. I slam them both in record time. With the taste of cranberry on
my lips, I slowly float down from my high.

Two for two, Shannon. Not bad. Not bad at all.

 “How was that for you?” Gabe asks, as he pulls my legs
across his lap, rubbing each one in an effort to get them to work again.

“Fucking awesome,” I whisper, unable to find my voice yet.

“Good girl. That’s what we like to hear from our patrons,

 “I could end this whole adventure with that,” I say,
slowly beginning to feel my legs again. “I mean it. When I’m ninety years old,
I will think back fondly on this moment.”

“I’m happy to hear it. But I’m afraid I have lots more
planned for you.”

To that, I start to perk up.


“You enjoyed those ladies watching, didn’t you, Stevie?”
Gabe asks after I get through another round of drinks and can think coherently

Still a little embarrassed I say, “Well, I didn’t

“Okay, good,” he says mysteriously.

“What’s that mean?”

“It means, I know what we’re going to do next.” His gaze
runs the length of my body and it makes me quiver.

“How many times do we do this in a night?”

“Until you say when, babe,” he says in a sultry voice that
makes my scalp tingle.  “Until you say when.”

Gabe turns to face me and palms the back of my head before
running his lips across mine. And just like that, I’m ready once again.

Looks like I won’t be saying
just yet. He
teases my mouth with his tongue, flicking it across my teeth before plunging in
so deep it takes my breath away. The way he hums in appreciation as he marks my
lips have my nipples pebbling under my top.

“I want you so bad,” Gabe says, and I have this incredible
need to make him feel good. He’s gotten me off twice already and I’ve done
nothing for him. I think it’s time to pay it forward.

I reach under our booth and palm him through his jeans. “I
sure hope you followed your own rule of the evening, Mr. Shannon.”

“And what rule is that?” he asks, seemingly unaffected.

“No underwear allowed,” I answer, tightening my palm around


“Don’t tell me,” I interrupt. “I want to be surprised.”

I flip his top button open and slide his zipper down,
watching his eyes go black.

That’s the reaction I was hoping for.

I slip my fingers inside the denim, running them along his
impressive length. I bite my lip, trying to prevent my face from giving away
all the dirty thoughts I’m entertaining at the moment. His cock is velvety
soft, but hard as hell underneath. My hand explores, and Gabe’s breath grows
deeper, louder.

His tip is already beading with want, and knowing what I do
to him makes me crazy. I stroke him slowly, imagining he’s in my mouth, inside
me. My pace picks up, until he grabs my wrist and forces me to stop.

“I want you in my mouth, Gabe. I want it so badly.”

“Ugh,” he groans and adjusts himself. “I want that, too.
Come on, let’s change locations. Follow me.” He stands and reaches a hand out
to me. We walk past the dance floor and Gabe holds up three fingers to a cupid
walking by.” She nods and types something into her iPad.

I follow Gabe through a dark hallway; I’m now riddled with
curiosity about each room we pass. The music pumps out a steady tempo, but
every other beat or so, I can hear the people behind the doors making their own

“Here we are,” Gabe says, stopping in front of a large
wooden door. “Are you okay?”

“Yes,” I say, equal parts thrilled and terrified.

“Ready to go again?”

Again my answer is

He turns the knob and pulls me inside. It takes a minute
for my eyes to acclimate to the absence of the light show from the other room.
Once I blink them into focus, the first thing I see is a king bed in the middle
of the room. It looks like a high-end hotel room, but two of the walls are
floor-to-ceiling glass.

It smells like lilies again, and I let the calming
fragrance wash over me, more than intrigued about what Gabe has in mind. The
room is full of white candles, creating shadows along the walls and ceiling.

He takes my hands and kisses me under my ear. “Now, before
we start, I’d like to ask if you’d mind if someone joins us. Not to perform at
all, but just to help me with a few things.”

“What kind of things?” I ask.

“I can’t tell you because I don’t want to ruin the element
of surprise.” He flashes his most sinister grin.

“Man or woman?” I ask.

“Woman,” he says with a painful look in his eyes. “I can’t
share you with another man. Not tonight.”

“Okay,” I tell him, trying not to second guess it. This is
what I wanted—an adventure—and I say it’s go big or go home. So…

 “First,” I tell him, letting my hands drop from his waist.
“I want to finish what I started out there.”

“Not yet,” Gabe says in his bossy voice. Strange how I’m
already figuring out the nuances in his voice and the little cues to his mood.

He looks to the glass wall and motions with his hands,
inviting a girl no doubt.

The brunette from the dance floor comes inside. “I’m
Brinna, by the way,” she says with a warm smile as she extends her hand.

“Stevie,” I say doing the same.

It is the oddest handshake in all of history.

Brinna walks over to the bureau and pulls a small black bag
from one of the drawers. Gabe removes his shirt and sits and the end of the
bed. He is ripples of tight muscles and smooth olive skin and damn, I want to
lick every inch of him.

“Face this way.” Brinna turns me toward the glass wall.
“Are you okay being watched?”

“There are people on the other side of that glass?”

“There are, yes,” Brinna says. “Watching someone do this
for the first time is pretty exciting for everyone. And by the way you reacted
on the dance floor, I think you’re going to like this. A lot.”

My head is so cloudy with want that I think I would agree
to just about anything to get Gabe’s hands back on me.

“Okay,” I tell Brinna.

“Great,” she says quietly. “Let’s get you ready.”

Brinna faces me and stands incredibly close as she reaches
around to unzip my dress. I release a long breath as the zipper comes down and
it falls to the floor. My dress didn’t accommodate a bra and my panties are at
the feet of Venus, so that means … there is nothing under my dress. Brinna takes
a step back, her eyes drink me in from head to toe. She swallows hard and
trails her hands from my shoulders down to my waist.

“You are beautiful, Stevie,” she says. Then slowly, she
turns me around and I’m standing completely naked in front of God only knows
how many beautiful people on the other side of the glass.

Yet, I only care about Gabe’s reaction.

Brinna walks me toward Gabe. Her hands tight on my arms.

“Christ,” he growls. “You look even better than I ever

He stalks toward me, his hands now covering Brinna’s. She’s
behind me and Gabe’s directly in front, so close I can feel the heat coming off
their bodies. Their hands on me, holding me in place, is a comfort. Not to
mention, incredibly erotic.

Gabe’s breathing is back to that deep and raspy rhythm.
That has to be a good sign. He leans in and places a soft kiss on my lips. “I
can’t wait to have you, Stevie. I can’t fucking wait.”

He releases me and allows Brinna to take charge.

“Scoot to the front of the bed,” Brinna says.

I follow her orders, locking my eyes on Gabe’s.

“Back against the headboard and place your hands above your
head,” she says.

I do as she says without hesitation. They are
words, but
commands.  I scoot up the leather-covered mattress, my
bottom chilled by the smooth covering. I lift my arms up, my body surging with
want for Gabe. He watches everything and I’m loving his reactions. His burning
gaze, the acceleration in his breathing, the way his hands tense into fists he
sees something he likes.

Brinna now moves up the side of the bed. She takes out
restraints for my hands—more black leather—from her bag and secures me to the
headboard. Things are getting real. My breasts now pushing out to her, my
nipples tightening, sending a flurry of shocks to my core.

I close my eyes, while she gets me in place. When I open
them again, I’m rewarded with Gabe’s handsome face close to mine.

“I’m sure you’re driving everyone out there crazy, Stevie,”
Gabe says, tracing my bound arms with his fingertips. “You look so beautiful.” 

Strangely, I feel beautiful.

“Now it’s time to bind your legs,” Brinna says. “Pull your
knees up and spread them.”

I submit, maneuvering my legs just as she’s asked. The cool
breeze blows over my newly-waxed girly bits and it feels so incredibly good I
might lose it before the show even begins.

“Wider,” she tells me.

Oh my God, I’m clenching
down there
with my legs
open wide for everyone to see. My head spins and I think it just might pop off.
But as the good student, I let my knees fall wide.

My head falls back for a moment and I release another long
breath of hot air, unaware I was holding it in. The buzz of the music on the
other side of the door faint, while the sound of Brinna’s movements echo in my
head. The click of her heels, the scraping of leather as she fastens the
restraints to my ankles, her tiny shallow breaths.

She ties my restraints down, using to these special loops
along the sides of the bed. Then she strokes each leg after making sure
everything is secure. More clenching ensues. God, her hands feel so good on me,
too. I wish I would’ve agreed to let her do more. I wish there were more hands
and lips and tongues on me right now. The want is almost too much to take.

“Gabe?” Brinna looks over to him for approval.

“Perfect,” he says, brushing a hand over her long hair. My
insides flip at his sign of affection with her. He’s so incredibly sexy, yet
still sweet and kind at the same time. My hunger for him right now is something
I’ve never experienced.

He doesn’t make me wait or beg for long. He moves in to
kiss me, slow and deep, and I know I’m already wet and glistening for my
audience. The thought alone almost makes me come. I’m teetering on the edge,
ready to go off at any moment.

“You just let me know if it’s too much, okay? I’ll stop at
any time.”

“I will,” I tell him, knowing I’d never make him stop.

Gabe kisses his way down my neck to my breasts and I
immediately arch into his mouth. He teases my nipples with light kisses and
grazing teeth, and my head drops back. His light teasing takes a turn to
sucking and biting. It’s a little rough and the lines between pleasure and pain
begin to blur, flipping back and forth.

Moving to my left side, Gabe runs his hands down my stomach
and my thighs. My sex throbs, craving his touch. “They’re watching you out
there, baby. So I’m going to give them a little show.”

His hands slide between my legs and his thumbs push back my
folds, showing my most intimate parts to these strangers. I am so vulnerable,
so on display, so under Gabe’s control.

Gabe signals to Brinna, and she scoots down to my other
side. Her fingers replace Gabe’s, holding me open, and it makes my eyes roll
back in my head. What they’re doing to me is absolutely intoxicating.

“Is this okay?” she asks me.

“Yes,” I tell her.

“Gabe is right, Stevie,” she says. “You are off-the-charts
sexy. The crowd is in for a special treat tonight.”

In the next moment, Gabe’s wild dark mop drops between my
legs. It’s a sight that makes me moan. And I do just that, until I feel his hot
breath on me. Then I freeze. He teases me for a minute, breathing me in,
running his nose up and down my thigh and across my wet folds.

“I have to take a taste.” Gabe looks up, silently asking
for permission. I give it to him, no questions asked. His tongue on me in seconds,
taking a long, lazy lick. It moves from my clit, down my crease and back up to
my clit.

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