Dreaming of Jizzy (19 page)

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Authors: Y. Falstaff

Tags: #Fiction, #erotica, #Fantasy

BOOK: Dreaming of Jizzy
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Pointing his shotgun at the lock, Rick let out a long breath and then gently squeezed the trigger. The next second, sparks flew and the lock literally shattered to pieces under the heavy blast of his shotgun, and what was left of the rusty lock fell to the stone floor at the base of the door. Like a reflex, the next second, Rick jumped back again as something heavy hit the door from the other side, causing rusty shards and dust to break off the door once again. In addition, the voices on the other side of the door seemed to become louder and more excited, as if sensing their freedom was near.


“Meow?!” Kitty pathetically begged, and Rick peeked back at her standing right behind him and trembling all over.


“Don't worry, Kitty. Stay close to me, all right,” Rick instructed, and she nodded but looked more terrified than he had ever seen her look before.


Swallowing hard, Rick turned back to the door, and he pumped his shotgun once again. This time, it ejected his empty shell onto stone floor as it loaded another into the chamber, and he listened to the brass end of the shell hit the ground and roll still. Pointing his shotgun at the rusty padlock right in the middle of the door, which was about shoulder height, Rick again let out a long breath and then squeezed the trigger. Once again, a heartbeat later, sparks flew and the padlock came to pieces under the powerful blast and fell to the ground.


Again, the door was struck from the other side, not just once, but twice this time, and Rick could literally feel the powerful force of whatever was pounding on it, as the door rattled under the heavy weight of the strikes. As sweat now trickled down freely from his brow, Rick made a silent prayer, and he really hoped he knew what he was doing. He realized he gambled everything on Darkness protecting them. If she didn't, he and Kitty would be demon food, and who knows, possibly suffer the torments of hell eternally for his decisions. Once he blasted that final lock off, Rick realized he was relying on the word of a creature, who by her very nature, was a deceiver. He could only hope that if she didn't follow through with her word, he had at least made enough safe assurances to force her to. In essence, that was the real gamble here.


The catatonic voices on the other side of the door now literally sounded like they were just right behind it. The chorus of sounds, from the horrible laments, to the unnatural laughter, to the unrecognizable shouts, to the blasting gales, all coalesced to form a terrifying cacophony unlike Rick had ever heard before. Whatever was beyond that door had been waiting a long, long time for this moment, and the escalation of the terrifying sounds reflected that. Rick had seen tons of horror movies over his life, but none of them had prepared him for how he felt at that moment, listening to those deranged voices locked behind that iron door.


Taking a final deep breath, Rick grit his teeth, and he, once again, pumped his shotgun, expending the spent shell onto the stone floor. Kitty now had both arms wrapped around him and was snug up against his back.


Pointing his gun up at the final lock, Rick listened to another heavy blast smash against the door from the other side, but he did not flinch this time. This was it. He was about to literally unleash hell on this world, and he had no idea what the impact of that would be not only here on this plane of existence, but even back on his homeworld of Earth in an entire different dimension of time and space. While he was hopeful that there wouldn't be any impact on Earth, he had this growing fear, like a nagging itch, deep down in his gut that he was opening up a can of worms that wouldn't be as easy to put the lid back on once he had sprung them all loose. Things in life never seemed to be that easy. Regardless, he was still resolved to the task.


“Well, here goes nothing,” Rick said out loud, but he barely was able to hear his own words over the maelstrom of excited voices beyond that rusted iron door.


The next second, Rick pursed his lips, shook his head, and finally pulled the trigger. In an instant, the third lock disintegrated under the blast from his shotgun. Immediately, Rick took a hasty step back, drop his gun onto the stone floor, and threw his arms around Kitty, holding her tightly to him. Before he had even pulled the trigger, the iron door had been already violently shaking, as if a sudden earthquake had struck just it. As soon as the lock disintegrated under the shotgun blast, the door flew wide open under a final violent thrust from the other side. In an instant, the mausoleum was suddenly filled with blasting winds and on those terrible winds were hundreds, if not thousands, of insane voices screeching in mad joy at having finally been set free.


As soon as the door slammed all the way open, Rick already had his arms around Kitty, and he screamed out in terror over the chaos he had just let loose.


“Darkness, save us! Save us!”


Like an unstoppable freight train barreling down on the two of them, the rush of gale-force winds hit him, and he didn't need to close his eyes because the two of them, even with his headset lights on, were suddenly enveloped in complete darkness. That next second after he called out, Rick could feel his clothing rip in multiple places as he felt clawed hands, sharp teeth, and dozens of scorching hot breaths suddenly swallowing him up into a burning whirlwind of radiant heat that was blasting him like furnace. It was as if beyond that door were bottled up the very fires of hell itself and once opened, like a soda can shook up and then released, there was just an explosion of pressure and heat all at once.


The next heartbeat though, as he and Kitty screamed out in abject terror and thought their lives were over, Rick suddenly felt a body taller than his own completely wrap itself not only around him but also Kitty, who was wrapped in his arms. Suddenly, the two of them were sealed off in a protective cocoon from the searing heat and insane voices racing past, and the familiar voice of Darkness then spoke calmly over the raging hell-storm funneling past them.


“Do not fear. I will protect you.”


As if he were in the eye of a hell-fire hurricane where everything was still where he was but everything around him was in complete chaos, Rick listened to hundreds of ecstatic voices rushing past them in the torrential winds. Though he heard the powerful gales, once Darkness had wrapped herself around he and Kitty, he no longer felt threatened by the hoards of demons he had let loose or the furious burning winds accompanying them.


As he couldn't see a thing, Rick's other senses suddenly became very acute, and he realized for the first time that his head was snug between two very soft, jelly-like pieces of hot flesh, hotter than any skin he had ever felt before. The flesh wasn't just hot though, it was slick, dripping with sweat, and felt almost as if it had been saturated with oil. But, the burning flesh sweat profusely, and within only a few seconds, Rick felt beads of perspiration sliding off Darkness' slick skin and onto his, wetting his face and the back of his head and neck.


It was only after a few seconds of feeling these two pillowy soft pieces of flesh against his that Rick's mind put two and two together, and he realized that his head was actually seated right in-between Darkness' two full, naked breasts. It is the only thing that made any sense to him because the skin was supple and soft and gave way easily to the touch, just like the many breasts he had felt before against his face. As the screaming demons continued to rush by them in a literal windstorm of burning fury, Rick continued to feel numerous sweat drops from Darkness' slick skin saturate his own, and soon, her perspiration had soaked the back part of his shirt and was dripping down his own face and neck.


His mind focusing on those luscious soft pillows his head was fixed between, Rick's fear ebbed a little, and a sneaky part of his mind offered him a little suggestion that he just couldn't pass up. Sticking his tongue out a little, Rick then licked up a salty bead or two of sweat off Darkness' full breast, and over the next several minutes, he found himself sneaking a lick or two more. It wasn't so much that he was horny per se, but he felt like he was getting away with a little something, and that thrill is what drove him.


Finally, after several minutes where Kitty trembled in his arms and Darkness' held them both in her protective embrace, the horrible fury of sounds dissipated for a moment and then all in an instant disappeared.


His ears ringing in the silence which followed, Rick snuck a final lick off Darkness' luscious tit, but he continued to hold Kitty tightly in his arms. A moment later, he felt Darkness' hot, oily flesh slip away from him, her embrace was loosened, and suddenly his lights were once again working on his headset.


Cracking open his eyes then, Rick warily looked around, and from what he could see, the two of them now appeared to be completely alone. On the floor nearby was his shotgun, and it didn't appear to be damaged at all. His eyes drifting then to the open door, Rick saw that it had swung open so violently that it had literally broke itself from its hinges and was now just leaning against the ebony stone wall. Beyond the door though, Rick saw nothing but a void. Even the ground itself appeared to end just beyond the door, and he saw only emptiness beyond it. Now, it appeared to be a door to nowhere.


Unlike only a few minutes before where they were surrounded by deafening noise, the two of them were in oppressive silence now, like they were the only living things for miles in any direction. Everything was still, and though the demons had roared by them like a freight train under hurricane-force winds, all the bones around them seemed completely undisturbed, and Rick could even still see the rusty dust built up around the base of the door. Aside from the broken door itself, it looked like not another dust mote had been moved by the demons chaotic passing.


His nerves having settled down a bit, Rick gradually let go of Kitty, and he just collected himself for a moment and eased his tense muscles. Looking down at himself then, Rick saw in places that his clothing had been ripped, but he appeared to be completely unharmed, as was Kitty.


Curiously though, at that very moment, Rick felt his penis growing erect without any apparent stimulation, and he suddenly knew for certain Darkness had to be near. While before, when she was locked behind that door, he felt her watchful presence almost like a ghost, now he felt her near and inside himself, he felt a deep yearning for her. Something had definitely changed. It was Darkness' voice then which made Kitty beside him jump a moment later when she spoke from the shadows nearby.


“Now, let me lead you to where they are holding Jizzy and fulfill my side of our little arrangement.”


Looking to where he heard the voice, Rick caught just a glimpse of a silhouette in the shadows, but as soon as he turned his head towards the image and shone the light from his headset on it, the form vanished before he could get a good look at it.


“Do not put your light on me,” Darkness commanded, and her voice was now on the other side of the room in the half-light there.


“Why?” Rick asked.


“Because it is not wise,” Darkness cryptically answered.


Just moving his eyes this time without turning his head, Rick saw Darkness then for the very first time, but she was only a dark blur of a form in the half-light. As she stood tall and dignified before him, Rick was only barely able to make out the outline of her body in the teasing light, but the one thing he could see clearly, even from the little light there was, were her two fiery eyes glowing in the darkness like two eternal flames. Though he saw her two blazing orbs clearly, he couldn't make out any other features of her face, but he did see the silhouette of two long, spiraling horns sticking straight up out of her forehead. In addition, he could guess that she didn't appear to have any hair on her head either, as the distinct rounded form of her skull was etched out clearly in the dim light. Behind her, Rick could even vaguely make out two massive bat-like wings, which sprouted off her back, and he realized those wings must have been what had sheltered both he and Kitty from the storm of the demons fleeing their imprisonment.


Even though he could only see the faint outline of her body in the shadows, Rick instantly felt that yearning deep inside kick up an extra gear, and he felt a sudden overwhelming urge deep down inside his pelvis to spear her with his prick right then and there. Darkness' body was perfectly shaped, like some old world goddess peerlessly crafted by the hand of a master artist. While her body was tall, her supple curves were shapely, elegant, and beautiful. Each subtle curve of her form was to the millimeter perfectly sculpted in Rick's estimation, and just these subtle hints that he could just barely make out almost drove him mad with lust for her. He felt suddenly like the two of them were the last two entities in existence, and he just had to mate with her and spill his seed deep within her. Licking his lips repeatedly and still tasting the tang of her salty sweat in his mouth, Rick almost felt as if his cock would just blast any moment inside his pants, and he swallowed hard as his mind was momentarily dazzled by her irresistible body. There was little doubt that Darkness was indeed a demon or devil of some kind, but her body was so intoxicating and alluring, Rick completely forgot his fear, the danger he was in, and literally felt his shaft just throbbing, like a heartbeat, in his jeans.

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