Dreaming of Jizzy (4 page)

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Authors: Y. Falstaff

Tags: #Fiction, #erotica, #Fantasy

BOOK: Dreaming of Jizzy
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“From the bottle, silly, and thank you so much for freeing me! I have been trapped in there for so many long years. I was honestly beginning to wonder if I would ever have a new master,” she eagerly explained.


As Jizzy spoke, she appeared full of life and overly spirited, like a cheerleader, and Rick noticed that she nodded her head a lot and smiled almost constantly. Rick got the immediate impression that she seemed not only happy to be free, but genuinely happy to be talking to someone else too. Blinking his eyes several times, Rick then reflexively placed his hand on his stomach and bent over, cringing.


“It must have been those antacid tablets,” he grumbled, remembering the pink little pills he had taken only a few minutes before. “They must have been out of date.”


As Rick quickly rushed past his guest to the plastic bottle of antacid tablets still on his kitchen counter where he had left them, Jizzy stepped aside, looked confused, and tilted her head in question, curiously watching him.


“Antacid tablets?”


“Yes, I better call a poison control center,” Rick noted, snatching up the bottle. “This is like a really bad trip... or a
good trip, like LSD, you know. No offense or anything, but hot-ass genies just don't come popping out of bottles in reality... Wait! These are still good for six months...?!”


“Oh, thank you so very much for the compliment, Master!” Jizzy brightly replied, and then she winked back at him. “I think you're kind of cute too.”


“Wait!” Rick shouted suddenly, his eyes bulging. “You're... You're real?!”


“Last time I checked!” she almost yelled out and then laughed again, a merry sound.


Jizzy was so excited, as she answered him, she hopped up and down, and the bells on her ankles and along her revealing outfit freely jingled and her tits bounced underneath her top.


“Oh... my... god!” Rick breathed, staring at her in wonder.


“Oh, god had very little to do with this, Master. He is much too busy maintaining this wonderful framework of reality. It is an all-consuming job,” Jizzy explained with a serious expression.


“How...?” Rick asked, turning and looking out onto his dark balcony outside his sliding glass door. “How did you... or your bottle, end up on my porch?”


“I don't know?” Jizzy happily answered, shrugging her shoulders and, when she giggled, he watched the muscles of her toned tummy strain.


“Why? Why do you keep calling me master?” Rick asked, his eyebrows arched, still trying to wrap his head around exactly what was happening.


“Because you are! You set me free, so you are my new master! I will do whatever you please and will fulfill
your wishes!” she eagerly explained, throwing her slender arms into the air.


“All... my wishes?” Rick asked, blinking his eyes multiple times and shaking his head.


“Yep, your wish is my command, as they say. What can I do for you first, Master?”


“Wait! This can't be happening! Hold on here! Did you sneak into my place or something when I was at work? Are you one of those... singing telegram people or something? Did the guys buy you to play this... this little role here?” Rick rambled off, leaning against his countertops for support.


“Little role?” Jizzy asked, her face thoughtful.


“Ya, like are you a,... a you know, a prostitute or something? Not that there is anything wrong with that! But, uh, did Andrew or Mike put you up to this?” Rick asked, cringing and not wanting to offend her.


“Oh, a prostitute! Yay! You have a dirty mind, Master. If you'd like, we can have sweaty sex right now! I've been locked away in my bottle for so long, my fingers only bring me so much pleasure, it would be absolutely wonderful to have a nice stiff dick inside me right now!” Jizzy quickly explained, her eyes wide and eager.


Staring at her leaning forward towards him, Rick stared down at her cleavage, and he felt his prick getting stiff in his pants. By far and away, Jizzy was about one of the hottest and best proportioned women he had ever had talk to him in his entire life, but still, something didn't seem quite right about all this.


“So... So you are, or you are not, a prostitute?” Rick hesitantly asked.


“Oh, no Master! But if you'd like me to be one, I will do whatever you ask, and even better, you won't even have to pay me! I will suck your dick, lick your balls, stick my tongue up your ass, and you can fuck me as long and as hard as you want. Oh, and I love anal sex, Master!” she excitedly purred, stepping closer to him.


“You... love anal sex?” Rick repeated slowly, blinking his eyes and shaking his head, thinking she'd just disappear at any moment.


“Oh, yes Master, and I have been so long without it! You can even do like my other Masters and pull my hair and slap me so hard on my bottom you leave hand-prints on my nice little butt,” Jizzy excitedly encouraged, turning around and showing him a marvelous ass bulging out of her little purple and gold bottom she wore.


Right above her bubbly butt, Rick noted her two back dimples happily smiling back at him, and he not only felt horny by Jizzy's invitation and words, he could smell her up close now and she smelled of intoxicating spices of the orient. Everything about her whispered of sweaty, exhausting sex. Heaven knows he hadn't so much as touched a woman in over six months, and to have one right in his face and eager for hair-pulling, ass-slapping anal sex seemed almost too good to be true. In fact, that is exactly what Rick thought, and it reminded him of a phrase his father used to tell him over and over as a child.


“Wait! Wait! Something's not right here! I mean, this all seems like... too good to be true, you know? If it is too good to be true, it probably is,” Rick retreated, repeating the cautious words his father had told him countless times as a child.


“Aw! You're so sweet, Master! Just so you know, I am happy you found me too,” Jizzy explained, putting her slender hands over her heart and innocently tilting her head to the side.


Looking up at the ceiling of his condo, Rick shook his head and mumbled to himself, “Wait till my friends hear about this.”


“Oh, if I might offer a tiny suggestion, for a first-time master that is?” she cautiously began. “It may be a good suggestion, Master, that you do
tell your friends who or what exactly I am. I have found with other masters that when other people find out, they tend to want to kill my master and then I get new masters.”


“Oh, that... sounds... dangerous. Like, you... you really...
are a genie?” Rick asked, nodding his head.


“That is a general term. I am actually a djinn, but who is mincing words?”


“And you were in that bottle?”


“Yes!” she happily answered, nodding her head and her pony tail danced behind her.


“And now... now, I am your... master?” Rick worked through it, raking his bottom lip with his front teeth and narrowing his eyes.


“Exactly, Master! How exciting! Would you like me to lick your ass to start, or just go straight for the anal sex right now?!” Jizzy excitedly asked, stepping now to where she was right beside him.


Looking into her beautiful face again, Rick could see her pretty blue eyes were eager, and her tiny pink tongue dashed over her lips in anticipation of his answer.


“You know what? I think... I think something isn't right here. I think,” Rick cautiously began, putting his open palm over his forehead and feeling it for a fever. “I think I'm just going to lay down and, uh, go to sleep. I've, uh, had a long day, and I'm not sure... if I'm all right in the head.”


“Oh, I'm so sorry to hear that, Master. If you'd like, I will just wish you better?” Jizzy helpfully offered, crossing her arms in anticipation of performing such a wish.


“No! No, no... wishes. At least not right now,” Rick quickly interjected. “Look, I'm going to lay down and get some sleep. You...”


“I will clean if you'd like? Or, I could guard you as you sleep, Master?” Jizzy helpfully suggested.


“Guard me?!”


“Yes, my prior masters always have lots of people trying to kill them, so they can become my new master. I can watch for you, if you'd like? I've become very good at it,” Jizzy explained.


“No, I think I'm all right at this moment. Look... the couch there folds out if you want to crash...”


“Crash? Oh, you mean sleep on the couch?” Jizzy thought out loud.




“Oh, I could sleep with you, Master! Unless... Unless, you do not find me desirable?” Jizzy pouted suddenly, taking a step back and her features wilting before him.


“No, no, are you kidding me!? You're... You're freaken beautiful!” Rick quickly corrected, and he watched her face come back alive in an instant.


“Oh, wonderful, Master! Then let's have lots and lots of kinky sex right now! You can tie me up if you'd like, or pour hot wax all over my body, or throat fuck me until I throw up, or choke me until I almost pass out, or...!”


“No, no, no! Sounds... interesting, but not tonight! Like I said, I need to, uh, just... get some rest and... sleep this off,” Rick quickly interrupted.


“Oh,” Jizzy mumbled, looking confused and a bit awkward now. “Then, I will just wait for you then... wait for you to wake?”


“Super! Great idea! Help yourself to any food in the fridge or cabinets and feel free to watch whatever you'd like on TV,” Rick told her, snaking his way past the intoxicating genie and back into his living room.


“Thank you, Master,” Jizzy replied and bowed.


“All right... All right then... I will... just... get some rest... then,” Rick stuttered, pointing towards his bedroom, which was off a brief hallway from his living room.


With her hands behind her back, Jizzy smiled at him and nodded her head repeatedly at his words while  rocking herself on the balls of her feet.


Turning around and walking into the short hallway heading to both his bathroom and bedroom, Rick still had a hard time believing what was happening was real. As he opened the door to his bedroom, Rick then did a quick double-take behind him, just to make sure everything he had just experienced wasn't some kind of elaborate illusion.


Sure enough, standing in the same place by the table with her bottle behind her, Jizzy smiled at him and eagerly waved, as if he were departing on a long voyage on a sailboat.


“Good night,” Rick hesitantly offered, staring at her skeptically and still thinking her little more than a fabrication of his mind, albeit a extremely sexy fabrication.


“Good night, Master! Sweet dreams!” she enthusiastically returned, still waving.


Nodding and smiling, Rick closed the door behind him, leaned against the door, and then ran his hand over his face. Either he was losing his marbles, or he had just become the luckiest man alive? While he would have loved to think it was the latter, he strongly suspected the former.


“What the fuck is wrong with me!?” he mumbled, thinking all he needed was a good night's sleep.


Without even taking a shower, Rick stayed in his room the rest of that evening, and initially, he tossed and turned and couldn't get to sleep. While he was certain his mind was playing some kind of elaborate hoax on him, his lower member, speaking for his sex-deprived body, definitely hope differently. Eventually, after his dick went through repeated bouts of stiffness, Rick finally managed to fall asleep, and the last images his mind played for him before drifting off were of the genie's beautiful body and that perfect, welcoming smile on her peerless face.



A Changed Man





Rick had one of those annoying alarm clocks with the two bells on top, so when it started ringing the next morning at five-thirty, he immediately reached down on the floor, scrambled for it blindly with his hand, and then clicked it off. He knew if he didn't start moving right away, he'd just fall right back asleep again, so he screamed at himself in his head repeatedly to get up. Sitting up in his bed finally, Rick's thoughts sifted through snapshot images of his dreams the night before, and he found they were inundated with erotic images of Jizzy. He couldn't remember the dreams outright, had no idea what had happened in them, but he saw her beautiful smiling face over and over along with an occasional sneak peek of a naked, bubbly asscheek or perky, nipple-mounted breast.


As he sat up and ran his hand over his face, Rick immediately realized he wasn't the only thing up. Staring down between his legs, Rick saw that his sheets were standing straight up, and he even saw a hint of wetness on the sheets bleeding through from pre-ejaculation fluid. He could feel his cock was hard as a rock and pulsating, and he guessed then that he must have been just dreaming of Jizzy before the alarm went off.


As he sat there scratching his head and yawning, Rick honestly wondered to himself if what he experienced the night before was even real. It isn't like this kind of story is reported on the evening news every night. Rick determined that having a beautiful genie in a bottle just randomly drop out of the sky and land on his balcony was just as likely as coming home and finding a yeti in his freezer. In other words, it wasn't all that likely.


Suddenly deciding that one of the employees at Big Wow Burgers the night before had slipped some LSD onto his burger as a joke, Rick pushed himself up from his bed and just chalked the whole Jizzy episode up to be nothing more than an drug-induced illusion. Moving past thoughts of the exotic genie, Rick knew he had to get moving if he was going to be at work on time. Like a special operations mission by crack units, Rick had his entire morning routine down to a science. He knew he had ten minutes to take a shower. Then, he'd quickly pack himself a lunch, which he probably won't do because he'll actually take a fifteen minute shower instead, and then he'll rush out the door and down to the seventh avenue subway station for the six-fifteen train to work.


Quickly snatching up a baby blue button-up shirt and a pair of tan slacks from his closet, Rick skipped into the bathroom next to his bedroom, put the clothes down on his closed toilet bowl, and turned the shower on to warm it up. Looking down at his stiff cock still sticking out in front of him like a bowsprit on a pirate ship, Rick felt the overwhelming urge to urinate. Quickly deciding against using the toilet because he didn't want to risk trying to aim into the toilet with a rock-hard dick and spray all over his floor, he decided instead to just let it fly in the shower as he washed. Some might think that's pretty gross, but who'd honestly fucking know? Plus, he scrubbed the shower clean every two weeks anyway. Most importantly of all, it was his fucking shower! He had to listen to everyone else in his life tell him what to do every single day, if he wanted to take a fucking piss in his shower, then he'd take as long a piss as he damn well wanted.


Stepping inside the hot shower then, Rick pulled the shower curtain closed on his left, and he stood under the steaming hot water and closed his eyes. As he stood there, he let the piss bottled up in his bladder drain from his dick, and he closed his eyes and let his mind wander again back to those sexy images in his dreams of Jizzy. Surprisingly, it wasn't the pooch of a butt or an image of a hanging breast he focused on, instead he saw her face in his mind and that radiant smile. Seeing her smiling at him like she did, he realized no one ever smiled at him that way, and he just kind of held that image of her in his  thoughts and let the hot water run over his face and body as he finished draining his bladder. Time always seemed to get sucked into a black hole these early morning shower moments, and Rick knew fifteen minutes in the shower always felt like one measly minute in real time. Unsurprisingly, it was completely the opposite of waiting for five o'clock to come at work. He knew he had to get moving though, and he goaded himself in his mind to do just that.


Reaching for the bar of soap on his right, Rick suddenly heard a cheery voice, way too cheery for so early in the morning, directly behind him, and that happy voice made him jump and spin around in shock.


morning, Master!”


Having dropped the bar of soap into the tub at his feet, Rick fell against the shower wall, barked out in surprise, and stared with bulging eyes at Jizzy standing in the shower with him. Dressed in a sparkling golden, single-piece micro bikini, Jizzy was as bright-eyed and bushy-tailed as when he first met her the night before. The bikini she wore could hardly even be called a bikini at all, as it was more string than actual fabric. The golden string wrapped around the back of her neck, and then ran down to the very tips of her two puffy nipples, where the fabric was diamond-sized, about the size of a silver dollar, and just managed to cover the full extent of her erect nipples and puffy areolae underneath. Then, the string continued from her erect nipples down to her hairless pussy, where it was little bigger than two band-aids, covering just the bulging lips of her plump cunt, and he could even see just the slightest hint of a sexy crease between her lips in the fabric. From there, Rick imagined the string probably ran through her luscious ass crack, like dental floss, then back up to her neck. With a hand on one hip, Jizzy threw her other hand open, presenting her beautiful body to him.


“What do you think, Master? Do you like?” she eagerly asked, like it was a secret she was finally able to share with him. Leaning forward, she then whispered and waved her index finger at him, “I looked at some of your magazines as you slept. That is how I got the idea. You are very, very naughty, Master!”


“Huh! What?! Uh, ya, ya, you, uh, look fine... just fine,” Rick breathed, his eyes groping her flawless body as water droplets cascaded freely down her lovely curves.


Rick felt his penis, which had been going limp, immediately react and grow rock-hard again in a heartbeat. Then, the curious thought shot through his head that just maybe there would be a yeti in his freezer after all.


“Oh! Let me help you with that, Master!” Jizzy suddenly pouted, looked down at his stiff dick, now standing, once again, at complete attention.


Staring down at his throbbing penis, Rick, for some odd reason, suddenly felt embarrassed, and he reached down in an attempt to cover his full erection. He suddenly realized that he didn't even know who this strange woman, or genie, even was. Plus, he didn't even know if maybe he stuck his prick in her, he might not end up with some strange genie venereal disease that might make his dick instantly burst into flames, turn him to stone, or something hideous like that. The fact was, he didn't know who her prior masters were, or what's been shoved up inside her marvelous pussyhole.


“No, no, I'm, uh, good. I'm good!” Rick stuttered. “Can you, uh, just, uh...”


“Don't be silly, Master! Let me help you,” Jizzy pressed, her eyes suddenly intense and locked on his crotch.


Asserting herself and stepping forward then, Jizzy gently pushed his arms and hands aside, and then, reaching down, took his penis in one hand with a delicate touch. Then smiling up at him, she swallowed hard and looked at him with a begging expression.


“It has been so very long since I have held a wonderful penis in my hand. Thank you for this, Master.”


“Uh, sure...! Sure, happy to oblige... No, wait! I have to get to work. I can't...”


“Oh, so a quickie then! Not a problem, Master! Let's get started! No time to waste!” Jizzy interrupted and went straight to work.


With one hand holding the base of his erect dick, she put the other over his head and started massaging it all around.


“Oh, you are very excited, Master! I can feel it kicking like a wild horse!” Jizzy excitedly noted. Then suddenly pausing, she removed both her hands from his tool and stared down at it. “You know, Master, I might be able to help you with that.”


“Help... with what?” Rick innocently asked, watching his cock just kick at the open air.


Staring down at his prick, he knew it was a little over six inches long, but there wasn't much in the way of girth to it. Instead, he had an overly fat, circumcised head at the tip, which, at the moment, was swollen and red. To say his penis was always kind of uninspiring to him would have been an understatement.


“I could make your nice penis... a whole lot nicer. Only if you wish though, Master,” Jizzy explained, taking it again in one hand and gently pulling on it.


“Nicer?” Rick meekly asked, feeling her stroking him and swallowing hard at the pleasurable sensations it brought.


“Yes, I can make you perfect for me. You will fill me up completely and please me fully... if you wish, Master?” Jizzy whispered to him, leaning in close and talking quietly into his ear.


He could now feel one of her hard nipples pressed against his chest, and he glanced down between her cleavage at all the water droplets streaking down her wet body in the steamy shower. Slowly and ever so gently, she tugged away on his meat with her hand, pulling on it over and over like she was slowly, but deliberately milking a cow. Thoughts flashed through Rick's mind, and he thought to himself, if she really was a genie and she could make his uninspiring penis something he could be proud of, then really, why not?


“Uh, ya, sure. Go ahead,” Rick breathed, closing his eyes and just enjoying her methodically tugging away on him.


“As you command, Master,” she whispered again, and he could feel her teasing breath on his earlobe.


The next second, she took her hand from his throbbing shaft, and with his eyes closed, Rick just stood there in the shower feeling the hot water run down his flesh. Wondering what she was doing, he opened his eyes then a heartbeat later, and looking down at his manhood, he was suddenly shocked and awed all at the same time.


“Oh, my god!” Rick breathed, staring down at his new mighty phallus.


Where before his dick was rather skinny and just a little over six inches long, now he saw that he had not only gained a few inches in length, but he had also gained quite a few in girth as well. In fact, now the shaft of his cock was just as full and thick as his head, and he stared down at himself in wonder as he suddenly had a thick, full cock, a penis he could really be proud of.


“Oh, Master, you will bring me so much pleasure now! Here, let me help you,” Jizzy breathed excitedly.


Dropping to her knees in the tub, Jizzy seized his fat shaft and began working it with both of her slender hands, something she really couldn't do before because his prick was so skinny and diminutive. Twisting her wrists around and around his stiff pole, she pulled and stroked on his johnson, and Rick breathed out and leaned against the shower wall, enjoying the wonderful sensations that coursed through his body as she meticulously labored away on his prize.


After a few minutes of her gentle massaging, Jizzy seated his stiff pecker right between her two plump breasts. Squeezing her two perky tits together then, Jizzy looked up at him excitedly.


“Now, Master, go ahead, fuck my breasts!”


Shoving his hips all the way forward, Rick exhaled in delight as he slipped right through her soft, wet breasts like a hot knife going through butter. Seeing the fat head of his prick shoved all the way through her wonderful melons, he then watched her lean her head down, open her mouth, and then quickly dash her pink tongue all around the throbbing head of his thick manhood.


“Oh, my god!” Rick breathed, pulling back suddenly and then shoving his hips all the way forward once again.


Looking back down, he saw Jizzy had pulled her tits completely out of her micro bikini now, and she was massaging her puffy nipples with her fingers as he methodically tit-fucked her. Each time he pushed all the way through her luscious breasts, she quickly duck her face down and twirled her tongue teasingly around the head of his rock-hard meat-pole.


“Go, Master! Go!”


Jizzy's flesh was slick and wet with all the hot water spraying down on her from the showerhead, and Rick's dick was easily sliding between her soft breasts as he rocked his hips back and forth in a steady rhythm.


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