Downs, Jana - Ravyn's Heart [Ravyn Warriors 2] (Siren Publishing Allure ManLove) (17 page)

BOOK: Downs, Jana - Ravyn's Heart [Ravyn Warriors 2] (Siren Publishing Allure ManLove)
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Now he was spread-eagled on the bed with his wrists and legs tied in place while Damian tortured his cock and fed him French fries in equal measure. It was damn erotic. He felt like a pet eating out of his master’s hand.

Damian’s hand kneaded his sac. “Do you know that this was what gypsy travelers used to do to the people who they spirited away from their homes?” Ally groaned as Damian gave a light tug to his most sensitive area.

“What? Did the gypsies feed them French fries and sexually torture them while they did it? Speaking from personal experience, it may be cruel, but it’s sort of sexy,” Ally tried to joke. The pressure on his body ratcheted up a notch, almost to the point of pain. He whimpered, and his hips rolled, asking for more.

Damian chuckled at his response. “No, naughty boy. They didn’t feed them French fries. Gypsies would come into the home of the person whom they loved and desired and spirit them away into their caravans. Like training a hawk, they would blindfold and tie them until they came to rely on their gypsy for their care. After they’d grown to love their captor, the ties would be released and the captive would become the lover of the gypsy who’d captured them.” He offered Allasandro another French fry, which Ally took and chewed gratefully. Those golden Ravyn’s eyes regarded him with curiosity. He swallowed his fry and spoke.

“Is that how you picked up your boyfriends when you were mortal?” Ally asked. He found the idea of Damian being some sexy gypsy captor incredibly appealing. Damian chuckled and opened up the chicken nugget box and dipped it in ketchup before giving Ally a bite.

“No. That is how I was picked up as a boyfriend when I was mortal.” He pressed a kiss to Allasandro’s chest. His lover’s eyes widened in surprise. “My first male lover was Ean, and he was a Traveler. I was the son of a local member of the gentry. Nothing incredibly wealthy or anything, just the caretaker of a section of the forest of our local King, but we were still considered lower members of the aristocracy. Even though my father was Norman, he managed to get the position and the prestige for my family.

I, of course being an idle youth, spent all my time hanging about the small town near our property, and, consequently, I ran with a group of gypsy boys that passed through every year about the same time. I was fascinated by their lives because they answered to no one. No King could command them. No duty could trap them. They were the freest people I had ever met.” Allasandro sighed wistfully and lost himself in the tale that Damian was telling.

“So the night of my eighteenth birthday in September, the gypsies came into my father’s house and woke me from bed. They told me that there was an emergency at their camp and that I needed to come quickly. I considered them my friends, so I dressed and went with them.

When we got there, the man I considered my best friend and idol was waiting on us. Ean tackled me to the ground and tied me up. The other boys helped him carry me back to his caravan and deposited me there.” Ally was getting extremely turned on by the course this story was taking. As if he had anticipated the response, Damian’s hand found his hard length and stroked it in a firm steady rhythm that was guaranteed to elicit nothing but pleasure. “They call it Grabbing.” He continued after a moment of teasing. “He kept me tied a good amount of the time and only allowed me out of his caravan when I needed to see to my personal needs. At first I was angry, and then I was desperate. I fought him tooth and nail for my freedom.” He smiled and lifted the straw to Ally’s mouth so that he could drink. “Little did I know that my freedom could be found in surrendering to what and whom I fought against.”

“Did you…did he?” Ally asked. He was fascinated.

“He was the first man I was ever with. He kept me captive until I could be trusted, and when I was freed, the bond remained. He explained to me that the old fortune teller had said that I was going to be his and that I had a gypsy’s soul. I just had to be taught the way. Ean taught me pleasure like I’d never known before. His people, who then became my people, had pride in their ability to please their partners, and I learned from them. I was his lover until the day he died. He was never the healthiest of the men, and he caught a fever one spring and passed about two weeks later.”

“So you stayed with the gypsies?” Ally panted. He was having trouble concentrating now. Damian had set the food aside and was doing his best to drive Ally mad with the leisurely strokes of his hands. Between Damian’s sure touch and the romantic story, Ally was about to explode.

“Yes. I stayed with them until Maddy and Santiago found me.” Damian leaned up and grabbed Allasandro’s exposed nipple in between his teeth and lapped at the now-pebbled tip. “Do you know, that in all my time with the gypsies and all the time since, I have never Grabbed anyone.” This really caught Allasandro’s attention. “Do you know why, my naughty boy?”

“N–No,” Ally stammered. For once he was tongue tied.

“Because I never found someone to be my
. My reason for living.” Damian turned his attention to the other nipple, licking and sucking it in turn. Ally arched into the caress.
. “Do you know why I tied you up and grabbed you, naughty boy?” Allasandro shuddered and shook his head. “Because you make me feel more alive than I ever have.”

It was the closest he’d come to an out-and-out declaration of love. They were trying to keep it casual on the surface, but the undercurrents of seriousness were pulling them ever deeper into a world where “casual” meant “forever.” Ally knew he should be making a joke and pulling them back from this tone of conversation but…it felt so good to be loved and wanted and, Gods help him, needed.

“Please, Sir,” Allasandro breathed. “Make love to me.” Damian obliged him.

He untied his legs but left his arms where they were. It was the first step in gaining his freedom, Damian had told him huskily. Ally writhed under the attentions of the vampire. Damian took the bottle of lubrication by his bedside and dribbled it down the crease of Allasandro’s backside, lifting his hips and spreading his cheeks so that he could watch the slow progression of the oily substance as it dripped down to Ally’s fluttering hole.

“Gods, that is beautiful,” Damian purred. He took his other hand and pressed a finger into Ally’s tight body. The Ravyn gasped as the first finger breached his hole. He’d been empty for too many hours now, and he felt starved for anything to fill that yawning feeling of emptiness inside him. Damian’s finger found and rubbed unerringly on the spot inside him, causing Allasandro to buck his chest off the mattress as his whole body shot skyward.

He’d never imagined that it could be this good with another male. Everything about Damian’s touch was absolutely intoxicating. Another finger added to the first, increasing to the pleasure Damian was inflicting on him. Allasandro rocked his hips in a counterthrust. He was so ready to be fucked to unconsciousness.

“Damian…” Allasandro moaned. The vampire grumbled low in his throat, the feral sound making parts of Allasandro give a salute of approval. Damian grabbed hold of the back of Allasandro’s legs and put them over his shoulders so that Ally’s tight ass was completely exposed to him, his hips thrust up at exactly the right angle. “Please,” Ally panted. His entire world was focused down to the riot of sensation being administered to him. He wanted every feeling he could get and even a few he couldn’t.

“Are you ready for me?” Damian asked. His whole body was trembling and the slight tremor of the muscles would have been fascinating to watch had Ally not been half insane for wanting him. Damian pressed the head of his cock to Ally’s entrance, just teasing him with the briefest of invasions.

“Gods yes! Hurry…” Ally whimpered. He didn’t need to ask twice.

Damian sunk inside his tight body one slow inch at a time. The vampire cried out, obviously enjoying the sensation of Allasandro’s delectable ass wrapped around his cock. Ally knew that they’d been together only the night before, but every time they were together it felt like Damian hadn’t been inside him in a hundred years. His whole body rocked as his cock slid over Ally’s prostate. His lover shuddered above him.

“Fuck me. Fuck me. Please fuck me. Oh!” Allasandro babbled. “Yeah, just like that.” Damian loved how vocal his lover was. Loved how much he voiced his pleasure louder than anyone Damian had ever had before. He told him so every time they were intimate.

“You’re so…damn…perfect.” Damian grunted. His hips hammered harder, and Allasandro took every bit of his pounding with enthusiasm.

“Ah!” Allasandro cried out. “My sexy gypsy man.” He dug his feet into Damian’s hips. Damian chuckled at that. His story had obviously enchanted Allasandro in exactly the manner he had planned. Now the Ravyn wanted to be his captive, wanted to be his love.

“Does that make you my sexy captive?” Damian rumbled. His body was practically humming with desire, and Ally knew by the frequency and depth of his thrusts that he was already close.

Allasandro cried. His body spasmed around Damian’s hard cock and his wet hot desire splashed his chest and stomach. “Yours, all yours,” he babbled over and over again as he came. Damian’s body reacted to the pleasure-filled pledge, and then he came in endless waves, buried deep inside his lover.

* * * *

“Some first date.” Allasandro chuckled softly as they cuddled in the aftermath of their pleasure. He was tracing the faint bite mark he’d given Damian on his chest just moments before. He hadn’t broken the skin, but he had bruised the flesh. Damian had reveled in it.

“Agreed. Some first date,” Damian murmured, kissing Ally’s temple. They were connected, euphoric, and completely at ease with their bond. It was just as deep as the connection with the other Ravyns to Ally except not as strong. The strength would come in time if they got that far in their relationship. “The question is, will there be a second?”

“Of course. And a third. And a fourth. And a fifth, if you’re really nice to me and take me somewhere other than McDonald’s that is.” Ally joked, kissing his chest with every number he said. More seriously he spoke. “Damian, do you think that you would consider, you know, something a little more, er, a little less casual?”

“That’s the feed talking,” Damian said automatically. “You don’t mean that.” Allasandro shook his head at Damian’s words.

“Damian. I like you. I really like you.” Allasandro’s voice was soft, and his cheeks burned at the words he spoke. He wasn’t used to making declarations of affection.

“I really like you, too, Allasandro,” Damian admitted. They shared a kiss. “And we can be as serious as you want to be.”

Chapter Seventeen

Damian cursed himself a thousand times for not doing this sooner. Dust coated his skin, his hair, and his clothes. He was never going to let the boxes of family paperwork and records pile up like this again. He had buried himself in the basement of
La Petite Morte
’s theater in an effort to distract his mind from the fact that he and Allasandro would most likely not cross paths for the next two days.

They’d been together every night since they’d made their declaration to start seeing one another again, and the separation hadn’t set well with Damian. Since Saturday was technically the last working day at the theater before opening, Santiago had had mercy on all of them and allowed them the night off.

Unfortunately, that also meant that the Ravyns’ schedules could be adjusted to fit a more heavily guarded entourage for Salvatore. This usually meant that Salvatore would choose to go out those days due to the fact that Tony wouldn’t go gray with worry over the number of guards around the prince.

“I’m going to miss you, gypsy man,” Allasandro had whispered hours before in Damian’s arms before he’d had to go get ready for work. Damian had just loosed the ties that had bound his lover to the framework of his bed. Their appetites for play had grown in leaps and bounds as the nights had progressed. The edge of seduction and submission were danced around, and since Ally had confessed all of his interesting role-playing fantasies, Damian had made sure to play whatever villain Allasandro was in the mood for. He’d never imagined that playing pretend could be so damn hot.

He sighed and dragged himself back from his memories as his body began to stir. There was no point in allowing himself to get so worked up. Allasandro would be gone for several days, though he promised to call when he got a break so they could go eat together or whatever the hour called for.

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